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Fandom Reverberations OOC

arctic arctic

How does your character not like tea? :closed eyes open smile: I think Alicia and Mia would probably really get along. If you notice, there's quite a lot of similarities. We could have them in the same group?

Other than that, it's really good. I can't believe how good you all are at character development <3

I was thinking that!! Although Alicia would not approve of Mia's dating habits :p they're totally gonna get along
I don't think Mia really approves of Mia's dating habits. She's definitely one of those amusing hopeless romantics in them funny rom-coms.
Also, due to the apparent slow commitment, and lack of male characters, does anyone else mind doubling? I will if others do.
You're in around the same time zone, because it's the same here. I'll do the same then! Maybe we can complete the dream team :closed eyes open smile:

If anyone else doesnt mind doing it, itll be greatly appreciated.
Little Lozy Little Lozy QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

Thanks that means a lot. I'll get my second character sheet up today.

Life at Hogwarts for muggleborn and half bloods would gradually get worse to develop plot.

I think momentarily we start with a couple of acts from the Ministry, such as: muggleborns can't mix with pureblood socially, this would include dorms (maybe eventually common rooms), muggleborns must earn their keep since they were only there by chance (clean, cook, tutor), maybe they also have to wear some kind of symbol so that people know who they are and are publicly embarrassed/tortured at meals.

Meals in the Great Hall are compulsory.

Half bloods - I'm undecided. Perhaps the fact that Snape was a half blood but betrayed Voldemort would worsen their position. Their pureblooded parent would be arrested for blood traitoring. They would possibly have privileges. For example, they wouldn't have to earn their keep or be persecuted at meals. However, they would probably be expected to 'know their place'.
Little Lozy Little Lozy QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

Thanks that means a lot. I'll get my second character sheet up today.

Life at Hogwarts for muggleborn and half bloods would gradually get worse to develop plot.

I think momentarily we start with a couple of acts from the Ministry, such as: muggleborns can't mix with pureblood socially, this would include dorms (maybe eventually common rooms), muggleborns must earn their keep since they were only there by chance (clean, cook, tutor), maybe they also have to wear some kind of symbol so that people know who they are and are publicly embarrassed/tortured at meals.

Meals in the Great Hall are compulsory.

Half bloods - I'm undecided. Perhaps the fact that Snape was a half blood but betrayed Voldemort would worsen their position. Their pureblooded parent would be arrested for blood traitoring. They would possibly have privileges. For example, they wouldn't have to earn their keep or be persecuted at meals. However, they would probably be expected to 'know their place'.
I like the idea of having something mark muggle borns (like the Star of David marking Jews on their coats during the holocaust) M for muggle on their cloaks and shirts?

Sorry I’m all questions.
How far in the future is this taking place? Will people at Hogwarts have known what it was like before the school was (for lack of a better word) segregated?

Would DADA be different? Like would it be just teaching Dark Arts? Would classes or curriculum be different the how it was previously?
Half bloods - I'm undecided. Perhaps the fact that Snape was a half blood but betrayed Voldemort would worsen their position. Their pureblooded parent would be arrested for blood traitoring. They would possibly have privileges. For example, they wouldn't have to earn their keep or be persecuted at meals. However, they would probably be expected to 'know their place'.

I see. So then Kim's mother might still be alive then^^

What's the current time period since Voldemort's victory? Your character had a fling with Draco...so not too long? Is he and other cannon characters still around? Would a Christopher Dursley as a muggleborn be too young?
Defence against the dark arts wouldn't exist now, it would be dark arts. However, it would have existed before, so that's still okay to put as a favourite class.
A year after, I'd think. If anyone would like to change this, let me know to what point.
My Slytherin girl is basically done. Always struggle hard with describing a personality. I can write in character and personality just come through, but describing it-hell I can’t describe my own personality. Lol

Once we get a firm answer on time setting then I’ll complete her bio.

Boy will be up today.
Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose Alicia's pretty much done, so feel free to look her over. I just have to add some more relationships, but I think I'll get to that once all the characters are up.

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