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Realistic or Modern Riders on the Storm

He crawled into bed next to her and just slipped his arms around her tightly, pulling her in close as he could, drifting off fairly quickly after the long day.

She woke up early in the morning to the sound of angel retching and quickly sat up, moving to grab him a bucket and held it out for him. “Hey, I’m here, I got you.” She coaxed gently, helping keep his hair away and pressed the call button for his nurse.
Angel woke up groaning loudly at the pain he felt all over. He took a deep breath and picked up his trash can dry heaving into it leaning back and taking a deep breath "Shit I hurt..."

Max woke up in the morning and sighed happily seeing Negan walk into the room in just his underwear "Mmm good morning handsome." She said biting her bottom lip hard as she propped herself up on her elbows "You heading in already?"
Carmen frowned rubbing his back some and thanking his nurse when she said she was coming back with painkillers for him. “Hey, just relax alright? You got shot in the hip... you were pretty out of it last night, kept trying to expose yourself to EZ and your nurses.” She murmured trying to get his mind off the pain.

He shook his head but smiled at her some. “You got bed head.” He chuckled and went to sit with her again. “No I’m just.... restless.” He mumbled a little and pulled her in close, kissing her head.
Max gave a small laugh shaking her hair out before cuddling him close to her "Talk to me, whats on your mind?" She asked stroking his cheek gently

Angel chuckled some and layed back "Good lord." He muttered closing his eyes to relax "How you feelin beautiful?" He asked quietly
She smiled and just squeezed his hand. “Good.... you’re coming home today, you’ve got crutches and you’re not gonna be able to ride for a while but this is better than what I thought I was gonna find.” She murmured.

“Mmm, you.... the club..... Jason and Laura.” He mumbled tiredly, rubbing at his face. “I’m sorting out her medical bills but that’s all I can do... they don’t think she’s getting better this time.” He mumbled.
Angel gave a small nod and kissed her temple gently "I'm sorry for scaring you Mí Amor." He murmured holding her close to him "So when can we go home?"

Max ran her fingers gently through his hair and nodded some "I'm so sorry Negan.....I'm here if you need anything okay?" She said quietly
Carmen frowned some, shaking her head "Really that was on Gilly. I think they said this afternoon as long as you're alright in the next checkup but you're gonna have crutches alright?"she murmured, kissing his cheek and shifting to be comfortable but also so she wasn't hurting him "Those painkillers kicking in again?" She asked him quietly.

He frowned some and shook his head "I'll be alright... It's JAson I'm more concerned about." He mumbled and held her close, yawning and pulled her into his arms again, "I don't need to go in til later, you got me all morning." He murmured
Angel nodded some and smiled at her "Mmm okay, I guess I'll have to have you as my care taker then." He murmured before he let his hands start to wander all over her body

Max nodded some and gave a small smile "Mmm well in that case, what would you like for me to make you for breakfast?" She asked
"Angel stop it we're at a hospital." She muttered, rolling her eyes at him and pushing his hand off "Baby I still gotta work, I can't leave the club to fall apart just cause you got yourself shot." She pointed out.

"Hmm... Waffles sound pretty good." He suggested, scratching at his chin a little and watching her, keeping her in close to his side, "Not yet though, I'm enjoying the lie in with you." HE told her smiling some
Angel frowned some and pouted "But I want to feel your boobies! Screw the club, they'll be fine without you there for a few days out of the week." He mumbled nuzzling his face into her neck

Max smiled some and cuddled close to him "Mmm okay." She murmured before kissing him gently giving a happy sigh as she stayed in his arms
"Well you can wait til we get home you dog." She muttered shaking her head some "Baby, one of us still needs to get that paycheck.... Jesus they've got you on strong painkillers." She muttered, "You can still come down and hang out there you just can't do anything." She pointed out and kissed his head, running her fingers through his hair soothingly, watching his nurse come in to change the dressing.

Negan sighed quietly, holding her to him and burying his face against her head, running his hands up and down her sides gently, humming to himself a little "Do you want children?" He asked her quietly
Max frowned some and bit her lip hard "Yes.....but I'm not sure its possible for me. I had a long time boyfriend I was younger, we tried and tried but were never able to concieve. We went to a doctor and they explained how something was wrong with my eggs and it would be likely that I would never have kids." She explained quietly

Angel nodded and looked over at the nurse as she came in "Oh babe! Now you can see it!" He said while they started to clean his dressing
She smiled some, moving over so that they could explain to her how to help him keep it clean, wincing a little at the stitches "Oh babe those are gnarly." She smiled some, thanking the nurse quietly then sat with him again "So x-ray in a bit, checkup then home okay?" She murmured, rubbing his back gently.

He nodded as he listened to her "As unfair as this sounds, it's probably for the best for us.... I don't know that I would want more kids." He told her honestly and gently traced patterns on her hip
Max gave a small nod and a sad smile "Its okay. I came to terms with it years ago so you don't have to worry about me asking for one. Though maybe someday....a furbaby could be nice." She said batting her eyelashes at him when she saw him look at her

Angel nodded some and laughed a bit "It'll leave a good scar." He explained before he got comfy next to her "An X-Ray? Oooo you'll get to see my insides."
He chuckled some "You talking bout a dog? Not right this moment but maybe soon, Sadie's been gone a long time now so maybe it's time." He smiled some, groaning when he heard his phone ringing "I guess it's time to get up." He muttered, going to answer it.

Carmen smiled and watched him "You're an idiot Ángel." She murmured, "But you are my idiot so I can't complain too much... get some rest baby, you're gonna be worn out when we get home and I don't want you throwing your sleep schedule off kilter." She pointed out
Max gave a small nod "Yeah...I'd like to have one." She murmured smiling a bit and pouting when his phone rang "Well atleast we got a bit of a lie in." She murmhred kissing him gently

Angel groaned softly wanting to fight her on it but soon he was asleep against her
She smiled softly at him, keeping him close and kissed his head while she lay there quietly with him, thinking about where they were headed in their life at the moment, worrying about him as always and just slowly processing the quiet morning.

He smiled watching her a little as he answered the phone, starting to get dresed and go over a ocuple things with Norman, "We're gonna be down there later on today but I'm being kept against my will to clean my house this morning." He chuckled, winking over at Max.
Gilly came in later and smiled some at Carmen "Hey there beautiful how you doin?" He asked raising an eyebrow seeing Angel snoring loud

Max laughed lightly and got up walking out to the living room starting to tidy up
She smiled some. “Better knowing he’s gonna be alright... though I’m considering buying earplugs.” She smiled just gently rubbing his arm. “He just needs to rest for now. What happened?” She asked him curiously.

Negan spent a little while longer on the phone before heading to make them both some coffee.
Gilly chuckled some and sat down giving a nod "We were ridin, normal route. Should have been good when these fuckers came off and shot at us. Hit his spoke it ricocheted into his hip. Thank god his bike is okay too." He explained

Max smiled some taking the trash to the kitchen "Everything okay?" She asked kissing hia cheek before making herself a cup of coffee.
She just nodded sighing a little. “EZ said you mentioned a new group? Do they not realise that’s sons territory?” She muttered frowning some.

“Yeah we have a little rival problem.... but I mean little, it’ll get dealt with tomorrow, where do you wanna start?” He asked her quietly and pecked her cheek.
Gilly shook his head some "Looks like young assholes thinking biker games are cool." He muttered "Had shit bikes too."

Max gave a small nod and looked around some "Definitely the living room. Need to get rid of all those old piles of mail." She said sipping her coffee before moving to the living room
She frowned and just talked quietly with him until they came to collect him for the X-ray and she woke angel up gently. “Hey, you gotta go get checked out but I’ll be waiting here for when you get back.” She murmured pecking his cheek and slid off the bed, helping them get him in the wheelchair and just sat waiting in the room with gilly. “They will pay for what they’ve done to him though.” She muttered.

Negan smiled some. “I mean way to start on the tricky stuff. I don’t wanna go through mail..” he grumbled a bit but caved in fairly quickly.
Gilly gave a nod and sighed heavily as he sat with her "We already got it handled okay? We'll make sure they know who the fucked with." He muttered shaking his head some

Max sat there with him for hours just chatting and cleaning up. She felt relaxed and at ease with him it was something she always wanted, a relationship where she was happy and relaxed.
She nodded, looking up when they finally got angel back in the room with some scrubs he’d been given to borrow and they were told he could leave with his crutches. “Come on, let’s get you home.” She murmured, taking his little baggy of information he’d been given, following gilly out to the van so he could drop them off.

Negan sighed quietly as he put the last bag of trash out before going back in to get her. “Come on, we better head down to the club house.” He murmjred and pecked her cheek, slipping his arm around her waist and heading out to his bike

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