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Rifts Adventure IC

As Zephiron leaps forward towards the rift, it flickers and slams shut! The young dragon skids to a stop as you can see that your foe is gone.
A single volley of missiles was fired; and yet, with the chaos that unfolds right after, it looks like it tore the world's order apart. A portal, atlanteans, the dragons roars, rolling into the opening that's left; the short moment of a mindless reaction where her legs carry her forward, following them, until the magic ends before she gets even close. Not even Zeph made it, they're all alone, wherever that is. A number of thoughts race through her mind - worry about the draconic friend, and yet also the knowledge that she might be needed here. That her instincts could've carried her away from her task, leaving the mechanoid threat behind - condemning the world for an ally's life. The closing portal stopped her; but the thought, of course, remains. Leaves a bad taste in her mouth, she spits out, right onto the floor next to the hole she made. "Hell." There aren't many more words that she could speak right now, the suddenness of the changed situation requires a few more deep breaths, at least. "Lost Bramazal, fell through a portal." That much, she can say on the comms - then, its time for her mind to catch up with what the hell just happened.

Edit: Small edit to make clear that I use the comms - whoops.
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With the disappearance of the two dragons and the fluxing of the rift, the Atlanteans on the platform move away from the rift so they don't get sucked back into it. One of the six, an older man with long gray hair and a thick beard wielding a sword, steps forward. In a loud voice, he calls out, "I am Ryoga, and my fellow comrades are here to help. We have fought our way past many of the Mechanoid defenders on the other side of the Rift to come here, looking to keep them from spreading to this world." He looks around, obviously on guard. "It would seem that we have missed this party. Have you found the Overlord and defeated it yet?"
Zephiron nearly stumbled again, losing his target in the midst of the Rift and destroying a chunk of the wall in vocal frustration. He turned his head about, craned on his elongated, armored neck to see yet more of the dragon friend clan. He huffed a harmless mist of royal blue fumes from his nostrils and bellowed. "No, we were kind of busy here!" he pouted. "Then you lot let the evil peasant escape with my vassal! I hope you've brought something to make amends for this blunder..." The hatchling glared ominously. His anger still reflexively bared the webbed frills at his spine and jaw lines. "Thus far these mecha-nuggets have proven to be unappetizing mockeries of empty soda cans! No challenge, no filling! What cruel facsimile of prey is this!"

He huffed again, his fury mounting. "Ah, but you aren't the ones to pay for such insufferable indignance... no..." The disoriented, aggravated, over-powered child let his unmitigated rage echo in the dome. "FIND ME THIS OVERLORD THAT I MIGHT ADORN MY NEST WITH ITS GUTS! NOW!"

Worth noting: Zephiron's Horror Factor is currently 23 due to the residual effect of Invulnerability.
(Part 1 of 3)

Gradicus... earlier...

As the six warriors make their sudden appearance, Granthar's rage is enough that he is able to rip the Magic Net from his mouth and he lets out a scream of primal rage! If his anger was sufficient to do so, Gradicus would be a smoldering pile of ash right now.

Inside the gladiator, Gradicus's mind cried out with great wonder! What was that sound? To his delight, his heart held immediate answer - that was the sound of a True Atlantean Undead Slayer doing his duty... and exceedingly well! 8D

* * *​

(Part 2 of 3)

Brazamal looks quite focused on his rival, and he launches forward into a fierce grapple, with his claws and teeth sinking deep into Granthar's scaly hide, and the two old dragons tumble and spin across the floor - straight towards the open rift! They stumble and fall right into the opening, and they vanish, leaving no signs as to where they may have gone.

"Lords of Light!" Gradicus shouted in surprise. Despite his incredible magically-enhanced speed, he could not reach the rift in time. He, Smoochie, and Zephiron had all failed to follow Elder Brazamal into parts unknown and now that the portal was gone, so too were their chances of aiding their great reptilian fellow. "Blast it!" the gladiator stalked and scowled, still eager for blood machine or evil dragon. He unobtrusively ignored Zephiron's wrathful display as not only was the babe of a dragon not the leader of their group but all the snarling in the world or claw-pointing would help them in returning Brazamal to safety. Gradicus's mind was deep in trying to find the hope in this situation.

"Then again," he mused remembered something the goodly dragon had said...

"He is right in the fact that we have faced one another before, and he has always beaten me. But I have learned a few tricks since then..."
(ellipsis mine)

Gradicus sighed, looked toward Ryoga and his fellows, and used his Atlantean Communications Crystal to speak to the team, especially his fellow Atlantean. "Terra! You have company! My call for aid has been answered by none other than your own people! Take heart for Clan Draco Amicus is on the field with us this day!

Gradicus paced a bit and continued. "Brazamal and Granthar have fallen through an open Rift which has closed! Your Clanmate, Ryoga, asks about an... Overlord? Have you knowledge of what he means? And one last thing... there is a short fellow here... who... is waving... at me excitedly. Hold a moment, lady."

Gradicus peered down at the short Japanese fellow dressed in Chinese robes wielding a one-handed Chinese straight sword. Gradicus spoke in Japanese. "Hail, little traveler! Are you not far from home coming through a Rift like that? What is it you require of me?"

"Blessed tidings, Undead Slayer of..." the short fellow bowed deeply in greeting and peered at Gradicus's wrist, "Clan Marciniszyn! I am Snowfall, Kitsune messenger of Inari!" He raised his own arm so that the fold of his robe revealed his own clan markings. "I am looking for Battle Magus Controller Terra of Clan Draco Amicus! I would be in your debt if you would point me in the correct direction?"

"Gradicus the Red Edge of the House of Pacifica." Gradicus returned the bow just as deeply. He was just as curious of this out-of-place fellow as the fellow seemed to be of him. They examined in each other and liked what they saw. "Aye, Terra was last headed toward the main fortress."

"Arigato gosai mas ("Thank you very much!")! And may your heart always carry you to victoryyyyyy!" With that, the little fellow joyously bounded off toward the main fortress in a blur of motion. Gradicus realized he was not the only one with the Blazing Comet Tattoo christened upon his skin. But how had the small non-Atlantean fellow come by his? Gradicus smiled. The wonders of the Megaverse were vast and limitless!

Psychie Psychie "Terra, you have a visitor from among Ryoga's people! From Clan... Aurelous if I read his tattoo rightly. Be ready, for he is heading your way, and... I believe he has something for you!"

Perception +8
Initiative +5 (+9 when using W.P. Quick Draw)
Attacks per Round: 6
Strike +12
Damage +16
Parry +13
Dodge +17 (+20 in Fox form)
Roll +16
Maintain Balance +10
Save vs. Magic +10
Save vs. Pain +11
Horror Factor Saving Throws +4

Damage by Weapon Type
See Character Sheet.

(Part 3 of 3)

"San Say" courtesy of Hiroshima! =)

A golden streak flew across the battlefield seeking not an enemy, but a stranger, perhaps one day to be a friend. The messenger flew to the main fortress of the Mechanoids with lightness in his heart and eagerness in his every motion. And wait! What was this? A hole blown open in said fortress and someone leading great, powerful golems of some kind into that foreboding domain? Why, could it be? He thought it was!


From out of the sky came a somersaulting white form about the size of a fox (actually, exactly the size of a fox if one paid close attention!). He whirled head-over-heels to transform instantly into a human form that expertly tumbled to a graceful standing position directly before the womanly Atlantean. There, standing only five feet tall with a beard as white as freshly-fallen snow and large, expressive brown eyes which seemed ageless and youthful stood an attractive old Asian man in a red silky embroidered robe. A pair of magical fields protectively embraced him, one blue, one gold, providing a heavenly picture of Atlantean sorcery. The old man bowed expressively and respectfully to Terra. With a naturally-animated voice as old as time, he addressed her.

Psychie Psychie

"I beg you forgive my intrusion into your intrusion!" He indicated the damaged fortress. "Are you Battle Controller Magus Terra Alvana of Clan Draco Amicus..." then he cupped one hand by his mouth and quickly added, "...whose-family-just-has-the-most-SPLENDID-townhouse-inside-the-Dyson-Sphere-City-of-Terra-Orbis-located-at-1235-Chiang-Ku-Drive-in-the-Southwestern-Dolphin-Biosphere?"

Query delivered, the aged Asian fellow quietly awaited her reply with wrinkled hands folded. He held an expression filled with lively anticipation like a tea kettle about to pop its top at any moment.

Old Snowfall - Shun Di of Virtual Fighter.jpg
Image credit: Virtua Fighter Fandom - Wiki)
STATUS Location: The Mechanoid Main Fortress
Statblock: Self-M.D.C. (67/167) Self-P.P.E. (222/262). Power Matrix (--/50 P.P.E.) . Effects Active: Blazing Comet (Mach 5 for 5 hours. 100/100 M.D.). Invulnerability (350/350 M.D. for 35/50 minutes).

When Terra first hears about Brazamal vanishing into a Rift, she is torn in how she feels. On one hand, the ancient dragon is almost a friend and definitely an important ally, and his loss would be a terrible blow to her. On the other, he is most certainly able to take care of himself, and most likely has traveled dimensions before. If anyone can survive his unexpected trip, it would be him.

Then, things start to get a little strange. She gets word from Gradicus that there is a visitor for her among some friendly new arrivals! Who in the multiverse could be looking for me? Is this some sort of trick? Terra calls out on her radio, "I hear you, Gradicus, and will hold my position at the edge of the fortress until this visitor can get to me."

She has Junior and Baby stay in the room to keep watch on the door leading farther into the fortress, and then has Tiny climb out of the broken wall to wait for the arrival of her fellow Atlantean.
From out of the sky came a somersaulting white form about the size of a fox (actually, exactly the size of a fox if one paid close attention!). He whirled head-over-heels to transform instantly into a human form that expertly tumbled to a graceful standing position directly before the womanly Atlantean. There, standing only five feet tall with a beard as white as freshly-fallen snow and large, expressive brown eyes which seemed ageless and youthful stood an attractive old Asian man in a red silky embroidered robe. A pair of magical fields protectively embraced him, one blue, one gold, providing a heavenly picture of Atlantean sorcery. The old man bowed expressively and respectfully to Terra. With a naturally-animated voice as old as time, he addressed her.


"I beg you forgive my intrusion into your intrusion!" He indicated the damaged fortress. "Are you Battle Controller Magus Terra Alvana of Clan Draco Amicus..." then he cupped one hand by his mouth and quickly added, "...whose-family-just-has-the-most-SPLENDID-townhouse-inside-the-Dyson-Sphere-City-of-Terra-Orbis-located-at-1235-Chiang-Ku-Drive-in-the-Southwestern-Dolphin-Biosphere?"
Terra is surprised when the visitor correctly describes most accurately the home that her mother and father have in the Dyson Sphere that they live in. He knows my family home. This will be most interesting, to say the least. She has Tiny help her down to the ground and she looks closely at this fellow and says, "Yes, I am Terra Alvana of Clan Draco Amicus. I must say that you have me at a bit of a disadvantage, since you obviously know something of my family and I know nothing of you. How can I be of service to you?"
With a long sign, Daisy lowered her cannon behind her back. The news about her boss was offputting. And phrased horribly. He'd fallen... no, he just disappeared. Big distinction.

She started her two mile trek to the where the main forces were at.

She did hope he returned though... she needed to give him a refund for her service. She wasnt too worried though... he was tough. He'd make it. She at least wished she could have been there with him though.

Perception +8
Initiative +5 (+9 when using W.P. Quick Draw)
Attacks per Round: 6
Strike +12
Damage +16
Parry +13
Dodge +17 (+20 in Fox form)
Roll +16
Maintain Balance +10
Save vs. Magic +10
Save vs. Pain +11
Horror Factor Saving Throws +4

Damage by Weapon Type
See Character Sheet.

She has Tiny help her down to the ground and she looks closely at this fellow and says, "Yes, I am Terra Alvana of Clan Draco Amicus. I must say that you have me at a bit of a disadvantage, since you obviously know something of my family and I know nothing of you. How can I be of service to you?"

"You are?! You are Terra Alvana?" With a huge fist pump, the old man sprung into the air and disappeared! A moment later, an energetic young man landed in his place wearing the same robe and moving with his same energy - it appeared to be the same fellow but some 60 years earlier in age!


"The COOL WORLD Stomp" by Mark Isham for the Cool World Motion Picture Score. =)

The young fellow shouted and began a spirited dance filled to the brim with celebratory joy. "I did it! I found her! And on the very first try! Ahh ha haaaa! Ohhhh, WHO is the foxiest messenger in all of Japan?" He posed wildly like a kabuki actor. "The foxiest messenger in all of Rifts-Earth?!" He spun about like a New York breakdancer. "The foxiest messenger in all of the Megaverse?!" He drew an imaginary sword and stabbed it upwards toward the heavens like a Cosmo Knight. In truth, he moved around more like a cartoon character than a human. He posed dramatically, his hands wide and high.

"Snoooowfaaaaaall! That's ME!

"Oh, let's see all the kits and kami back in ol' Nippon try and top this delivery! It's gonna to blow their tails right off with envy!" He twirled with such inhuman alacrity and grace that it was stunning to most to witness. "Watch out! I gotta hug somebody! C'mere, buddy!" He leaned against Tiny, hugged his tree-like leg, and sighed as if they had been lifelong friends. "Thanks, guy!"

Finally, he staggered back to his place before Terra and just gave her the biggest smile he could. "Oh, beauteous Miss Alvara, allow me to explain!" He bowed again to her more deeply than before and took a deep breath for he was about to get to talking.

"I'm a messenger to the coolest, smartest, most-charming lord a guy could ask for - Inari! You've heard of him, right? Tall, red hair, cunning eyes, great spirit of fertility, foxes, blacksmiths, and pretty much all things good! Well, you see, just a few short years ago, my lord asked me to help out the Atlanteans and let me tell you - your people are just the most-generous I've met outside my own! But, boy were they in a fix. But that's another story.

"Y'see, a fellow clanmate of mine knows your Alvari family (he's the family doctor) so I pay them a visit and, my, are they worried about you!" Snowfall then made a picture-perfect worried pose of one of Terra's female family members. His voice softened. "'Oh, the stars dim for me! I have been having these strange dreams about a menace coming to consume everyone and I fear dear Terra is in the very center of that wicked storm!'" He posed again, tall and firm, his expressive voice deepening in a manly fashion. "'Hold strong, my love. Terra is dragon-spirited, sure and strong! But...'" he sighed longingly, "'it would ease our hearts to know a servant of Inari were there to aid her.'" 'Oh yes!' he resumed the first persona. "'I am sure my ill dreams will fade away if only...'"

Snowfall stuck out his chest and pointed at himself. "So I said, 'Worry not, noble Atlanteans! Thanks to my lord Inari and your fellow Clan Aurelous, I'm one heck of an adventurer!" Snowfall slipped into a would-be kung fu fighting stance, "I can hold my own in a fight too! So don't worry a lick, Alvana family! I'll lend your Miss Terra a paw until this whole nightmare business is over and maybe, if we get along, I can help her for longer than that! What do you say?"

Snowfall spread his arms wide to Terra. "And, boy, did that cheer 'em right up! They told me what you looked like and where to go and everything! Oh! And don't you worry about paying me for any of my services, okay? Your honorable family took care of all that! Just open your eyes to this!" He reached into his pack and pulled forth a Japanese lunchbox.

A beautiful and sturdy ornate wooden box with utensils. Inside were yummy-looking mounds of fresh steamed rice, a white-capped bottle with two cups, and a delicious-looking fried something ready to eat.
(Image credit: Daily Mail)

"My faaaaaavorite foods! Oh, Miss Alvana, I just love your family!" He offered her a piece of fried tofu and gobbled one up himself before carefully replacing the box.

"So! How can I help? Huh, huh? Gotta be something a kitsune ("fox spirit") can do around here!" Snowfall smiled and bounced on his feet, eagerly awaiting Terra's response.

Asian Fellow Smiling on Pinterest.jpg
Image credit: Pinterest.pt )
STATUS Location: The Mechanoid Main Fortress
Statblock: Self-M.D.C. (167/167) Self-P.P.E. (222/262). Power Matrix (--/50 P.P.E.) . Effects Active: Blazing Comet (Mach 5 for 5 hours. 100/100 M.D.). Invulnerability (250/350 M.D. for 35/50 minutes).

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Despite still being in the midst of a possible battle, Terra can't help but let out a small giggle at the antics of this fellow Snowfall. After marshaling her willpower to once more have a serious expression on her face, she says, "I greet you, Snowfall, and I thank you for coming. Are my parents well? Ah, you can tell me later. Right now, I am about to try to cut my way through a inner door to see what evils lie in wait inside this building. These Mechanoids have a nasty habit of trying to wipe out all humanoid life around them, so if we leave even one of these monsters alive it could spell disaster for all."

Terra looks back towards the dome that the others entered, and says, "But we have lost one of our friends to the rift, and I am wondering if there is something I can do to help, but I know my own magic skills are sorely lacking of any way to control a rift. I trust that Brazamal can take care of himself, but I still worry about him. Still, there is the potential threat inside this place that must be investigated, and my trio of Automations are here now. Will you join me inside? I would welcome the company."

Purr Purr
Snowfall hopped with excitement. "Are you kidding? What kind of help would I be if I were to just up and leave you standing here? Let's go! Lead the way!"
Rykon Rykon Silanon Silanon and Purr Purr with Gradicus
Inside the dome where the rift is/was, the five remaining Atlanteans are ready to join Zephiron in the hunt for the rest of the Mechanoids. Just as they are starting to hoof it towards the door, there is a brief flash of light as the rift once more opens up and deposits the familiar form of Brazamal on the deck! The elder dragon is wounded, but not critically, and he manages to hoist himself back up to his feet. It is clear at a glance that he is enraged, and he lets out an angry yell, "Granthar, may all the Gods curse the day you were hatched! You vile worm! Some day, I will have your head on my mantle as a trophy!"

Brazamal struggles to compose himself, and finally he regains control of his temper. All the while, the five Atlanteans are cautiously watching him to see what he might do. Once it becomes clear that Brazamal is not a threat, the five look to those still in the chamber with them and say, "Quickly now! There is still the threat of the Overlord and its other minions. We need to find it before it is able to escape and try to open another rift to its home dimension. It is clearly not in here. Do any of you know where it might be?"

Psychie Psychie and Purr Purr with Snowfall
At the fortress, there is still the sealed door between you and the rest of the interior. What do you do about it?
Terra gives the exuberant Snowfall another smile. "My good man, I am already starting to like your attitude!" She glances over her shoulder at Baby and Junior as they keep watch on the inner door. "It would appear that our way in is currently blocked. Let me use my keys and open the door." With that said, she has the two Earth Thunderers begin to hack their way through the door with their swords, working to make a large enough hole for all of them to get through.
Total MDC 515

Number of Attacks: 6
Strike: +9
Parry: +9
Dodge: +9
Roll: +10
Initiative: +4
Perception: +5, +1 vs Vampires and the Undead
Horror Factor: +5 to Save, +2 vs dragons
Critical Strike on a natural 19-20
Critical Strike from behind
Damage: +2

When Piloting Automations
Number of Attacks: 8 / 3 / 1
Strike: +5 (+7 with Sword)
Parry: +6 (+8 with Sword)
Dodge: +2
Roll: +2
Initiative: +5
Damage: +1

Hit Points: 44
SDC: 135
PPE: 117 /
PPE Battery: 50
PPE Battery: 50 / 10

Bonus Points: 8

Main Body 1,000 MDC / 980 left
PPE: 200

Main Body 500 MDC
PPE 120
Starfire Pulse Cannon 8 / 6

Main Body 500 MDC
PPE 120
Starfire Pulse Cannon 8 / 6
Shaona, tw

"The main fortess out there, just a stone's throw away; only other place nearby." Her thumb points in direction of the exit, just where the messenger vanished moments ago; a curious one, though that could be said about almost everything that happened just now. The elder dragon; first here, then gone, now back in action with unfamiliar rage - his foe gone, though seemingly alive, separated from his mechanic allies. Leaves an opening to strike; one where dragon and Overlord are not united. Means that marching forward is in order, and thus ending things here as well.

"Good to see you alive, Bramazal; was worried, couldn't make it through the portal in time." Words as she kneels down where the power lines are, following them with her eyes; that much power is needed somewhere; perhaps the center of the room?

Pretty sure telemechanics needs an actual machine to function, not just the conduits; any chance that there's something here that'd influence the fortress itself? If so, I'd like to look for it, now that there's a moment to do so.

Snowfall hopped back and waved his hands. "Whoa, whoa, lady! Where I'm from, sealed doors like that are usually there for two reasons. One, to keep people like us out. Two, to keep something that should be locked up in! and sometimes, they're even false doors with traps behind them!

"Before your boys go pounding on that thing and telling whatever is behind it that we're coming, have you maybe told the allies you're with? Wait a second! I could be doing the same thing!"

Snowfall reached for his Atlantean Communication Crystal. "Hey! Hey, Ryoga, it's me! You'll never guess who I found on the first try! Listen, you might want to get over to this big main fortress - we have a door here that might be nothing, but it also might be something big too! So get on over here and say hello to your clan-mate! And hey! You didn't tell me she was pretty!"

If you don't like this next part, just tell me and I will redact it. I'm just trying to include D. Rex's character. Poor Daisy hasn't been doing much recently, has she?

As Snowfall spoke, he appeared outside the hole to wave his fellows over. That's when he saw a lone Glitter Boy running along. Thinking it was clearly not a Mechanoid, he waved to it. "Yoo hoo! Want something to shoot at? I bet you can find it over here!"

Seeing Elder Brazamal's anger and injuries, Gradicus tapped his Super-healing tattoo which responded with a glow of blue and green heavenly energy.

"Elder Brazamal, I have served as your blade. May I now serve as your balm?"
Two miles is a long distance, while I appreciate the inclusion, I dont know if it's been long enough for me to travel that far yet.
A long walk. A long walk that was somehow less eventful than her part in this battle.

Someone was waving at her. Didnt recognize then from the hole in the wall. She supposed all the others were that way. "Who are you?" She asked. Making her way inside.

She had no idea what was going on. But Brazamal was here again. Seemed like she was right in having confidence in him after all.

Still. There was apparently promise of something to shoot here. Some minor cleanup, most likely. She wasnt likely needed here anymore. But for what she was paid, she'd work off what she could and refund the rest.
As Daisy approaches the stranger, she is able to see that just inside the ragged hole in the side of the fortress is Terra sitting on the shoulders of her Automation, Tiny, and that her other two Automations are currently carving their way through a wall, or possibly a door, with their swords.

Inside the dome, Brazamal looks over at Gradicus with a grateful expression. "I will heal on my own soon enough, but I am not so full of pride to turn down the kind offer of healing that you can provide. Thank you." With your touch, several of the dragons' wounds close up, and he lets out a sigh of relief as the pain fades away.

Brazamal looks to everyone still there and says, "In his arrogance and before he teleported away, Granthar let slip that it was he that opened the rift to the Mechanoids home dimension, desiring to end the lives of the 'human pests' on this world and have himself placed in a position of power over the remaining life forms of this planet, under the control of the mechanical fiends. I fear that if he is not located and stopped, he will continue on this dark path until he is successful in bringing forth an end to everything on this world." He murmurs a short spell, and calls out, "Olsen! Where are you, my friend? I am in need of you, inside the dome. Come in haste."

As he waits for the Ley Line Walker to arrive, the five Atlanteans look to Zephiron, and the leader of the bunch says, "We have word from our guide that he has found a way inside the base. We will head there now, and offer up our blades and other weapons in support of ending the threat of the Mechanoid invasion here and now. Will you join us in the fight, noble dragon?"

Smoochie bent down to Gradicus's height and put her face near his. After giving his pink Anti-monster a well-deserved peck on the cheek, the young gladiator looked to Zephiron. Rykon Rykon

"You were the only one to make it to the rift before me and Smoochie. Your desire to kill Granthar is great. Is it because you are dragons or has he wronged you also?"
"You work for Brazamal and you truly don't know? We Dragons regard our territory and dignity with the utmost care. To see commoners in my way like that is an affront to my station and honor as a Royal Dragon, age difference or not... I am compelled by my honor to put that mongrel in his place or suffer shame the likes of which I could never live down among my peers, few though they are." Zephiron huffed calming down slightly as he began to tap the leyline and refresh his magic arsenal of defenses.

"Brazamal's oversight has done enough damage to my pride already." He said with nearly a snarl. "Such a pitiful display only deepens the wound. Mark my words... Granthar has made my list. He will feel my wrath before the end."

Brazamal's oversight?
thought the Atlantean. This babe of a dragon, royal or otherwise, saw fit to verbally check an adult and furthermore thought himself equal or better to Granthar whom Brazamal himself had never defeated? The very Granthar whom Brazamal and the team Gradicus was in plus Smoochie? Though he kept a calm appearance, the Dragon-slaying gladiator realized where this Zephiron thought himself - above his elders Brazamal and Granthar. Just how few 'peers' did this fresh-scaled dragon think he had?

In his ten long years in the Arena of Champions, he had seen his share of warriors who thought themselves better than they were. He had seen some prove their mettle and he had seen most lose their very heads. The cockier the opponent, the more fun they were to humiliate. In the end, Gradicus decided it was a thing between dragons. Who was Gradicus to get in the way if the baby dragon wanted to take on Granthar one-on-one to his royal demise? At least he chose targets worthy of slaying, he figured.

Gradicus addressed Zephiron with the respect he and all creatures were due. "So you wish him dead out of pride. That suits me fine. And what of Ryoga's offer against this Mechanoid Overlord here? Which of these threats do you answer?"

* * *​

The Undead Slayer thought back to the calling of his family. He had the means to contact them. Before he returned to his home dimension, he would aid Brazamal in whatever way he could and treat this Granthar as the wedge that he was. Gradicus offered to Elder Brazamal and his party, "It seems we now have two great threats abroad - one Mechanoid Overlord and this Granthar who evidently started this whole mad plot to slay all of Rifts Earth. Elder? Do you wish an extra sword in laying this dark fiend low? 'Tis the least a True Atlantean can do for you after all of the fell villains you have helped us send screaming into the eager arms of Hell!"

* * *​


The approaching Glitter Boy's armor sure did look funny, especially the head with its canine markings, but hey, Snowfall mused - who was he to judge? Everybody was different and should be free to live their own lives!

Still, he hoped reinforcements showed up soon. If he was right about that sealed door, then things could ugly pretty quickly. It wouldn't have been the first time it had happened in this kitsune's long lifetime!
Brazamal looks to the others in the domed chamber, and says, "I will need some time to fully recover my mystical energies to be able to cast the spells I will need to track Granthar. In the meantime, we still have the threats looming of this Overlord and whatever evils lie within the fortress to deal with. After that, then we can take steps to ensure that the worm Granthar doesn't work any more damage than he's already done." With that, he rises up and starts to head for the opening that you all (except the other Atlanteans) came in from.

The old dragon looks to Zephiron, and says, "For several reasons, when it comes time for the hunt for Granthar to begin, I would ask of you to stay here with the others. First, they will be in need a dragon of your strength to help them make sure that there have not been any other Mechanoids loose in the area. Second, there is a matter of my own pride that has been wounded, and I wish to face him with as few others as possible. Finally, I will need someone to look after Olsen here. He has never been on his own before, and there are few I would trust to help him stay safe as he tries to manage my affairs while I'm gone on this chase. Will you do that for me? Can I count on you?"

At the hole in the fortress where Terra, Snowfall, and Daisy are, Terra's two Automations are nearly done carving a opening in the wall/door that leads further into the place, giving you access to what lies beyond. Do you wait for any of the others to arrive, or do you continue on without them?

There is a bit of a down side to this time you have taken is that the Energy Immunity spell has finally lapsed, leaving you vulnerable to damage by energy weapons once more.
Daisy steps to the the handily provided cavity. Taking a peek inside, she cycled through her optical systems, the full rang, to get a good look at what was inside. If anything presented itself. And to see how much room she would be expected to have to move around.

"Well, whoever you are... did you at least bring ear protection?" She asked the odd man with the ears. Would be a shame to make them bleed, but in such confined quarters as inside. The echo of the Boom gun would be... fun.

Daisy was not too concerned about waiting for the others. As far as she knew, they had already went inside.

Sherwood Sherwood Purr Purr

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