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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/e95d694304237c04decaf5a7b65fd6e3.jpg.225a77e4f39de85c1736839644a937a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133067" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/e95d694304237c04decaf5a7b65fd6e3.jpg.225a77e4f39de85c1736839644a937a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Alaska Neva

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    Name: Alaska Neva

    Gender: Female

    Age: 16

    Sexuality: Bisexual



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Name:Helena Izabel Nico Marquez(two last names)





Crush:N/A (pm me)

Year (freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior): junior



some bright things,rainbows,rain(cause what's after rain),Music(mostly classical,but sometimes you'll find her listening to stuff like Babymetal),quiet people,quiet around her(unless she's listening to music),scarves, peace between people,homework,extra credit,IQ tests,and reading.


The Dark(she even has a nightlight,but don't tell anyone),thunder,most hip hop music,loud in general(unless it's Babymetal),fighting(unless it's for a good cause,or non-violence),mean people,large crowds,very outgoing people,writing(she just doesn't like unless it's an essay),being embarresed.

Role (Popular, Nerd, Ect.) :Cute nerd


Helena was born in Hermosillo(air-moe-see-yo),Mexico being the youngest out of four children,two loving parents,two aunts and three uncles on her dads side,and three aunts and uncles on her moms side,and four grandparents.Almost every person in the family was still alive,so think about her entire extended family which almost took up an entire neighborhood because the family refused to split.Grandma and grandpa across the street,your cousins all around you.It was pretty hard for Helena to socialize with anyone at school like this too because she only hung around her relatives when going anywhere outside the neighborhood,so Helena had really bad social skills when coming to people,so she just barely talked to people.The quiet girl.But that wasn't enough.People started thinking her as dumb and stupid because she didn't talk much in public,so Helena showed everyone how intelligent she was by participating in class more and studying harder when it came to tests which she always aced.Everyone in her family was proud,but all the gangs shootings and such was too much to bare in Mexico at the moment,so Helena's entire family moved to america,but they couldn't live in the same neighborhood,or all go to the same school which bummed out Helena because usually her cousins would do the talking,so Helena didn't talk in public which made people think she was mute,but little did they know she wasn't. Helena was about sixteen at the time.Her parents both got promotions which required moving somewhere else in town to be closer to work,but this also happened to be closer to her cousins.Just not in the same school zone,but it was changed from about a three hour walk to twenty minutes at five miles an hour,so this made Helena happy,but she had to go to a new school.And this school was Ridgeview High.


Helana is emotionally reactive, which means that she can experience her emotions strongly and can be very passionate.However Helana also has a high tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. Due to her independence and reserve, sometimes Helana can be perceived as arrogant or unfriendly, however this is merely because she doesn't require the same level of social stimulation or interaction that others may seek. Helana also enjoys a good balance between the real world and fantasy, she is mostly aware of and in touch with her emotions. Being open-minded to new and unusual ideas helps Helana to interact with the world. With a healthy skepticism of the motives of others, and a belief in justice and being self made, sometimes Helana can come across as guarded or intimidating. However she has a refreshing impulsiveness about her, Helana tends to dislike too many rules and regulations and can be casual and whimsical.

Helana very rarely feels depressed and is usually in a good frame of mind, however she is sensitive about what others think of her. Helana's concern about rejection and ridicule causes her to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. She is easily embarrassed and often feels ashamed. Helana's fears that others will criticize or make fun of her are exaggerated and unrealistic, but her awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. Helana tends to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. She often needs privacy and time for herself. Helana enjoys a certain amount of debate or intellectual thought, but sometimes gets bored with too much. She is tender hearted and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and is easily moved to pity, however Helana believes that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary. She is guarded in new relationships and less willing to openly reveal the whole truth about herself.

Helana feels tense, jittery, and nervous and often feel like something dangerous is about to happen. She is typically afraid of specific situations or just is generally fearful. Helana does not usually get angry too easily but some things can annoy her. She very rarely feels depressed and is usually in a good frame of mind. Helana is sensitive about what others think of her. She is concerned about rejection and ridicule cause she to feels shy and uncomfortable around others. Helana is easily embarrassed and often feels ashamed. Her fears that others will criticize or make fun of her are exaggerated and unrealistic, but Helana's awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. She does not experience strong, irresistible cravings and consequently does not find herself tempted to overindulge. Helana experiences panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress.

Helana generally make friends easily enough although she mostly doesn't go out of her way to demonstrate positive feelings towards others. She tends to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. Helana often needs privacy and time for herself. She is an active group participant but usually prefers to let someone else be the group leader. Helana leads a leisurely and relaxed life. She would prefer to sit back and smell the roses than indulge in high energy activities. Helana loves bright lights plus hustle and bustle. She is likely to take risks and seek thrills. Helana experiences a range of positive feelings, including happiness, enthusiasm, optimism, and joy.

Helana is a moderately imaginative person who enjoys a good balance between the real world and fantasy. She loves beauty, both in art and in nature. Sometimes Helana becomes easily involved and absorbed in artistic and natural events. Generally she is not considered to be an emotional person, however Helana is aware of and in touch with her emotions. She is eager to try new activities, travel to foreign lands, and experience different things. Helana finds familiarity and routine boring, and will take a new route home just because it is different. She enjoys a certain amount of debate or intellectual thought, but sometimes get bored with too much. Often Helana exhibits a readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values. Sometimes she feels a certain degree of hostility toward rules and perhaps even enjoy ambiguity.So in one word.She's complicated.

Extras:Helena can play saxophone,and bassoon even though she has asthma.(btw this is my first time using news paper format)
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Alex Harrison



Alex Harrison








N/A (PM me)

Year (freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior):



5'9 with an average build




-Video Games-






-Energy Drinks-

-Social Events-


-Unkind people-

-Popular kids-

Role (Popular, Nerd, Ect.) :



Growing up with a single mother was hard for Alex. After his dad died in combat, Alex drifted away from his mother and his social life fell apart. He never attended any of his friends parties nor did he talk to them at school anymore. He just sat in his room, played videogames on his computer, and focused on his school work. Since his mother worked two jobs he usually was home alone. While at home he likes to do homework and play video games on his computer.


When first talked to, Alex is extremely enthusiastic. He is best described as joyful and hyper (Probably from his coffee addiction). But in reality, he is extremely depressed. But who'd blame him? His dad died, he has no friends, he and his mom never talk. But on the outside, Alex is cheerful! That's what matters. Right?... right?


He carrys a picture of him at age 5 with his dad in his wallet

He wears his dad's dog tags around his neck but they're hidden behind his shirt
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Name: Lilac Shadow

Gender: Female


Height: 6'2

Sexuality: Bisexual

Year. Junior

Likes: Art, writing, tea, dresses, black.

Dislikes: Stupidity.

Role: Bittersweet nerd

Bio: Lilac is quite a mystery, and while she seems like one of those sweetish girls, she is anything but. A few of her friends from old schools have actually been scared of her psychotic behavior and while is is well educated doesn't quite understand people. She uses her great memory and intelligence to manipulate people into giving her whatever she wants, whether it be money, sex, secrets, or anything else.

She has no siblings and was raised by only her mother, as her father left her when she was four. She is middle-class and was born from a teen-pregnancy.

Personality: She acts sweet and caring, but once you're proven worthless to her she ignores you. She's a borderline psychopath.
Name: Jasper Harrison

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: N/A

Year: Junior


Likes: Writing, acting, singing, books, poetry.

Dislikes: Sports, physical activity, popular kids, ignorance.

Role: Drama Freak

Bio: Born of a successful Broadway actor and a college English professor, Jasper's fine arts fate was sealed from birth. Ever since elementary school, Jasper has strived to be the best stage performer he can be. Always shooting for and achieving lead roles I'm school plays and musicals. He does well in his other classes, but tends to focus on choir, band, and (of course) drama. Along with his acting, he also pursues writing, specifically poetry.

Personality: Jasper is very driven, and will go to extreme lengths to achieve what he sets out for. Strives to male impossible things possible. He tends to get angry to the point of violence if undeserving people get rewarded.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f6caa58be65b97721ccc61ff795f9431.jpg.c37162f13aa98a35621d25ae8ecd0c48.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f6caa58be65b97721ccc61ff795f9431.jpg.c37162f13aa98a35621d25ae8ecd0c48.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Naomi Wilde

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Role: TBD

Appearance: Extremely short (About 4'5) Pale white skin, Medium-Long Blue/Green hair, very skinny.

Weight: 79lbs

Year: 9 (Freshman)

Disorders: Synesthesia, Dyslexia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety disorder, PTSD

Personality: Shy, Optimistic, Cheerful, Clueless, Self conscious, Polite, Awkward, Naive

Strengths: Optimistic, Intelligent, talkative, IQ of 173

Weaknesses: Erratic Personality, Tends to overreact in stressful situations, gives up very easily, Has trouble communicating with others, cries a lot, Does not voice opinions, is afraid to correct other's mistakes, Constantly doubts whether or not she is doing the right thing, fearful, Very dependent on others for direction and guidance, is very naive, gullible, easily offended, indecisive,


Naomi has always been very self conscious of herself. She has endeavored tirelessly to gain the approval of others and she always changes for others and never really has time to fulfill her own dreams. Despite her good intentions, she is constantly pushed away by others and those who do accept her, beat and mistreat her because of how weak she is. Naomi is a very small and soft spoken girl with very frail emotions. She never acts upon her instincts for fear of judgement. She often cries herself to sleep wondering whether or not she was meant to have friends. She is extremely intelligent, however Synesthsia and Dyslexia drastically impair her abilities to learn. She usually comes off as very stupid and as somebody who lacks the ability to understand the most basic of communication or subtlety. While her actual goals are unknown, her only known aspiration is to belong. She spends most of her time listening to music, mainly orchestral pieces, and tinkering with batteries and other small objects. She carries a lucky pocket watch that she received from her grandmother who survived the holocaust and who was able to recover the family heirloom shortly after liberation. She keeps it with her at all times and will instantly break down into tears when it is taken from her. She has a very thick German accent which makes her speech somewhat difficult to understand. She occasionally writes in a small diary when she is feeling sad or whenever she has something to say, but is too afraid to express it to others. She has an extremely extensive vocabulary and has a hard time conveying ideas without the message being lost due to her choice of words.



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Elinor Curtis-Walcott









Year (freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior):




Quite tall and slim with long dark brown hair and piercingly green eyes.




The ocean





Public transport

Role (Popular, Nerd, Ect.) :

Popular but also kind of intimidating to some.


Elinor was born in Cheshire, England to a wealthy CEO and his (trophy) wife. She was brought up in the lap of luxury and was almost certainly spoilt. When her father franchised overseas, her family including her older brother, Alistair (Ali) came over too. Elinor used to be a keen swimmer and when she lived in the UK she dreamed of becoming a lifeguard and settling into a dreamy ocean lifestyle.


Elinor can come across as quite arrogant and snobby, which might not be entirely wrong. She has a tendency to look angry and she likes to cover up her emotions, although she is fragile.


Hiya, quick question :3

Is it possible for a character role to be "Floater"? As in, a person who is not specifically in any group but at the same time is not an outcast?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-16_6-24-21.png.da01e123c02827d9f854f972fd077839.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-16_6-24-21.png.da01e123c02827d9f854f972fd077839.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Iris Dove Estella

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: None yet...

Year: Junior


- roses

- macarons


- emotional attachment to a group

- arrogance

Role: Floater - has ties to every group, but bonds are stronger to individual people

Bio: Not much is known about Dove as she is a mystery to the student body. When asked about her family, Dove would say that they lived overseas while she lived here with an older cousin of hers, yet, the vague details always ended there. Even the institutions she attended prior to Ridgeview have not been named, despite countless attempts made by students to discover and perhaps exploit her personal information. Some have even questioned her age, but speculation had died down after attention being drawn to Dove was turned elsewhere. Despite being an icon of mystery at the school, Dove has not failed to touch base with everyone she encounters, and can be seen sitting at multiple tables during one lunch duration.

Personality: Dove seems to have multiple sides. She's outgoing and childish, yet mature and awkward. She always tries to get others to smile and is not afraid of skinship. Dove is a genuinely kind-hearted person, but can be brutally honest. However, it is not uncommon for Dove to be absolutely unresponsive on certain days. She would often miss school due to her abrupt changes of emotional state. This girl has yet to find a person who would be able to see through her mask of happiness and would handle the secrets of her past.


- suffers from insomnia

- plays bass/guitar, and can often be found secluded playing an instrument

- is fond of kittens




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[i'm really sorry but I don't exactly know how to use BBcode yet so I'm just going to post my bio normally. Not all the categories are in order, apologies.]


Name: Nathan Black

Age: 21

Gender: Cis male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Crush: None.

Year: [um, I hate to admit it, but I don't really know what each one is. I'm British.]

Appearance: As shown in the picture.

Personality: Nathan is cold, distant, blunt and sarcastic to nearly everyone he meets, but it is just to disguise his true feelings. If you get close to him, he is actually a lot nicer than he makes out to be, but in the prescence of other people it will be rare that he will show his true self. However, Nathan does not trust people easily and it will take time for him to trust you.

Role: Delinquent.

Likes: Nathan likes being alone and listening to music, leaving him to his own thoughts. There may be rare times where he will willingly meet up with his friends, but more often than not you will see him by himself.

Dislikes: He dislikes showing his true emotions, or being told to talk about his past. Nathan prefers not to talk, keeping his past a mystery. If he does tell you about his past, it will most likely be a lie.

Disorders/issues: After being kicked out, Nathan did suffer from depression but has recovered. Despite this, he does have trust issues, and only trusts the people closest to him.

History: Nathan lived a relatively normal life with his parents and brother, although his parents had strong religious views. At the age of 18, Nathan came out to his family as gay and was consequently kicked out. He lived at a friend's house for about a year until he was able to earn enough money to afford his own place.

Faceclaim: Dawid Auguscik (with long hair)

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