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Revive My Inner Writer! Manfa needs some one x one's!


New Member
Hello everyone, my name is Manfa and I want to roleplay!

I have been roleplaying for about, I want to say seven years now? But I took about a two year break and am ready to get back into roleplaying.

So I might be a little rusty!

Anyway I am open to most all modern pairings! I love to get dark and twisted also.

I have no limits! (as long as it doesn't get weird okay.)

I want to cry over our stories people, okay??? Make my jaded heart feel something.

(I'm a hopeless romantic though, and my hormones are all over the place lately, so sorry if I get a little sappy...)

I'm open to play either genders as well, and enjoy mxf just as much as f// and m//.


I don't have any ideas at the moment since I am writing this on a whim, however I am totally willing to brainstorm with anyone that wants to!! I
love a good plot!

I don't roleplay many fandoms, however the ones I am open to are:


-The Mortal Instruments

-The 100 (but I'm only on season 2 to shhh.

(That's all I can think of atm. Ask me???)

I would like the posts to be
detailed and creative. I prefer longer replies however I am super casual about it. If I loose interest I will let you know and we can fix that, because chances are if I loose interest or if you do, the whole thing will go downhill.

So we will say a
one paragraph minimum??

I want well-rounder characters!(:

I will be on most of the day since I am currently snowed-in. I am a busy person so I might disappear here and there but I promise my interest in roleplaying is high enough to drag me away from anything in order to create a master-piece (:

I will warn you that I am a people person.
I love meeting new people and will love to talk outside of the conversation and become friends!! But if you're a reserved kind of person, I respect that too(:


Have a lovely day! I'm so excited!
Modern or fantasy sounds great! I'm more comfortable with Modern but I am willing to give fantasy a go.

Anything specific in mind? PM me?
Howdy! I'm interested in either a modern or fantasy RP. I have experience with both and am totally ready to develop some gnarly plots.
@Cottontail Hello! I'd love to think something up with you! I'm not so experienced in fantasy but am willing to learn! (: Mondern is cake though haha

Feel free to PM me and we can go over everything there?
Awh man I just created mine today so I can't either!

I guess we shall just wait until yours is up since I'm guessing it's sooner than mine. I joined at like 1 p.m. haha
I might suggest that you guys decide on a genre, if you're doing a 1x1, make a roleplay with that genre-header and start planning in the OOC.

It'll stop the waiting, and put a few posts on your account~

[in regards to the PM issues. Just a suggestion, of course. :P ]
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Hello hello!

:) I have a bit of an idea/backbone for a sci-fy fantasy thingy if you're down to hear it~! Oh but I just want to get this out of the way first - I don't roleplay romance. :0 If you're cool with that cool! If not I wish you good luck on your searchings! ^_^
Manfalynn said:
Hello everyone, my name is Manfa and I want to roleplay!
I have been roleplaying for about, I want to say seven years now? But I took about a two year break and am ready to get back into roleplaying.

So I might be a little rusty!

Anyway I am open to most all modern pairings! I love to get dark and twisted also.

I have no limits! (as long as it doesn't get weird okay.)

I want to cry over our stories people, okay??? Make my jaded heart feel something.

(I'm a hopeless romantic though, and my hormones are all over the place lately, so sorry if I get a little sappy...)

I'm open to play either genders as well, and enjoy mxf just as much as f// and m//.


I don't have any ideas at the moment since I am writing this on a whim, however I am totally willing to brainstorm with anyone that wants to!! I
love a good plot!

I don't roleplay many fandoms, however the ones I am open to are:


-The Mortal Instruments

-The 100 (but I'm only on season 2 to shhh.

(That's all I can think of atm. Ask me???)

I would like the posts to be
detailed and creative. I prefer longer replies however I am super casual about it. If I loose interest I will let you know and we can fix that, because chances are if I loose interest or if you do, the whole thing will go downhill.

So we will say a
one paragraph minimum??

I want well-rounder characters!(:

I will be on most of the day since I am currently snowed-in. I am a busy person so I might disappear here and there but I promise my interest in roleplaying is high enough to drag me away from anything in order to create a master-piece (:

I will warn you that I am a people person.
I love meeting new people and will love to talk outside of the conversation and become friends!! But if you're a reserved kind of person, I respect that too(:


Have a lovely day! I'm so excited!
OMG The Mortal Instruments! I'd love to do that!
I am up to doing one with you! I love modern and I also love dark and twisted... and I am also really sappy and love some romance, haha. Want to PM me and we can discuss?
@Bumbling Bee I love to roleplay romance but a good story certainly doesn't need it. I would love to hear the plot? PM me?

@Nate is not on fire Hello!! I would love to do a TMI roleplay with you! PM me?

@Mobius Hello!! I would love to discuss something with you! Would you mind PMing me though? I'm not over the 24 hour period haha

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