[Révolution] [Freeman] Business With the Big in Texas


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Southeast USA, Texas Black District. Fort-Dallas.

Januray 1 175 AN

Fort-Dallas was a shinning metropolis, and is the grate Black District of the south. The South lives though the Texas Capital Region. All of the pristine of the South are here, while all loyal to the Empire, they are all wealthy because of it. From Baron's of Industry, Wealth of the Famous, and Home of the Educated.

Alex Rust returns from his home in New Galveston from a year long slump. One of his old contacts popped out of random. A invitation from a old University contact gave him a invite a New Years Business Party. Alex has been to these parties before during his better days. This is were all this biggest and best of Texas Industry comes to congregate and comes to terms with each other to. "Better Business Relations." Its border line Insider Trading. But a perfect opportunity to mingle, and to meet with more people.

Alex made his way to the Reunion Tower, him clean, shaved, prim and proper. His best suit on, tucked in tight and flawless. The Limo dropped him off as he got off. He looked at the old monument rebuilt long ago in Dallas. New in design the style kept true to the original Reunion Tower. He stepped in to one of the main elevator as he was pushed up. The ground was light was lights as he rose hundreds of feet in the air.

As the elevator stopped, the steel doors opened up as it reviled the champagne party of the elites. He saw the view as he looked down at the city blow, as the glass dome showed a perfect view of the city. Alax straightened out his tux with pride as he walked in. He blended as he observed his surroundings, him willing to keep to him self for a while. He had a grand idea, all he had to do is find an fool to fall for the idea.
Rolling Manipulation+Socialize+Luxury (8)

(3 successes, you are allowed into the party without any problems.)

The party wasn't a very large one, but its guests were a notable lot, mainly scientists and engineers. Hyde didn't tolerate much in the way of philosophical thinkers or literature studies. Security was heavy; the Overlord's forces don't tolerate their scientists and builders falling into rebel hands.

The front guard regarded Alex for a moment, then let him enter the tower. The wealthy scientists and engineers and doctors were mulling about, talking to one another about this and that and the other thing. Finding a sucker would not be easy, these are not simpletons. Any sort of Elite likes to have their ego stroked and to talk shop, however.
Its all about money these days. He walked in to the party as he garbed a drink form a near by waiter. He sipped on the wine as he walked around. As he walked around admiring the view, as the city below was celebrating New Years Night. The view was not the only thing on his mind. He was seeing as to who of the who was really here. To see if he can't find the biggest ego, and see if milk it for some funding. He wondered if any of his old colleagues came as well. Since last year, when the company he worked at was liquidated out of the blue, hes been on a slump. And the few people that he been in contact with, were basically on the same track he was. He wouldn't mind to have a semi-reliable business acquaintance.

He walked in and out of the crowds of the Elite introducing himself as he got to know a few of the people here. Talking and mingling about the evening. He didn't want to revile the point right away, instead he talked, praised and stroked a few egos here and there, to some of the men and women of science and industry. As sociable as he is what he was really doing, is phishing in the crowds. To find the right one, one smart enough to fund his vision, while gullible enough to be used as a stepping stone. For it is all but business.
Rolling Socialize+Presence (4)

2 successes.

Alex mingles among them for a bit, keeping an eye out for the biggest ego. It's not a difficult find; there's three competing for the spot. Alex finds himself on the outside of each of these groups looking in on them.

Alex has a friend among the engineer group named Michael Boxer. He used to work for Alex before getting a job in Dallas at the university. He's paid well to design hydraulics systems. He's not the cream of the crop but he's a smart, well-connected man. The engineers are congregating around Earnest Pile, a has-been engineer that is now an administrator for Dallas Engineering Group. He's talking with some scientists and engineers about some project or another he's eager about.

There's a group of doctors that are crowding a well-known surgeon, Irene Fielding, who was attempting modest at first, but as the flattery of her talents and prestige started coming on, along with the champagne people kept handing her, she started on about. Doctors aren't known to be all that interested in engineering or scientific progress that isn't related to their field, but they are known for liking to make large investments, if they can be convinced.

The third mob is a bunch of scientists, talking to a biologist named Fredrick Bikes. Fred came out of left field, wandering in from the Nebraska low-sec area, and started working on genetic engineering in a way that nobody expected. Fredrick is by no means a humble man; since Alex had arrived he'd been boasting about things he'd accomplished and owned.
Alex walked around a few more times as he eyed the crowed. He spotted one of his old colleagues Michael. It took a bit to eye him out right, but ones he was confident enough that it was him. He joined in the crowed. He kept him self were he was, on the outside looking in. But slowly he wormed his way in to the conversation of the engineers. He introduced him self, and quickly started talking jargon with the rest of the engineers engaging in with the conversation. He listened in as he spoke only on minor point, but he was most interested in to learning of Pile's Project.

He patted Michael on the back as he greeted shacking his hands. "Long time no see my friend. I haven't seen you since the last time you gave me your resignation. How is engineering work going on at the University."
Rolling Presence+Socialize+2

2 success. 1 cancelled crit fail. Michael is willing to talk to you, and is glad to see a break from the smug cloud that has befallen this party.

"You make it sound like I was eager to leave," Michael said, "I'm doing pretty well. I've met a lot of people. A lot of them are here, colleagues and coworkers. It's great work, really keeps me engaged. Invigorating, innovative stuff, I love it. Not...That I didn't enjoy tweaking the machines at the factory. Just, you know. When the winds blow, go with the flow."
Alex shacks his hands happy to see his old friend. "Well you jump ship. I thought you know. Well the old Factor's been liquidation. Sold, bought, sold again, torn down and replaced with how knows what now. I got a nice check out of it, but only lasted me a year." He patted him on the shoulder "But where ever the winds may take us. I my self, do not want another boss. I want to be my boss, at this point, I have been given a do over in life. I now have a chance make something of the Rust name once again." He looked at Michael as he grinned "And that tinkering brain of your, I might be able to put it to some more enjoyable use."

"But enough about me." He waved his hand as he scoffed it off the topic. "You been here a bit long whos the toast of the town here? I seen Bikes, even Dr.Fielding. I didn't expect Pile to be here. I been out of the loop for some time, but I figure his career would be over by now. Tell me what has he been rambling on about?"
You may have inadvertently insulted Mike. Rolling Composure+Socialize+1. 2 successes. Mike doesn't take offense.

"Pile's going on about how Dallas got some big project and how proud he is to be part of it. I'm not really sure what it is, but they have us designing a lot of really intense stuff. Top of the line. Whatever it is that they have us building, it's probably important. It's got Pile gushing anyway."

"...And then the Commandant smiles at me, and says we've got the contract! They had to liquidate some local assets to mobilize payment for it, but it's well worth it," Pile could be heard, "This is going to put Dallas Engineering on the map, I tell you. We're going to be the envy of the world!"
"Really now." He sipped on his glass as he tasted the expensive champagne. He looked to Pile as he listened to him ramble on. The part about local assets reminds him of how his own job went under right out the blue. He glanced over to Mike as he looked back over to Pile. "Thats a big ambition Mr.Pile." Alex spoke up "With big ambition, there must be a big idea behind it. Don't leave us on the edge here, indulge us man." He looked around the crowed a bit as he built up a bit of hype. "I mean I am sure I am not the only one thats standing on pins and needles at this point."
Rolling Manipulation+Persuation (5) 1 success

Pile looked at Alex, and raised an eyebrow.

"Robotics," he said, "We're making robots for Hyde. Once we processed oil and built tanks, but there are no more enemies for Hyde. There isn't as much need for large scale military production. Now we are focusing on more...Refined technologies."
"Well what do you know. I my self Dallas State University for that same field. I used to tinker with such things as a hobbies, when I had a career job. Now I look in to more fields. So what kind of robotics are indulgent in? Automated Assembly lines, have a robot build another, or servant machines to make the Common man do less around in life." He rubbed his chin a bit as he let a sly grin. "But this is Hyde were talking about here. I am sure the number one robot on your list, is one that can pull a trigger. Is it not?"
Manip+Persuation (5) 3 successes

Contested, Composure+Subterfuge (4) 4 successes

Pile smiled, "No, nothing quite so banal or barbaric. The time of conquest and revolt is over! We have been at peace since the end of the Kabul Uprising. And now Hyde's gaze is looking farther than what he has, and he already has the world! And he's chosen Dallas to help push mankind back into space."
"Space you say. Now that is a venture far and grand." Alex nodded his head as he imagined the possibilities of moon, Mars and any other solar body in are system. "I can see were the idea of robots would come in to the equation. Though it brings up the question of eventually sending more then just simple robots out in to the atmosphere. What dose DE know of Rockets?"
Manipulation+Socialize (6) 2 successes. Pile is amused by your questioning.

"Rockets? Who said anything about rockets?" Pile laughed, and some of the other engineers laughed along with him, "Leave the rockets to the Germans. We beat out Switzerland, California, and Japan to get this contract. I mean it's not just the robots we're building, but that's the main thing. What's your interest, anyhow? You're asking an awful lot of questions."
"Well how would you get them there?" He asked jokingly, the words coming off in a smooth yet sarcastic tone. "Call me couriers, I'm an inquisitive person. I know were to stop, not much of a fan of gossip. But you can never ask to many questions when it comes to academics." He raised an eye brow as he looked at Pile. "I don't think I introduced myself. Names Alex Rust. The game of twenty questions, was simply just a little game Mr.Pile. Amusing wasn't it? As I have said before I have studied in academia when it comes to Robotics. My former career choice made it a hobby of mine. I have kept up with journals here and there, but the Red Zones always a slight delay when it comes to access to the publishing. I am just trying to see who far things have come."
Rolling Presence+Expression (4) No successes. You fail to make an impression.

Rolling Intelligence+Lore for Pile (4) 2 successes, Pile recognizes you.

"Yes, I've heard of you. Sorry about your factory," he waved his hand dismissively, and he turned to one of the other guests who had a question about what kind of robots they were going to be building. Robotic arms of various sizes and capabilities.
He rubbed his chin obviously failing to make a impression but his reputation still stands for him. He let off a soft chuckle as he looked back to Michael "Interesting fellow he is." He said as he and Michael started to drift off from Pile's group as they started to drift towards the other groups. "Robots and spaceships. Maybe Hydes got something up his sleeve when it comes to all this. Though the idea is not all that grounded to earth if you know what I mean." He glanced back to Pile. "But then again." He took a sip as kept silent for a bit of contemplation "As it seems Pile got a step up on me. Though he doesn't see everything like I do."
"You've been out of the loop for a little bit," Michael said, following Alex, "Hyde's been refocusing everything off of military infrastructure and towards civil infrastructure. I think things are about to get a lot better. Especially for engineers. He's had a need for a lot of engineers. I got the job I have because they offered the best pay."
He huffed up his tie as loosened it bit, as he drank down a bigger sip almost as if trying to avoid the question. He finished his drink as he let out a sigh. "I admit I have been out of the loop." He said as he rubbed his chin. "I mean for crying out loud. When I was last working Pile was, well a wreck. Now hes the for front of robotics." He pointed to him self in a dramatic fashion "My specialty." He spoke harsh but kept his tone quiet not to attract attention. "Now my idea is nothing but a hobby compared to Pile. I admit I have no disdain for Hyde, just there selectivity." He took a look back at Pile then back to Micheal. "My point exactly."
Manip+Pers (5)

"Well, don't say shit like that when people who work for the guy are around. Namely, me, all right? If you get caught saying that sort of thing around me, we both get in trouble. Pile's got a lot of friends. But if you're just looking for a job, we've got openings on the maintenance crews. I know that's beneath you, but it gets you in, and that helps more than you might think."
"I am sorry my friend." He waved his hand in a nonchalant manner somewhat apologizing to his friend. Displaying his open palms to keep him calm. "Well I been working with my hands since I last 'retired.'" He paused as he thought about the proposal. "Well maybe it could work to my advantage." He let out a sigh as he shock his head. "But your right, enough of Pile. I don't need you, or your family in trouble." He leaned and whispered "I just have a problem with the current business practices thats all." He laughed a bit under his breath. "Its not like I am sighting out to rebel. No, just looking for a bit of Rapture."

He started to walk around the crowds again as he looked back as he suggested for Micheal to come along. "Lets see what else of discussion is going on."

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