Returned from Narnia

Amora Aurora

Professional Hippie
Hey all! I was a member of this site many moons ago under a different name and such. Probably with a ton of embarrassing content so thank heavens for new beginnings. You can call me Amora, or Amy, I guess. Or really anything you want as long as it doesn't make me cry.

I'm a pretty experienced roleplayer and writer. I've had a few things published in newspapers and magazines throughout my life. Nothing too fancy. I'm not that impressive. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things now that I've acquired more free time than I should admit to strangers.

I pride myself on being pretty chill and open minded, so please feel free to message me for any reason under the sun. I'm wide open for some detailed/high-casual roleplays at the moment, but even if that's not your style we can be friends.

I love you all!
Welcome back, Amora! ^.^ Hope to see you around, and maybe we'll get to roleplay together sometime. Maybe get to know each other. ^^

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