Ripping Wings Off Of Butterflies


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Name: Yumeko Shimizu

Nickname: Yume

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species: Vampire

Rank: Pureblood

Power (I forgot this >~<): Yumeko's power is quite different from both of her parents for some odd reason, she has been given the gift of seeing both past and future events. While it's not useful in fights, or for defense she can very well predict things that could be important to the council and the vampire society itself.

Personality: Yumeko is a gentle young soul who has never intended to hurt anyone, but at times she can some what "hurt" others with her selfishness. She is a rather kind young girl who is there when others need her and tends to know just what to say no matter the situation which is why most turn to her even though she has such a high rank. She is very well intelligent and isn't afraid to show it if she needs to, so underestimating her because of her small size wouldn't be the best idea. She's more than often aware of her surroundings even if it doesn't seem like she is at some points. Most of the time Yumeko can be found curled up in a corner with a book, or simply staring out of a window. She's just so happens to be a very reserved young lady when she isn't needed. Her attitude towards the public is princess like; graceful and polite. She tries her best to meet everyone's expectations, but it's a bit hard when half of her own species is clawing at her throat for the littlest things. While she's not shy, she does tend to take a step back with people who have a little too much energy for her to be around. She'll greet people out of complete and utter politeness, but other than that she won't honestly strike up a conversation with a stranger. Although, once someone does manage to break her little shell she can be quite talkative and open depending on how close she is with the person. Sometimes she'll even drop her lady like act with the few friends who she is very close with and will act as any normal young lady would want to with her dear friends, but once again she has to have already known them to talk freely. Yumeko's real issue is the fact that she's quite the delicate young lady in the eyes of those around her, everyone treats her like some sort of glass doll that will break if even the slightest crack in her "perfect" life appears. In all reality she's a very strong, independent girl who can keep herself together just as much as the next person. She may not stand up for herself often due to her own insecurities, but she can become sharp tongued and cold just as any other person can. Thosie who do see her in such a way often wish they hadn't upset her in the least. Find out more.

Biography: Yumeko was born into the Shimizu family which is known for their beautiful pureblood women, her mother was favored by many young men in her day, but in the end she chose Yumeko's father who had been her older brother. When yumeko was born, both of her parent's simply adored her to bits without a doubt. They spoiled their little girl and did whatever they could for her most of the time, but a tragic event on her thirteenth birthday; her mother was murdered. It was as if all of the life in the house left after that. All of the happiness just died right along with her beloved mother, her father became rather cold towards everyone within the household for a while including his own daughter. She spent a long time believing that she had caused everything, even if the idea made no sense in the least. After about a year and a half her father finally came out of his room for once and stuck up a conversation with her. He apologized and the whole thing ended up in a large weeping fest which wasn't very pretty, but after that everything went back to how is used to be...or somewhat like how it used to be before her mother passed. She began taking more lessons due to her father worrying about how far behind she had gotten with their little year long melt down. She caught up wit everything rather quickly and returned to living comfortably once again. Her current life is rather pleasant still with many different allies, and friends that she's met while growing up in her household. Yet, it seems the sudden news of humans finding out about their little community has mixed things up for her quite a bit.

Family: Her father and great grandmother.

Children: None as of now

Status: Single


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