Snowfall smiles in delight for sharing food with a stranger is one of life's many rewards. An elf and Kitsune sharing a meal of Japanese food in North America! A long, long time ago before the Coming of the Rifts, this was a thing thought impossible and here it was!Morrolan gladly accepts the offered food and drink with a grateful smile, and tears into his meal with gusto. When Terra gives her rundown of what your mission is, he pauses in chewing as he listens. "To go into the heart of the beast - that is most certainly a risky venture. But if you are right in your suspicions, it would make for a very hard time for anyone in the Federation of Magic." He thinks, chewing his food slowly before saying, "If you think that I could be able to aid you without compromising your mission, I will do so gladly."
Then thoughts of the Coalition enter into the Tattooed Voyager's mind. "Morollan, would you tell us what you know of these lands? Have you had the bad fortune to run into Emperor Prosek's Coalition out here?"