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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)


The nerdiest and fluffiest marshmallow of them all
Welcome to Ridgeview High School, a place of absolute hell. Full of popular's that run the school and socially awkward kids that hate them, Bad kids that don't give a crap, plenty of scandals and drama to go around.

(if your against strong language and mature scenes, this is not the place for you)
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Lucy wandered around her home, completely bored, tomorrow would be the first day of her Junior year and she was feeling anxious. Her sisters had gone to work, she had hoped that they would leave after college but so far she wasn't that lucky. They were saving up their money to share an apartment thankfully, and little did they know Lucy snuck in a twenty every week when she could to get them along, and circled apartment notices on the newspaper with her moms red pen. She was in her room reading when she got an alert on her phone. She picked it up and saw that there was some party going on down the street, apparently a goodbye to summer. She shrugged, she hadn't been to any party all summer, why not? She was bored. She picked up her bag and walked down to the place, it wasn't her scene really but that didn't matter, she only wanted a little fun, not that she expected anything. When she went inside they looked at her like she was from another planet and being the socially awkward girl she was, she ran into an empty bedroom. She sat on the floor and leaned up against the bed, running her hand through her hair and sighing in frustration, why did she think that it would be fun and exciting here? she mentally scolded herself and sighed in frustration.


Tessa hadn't exactly been completely sober when that girl walked into the party. But, she'd been sober enough to notice how she suddenly looked very...out of place. You see, Tess hadn't ever seen the girl around school, but she didn't look like the type to come to a party. So, naturally, that had peeked Tessa's interest. Her half-sober, half-cloudy drunken mess of a mind had been debating with itself on whether to act on her curiosity, when the girl had taken off into an empty bedroom. Tessa's sober part of her mind kicked in and she sat her drink down, forcing herself up from the couch she sat on. That girl had gone in there alone, it was only a matter of time before some asshat made his way into the room. Tessa strode over to the door the girl had entered and stopped, attempting to figure out if she should knock or not. In the end, Tess simply gave a small knock and opened the door, her eyes landing on the person in question on the floor. Tessa cleared her throat, stepping completely into the room and shoving her hands into her pockets. "Uh...hey, you okay?"

Interacting with: Lucy

Mentions: No one

(Gavin can't exactly come to the party, it would be too much on his system. He'd probably have a panic attack.)
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Lucy heard a voice asking her if she was okay so she got up from where she was sitting, to see a half drunk, half sober girl standing there. "Oh.. um yeah, I just don't usually hang out in this crowd" she said looking at her feet, she felt stupid for even coming. She sat back down on the bed and looked at her "Doesn't matter anyways, I'm kinda invisible" she said shrugging her shoulders


Tessa frowned, creasing her eyebrows,"Well, invisibility isn't such a bad thing sometimes. Like when your a superhero, or something." Tessa shrugged, but then immediately internally face palmed at her stupid remark,"Sorry, that sounded stupid." She laughed, pulling one hand out of her pocket and offering it to the mystery girl. "I'm Tessa. Tessa King." She smiled.

Interacting with: Lucy @FluffyMarshmallow

Mentions: No one
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Lucy smiled and laughed at her remark of invisibility and replie "Not stupid, funny" she said and took the girls hand "Lucy Locke" she said shaking Tessa's hand. She let go of it before saying, "The invisible nerd, at your service" she said curtsying joking.


Tessa laughed, giving Lucy a bow,"It's a pleasure." She found herself plopping into a chair situated in the room, steel blue eyes curious. "So, Lucy, what brings a girl like you to a place like this?" Tessa questioned, gesturing to the party outside the room with one hand.

Interacting with: Lucy @FluffyMarshmallow

Mentions: No one
Lucy giggled and then looked at Tessa "That is actually really simple, a nerd gets bored" she said shrugging her shoulders "Besides, I haven't been to any social gatherings this summer, tomorrow is school, last chance for doing anything social, and I have about.... Zero friends" she said as if it meant nothing to her

Kaitlin Jacobs


The front door of the house where the party was being held slammed open against the wall and a very pissed-off looking Kaitlin entered.

"Stephan Mitchell Jacobs! Get your skinny little ass here right now!" she yelled, even louder than her usual self. A skinny boy with dark hair like hers stepped forward and she grabbed him by the ear, causing him to yell out "ow!" as she dragged him outside.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she yelled at him, audible from inside the now shocked silent party," this is a party for juniors! and seniors! You better not have touched a drink mister."

This kept on for a while before her mother pulled up in their behemoth Escape truck and Stephan, her 13 year old brother, climbed inside. She walked back inside still fuming and grabbed a coke from the fridge of non-alcoholic drinks. What? she didn't like the taste. She downed it and huffed, looking around at the still stunned crowd.

"What?" she asked. Everyone immediately turned away, knowing how her temper could get. The music started back up again and she plopped down at what should have been a dining table.

@ anyone
Lucas sat on the sofa in the middle of the crowded room, a smoke hanging from his lips. Why did he even bother to come to these stupid junior parties, the drugs were never strong enough and the music was always shit. He rested his left leg up on the messy coffee table in front of, his eyes scanning the room. He exhaled blowing smoke up towards the roof as he rested his head back. "I need another whiskey" He muttered, "I'm not drunk enough for this".

He yawned, inspecting the ash of his smoke, watching it flicker as it burned. He took one last draw from the smoke before sitting forward, slipping the butt into a beer bottle he assumed was empty, tough shit if it wasn't. He pulled himself up off the sofa, straighening his t-shirt as he looked around for the drinks table. Slowly he made his way across the living room, dodging arms and legs and various body parts of people dancing around him, he hated dancing, unless it was an up close and personal sort of dance. Lucas reached the kitchen seeing a bottle of Chivas Regal sitting on the counter, "Fucking perfect" a grin spread across his face.

The bottle now in his hands, he worked towards the front door, this music was killing his brain. Once outside he took in a breath, dropping down to the front step of the house. People moved around him, he was obviously in peoples way, but who would tell him otherwise.
Tessa frowned again, twisting the silver ring on her thumb idly. No friends, huh? She thought, biting the inside of her lip and debating on what she was about to say would ruin every social standing she'd built since freshman year. Not that it mattered, as soon as she was out of here none of that would matter at all. So, that's how she decided to say what she said next. "Ouch. That's gotta suck. Tell you what, you might've actually been kinda smart coming here tonight because now you can count me as a friend. I've always wanted to be friends with a superhero." She grinned, leaning back in the chair and crossing her legs over each other.

Interacting with: Lucy @FluffyMarshmallow

Mentions: No one
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/9adcbec631d31f5eb72d9930a3afbf9a.jpg.fad7dae659235c7d8100d1f3bee44056.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/9adcbec631d31f5eb72d9930a3afbf9a.jpg.fad7dae659235c7d8100d1f3bee44056.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Saint Alexander Pierce

He had heard about the party and didn't intend to go but his best friend Carter's family insisted he did and even offered to watch Luca for him, Insisting that he needed time for himself too despite the fact he did work they didn't think that was enough time because it wasn't fun time. He reluctantly agreed and got dressed in some grey skinny jeans and a white santa monica t-shirt, didn't bother doing his hair as when its messy is when it usually looks its best. He put in his ear piercings that he rarely wore anymore because Luca would pull on them and put his combat boots on before heading out the door, looking at a crumpled piece of paper with the location of the party and started off there. Once he got there he could hear the loud music from outside and sighed quietly before noticing a guy with a beard sitting on the steps and bit his lip, deciding to go talk to him since it'd probably be really crowded inside. He walked up and sat down beside him in an awkward silence before speaking "The party any good?" he asked louder than normal since the music was so loud.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images.jpg.efc47bdf2092da1539b1838dffb40a3e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130552" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images.jpg.efc47bdf2092da1539b1838dffb40a3e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Viktoria arrived at the party at just the right time. When it came to a party Viktoria knew what exactly she needed to do every time.

She had gotten herself a red solo cup and filled it with rum and sprite. She threw herself down on a seat and chilled out and took a drink from her cup.

With a sigh she watched the party going on around her, people mingling with each other and laughing at some joke.

She watched the crowd for a while, enjoying the blissful un-awareness that she could watch them without drawing their attention
Lucas scoffed, handing the bottle of whisky to Saint, "I would give it a 4/10" he said blankly, he stretched his leg out to get a smoke from his pocket, he debated about offering him one, but thought against it, he wasn't here to make friends. Looking the man over he spoke, "and who the hell are you?" His voice sounding like he couldn't care less. The music still ringing in his ears.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He took the whiskey but bit his lip nervously "I shouldn't drink I have....." he was about to tell him about Luca but decided it best not too, What 17 year old has a kid? And if he played it off as something else he'd be lying so he just decided to take a swig, then another....then another. "Saint" he said as he coughed a bit from the last drink of whiskey as he glanced at him "Just moved here from Cali" he said quietly as he looked out onto the sidewalk and stared into space

"Lucky you" he mumbled taking back to the bottle and enjoying a large swig of it. He learned back, both legs stretched out in front of him, resting one foot on his other leg, "if the music wasn't so shit, and the girls were easier to talk to it wouldn't be so bad" he inhaled from the smoke exhaling it up towards the sky.

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Saint Alexander Pierce

He chuckled awkwardly "Heh...yeah...girls" he trailed off since he wasn't entirely out to anyone that he was more into guys than girls, except his best friend Carter but he was the only one who knew. He turned around and looked in the window at all the people and sighed as he looked down "My parents told me to come here" he admitted sheepishly as he pulled his legs up a step so his arms could rest on them

Lucas rolled his eyes, "Well, your parents seem like they know how to live" he spoke, not that he put much effort into the conversation, he looked the boy over again, "and you weren't planning on coming in the first place?" he chuckled slightly, "anyone who is anyone turns up to these things, this is how you know who will be the Queen Bee and who will be finishing off your homework for the rest of the year" he looked at his smoke, tossing it across the yard, the butt bouncing along the ground, lighting up on impact before simmering out. "personally, anywhere free booze is, I is" he confessed, "but that's between you and me" he grinned.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He chuckled a bit and shrugged "It's just not really my thing anymore....fuck I sound old saying that" he laughed at himself though that was probably the booze talking now. But compared to everyone inside he did feel older because he had a 6 month old, not that any of them knew that. "And I'll try to remember that" he said with a cheeky wink in the mans direction as a smirk crossed the brunettes cheeks before looking out into the darkness again "They told me I need to get out and have fun while I'm still young....I've just been really busy with....other things lately" he said carefully as he really didn't want to just blurt out he had a kid, that'd be an interesting first impression.

He stretched, "hey man, as much as I'd love a heart to heart about family..." he began, sort of shifting awkwardly, "But I'd rather not" he dismissed the topic like that, he hating the talk of family, his mother and step father had 3 under 10 years olds, he wasn't willing to speak about how little attention his parent paid him. He took another swig of the bottle, "We should head in, I'm sure there are some drunk enough girls somewhere" he got himself up adjusting himself before offering a hand out to Saint to help him up


Saint Alexander Pierce

He shrugged "I don't blame you, Mine ain't the best either" he said as he looked up at him and grinned a little at the hand offered to him "Such a gentleman" he teased as he took his hand and got up. His tall, skinny frame was nowhere near as attractive as this man before him and he was slightly jealous. But then he got the age old question in his head; Do I want to be him or do I want to do him? The sudden question his mind threw at him caused his cheeks to turn red and he looked away nervously. Girls. Yes. girls. You do GIRLS, Saint! he yelled at himself mentally.

An hour earlier

"Are you sure you don't wanna go?" Kara spoke as she patted another layer of setting powered onto her face, from the corner of her eye, she saw JunHui digging through her magazine drawer, "HEY! Stay out of there!" She grabbed a bottle of hairspray and aimed for the back of his head--

"OW! Jeez sis, what the hell are you hiding in there? Porn?" Jun rubbed the back of his head, feeling a small bump forming in the exact spot the hairspray landed on. "Parties are not my thing." He kicked the spray can aside and slumped onto her bed.

"Well," Kara gave her hair a final brush and stood up. "im leaving so this is your last chance to say yes."




"This is embarrassing." Jun shielded his face as he stepped out of his sister's sports car. "What? The car or your super hot sister?" Kara rolled the passenger side window down and winked at a couple of seniors arriving to the party. "Both, and the fact that I'm almost eighteen and still need my older sister to drive me around. You'd better go before I strangle myself." He facepalmed. "Oh, I'd wanna stay to see that." She grinned, "kidding, you know I love ya. Have fun. Don't get drunk or something."Kara blew his a kiss before reversing out of the driveway.

Jun took a deep breath and exhaled. "Well, this is the final break before school right? Wouldn't hurt to enjoy it just a little bit."
Lucas let go of the boys hand, wiping it down his jeans, "yes.. gentleman" he grunted, fixing his jacket around him he started up the stairs back into the hidious sounding house. Lucas was no gentleman, he was found it funny that him and that word would ever be used in the same context. "you're my wing man alright?" he ordered Saint, is new found friend.


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