[Révolution] Off to find the Man finding the other Man


That Guy with the Face
Colton will be spending some time Making his way around the towns and cities near Holdredge asking about a man named James Shashimi and showing the pictures he was given and asking for people to call him if they know anything, He will also ask about the arms dealer who had his shop raided and see if people saw or knew anything about it.
Rolling Manipulation (2) No successes

The locals are uncooperative. If any have seen James or the arms dealer, they aren't talking about them. Colton will have to try something else to find a lead.
Coltan Found himself in Holdredge making his way threw the bars, looking for information on either of his targets. Both of them need to be brought in alive. what crap. he thought to himself as he wondered about

Looks like Im going to have to look a little harder... You'd think people would be a little more adamant about finding some one who robs GUN STORES! he grumbled to himself.

(Colton will spend a will power to try and get lucky, as well as using Manipulation 2 investigation 1 to try and dig up some more info.)
(Rolled 6, 1 success, 1 crit fail.)

Colton enters a general store, and manages to spot a transaction in which the clerk is given several boxes of ammunition, and then the guy handing off the ammo leaves.
Coltons eye brow raised as he turned to follow the man out the building trying to tail him in hopes of possibly getting to the bottom of the arms dealerat least, and maybe it might lead him to the other problem person, but ultimately he was looking for the arms dealer..

He walked out the door and ducked threw the crowed trying to tail the man without being noticed.

(shadowing is a wits plus stealth plus equipment role versus their composure wits and equipment
Rolling Dex+Stealth-2 (4 It's not a crowd, it's a small town general store. There are no other people here.) 4 successes

Colton followed the man out of the general store without being seen by either the clerk or the dealer. The man walked up to a horse tied to a post and started to untie the horse. The beast had saddle bags that looked like they were fairly full.
Colton scrunched his face in annoyance, he wouldn't be able to keep up with the man on horse back if he pealed off, but he didnt want to get into a confrontation in the city but it might be the only chance he would get. He moved up to the man and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Got some questions for you buddy. he said trying to be as unimposing as possible.
Rolling Presence (2)

Contested, rolling Composure (2)

The guy sighed, stuck his hands into his jacket pockets, and turned to Colton.

"What do you want? I'm busy. Make it quick."
Colton cursed in his head, he wasnt good at dealing with this sort of thing, he typically just beat people up side the head till they told him what he wanted to hear, but that probably wasn't going to work so well. Noticed you sold the clerk some amo, I was wondering where you might have gotten it? well looks like Im doing this the strait forward way he thought.
Rolling Manipulation (2)

Contested, Composure (2)

"If you want to buy ammo, ask him, I'm just the delivery guy," he said, motioning to the store they'd just come out of.
If you are the delivery guy who is the Supplier? Where do you get the product to deliver to the merchant? he asked starting to get a little annoyed.
Manipulation+Intimidate (3)

Contested, Composure+Intimidate (3)

"Why don't you-" the guy moved to grab his weapon, but fumbled completely, falling over and knocking both him and Colton to the ground, spooking the horse, which darted off, though not very far.
Colton switched into an attack frame of mind, questioning people he was bad at, beating them senseless he was good at, and this could work to his advantage, or end up failing spectacularly. He moved to kick the man in the face as quickly as he could while jumping up into a fighting stance, he didnt want to kill the man he still needed to question him.

(So Im assuming its initiative time now? Colton has an initiative of 4, if the opponent is armed it increases by 3. Further more He will be using the first level of his M.A.C. training, Combat sens witch allows him to determine the initiative modifiers of all combatants.

Also He ignores 5 points of armor on all melee attacks with kick attempt)
Rolling Initiatives

4 for Colton (Enemy is not armed, Colton does not have blade) 7+4=11

5 for Peddler 5+8=13

Rolling Dex to stumble back onto feet (2) Crit Fail, no succcesses, loses next turn

Colton Dex+Athletics to stumble back up (4) No successes

Ignore the Peddler STR+BRWL roll.

Colton Wits+Investigate (3) 1 crit fail, no successes.

The peddler acted first, attempting to scramble to his feet. The mud, however, gave way, and he ended up face-first in it. Colton's attempt to stand happened slowly, and he now stands a couple feet away from his opponent. Colt can hear his blood running and his heart pumping and his opponent in the mud before him.
Colton reached down to grab the man and pick him up and restrain him so that he could be questioned. I just want to know where you got all the dammed weapons, now chill the fuck out or Im going to have to drag you out back and beat the piss out of you.
"Fuck, man, I don't know where he gets it! I just deliver them! He and the other delivery guys come to my house three times a month and he distributes our runs to us, plus a little extra if he can afford it."
Who delivers them? And when is the next delivery? Names, descriptions, social security numbers, blood type! Dont give me t his half assed answer bullshit give me something useful dammit! He was starting to loose his temper....
Roll Presence+Intimidate (3)

vs Composure+Intimidate (4)

Colton wins

"His name is Jordan Felt, he's just an old man. White, balding hair, lots of wrinkles, just under six feet. I don't know any of that other shit, I don't even know where he lives. Now let me go!"
So he doesnt even tell you when the delivery is then? he said looking anoyed at the man.
"I already told you, three times a month, every ten days. Last time was three days ago."
So they dont call you or anything, you don't have a number or anything for them? he asked looking at the man.
"Do you see any fucking phone lines out here?" he snorted, swatting Cole's hand out of the way, "I don't even own a fucking radio much less a phone. Only place you'll find a phone out here is Fort Heineman connected to Witchita and Omaha. If you ain't Hyde out here you ain't shit."
Colton shrugged and let the man go, then made his way over towards the horse trying to retrieve it and possibly rummage threw the saddle bags for any weapons or amo he might have.
As Colton approached the horse, he heard the distinctive 'Ch-Chk' of a shotgun. A man was standing on the porch of the store, aiming the weapon at Colton.

"I think you're going to want to step away from my friend's horse, and get off my property."

"Dude, just go, and leave my horse alone," the smuggler said.
Colton got a crazy look in his eye as he looked back at the man Your "Friend". he said puting his right in his pants pocket and squeezing the folding pocket knife that was stored there, his .45 was still holstered underneath his right arm with a cross shoulder sling. Is an arms smuggler of stolen goods and there for a criminal in the eyes of Hyde and the man whos goods he stole. His property is there for substitute to being returned to Hyde officials, further more I am supposed to be returning him to Hyde officials for interrogation on the subject for his involvement. His blood was startting to pump and his adrenaline kicking in, he removed his hand from his pocket, knife in hand. Know if you do not wish me to report both you and your "friend" to Hyde officials, I'd highly suggest you leave me be to do my job. he said ready to draw his gun and fire if the other man tried anything, his eyes now cold and his mind set to killing.

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