Revenge Is Best Served Black (actual rp)



Jacques De'Raizel

Phancy Mansion, the paradise for the richest of the rich, the elite. Jack had bought it, what, a month ago? He couldn't remember. Or, more accurately, he didn't quite care. For him, it was merely another cover for what he was really interested in- Screaming Tide, the little mafia that was becoming more and more well-known each and every day. Who would ever expect that the illustrious owner of the Phancy Estate was the ringleader?

Hm, that brought up another question. Did he care if they ever found him?

Jack contemplated this as the earliest hours of the morning ticked by, the sunrise just barely making it's way up the rolling hills around the mansion. He sat at the window, looking bored, sitting in a most ungentlemanly way with his arms resting on the back of the rather uncomfortable-looking chair. As one might expect in the wee hours of the morning, he wasn't even dressed.

I suppose I'd care if I were found out. I wouldn't be able to play the game anymore, like I have been. Hm, but what to do with this place...ah, I know! The Masquerade Ball I'm hosting later will give me a wonderful opportunity to see who I can fuck with first....


As he lounged on his favorite couch in the living area, as he usually did, he awaited his master's awakening. It was very early in the morning, as the sun was just rising into view, and Aion vaguely wondered if he would ever fall asleep. As a demon, he didn't really need the sleep, but he did enjoy it whenever he got it.

Until the present moment, Aion had been busy preparing everything for the master's waking. He did so every night, ever since they had met, and by now it was simply part of the routine. When he master woke, he would find everything in perfect order- unless he found something to disagree with, as he sometimes did for no apparent reason. At least, to Aion anyway. He simply didn't understand the human's fickle emotions, but then again, he was too laid back to really be upset over it. To him, it didn't really matter if his master was angry at him- he would take care of him to his best of his abilities regardless of whether or not he was in trouble.

He would just keep smiling, as he always has.

For a moment, he wondered why he was so close to his master. Was it because Aion took great care in following orders? Was Aion something like a friend to his master? Aion decided it didn't matter either. Despite his laid-back attitude, he does care about his master, even if he didn't return the same sentiment.

For his master, he would do anything.
(Let the Mystery Begin!)


The soft sound of exhalation quietly stretch across the room before the sounds of rustling covers signaled the awakening of its inhabitant. Mornings began with the first rays of light creeping over the mansion's hills, eating away at the darkness of night that had shrouded Phancy Mansion. From the light, a soft glow began to pour through the towering windows of a particular room, illuminating a large clock that proudly stood against the adjacent wall; its hands directly centered over the Roman numerals for six that signaled a traditional time of awakening for the young master who resided within the walls of Phancy's luxurious elite.

Arising from the bed, Asher seated himself on the edge where he once again exhaled, his breath now faintly visible on a cold morning draft that entered through an opening of one of the windows and gently chilled all that it touched. With a small shiver resulting the chill, Asher rose to a standing position and began to walk forward only to be quickly interrupted by a loud tapping on the window behind him. After turning to investigate the source, Asher noticed a falcon perched on the outer window sill, impatiently pecking the glass, demanding an hasty response from the room's occupant. As he approached the window, a folded letter attached to the falcon's foot came to view, and in haste to silence the bird's incessant pecking, Asher quickly swung open the window to retrieve the parchment and allow the bird to be on its way.

Setting aside the small letter addressed to himself, Asher soon made way to his original destination where he grabbed a pot of water and hung it within the room's fireplace to allow for the boiling base of his morning tea. While waiting for the water, Asher subconsciously ran his finger across the spotless mantle of the fireplace, pondering the location of Aura who by this time would normally be within his room awaiting a job or unemotionally engrossed by some bizarre form that fancied her tastes.

The whistle of boiling water, soon broke Asher's train of thought and he quickly stepped forward to retrieve the pot and before approaching a nearby table and pouring the boiling contents into a tea cup sitting besides the parchment that had arrived just minutes before. After setting aside the pot and finishing the preparation of the tea, Asher sunk into a chair associated with the table and took a small sip from the cup before viewing the parchment addressed in a most peculiar manner.

Asher Grey

Screaming Tide

Rare that one would associate me with the Screaming Tide, he thought to himself, taking another sip of tea while flipping over the parchment to observe the wax seal engraved with an "E", a symbol that was not associated to any known organization of the time. Sighing, Asher once more took another sip of tea before reaching for a letter opener and breaking the seal to begin reading the contents of the mysterious letter.

Lord Grey,

It is nothing short of an honor to finally write to you. I certainly hope this letter find its way; after all it would be a shame to put down such a magnificent bird for failing its duty. If you have read this far, then I suppose I now have your attention to the degree that perhaps you have already checked the comprehensible signature to ascertain my identity.

Between the two of us, let's be clear that my identity is but trivial knowledge for you and your dear butler, so please, save yourself the time by not trying. After all, that would ruin the game for all of the parties involved.

Though out of sheer respect for you, my Lord, I shall present you with some advice.

Masks will flood the scene, prancing through the shroud of darkness, yet fate will be determined for us all.

Yours Truly,


Setting the letter aside seemingly unfazed by the mysterious contents that it held, Asher took regular sips of tea as he began staring into empty space, pondering the day to come while awaiting the arrival of his maid.

With the Masquerade Ball approaching, I suppose I might as well fit Aura and myself with appropriate wear for the occasion. After all, is it not but appropriate to look ones best when the dice of fate rolls.
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Leo had spent most of his night gazing up at the beautiful moon as the wind blew through his outstretched wings. These were the times that he spent alone to think about his current situation involving his hunger. Leo's tail flicked in irritation, "I've been trying to hold back for a week and I can't take it anymore!" He leapt off of the roof and glided down to the nearest balcony. He walked in and spotted on of the maids that he knew was attracted to him. Leo exhaled and beckoned the maid over to him, she followed obediently. A dazed look overcame her as Leo kissed her, as a pink gas-like substance passed between them until he broke the kiss. Now satisfied, he placed the unconscious girl in her bed and noticed that the sun had risen so he set off to prepare for his adorable master.
Izabella groaned as the slightest light ray hit her face. The sun slowly creeped into her room at the Phancy Mansion. Izabella enioyed it here, she didn't feel so alone but she did have a lot of work she needed to attend to.

Izabella slowly sat up and she raised her hand to her eye and began to rub the sleep out of it. Izabella then blinked twice and stood up. She walked over to her diary and wrote about tje day before since she hadn't had the chance to do so.

Keeping up with the hospitals is quite difficult. The violin store not so much. I have finished all the violin store taxes but all that's left is the hospitals taxes. I wish this wasn't so much work and with this masquerade ball coming up I have absolutely no idea as what to do. Should I even bother going? What dress should I wear? My mothers older red and black lace perhaps? Or maybe my violet with lace? I'm at a loss. Maybe I can get some advice. I want to be happy again. I hope to see you soon mama and papa.

When sje finished up her diary entry she put the book back in the drawer and waited for her maid to come.
Like any other day, Aura could be found walking the grounds early within the morning. She was not one to tend to the gardens, nor look over the yards to make sure the residents live a healthy life. No, this young maid simply used this as a way to kill time before her master would awake, much like a common ritual. Seeing as her blood was 'slightly' different from common humans, sleep was not an essential element within her life, so small things like this were needed to waste away that access time. Then again, some of her rituals had to be a little more discreet, seeing as the common population would become suspicious if they found a young girl going without rest.

Hours could pass easily, thanks to the levels of curiosity Aura often falls victim to. Then again, her faults could strike at any point in time, including near the end of her rounds. Much like on this day, when her pace slowed further near the corner of the mansion. A slight bit of movement could be seen within the grass a short ways from herself. However, her mind kept nagging at her, reminding the small crystalline child that her master should be waking soon. But still, her attention would constantly be pulled towards the motions, desiring to see what could be the source.

Aura, finally giving into her curiosity walked towards the small figure. Upon approaching, she could tell that is was a small tortoise, an oddity to see in a place like this. Lowering herself closer to the ground, she silently stared at it, shortly followed by her taking a glimpse of the surrounding area in search of other people. Seeing no one, she allowed her full attention to set on the animal. The shell consisted mainly of black and yellow colors, rather attractive colors that even seemed to pull Aura into poking the small creature. Startling the poor critter, the tortoise began tucking itself into it's shell to retreat from it's curiosity filled predator.

Resting her knees on the ground, Aura put herself closer to the ground. Face only a couple of inches from resting within the grass, she tilted her head to gaze inside of the shell in hopes of seeing the tortoise. However, due to the small size of the shell it was rather difficult so see within it. Repeatedly repositioning herself in various locations around the shell, she was in slight hopes that it would once again peek out of it's hardened domain. In fact, it probably took Aura a good twenty minutes before getting the idea of sitting still as to not frighten it even more. For the most part, it worked. She silently gazed at the tortoise with undying resolve until it would finally poke it's head out. In which case she immediately lowered herself once more to greet the small reptilian head, resulting in it's immediate retreat once more.

It was the sudden flapping of wings that would break her concentration, forcing her to look up at what may be causing the noise. A window was opened, probably to let in the morning air, must have startled the small bird. Within a few moments, Aura could note just who the window belonged to, her very own master. She allowed her curiosity and fascination of animals to get to her once again, this time resulting in her late attendance to greeting Asher in his waking moments. Now sitting in the upright position atop the grass, she would not allow a feeling of anxiety to take place. Perhaps the master will overlook one morning, even if it were her own ritual to be there when he awoke.

Looking back to the small tortoise, Aura would only hesitate for a moment before picking up the shell. Swiftly tucking it to her chest, she managed to push herself off the ground and begin walking back towards the mansion doors. A rather odd sight, seeing as she revealed no emotion whilst approaching the building, quietly hugging this small creature to her chest. One may think her priorities were focused on both objectives, reuniting with her master as well maintaining her interest with the turtle. However, as she reached the steps she would instead visit the flower bed, gently placing the turtle down with the intention of coming back for it. Like this, she tended to stow away the smaller things she thought no one else would allow. Most of the time they would disappear before her return, but she kept this pattern upon finding an animal within the grounds.

Aura proceeded into the mansion, patting off any visible evidence of her prior activities. Making every second count, she walked with a speedy pace, but not quite allowing herself to break into a jog as it would flag her amongst the others for being late. Upon swiftly navigating the halls, she stood before Asher's door. Only her gaze proved hesitant with her actions, shifting towards the floor as she knocked. Waiting a short moment for some verbal response, she quietly entered the room. After making sure the door closed, she would turn to greet him, bowing slightly before saying "Good morning, Master Asher."
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[QUOTE="Shadow Alpha]Leo had spent most of his night gazing up at the beautiful moon as the wind blew through his outstretched wings. These were the times that he spent alone to think about his current situation involving his hunger. Leo's tail flicked in irritation, "I've been trying to hold back for a week and I can't take it anymore!" He leapt off of the roof and glided down to the nearest balcony. He walked in and spotted on of the maids that he knew was attracted to him. Leo exhaled and beckoned the maid over to him, she followed obediently. A dazed look overcame her as Leo kissed her, as a pink gas-like substance passed between them until he broke the kiss. Now satisfied, he placed the unconscious girl in her bed and noticed that the sun had risen so he set off to prepare for his adorable master.

I'm sorry I didn't know this started I'll reply when I get hone
Chastity walked briskly to Isabella's room with her tea and her breakfast she knocked on the door before walking in.

"Good morning love, how are you this morning?" Chastity said placing the tray of food in front of her. "It's your favorite Isabella, smiley-face pancakes with whipped cream. Would you like me to pay the taxes for the hospitals today while you plan what you would like to wear or would you like me to make something for you?" 
(I will try and post as much as I can but Im a noob so I try my hardest.)
As the sun's rays cast through the window, a shadow was formed beneath Jack. Normally this was an insignificant thing and it wouldn't even garner a second thought. However, for someone like Bermuda, it was the perfect opportunity to have some fun.

As his Master gazed out the window, Bermuda decided to make his entrance. Rings rippled in the shadows like a body of water, Bermuda's body slowly rising from the darkness. This was one of his more enjoyable abilities. Always sticking to the shadows and popping up at a moment's notice, that always gave him a good bit of fun. It was most enjoyable when his victims had over the top reactions.

As he fully emerged from the shadow, he stood behind his Master. Like always, he had his signature smile adorning his face. Although he could smile like that, he was still a Demon.

"Young Master, it's time to get ready." He spoke lowly and his master didn't respond. "Ah, it appears Young Master has gone deaf. In that case..." Bermuda kicked the chair's legs, sending his master straight to the ground.

He stood over his Master, smile still on his face and his cheerful tone never changing. "Ah, this won't do, Young Master. A gentleman shouldn't be in this state now should he? You're not even dressed, what a careless master I have."

The entire time, he spoke as if he was completely innocent. It was Young Master's fault for not hearing him the first time he spoke. Did he speak lowly on purpose, just so he could have some fun? Who knows?
Angel had arisen gracefully from gracefully from his slumber yawning and stretching as he sat up "Good morning world time for another day of being rich and having fun"Angel smiled looking out of the window "Leo,Where's my breakfast!" Angel shouted growing impatient
Jacques De'Raizel

Jack never even saw him coming. As the chair was kicked out from under him, he crumpled to the floor.

"Ah, this won't do, Young Master. A gentleman shouldn't be in this state now should he? You're not even dressed, what a careless master I have."

Jack rubbed his side as he stood up, giving his butler a death glare. "Well, I suppose one should blame the butler for their lack of competence then." He answered just as brightly, although the look on his face obviously said otherwise. Standing tall, he looked every bit the young, arrogant master that he was. "Not to mention that I don't see my breakfast, my clothes, or any other such things that one would normally have ready in the morning." He scoffed, brushing his hair back into place with his fingers. "Do I need to remind you of your place, demon?"
Bermuda held his hands up in a placating gesture. "Ah, Young Master is so scary." Of course the sarcasm wasn't evident in his voice, but the smile and the still cheerful tone was all the indication that was needed.

As his Master began listing things off, he simply listened with his eyes closed, smile still there. "Ah, but Young Master, all that has already been prepared." With a snap of the Demon's fingers, a stand made of shining silver emerged from the shadows.

On the stand, laid all the things his Master had listed. The clothes had been properly ironed and neatly folded, ready to be worn at any time. The meal had been made to perfection, practically begging to be eaten. Bermuda had finished this a long time ago.

"Perhaps Young Mater might've noticed if he wasn't so busy daydreaming. You looked quite far from gentleman status with that foolish look on your face. Ah, but what should one expect from a human." It was a wonder how his words could be so venomous, despite the cheerful tone and innocent smile.

"Now, why don't you take a seat? Only animals eat off the floor." With another snap of his fingers, a chair appeared beneath his fallen Master. Once his Contractor had been forced into a sitting position, Bermuda brought the requested items.

He set the clothes aside for his Master, while he laid out his meal. "Today's meal is comprised of poached salmon, a mint salad, a side of scones, and a pot of Ceylon tea." He set the food on a silver platter for his master, resting on the same stand as before.

The food he made always tasted, smelled, and even sounded heavenly. It was quite strange, considering he was a Demon. But, his abilities came with the territory.

As he poured the tea into a cup made of fine china, he began to list off today's agenda. "Today you are scheduled to sign the rest of the paperwork for the recently purchased property," He set the cup next to his Master and continued speaking. "Then you have to decide upon a new arms dealer, as our last was killed when he demanded more pay. Finally, you will be meeting with the guests that will arrive later today."

He checked his pocket watch, before setting it back into his best pocket. "You will have time for one more event on your schedule. Is there anything you had in mind, Young Master?"
"Please do pay the taxes for the hospital, I can pick out what to where but Chastity, What is my schedule for today. I'm not really in the mood for certain things." Izabella was being herself. Around Chastity, she could. She was a childish person but also stubborn.

She looked over at Chastity and smiled. She was a nice maid. Izabella couldn't have asked for a better one. She smiled and looked around the room then let out a sigh, "And when is that Masquerade? " she added.
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Leo had just finished preparing everything when he heard Angel calling out to him. He easily flew up towards Angel's room but stopped in front of the door to tie his hair with a deep purple ribbon that matched his tie. "I'm here my lovely Angel," he announced as he opened the door. The silver platter that was balanced on his tail contained Leo's "Love-Love Special." He gingerly placed it in front of his Master and lifted the lid. The tray had 4 pancakes perfectly shaped into hearts that were adorned with chocolate chips around the edges, 2 sunny side up eggs that are also heart shaped, and a steaming cup of French roast coffee with sugar and hazelnut creamer. "Is this to your liking Angel," Leo asked with a smirk.
Angel smirked too himself "Yes it is,thankyou" Angel lifted up his hands "Well,do I have to take my own shirt off?" Angel said that Leo would come closer and he could sniff him "Oh yeah i get to smell the sweet scent of Leo's body again and If im lucky he'll take off hiss shirt" Angel'snose began to bleed slightly as his fantasy's became more vivid
"Of course not," Leo responded. He walked closer towards Angel and grinned to himself. He could feel the sexual energy rolling off of Angel and was enjoying it. Leo suddenly saw a flash of Angel's fantasy and was grateful for his ability that he had rarely used since he came to the human world. After wiping the blood from Angel's nose and removing his shirt he stood up and began to take off his vest. After all it was his duty as a lust demon and a butler to please his prey/master. Leo was left standing with his pants still on and his tie still around hid neck with his tail swishing behind him. After brushing it against Angel's face he purred, "You should begin your day Master and I hope that you haven't forgotten about the Masquerade that we will be attending later." 'I think that I'm addicted to teasing him now...'
"Don't touch me there with your tail,and of course so remember the masquerade you twit now it's time for a bath" Angel held his arms out waiting for Leo to pick him up" Now he can carry me to the bathroom and I can see him naked" he snickered blood escaping from his nose yet again
"Well Izabella you have almost a free day today. All you have to do is sign the checks for the taxes and I'll take care of the rest. As for the dance I believe it is later this week. When I get back do you want to play games?" Chastity said putting a pen and the already filled out checks in front of Izabella. She signed them quickly. "I will be back before you finish your breakfast. Then I will help you get dressed." Chastity bowed and went to deliver the checks.
Leo bent down to take off Angel's shirt and gently picked him up towards the rather large bath. After placing him into the bath Leo removed the tie to keep it from getting wet. He leaned down, "Would you like for me to join you young Master?"
Angel blushed a bit at his butler's offer "Jeez can he read my mind?" he thought and then came back to his sense regaining his composure "D oas you please" he said in a cool tone
He smirked at his master's blush, "Are you sure about that?" Leo began to strip off the rest of clothes but kept his black boxers decorated with purple hearts. "I'm afraid that I'll have to pass on that due to my..."lack" of self-control." He started to wash Angel to make sure that he was spotless and was soon finished. "Let me go get your clothes my Angel~"
Leo swayed back in and winked, "You know it baby." He walked in with his clothes and a dark navy towel. After kneeling near the tub he began to dry off Angel and dressed him as well. "There! I've handled all of your tasks for the day so we are free to do anything you please. Would you like to sing for awhile?"
He took up a thinking pose and snapped his fingers when he was struck by an idea. "I'd love to see if you can master a delightful little song called Carmen by fantastic woman named Lana Del Rey."

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