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Dice Rifts Adventure - Characters



Princess Psychie
Character Creation Rules to come.

All dice rolls will be made in the OOC thread, unless you request that I do it for you with my own dice. Dice rolls for stats add an extra 1d6 and drop the lowest. On a 3d6, results of a 16-18 get an extra d6 added on. If that extra d6 is a '6', you add another d6 for a possible total of 30. On 2d6 rolls, the extra die is awarded on 11-12. On a 1d6, it is on a 6.

Reroll 1's.

As you level up, everyone gets to add one new skill per level starting at a level 1 proficiency. Also, you can add one to any of your attributes, to a max of +3.

Advanced Martial Arts from Ninjas and Superspies are allowed at the cost of one skill past HtH Marital Arts or HtH Commando.

We are going to have characters start at level 3.

Also, we are going to be using Action Points. You get 5 + 1/2 your current level to use to add to any roll you wish.
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  • IMG_0212.jpeg Name: Raven
    Race: Atlantean
    Clan: Bagh-Dach
    Age: 121
    Gender: Male
    Alignment: Principled

    Iq: 28 - +14% to Skills, +6 to Perception - +2 for level increase
    Me: 30 - +7 to Save vs. Mental Attack
    Ma: 19 - 55% Trust/Intimidate
    Ps: 40 - +25 to Damage
    Pp: 28 +7 to Strike, Parry and Dodge
    Pe: 29 - +7 to Save vs. Magic
    Pb: 20 - +1 for level increase
    Spd: 35 - 23 Mph Running Speed

    Augmented Strength Power Punch: 2d4 MD
    With Tattoo: Inflicts 6d6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 5d6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 1D6x 10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).

    Level: 4
    Class: Cyber Knight
    MDC from Bio-Enhancement: 125
    Invulnerabity Tattoo MDC: 300
    Psi-Shield MDC: 80
    Body Armor MDC: 70

    Power Matrix PPE: 40
    PPE: 65
    ISP: 85
    Psi Sword Mega Damage: 4d6 MD

    Action Points: 7

    Combat Bonuses
    Number of Attacks: 7
    Strike: +8
    Parry: +9 / +11 (Sixth Sense)
    Dodge: +9 / +12 (Sixth Sense)
    Roll With Punch: +3
    Initiative: +2 / +8 (Sixth Sense)
    Perception: +6
    Critical Strike on a Natural 20
    Critical Strike From Behind

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  • Name: Xinyi (Any Pronouns)
    R.C.C./O.C.C: Chiang-Ku Dragon
    Level: 4
    Exp: 10,001
    Alignment: Scrupulous
    Horror Factor in dragon form: 9

    IQ: 30
    ME: 25
    MA: 28 94% Trust/Intimidate
    PS: 27
    PP: 23
    PE: 17
    PB: 10
    Spd: 16

    Xinyi was born a few years ago, their egg had been carefully tended and watched in a sacred monetary high in the mountains of Tibet at the nexus of a ley line. Xinyi's egg had been dormant since pre-rifts times and kept secret. They were raised in the monastery, taught skills and magic by the masters of that place. Xinyi always had the option to leave since they were born. After a few years, they decided to step into the portal and experience the world.

    Xinyi, true to their name, is a joyful, optimistic, and happy soul. They are incredibly intelligent and observant and somewhat naive as they are still very, very young.

    Most of the time they keep the form of a dark skinned non-binary person with with long white hair, light silver eyes, and sparkly golden freckles that cover their face and body. This form has an average build and height. Maybe 5'6" usually and about 140 lbs. They have a very charming presence about them. They do have other forms they have taken in the past. They wear simple hooded robes that are a mix of colors such as light grey, silver, light brown, and light gold. They always have a hint of color about them some where every day that changes...sometimes a streak of color in their hair, or their freckles are a different color, or eyes are a striking color.



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This was a fun ride! Thanks, everyone! =)
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  • Name: Takuma
    Race: Human (Full conversion cyborg)
    Class: Ninja (Borg)

    Iq: 18 - +4% to all Skills
    Me: 22
    Ma: 14
    Ps: 24 - Robotic
    Pp: 26 +6 to Strike, Parry and Dodge
    Pe: NA
    Pb: 16
    Spd: 132

    M.D.C. by Location for a Full Conversion Cyborg :
    Hands (2) - 33 M.D.C. each
    Forearms (2) - 33 M.D.C. each
    Upper Arms (2) - 47 M.D.C. each
    Feet (2) - 13 M.D.C. each
    Legs ( 2 ) - 60 M.D.C. each
    Head - 60 M.D.C.
    Main Body - 200 M.D.C.

    Level: 4

    Combat Stats
    Number of Attacks: 4
    Strike: +6
    Parry: +8
    Dodge: +8
    Roll with Punch: +5
    Roll with impact +2
    Roll with fall +2
    Initiative: +1
    Perception: +2

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Sylvie is a wood sprite, and despite her tiny size of just six inches tall, she has a very large personality. Quite mischievous, she had taken a liking to Raven and spends much of her time flitting about around the Cyber Knight.

  • Name Thea Morris
    Race: Human Werewolf
    Gender: woman
    Alignment: Scrupulous
    (Height: 5'9. Weight: "none of your damn business!" body type: muscular, but lean.)
    (You know how when Clark Kent takes off his glasses and he becomes Superman and no one can tell the difference?)
    Level: 4
    Class: Superhero

    HP: 73 (+2d6 each level)
    MDC: 710 (Slurpy number!!!)
    (Don’t forget level bonuses!)
    I.Q. 23
    M.E. 15
    M.A. 20
    P.S. 20
    P.E. 20
    Spd. 19

    P.P.E: 70
    I.Q. 10
    M.E. 20
    M.A. 15
    P.S. 28
    P.E. 28
    P.B. 15
    Spd. 50
    [ /Spoiler]


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  • iu
    Name: He-Who-Seeks-Wisdom-From-Fools
    Race: Mastadonoid
    Class: Mystic Kuznya (4)
    Age: 31
    Gender: Male
    Alignment: Principled

    IQ 9
    ME 15
    MA 14
    PS 62
    PP 22 (+3)
    PE 26
    PB 4
    Spd 34

    MDC 40
    MDC 21
    SDC: 55 (3d6)
    PPE 86

    Combat Bonuses
    Number of Attacks:
    Roll With Punch:
    Jump Distance: 20 Feet vertical or horizontal.

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