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Fandom Return to Mineral Town: A Harvest Moon RP (CS)


Reanimator Buns

New Member
CS Template

Occupation/House: (Pick one of the below and unreserved spots)
Birthday (Pick Spring-Winter 1-30)

(How do they act?)

Brief History
(Mostly How they ended up in Mineral Town. Were they born there? Did they move there?)





(Anything else you may want to add!)​


1-6: (Player's Choice)
7: Residence + Winery
8: Mineral Town Inn
9: General Store (Reserved by Thanny Thanny
10: Clinic
A+B: Library and Librarian's House (Reserved by Fairfax Fairfax )
C-D: (Player's Choice)
E: Church (Reserved by Reanimator Buns Reanimator Buns )
F: ???
G: Town Square
H: Mother's Hill Peak
I: Goddess Spring
J: Mineral Town Hot Spring
K: Mineral Town Mine
L: Camp Ground
M: Mineral Lake Cave
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Giovanna Desiree

Age: 26 | Pronouns: She/Her | Orientation: Pan |Occupation: Priest (Church) | Birthday: Spring 8th

Desiree is rather fun loving, strangely for a priest. In fact, as far as priesthood is concerned, she's pretty loose about the whole rules. Often times she might seem to stumble in regards to holding church, tripping over some of the pageantry that is typically done. But regardless of that, she is a kind person who will assist others. Although she definitely enjoys offerings to herself as much as offerings to the church, and has grown quite fond of many worldly possessions.

Brief Backstory
Desiree moved into the church quite suddenly one day a few years ago. Mayor Alex wasn't really sure what to say, but the young lady was quite adamant about fixing it up. He offered help however he could, but she refused. Somehow the old church was fixed up real nice within the week. There was almost no way one person could have done it so quickly. Not without help at least. She refused to give away her secret about that. Now she is a well respected member of the community, always happy to help out participate in all the festivities of the small town which she always speaks of such fondness in spite of having no real connection to it before now.

Strawberry Shortcake

Fresh Fruits

Luxury Goods
Raw Materials



Name: Abigail Providence1681420431593.png
Age: 20
Gender/Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Straight
Occupation/House: General Vendor, 9 General Store
Birthday: Summer 15

Personality: High-end and into exotics, Abigail spends a lot of time admiring the beauty of the world and researching what to do with it to make it even more beautiful. This is partly the reason why she occupies her mom's previous job of being a store vendor while she moved away to a retail setting one town over. She can be brash and fiery about her quirky passions, and is not ashamed of playing cards at the bar late at night, drinking for the taste. She is loath to violence of any kind, but can learn to accept people who follow it.

Brief History: A resident of Mineral Town since she was a wee child, Abigail was shy and reserved up until middle childhood when she no longer could hide behind her mom's skirt. She currently has too many dreams she wants to follow, so she tries a bit of everything to keep her happy. Her mother held a store vendor job since they moved here, and when she moved off Abigail was there to take her place, groomed to be an extroverted charisma magnet. She misses her mom every now and again, homesick at home, and makes time to write when the mood strikes her. She is pen pals with someone who used to live far from here.

Loves: Ice cream, rainbow bean curry (if they have it in this game)

Likes: Sweets, spices, milk dishes, recipes, weeds, ore, flowers

Dislikes: Fish dishes, wood, stone, coffee, wine

Hates: Sushi, fish bones

Extras: Store Hours are 7AM to 8PM, closed Sundays. Roams around town, the library, and Mineral Town Mine on days off. Can have a pen-pal relationship with someone at the start of the RP.

Name: Huxley Price

Age: 24
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/him
Orientation: Straight
Occupation/House: Winemaker, 7 Residence + Winery
Birthday: Winter 4

Personality: With a lazy expression on his face, it is hard to tell he has full intent to see things through to the very end. For the most part, this means his work producing wine for export and for the local bar. Obsessive about maintaining order in his personal affairs, he keeps a structure that works well for him but not others. He can be aloof when it comes to emotions, but is quick to approach those who would benefit mutually with a partnership. When seeing someone in a difficult situation, he would at least initially try to help out, but if the other becomes too dependent he would attempt to drop them. He has seen a scrap or two, so he is not afraid of an even fight. Lack of nicotine makes him irritable, so he likes at least four cigarettes a day.

Brief History: Born to a poorer but well-connected family in faraway Gold Valley Town, Huxley was taught from an early age that family comes first. Unfortunately, his family has met with some unfortunate circumstances, many of them left homeless by an incident from a chimney fire. The family home was rebuilt, but through the price of debt, so he left his roots and worked afar for the past seven years. He sends checks to his family now and again, and besides the smokes and wine which keep him loose company he holds little other expenses besides that of his rundown home which is in constant need of maintenance.

Loves: Rice dishes

Likes: Curries, fish dishes, hamburgers, stir fry, wine, grape juice, wood, stone

Dislikes: Spicy foods, bugs, the supernatural (the kappa lake gives him the creeps)

Hates: Weeds, fish bones, ore (like, who doesn't in this game besides the old man?)

Extras: Store Hours are 9AM to 8PM, closed Tuesdays and Sundays. Roams the beach and the forest most nights, 8PM to 12AM.
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056d555ab74a0da017e4f4ae864f47ce.jpgName: Pam Reudibe
Age: 24
Gender/Pronouns: Female - She/Her
Orientation: Masc Leaning Bisexual
Occupation/House: Hot Springs Owner
Birthday: Fall 21st

- Personality -
After being left in charge of the Hot Springs, Pam became just a little more outgoing than she was as a child. Pam now tends to speak her mind, though she does hold back when it comes to really opening up. Not the most charismatic, but certainly a friendly face if she likes you. It isn't that she's totally brash, she's just a little weird... But, there is no doubt she's an interesting person, always prepared for a new adventure or challenge! Until she isn't. At times, she can stray on the dramatic side, but she insists it's better to be dramatic than to be boring. Whether people agree or not, they all believe she knows how to tell a good story. Her past is a difficult subject, but there's a fire in her eyes from it that won't easily be extinguished.

- Brief History -
The Hot Springs has been in the Reudibe family for almost as long as Mineral Town has existed. Thus, it is an important, though unnecessary, part of the town's history. For generations, the Reudibe's wanted the town to prosper; however, why would anyone come to a tiny town just for a hot springs? And so Pam's parents tried different methods to make the Hot Springs more attractive, such as adding more salt to the water or certain herbs.

A horrible accident with the Hot Springs left Pam alone to run it; as it turns out, her parents had been followed home by some kind of monster after they went into the woods, leading to their sudden disappearance. Pam had followed the tracks as best she could, but having almost no experience with monsters or tracking, she lost the trail. That day, Pam vowed to not only rid the world of evil creatures, but make the best Hot Springs this town has ever seen. Now, she frequently works to improve her tracking and survival skills, so that perhaps one day she could find some trace of her parents.

In the meantime, she welcomes everyone to the Hot Springs, and invites certain individuals to try her 'Experimental Springs'. These Springs have unique plants, magical substances, and even the occasional monster part. Strangely enough, people who try these Springs note that there is definitely some kind of effect afterward. Pam works endlessly to perfect the recipes she concocts, to provide positive effects.

Any magical or weird ingredients
Caramel sweets
Monster trophies/bits

Baked goods

Sour flavors

(Other gross things)

Find her in the woods or in the mines on slow weekdays, and on weekends she's tending to the Hot Springs. Sometimes she'll be shopping and socializing. She purposefully makes her schedule a bit random, so that people (*cough insert random NPC named Dan here cough*) don't try to use the Hot Springs without paying.

There's a raven out in the woods that Pam's parents trained to watch the shop for customers. If Pam isn't there, you can actually ring a little bell, and the raven will collect your payment through a window. Pam carries little snacks on her for the raven, which she then trades for the money. He's her favorite (only) employee!

Hot Springs Hours -
Mon - Fri: 12 PM - 9 PM
Sat - Sun: 10 AM - 10 PM

The Hot Springs is open every day, but that doesn't mean that Pam will always be there. She accepts payments via raven while she's gone or, if someone is scared of birds, they can leave it in a little box labeled 'Hot Springs Reservations!'
If she finds out someone didn't pay, well... It's probably best to not find out her reaction, yeah?
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Name: Joe Quill
Age: 25
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male (he/him)
Orientation: Straight
Occupation/House: Librarian
Birthday: Autumn 13th

Personality: Joe has grown to feel slightly bitter about having spent his entire life in the same town, and often dreams about what could have been. Despite this, he is still passionate about his work and has an encyclopedic knowledge of books, authors, and literary works.

Joe is unfailingly polite but can be somewhat withdrawn, finding solace in reading and research. His passion for books and knowledge means that he is always eager to help others and is happy to discuss any topic that comes up.

Brief History: Born and raised in Mineral Town, Joe spent most of childhood dreaming of going somewhere else.

But for one reason or another, he never found any opportunity to do so. Instead he choose to take over his parents' library after they retired and has found some peace running it.

Loves: Strawberries, cake,

Likes: Anything spicy, French fries

Dislikes: Sweet Potato, Pineapple

Hates: Turnips, Pickles
Name: Holly Lynn Mayweather
Age: 19
Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/Her
Orientation: Fem Bi
Occupation/House: Farmer / 1 - Mayweather Farm
Birthday Fall 17

Holly is a sweet shy girl. She tries to be kind to everyone and loves to smile. She is a little bit of a doormat and often finds herself being volunteered for too much, leaving her worn out and rundown. She's naive and inexperienced as well as a bit skittish around unknown settings, things, or people. Over all she has a lot of growing to do but she has a soft heart and good intentions. However, when no one is around and Holly is alone she often cries from loneliness. She keeps her broken heart hidden behind a bright smile and a front of strength.

Brief History
Having lived in the big city with her parents Holly was brought back to her Grandparents' farm after her parents were murdered in a mugging that she barely escaped. She was 15 when she was brought to the farm and even then their health wasn't the greatest. She started taking care of more each day, loving gardening the flower beds most. She slowly took over the whole farm onto her shoulders and even tending to her aging grandparents as they slowly passed, her Grandfather being the most recent only having gone about a year ago. Now she runs herself ragged keeping the farm going on her own and still finds time to water the towns flowerbeds.

Rainy Weather

Raw Gems and Crystals

Expensive Gifts

Spicy Dishes

She closes Mayweather Farm on Sundays to go around and tend the town's flower beds​
Name: Elijah Mordecai Weingarten (goes by Eli)
Age: 23
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Orientation: Biromantic Demisexual
Occupation/House: TBA
Birthday: Autumn 30

Rambunctious and playful, Elijah is a very hyperactive and friendly guy who enjoys both a good conversation and a good drink. Due to his "country-bumpkin" upbringing, he can sometimes be gruff and a bit of a roughhouser (which rightfully can upset people). However, he means well and if he throws his arm around you he truly views you as a good friend (and to which he will respond in kind and be a very loyal and trustworthy friend). While he can definitely be the life of the party and is overall a friendly guy, it would be best not to upset him. Despite his -ahem- smaller stature, he is not afraid of pegging someone down a few notches and put them in their place.

Brief History:
Elijah grew up in, what most people would call, "The Sticks"- a place that would probably be considered more rural than Mineral Town. He was the youngest brother of five siblings (two older sisters, one older brother, and one younger sister). Growing up, he had a very normal life that many would consider sort of sheltered. Other than school, his days would be spent playing with his siblings, swimming in creeks, and exploring the wilderness that surrounded his family's home. Despite his love for his country life, he found himself craving more excitement and wanted to see more of the world and expand his horizons. Fortunately, he would receive a scholarship to go to university in a very large city. While the scholarship would pay for a lot of his tuition, books, and other necessities, it would not cover everything. So fresh out of high school, Elijah had to get a job. While the city had many opportunities for job-seekers, most employers weren't particularly interested in hiring a "country bumpkin" that had recently graduated high school. Luckily for him, a bar-owner saw potential in the young man and hired him as a bar-back (an assistant to a bartender). This would eventually head him to becoming a bartender and falling in love with crafting cocktails. While he would eventually graduate college with a business degree from the university, he grew tired of the hustle and bustle of city living. While he wasn't interested in moving back to something as remote as his family's community, he wanted something a little more rural. While exploring many different towns, he would eventually come across Mineral Town and fell in love with it. With a small nest egg (that was a combination of graduation money from his family and former employer and savings from his job), he would eventually open his bar in Mineral Town.

-Bar Equipment
-Spicy Food

-Taxidermy/Insect Specimens


-Fish dishes

Bar Hours:
  • Sunday: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Brunch)
  • Monday: 6:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Tuesday: 6:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Wednesday: 6:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Thursday: 4:00 PM - 12:00 AM (Movie Night)
  • Friday: 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM (Open Mic Night)
  • Saturday: 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM (Music Night - Might stay open later)
Outside of working hours, he enjoys exploring the area and swimming in the local lake/river/creeks/etc. He also enjoys going to the Hot Springs, Winery, and Library.
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Name: Ruby Knight
Age: 20
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her
Orientation: asexual
Occupation/House: Clothing store owner/rancher, 3
Birthday: Winter 13

Despite seemingly outgoing Ruby hates crowds and has no trouble missing a festival if she knows it'll be busy there. She loves spending time with their animals and can often be found in the barn to take care of them, or take a nap, it happens.

Once she warms up to someone she's more talkative, though she'll be really careful at first before just speaking her mind. Though if it gets too much she will hide out in their barn or in the church, depending where she is at that moment.

Brief History:
Born and raised in a busy city Ruby wasn't happy at all with her life, aside from the fact she could spend time with her older brother Trevor, there were too much expectations. Once their parents got a divorce, it was a long time coming, she overheard her brother telling them he was leaving to a place called Mineral Town, she decided to go with him. At first they only had a ranch, but Ruby had quickly learned how to patch up clothes and sometimes she even made new ones, this led to the renovation of their area to fit in a small clothing shop the siblings called Castlevania.

Sweet dishes



Alcohol (except for wine)
Fish and seafood dishes

Opening times clothing store
Monday - Friday: 10:00-12:00 & 14:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 17:00
Sundays: closed
Closed on festivals and holidays

When not in the store she will wander the town, most of the time ending at the library or beach, though occasionally she'll be found in the small forest area or the town plaza.
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Name: Trevor Knight
Age: 26
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him
Orientation: Straight
Occupation/House: Rancher and co-owner of the clothing store, 3
Birthday: Summer 7

Trevor may seem like a brute most of the time, but he does care about his animals and sister, other then that the description can be accurate, he loves to drink in the bar during the evening, but he doesn't go overboard, he did once and regretted it the next morning when a worried Ruby was waking him for breakfast. He is generally kind, but has learned not to take crap from anyone.

Brief History
Trevor had always wanted to work with animals, but he couldn't in the city, so he found a place in a small town called Mineral Town, they still needed a rancher, he just couldn't tell his parents cause they refused to listen, so he bought the place, had everything settled and he told them in the middle of yet another argument, he actually wasn't sure if bringing Ruby along would help, but anything would be better then the city, so he agreed to take her along, that's how they started their new life.

Animal products

Proper meals

Fish dishes

Seafood dishes

Ranch opening times
Monday - Friday: 10:00-12:00 & 14:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 17:00
Closed on festivals and holidays

Trevor spends evening in the bar, that being the only reason he closes the store early. Though he also spends him time at the beach, enjoying the sound of waves against the sand. Other then that he will wander the town.
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Name: Arno Lockett
Age: 23
Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him)
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation/House: Fisherman/Marine Biologist , 6 fishing hut
Birthday: Fall 13

Arno can only be described as someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, parading through town covered in muck and stinking of fish (Surprisingly a lot of people in town hate fish for some reason) though through that exterior lies a man of pure passion for everything related to water and what lives inside it. Most of his day is spent either ankle to knee deep in water, or on a boat, and ultimately leaving him covered in all sorts of muck after a hard days work on the water.

Arno could also be described as a diamond in the rough if that rough was seaweed, mud, and whatever else clings to the beaches around Mineral Town. But is is very intelligent having a college education and having a pretty wide skillset from basic carpentry and matinence (Thanks to the crumbling beachside shack he calls home) and while he's not a professional he'll find some way to get the job done. But through his passion come kindness albeit more towards nature than to people but Arno takes wildlife conservation extremely seriously and won't hold back yelling at someone who poses any danger to it.

Brief History
Arno was born and raised in Mineral Town throughout the early parts of his life, spending most of his childhood exploring and playing outside around a lot of the bodies of water around the small town. Quincidentally this is where he found his love for all thing aquatic and where he honed his swimming skills, often being called "fish kid". Though just before his teenage years Arno's family moved away from Mineral Town to a big city with Arno reciently moving back as an adult with a shiny new Phd in Marine Biology, student debt, and a shack of a home. But at least he's where he belongs now.

Sea Shells
Spicy Food

Meaty Food
Fish Bones
Bitter Food

Sweet Stuff


Fish Shack opening times
Monday to Fridays 8:00 - 6:00
Closed Saturday and Sundays

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