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Binnie Ryman

Long may she reign
It was late. Grace was up late, as usual. She was reading on of the books that she had read many times before. She never got tired of any of the books she had and read so many times. She always managed to find something new, some idea that was fresh. She smiled every time she found one. She was beginning to get tired, yet she found she couldn't put the book down. She thought she heard someone coming so she turned down the light she used to read with and shoved the book under her covers, before pretending she was asleep. When the noise passed, she turned the light back up and took out the book again, and read.
Eli's agile body dropped down into the stables of the huge building that centred itself in the middle of the city, and he rolled his eyes in a rather tiresome way when the horses began to kick up a fuss at his unexpected arrival.

"Jeez, it's like spying on the dictator is a crime of something.." He muttered to himself sarcastically, brushing a few pieces of hay off of his black shirt. Anyway, looking up and round, he spotted the route he normally took and went for it, climbing up a stepladder that lay haphazardly against the wall opposite, and squeezing his body through the small window just above. It was from here that he could clamber up onto the roof of the main building that he used to know so well. Spending so much time here when he was a soldier was proving to be beneficial, as the man knew exactly where meetings would be held.

Most of the roof was made from glass, inconveniencing him as he had to attempt to get round them. Gracefulness was never a skill of his. After a fair amount of cursing, Eli peered into the window that was built just above Grace's room. He noticed the girl straight away, and gazed out at the stained glass right ahead of it. That was the room he needed to get to. He had no other choice but to climb over and hope for the best.

Taking a moment, Eli began to ever so slowly make his way across the glass. So far so good, but his risky plan was decimated when the girl glanced up above her. Both of them froze when her mouth gaped open. In response, Eli simply smiled and put his finger to his lips, trying to dismiss the familiar book that lay open in her hands.
Grace gasped and her eyes widened the slightest bit at the sight before. She considered throwing the book under her covers (or under her bed so when people came in and in the case that Grace's sheets got ruffled revealing the book), turning down the light, screaming, and pretending a noise woke her up, but she didn't do it. Or she could scare him off by opening her mouth and pretending to scream, just to scare him off, yet she didn't do that either. She was curious about what this man would do. She knew it wasn't the smartest idea, yet she could't help herself. She wanted to know why this man was above her room. She knew he couldn't be one of her father's guards who occasionally patrolled the roof. She wasn't as scared as she knew she should be. There was something about this man that said she could trust him, yet she had no idea what is was. After all, from what she could tell, this man had trespassed on her family's property, and that could result in some serious consequences, then again, so could she for reading books with such revolutionary ideas. She longed to know the reason behind this trespassing.
Waiting for a moment to ensure she wasn't going to blab, Eli continued along the roof of her room until he finally arrived at his destination. Grinning with triumph, he set himself down and glowered on the other side of the glass, narrowing his eyes at the table that was populated by groups of men and women. On the wood lay a rather extravagant buffet that made his stomach growl and his skin crawl. The disparity between the 1% and the other 99% of the population was sickening. Up above, helicopters whirred, but he stayed planted to the roof, determined to see this through. He had to know. This wasn't good enough, Eli was itching to hear something. Eyes scanning his surroundings, he glanced back to Grace's room and groaned to himself, not quite believing he was doing this.

"Fucks sake.." He grumbled, scooting backwards until he reached the end corner of Grace's stained roof. Thankfully, the girl was still awake, but wasn't paying any attention while he knocked as loudly as he dared on the glass. Not noticing, he sighed and delved into the bag that was slung across his back, whipping out the crowbar that lay amongst an array of tools that he didn't think he would ever end up using. Wedging it under the window frame, Eli managed to snap one window off of the grid, and hung off the outside for a moment before dropping down into her room with a thud that was a little too loud for his liking.

"For the daughter of the Alfred Edwin Robinson, you'd think the security would be a little tighter." Eli muttered while rummaging round in his bag, allowing his black curls to flop over his eyes.
Grace gasped and let out a yelp that was muffled since she covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes widened to size of saucers and her heart raced in her chest, until she thought it would pop out. She was scared to speak, but she eventually found her voice.

"Wh-who are you?" Grace asked. "Tell me now or I'll scream. I swear I will."

She was getting ready to scream in the case that he made a quick move towards her or in case he tried to grab her. She quickly shoved the book under her covers in the case that she had to scream. She knew she would be in more trouble that she had ever been in before if she was caught with the book or almost any other of the books she owned.
Eli stared at the woman with a newfound caution. She had the power to turn this into a suicide mission if she so much as breathed too loud.

"I'm.." The ex soldier bit his tongue, knowing she could follow these details up with her father and report his whereabouts to him. "My name is Eli. Can I go now?" He asked with a stale smile, the gun in his back pocket weighing heavy all of a sudden. If she saw that her lungs would be ripped to shreds, and he would have no option but to shoot her. He was going to have to come clean. Grabbing an empty glass off her bedside table, Eli began riveting round the room until he eventually pressed it against her bedroom door, listening intently with a furrowed brow. Hearing nothing, he stood back, seemingly satisfied. "I'm not here to kill you if that's what you're worried about. I'm not here to kill anyone." Putting the glass back, Eli suddenly made a move for the book that lay under the duvet next to her. When his hand clasped round it, he skimmed the cover and read the title aloud.

"A People's Tragedy: The Modern Revolution." Raising his eyebrows, Eli smiled at the girl with pleasant surprise. "I don't know who would be in more trouble if we got caught, you or I."
"Well," said Grace with a grin, "you sneaked in here, you pressed me against the door, and the book is in your hands. If someone came in here now, what do you think they would think if they came in here?"

Grace smiled triumphantly, knowing she had caught him.

"If you aren't here to kill me," said Grace, "why don't you tell me the reason you're here. And you better be honest, because if for one moment I suspect you're lying, I'll scream and the guards will come running in and you will be arrested and likely killed. So, make your choice and be sure to chose wisely and take your time, I have all night."
Eli's stubbled jaw clenched for a second, and he tossed her thick hardback back onto her lap.

"If I told you, then you'd definitely scream." He clarified to her. What was he going to say? I'm here to spy on your father, leading to his potential death in order to enable the revolution to begin taking over the city you've lived in since you were born. Oh, and before I forget, your father is a sadist and I have the scars to prove it on my back, right arm, and right leg, if you want specifics.
"Try me," said Grace. "Because I'll definitely scream if you don't tell me why you're here. So, why don't you tell me why you're here. I may have said I've got all night, but I'll give you a minute before I scream. Do we have a deal? Oh, that's a silly question, because I don't need your permission. I should say 'Do you understand?' You're one minute starts... now."

Grace crossed her arms over her chest and grinned. Aside when it came to her father, Grace was a master at getting what she wanted. She had a way to get whatever she wanted. If she had to threaten to scream, so be it. Getting what she wanted was all that mattered.
Baffled at the girl's stubborn attitude, but not totally unsurprised, Eli raised his hands in surrender and took a deep breath, convinced it would be his last.

"My name is Eli. I'm part of a revolution to overthrow your father's dictatorship. Something you're seemingly very interested in." He added on, jerking his head towards the book on her lap. "I'm here to infiltrate and find out what, if anything, your father is planning. Bet let's be honest, he's probably planning something. The man's sick with power and it's messing his head up. I live underground and even I know that. And before you ask, I don't know how I still manage to look so good despite living in a literal tunnel just twenty feet below your room." Dropping his hands to his sides, Eli offered Grace the most charming smile he could muster, which he hoped was as dashing as he believed it was.
Grace listened intently to what he had to say. When he finished, she smiled.

"I want in," she said. "I believe in what you are fighting for. I want to help make life better for the people of this nation. It's something I believe in, as you can see. I'm not close to my father, so it would be hard for me to find out what he's planning. But I want to help. And I agree, he is probably planning something and I would like to know what it is."
There was a pause that filled the room with ringing silence, but eventually it was broken by a burst of laughter that erupted from Eli's throat. It was almost hysterical. This evening was just getting weirder and weirder. He didn't even doubt that this was some kind of plan initiated by her father to capture those who seeked to prevoke change.

"No.." The man began to shake his head, his arms folding profusely over his chest. "No way. I'm not having Alfred's bloody daughter joining in on this. You admit your father is a sadist. Great. But it's kind of common knowledge by now."
(I think you have the wrong RP)

"I want to help," said Grace. "I really do. I want him out of power. Of course, I don't want him dead, like most people do. He is my father, after all, no matter how bad he is at it. But I want to help. I don't think he's the leader we need. He needs to be taken out of office. I don't care who takes over for him, so long as it's not him. I want to help ensure this. I want to help. I'm going to help."
"You're going to help. How, exactly? I'm curious." Eli asked, pacing back and forth slowly in front of her. Surprisingly enough, he even went so far as to unhook his gun and swing it round his index finger as he thought to himself. When he actually considered it, she could be an asset. She would have to prove herself, though.
"However you need," said Grace. "If you need me to deliver messages or any other things you need. I don't care how I help, I just want to help. I want to overthrow my father. I want someone who won't oppress the people to rule the country. Please, let me help. I will do anything you need." She was willing to, too. she meant every word, she wanted to help. She smiled as another idea hit her. "I may not be close to Papa, but I am close with his closest confident. I bet I could get him to give me a few secrets."
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Her words made Eli curious, and he spun round to examine her, stepping close to her bed. "And why do you hate your father so much? You reap the benefits from all this." He asked her accusingly, not being too convinced. Taking the book from her once more, he waved it around to further prove his point. "All these books that you read from the safety of your home, under the protection of your father.. it's meaningless. Meanwhile, others out there are dying under his dictatorship. You don't know the first thing about this." His words were cold, but Eli held no sympathy for her privileged kind of people.
"Papa would be furious if he found out my true thoughts on his leadership," said Grace. "He would be more merciful than others, yes, but it is not out of love for me, it is because my mother's begging. Do you know how awful I feel knowing I have so much while so many others have so little? I sneak out her all the time to feed the poor and give them money. I want to help. I honestly do. And I don't hate my father, he is my father, after all. But I do want him out of power."
"Well I hate him." Eli spat in response. "There's no peaceful way to go about this. If he is going to be out of power, then he will refuse to obediently step down. He will have to die." The reminder struck a chord in Grace, and when Eli stepped back, he bowed half heartedly. "Now if you'll excuse me." Turning now to her door, he grabbed the pistol from the back of his jeans and nudged it open with the front of it, peering out first to make sure the hallway was empty. Or near enough. Spotting three guards a few yards away, he knew he was going to have to be silent. Stepping out ever so quietly, Eli made his way to the opposite exit while they talked amongst themselves, letting him make his way down to the stairs. It was at that point that he was noticed, yet before the guard could so much as utter any kind of protest, Eli flicked a small razor from his sleeve and dragged it across their throat, catching them so they fell silently.
Grace followed him out. Being as quiet as possible she snuck out of her room. She saw the body of the guard and gasped quietly. "Wait!" Grace hissed softly. "I'm going to help you." When Grace wanted something, she would do whatever she had to do to get it. No doubt it came from being raised with such privilege.
Eli snapped his head round, but didn't have time to reply when he saw a guard sneak up behind her, obviously having heard her say what she did to him. Grabbing a small knife from his belt, Eli threw it expertly, but dangerously close to Grace's face, smiling when it landed point blank into the chest of the guard who fell to the floor.

"Fine. But don't get yourself killed, I'm not defending you anymore."
Grace smiled triumphantly. She new at some point she would get what she wanted. It always happened.

"We have a deal," said Grace. "Now, I want to hear all about this whole thing."
"I'll tell you if you get some information for me. Find out what the hell your Dad is discussing with those other pigs and tell me. Then I'll tell you anything you like." Eli stated quietly, keeping an eye out for anymore guards with a death wish.
"We have a deal," said Grace with a smile. "Let's start with this," she continued looking around. Upon seeing no one, she leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Papa has gained knowledge of where revolutionaries might be hiding."
"From where?" Eli replied almost silently, staring at her, hard. "If he finds out then this will probably be the first and last time we ever speak."

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