[Révolution] Discussion Thread


On the merits, if I take a style, if I put three or four dots into it, do I get the list of things up to that many dots, or does each particular one cost that many merit points?
Lochar said:
On the merits, if I take a style, if I put three or four dots into it, do I get the list of things up to that many dots, or does each particular one cost that many merit points?
You get the list of things up to that many dots you have. So if you have Boxing 4 you get the abilities from Boxing 1, 2, 3, and 3.
Damn Croc you beat me. How did you edited the character sheet. I can't figure out how to edit it. That and I hate pdfs....
All right, guys, I won't hold your hand here. Let me know if you want Neutral or more Hyde missions. In the meantime, Moss is paying plenty for rebellion missions. If you guys want to start these rebellions, you're going to have to try something yourselves, though. Conduct a speech on a soapbox; tag some walls; moon a policeman, something like that.
Well you can't count your egg before they hatch. And with that I need to establish a base and a presence.

I mean what's a rebellion when you can fund the aftermath?

Texas rebelled once and was sold by dept. Not this time around.
$600 gets me a car in the orange zone.

What's the cost to have to capable of outrunning most other vehicles?
That gets you transportation through an orange zone, but someone else drives you. Cars are good about just that sort of thing.
Alright, living/being in a zone exactly what's required to have a vehicle of my own?

I mean, honestly, I'm tempted to have Larceny for some nice Grand Theft Auto, but not on day one. Maybe day 3.
Well if you have a job that has you traveling, your employer will provide you with one. Otherwise, you can steal one or buy one.
For a civilian car, probably around $30k. Military cycles are armored, which is why they're more expensive. You'd have to buy Black Market probably.
Jeeze, even with multiple dots in resources ya can't really start with a car. Guess everyone uses public transport then.

Well, most jobs pay really well. You start with nothing, but it's not difficult to get good money quickly. Besides, Resources pays $2,000 per dot in-game monthly.
Ah, that makes more sense then. I'll deal with the no transportation thing for a bit then, until my evil plans come to fruition.

Before I go insane though, I'll assume that after this long after the bombs the global network is back up and running?
The internet? Yeah, but it's only used by Hyde, there's no Rebelnet or publicly usable World Wide Web.
Considering 99% of the world is Hyde, that's not much different. Unless you're talking a milnet type situation?

And how the hell are they stomping out people setting up even a MAN?
You got a point there.

Hyde stomps out everything.

Also, I set the world population too high. About two billion people are going to have their lives blinked out of existence.
Alright, I'll have to play with stats a bit then if we're looking at just a milnet. Str 1, Dex 3, Sta 1 won't get me in the military for this idea.
I'm really not an expert on NWoD by any stretch of the imagination, BUT...

Persuation is exactly as it says on the tin, trying to convince someone to do something for you.

Socialize is more casual, just talking to people and getting to know them and things like that.

Subterfuge is lying, or convincing people that you aren't lying.
Uziel said:
I'm really not an expert on NWoD by any stretch of the imagination, BUT...
Persuation is exactly as it says on the tin, trying to convince someone to do something for you.

Socialize is more casual, just talking to people and getting to know them and things like that.

Subterfuge is lying, or convincing people that you aren't lying.
Well, I'm putting the majority of ranks in subterfuge for both my characters then. Danke! :)

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