Revenge Is Best Served Black (actual rp)

Angel grinned only to say "I have no idea who in the world that woman is" He put his hand on his chin "Do you fancy Ariana Grande?" he asked
"Yes I do. I've actually met her in person once and it was very enticing. What song do you have in mind?" Leo asked as quickly redressed himself but when he turned around he was still quite tall but his chest had grown and his hips were wider. The newly changed Leo grinned and adjusted her tie with a sudden swagger.
"Honeymoon Avenue" he said in his angelic sing song voice. Angel got up putting on his shoes "So your a girl now,how amusing too bad your boobs are so small" he scoffed adjusting his jeans
A vein in Leo's head began to pulse, "Oi! They aren't small, they're firm little boy." She moved some of her white hair out of her face with her right hand as she glared and her eyes resembled a cat's eye. "Or do you prefer my other form Angel?
"Hey,it's your body Ms.A-cup" He said smirking a bit "Don't forget you are to obey my evey command and honor your cotnract doll face"
Leo smirked and appeared right in front of Angel and tilted his chin up using her index finger. Her tail and wings fully exposed as she radiated a small amount of her power. She looked him in the eye, "Yes I will honor the contract but that doesn't mean that I can't have a little fun while I'm at it. You should remember that I'm only doing this for your perverted little soul Master."
Angel licked the girls finger "Yes I am your master,but I won't be for long if you keep exposing yourself like that" Angel said refering to her wings and tail "I do have a reputation to uphold after all
"Hmph," she grunted as her demon characteristics were once again hidden and she took on her male form again. "Fine does this satisfy you Master Angel?"
Leo smiled and bowed deeply, "As you wish." He strutted towards the grand piano in the center of the room and too a seat. His fingers moved gracefully over the keys as he began to sing the song. It was like he was in a trance while he played but he was still aware of his surroundings on the watch for danger.
(Where the heck is everyone else)

Angel peacefully listened to the tune tapping his foot to the tune "I looked in my rear view mirror and it seemd to make a lot more sense" he sang as he listened in on the tune

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