[Révolution] [Crocmon] James Saisima, Ferryman to Nebraska

Rolling Hypothermia (4) 3 successes

As James crunched up and watched, he started feeling warmer, and his hypothermia slowly starts to subside. (+2 to further hypothermia rolls)

"You know that the rate's twenty percent, Kenny. We have this conversation every time! We fill up this tub, and twenty percent of it's free. You know what we do for you!"

"You screw us over, that's what you do! I won't have it! I've tolerated your hooliganism long enough. I won't go over ten percent this time! You'll pay me what Hyde pays me from now on!"

"You're not in a position to negotiate."

"Damnation I'm not! My grandson is one of yours!"

"I never touched your daughter."

"Doesn't matter. You or one of your men. You gave me another mouth to feed, and now you're going to pay a fair price."

The lead biker cussed and kicked one of his guys at random, who insisted it wasn't him.

"All right. Ten percent, this time, until I figure out who it was."

"I said I won't go over ten percent. You can afford it after your robbery! Five percent."

"Eight percent!"


"And a half," the biker concluded. The old man grumbled and nodded, and lowered his shotgun. The situation seems to have diffused as the old man turned on the pump.
Erring on the side of caution, James would maintain his hiding until the bikers had left. He didn't know if the men were aware of the bounty on his head or not, and he wasn't going to risk it. He would rub his hands together, blowing on them and otherwise employing his common sense to stay warm.
1 Success, hypothermia still there

The bikers grumbled and filled their tanks, including the big, single gas tank. A few entered the store and came out with some groceries and ammunition, then the bikers let out some hoots and hollers, and drove off.
Standing up after they left, James would slowly walk himself towards the gas station. He'd rub his hands together, blowing on them and trying to shake his clothing so what was still wet would dry off faster. He shivered intensely, aggravated with how it almost totally locked his body up for a second. If the owner of the station walked out, Saisima would hold his arms to his sides with his empty palms facing forward. He figured it was a universal way of stating he wasn't hostile.
"Damn, boy, what did you do, sleep in the mud? Get in here!" the store owner called to him. He was still holding his shotgun from earlier, but he didn't seem to have any intention on using it in any manner. He motioned for James to come inside. Just as Jim made his way up the stairs, a wave of shivers ran up, and he found himself barely able to move as he shuddered. The old man caught James as he started to fall, and dragged him into the store.

James woke up with several layers of blankets on him and there was a fireplace on the other side of the room that was keeping everything warm. He could feel his toes now. Looking around, he couldn't see his guns or equipment anywhere, though his clothes were folded on a table, all clean and dry.
Coming to slowly, he took in his surroundings. "Thanks for the help," he looked for any indicator of the man's name, "I normally would be hesitant to get it but considering I passed out, I'm glad you helped me. Is my stuff put up somewhere?" He tried to look and see if he could see his gear anywhere, to whatever avail he happened to get. "Not trying to be too antsy, just trying to put together what happened, y'know?"
"Not a problem. The name is John, John Grocer. You wandered onto my property at an interesting time. I have your guns and gear locked in a cabinet downstairs. I didn't want to take chances. Can't be too careful. You'll get them back when you leave, don't worry."
"Alright, that's good. I saw the raiders and figured you were being held up. I didn't want to turn the situation into a firefight, so I stayed low." He couged a little, shaking the grogginess from his head and rubbing his eyes. The warmth in his limbs began to return, so he knew things were looking up. "Plus I didn't know the circumstances of them being there. Might have overheard a little," he looked at John, "Are they friends of yours by choice or?"

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