Ride and Sail: Need ideas on making them valuble

Thanqol said:
- Sail over land

- Glorious Autopilot Method - "Zero Man Crew"; turn the ship's control over to it's awakened small god.
These I like. I can even see where the one fits into the existing tree.

- Storm Summoning Method - while a Solar captain can endure it, the enemy fleet can't.

These I'd save for high Essence Dragon-Blooded Charms.
Teln said:
And there's an artifact boat that already does this.
I know. A Solar should totally be able to do the same thing without an Artifact.

Here are some Ride ones (off the top of my head, so screw balance):

Wind and Rain Bridle: Ride something that normally cannot be ridden, like a cloud, raindrop, gust of wind or cherry blossom.

Velocity: (Scene) Reflexively change the direction you're moving in without losing momentum.

Herd Follows: Every animal of the same type you're riding leaves what it's doing to follow your horse; you can apply any ride charm you know to the entire herd.

(Imagine, if you will, combining those three charms)

Steamtrain Method (High Essence): Apply to a road you have built for the purpose. Activate any ride charm on any valid target on that road.

Supercomplex Horse Relay: Transfer the exhaustion of any mount to any other mount
I have thought of making analogues of some of the War charms in Sail for naval combat. A version of Tiger Warrior Training for sailors, Commanding the Ideal Celestial Navy, etc. I haven't tried it yet, but a few more charms to fill out the Sail tree and broaden the scope of the ability would be nice. I know you can just use War to do it, but for the sailor who wants to dabble in Lintha-hunting, a few crossovers would be much better than a whole new course of study.
I think (maybe) your best point is that you can be denied you vessel or mount in some circumstances. I had that happen in a different game that shall remain nameless where my fun mounted character was stuck in a dungeon or a castle or just about everywhere they became much less fun. With that in mind maybe a charm that allows you to summon the "spirit" of your mount giving you all the benefits of having that mount regardless of the environment so for example you could be surrounded with a blazing aura of your pet thunder lizard even in a cramped cave. Something similar could be done for vehicles as well calling down a hail of ship weapons even on top of a mountain. I don't know it still would require a cool mount or ship so part of the problem remains.
Seraphina said:
I think (maybe) your best point is that you can be denied you vessel or mount in some circumstances. I had that happen in a different game that shall remain nameless where my fun mounted character was stuck in a dungeon or a castle or just about everywhere they became much less fun. With that in mind maybe a charm that allows you to summon the "spirit" of your mount giving you all the benefits of having that mount regardless of the environment so for example you could be surrounded with a blazing aura of your pet thunder lizard even in a cramped cave. Something similar could be done for vehicles as well calling down a hail of ship weapons even on top of a mountain. I don't know it still would require a cool mount or ship so part of the problem remains.
I think one upgrade for Phantom Steed would be better in this case
Making the Familiar Background better than it is would probably do alot for improving the power of Ride. Horses as statted out are remarkably slow.
For Sidereals, at least, Ride is half the key to having unreasonably large amounts of Essence at your fingertips- Linguistics being the other half. Bridle of Mercury gets you (Essence) familiars, Spirit-Shape Companion and Godly Companion make it an immaterial deity with Spirit charms and an Essence pool (65 motes assuming generic Essence-3 "God of the Second Rank" per CoCD:Yu Shuan), Lover's Oath gives you access to its essence (and health levels, and willpower- and vice versa, admittedly), and the fact that it's a familiar gives it an unbreakable loyalty-unto-death to you (which is why it's not going to refuse Lover's Oath in the first place).

If you're worried about keeping them safe, have them sit in your manse to regain Essence while you adventure, or let them go immaterial and hide them in your Starmetal Infinite Resplendence Amulet's outfit's Elsewherepockets. There's no distance or even same-realm limitation on Lover's Oath, no nonliving-only restriction on Inf.Respl.Amulet, and no need to eat/drink/breathe as they're immaterial spirits. Granted, they probably can't respire Essence while Elsewhere, but you can let them out to recharge under careful supervision.

Basically, at Essence 4 and with some moderately-heavy investment in the stuff required, Sidereals can get 65 motes, 7 temporary Willpower, and a bunch of health levels, up to (their Essence) times, for a whopping 9XP. Or 6XP, if they solidify the Bridle of Mercury Familiar bond via RP rather than XP.

Is that a sufficiently powerful and potentially badass (if you don't do the hide-your-mote-batteries thing, which is boring, but actually use and play the familiars) use of Ride?
Kyeudo said:
So, you sink even more Charms into making an otherwise pathetic mount into a competent combatant instead of into actually doing something yourself? Do you see where I'm going with this? Sure, you CAN make an uber-mount, but why not just make an uber-you instead? If you are ever without your uber-mount, say you had to go through the catacombs and your Tyrant Lizard just won't fit, all of a sudden you are deprived of a significant amount of your power, where if you had instead put the effort into improving yourself you always have that power on hand.
Well, the same could be said of all Charms. Take away a melee-monkey's daiklave, and you get a similar effect. Put someone with countermagic against a sorcerer, and they're deprived. The 'mounts are worthless' approach always was a moot argument in my eyes because lots of effective powerbases are item dependent.

Also...if your high essence solar is still mucking about in catacombs and dungeon crawls, and not going on world spanning adventures...something's very very wrong there.

Also, I'd like to add in Sail can be VERY fun...I played a captain jack sparrow mock up, heavily into Sail charms, and, they were pretty damn effective. Just remember, everywhere has vehicles. In the desert? Sandships! In the north? Iceships and haslanti airboats! High essence? AIRSHIPS!
Bah, screw waiting for high Essence, become a Sky Pirate from the get go. Or Sky Merchant, or Sky Navy...

Heh, if you're willing to spend the resources, and bring a Manta to the table right off the bat, there's plenty of options for what you can become. Admittedly, it does change the story a bit.

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