Return to Magic (IC)


Popcorn Connoisseur
Last Minute Information

  • Ravenclaw Tower - wide, circular room with midnight blue carpet. The arched windows are decorated with bronze and blue silk curtains. The domed ceiling is painted with stars. A white marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw stands guard at the door leading up to the dormitories. A bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle hangs on the door to the common room. To gain entrance, one must answer the riddle posed by the knocker.

    Gryffindor Tower - a password must be stated to enter the common room through the circular hole hidden behind the portrait of the Fat Lady. The common room is circular and there is a fireplace on one wall. The walls are decorated with scarlet tapestries. The stairs to the boys' and girls' dormitory are separate, each behind two different doors.

    Hufflepuff Basement - the entrance to this common room is in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridor. It is concealed behind a stack of barrels. No password is needed, but one must tap the barrel that is two from the bottom in the middle of the second row in the rhythm of "Helga Hufflepuff". The lid will swing open, granting access to the common room when one crawls through. The common room is welcoming and warm and is considered to be the most comfy of all the common rooms. There are many yellow hangings. The doors to the dormitories are perfectly circular. There are many underground passages leading from the common room.

    Slytherin Dungeon - the entrance is located behind a stone wall. A password is required to enter. The dungeon extends part way under the lake and gives the room a green tinge. It has a grand but cold atmosphere. There are many low-backed green and black sofas. The password to the common room changes each fortnight and is posted on the bulletin board.


The night sky was clear and the immaculate full moon eerily illuminated the dark lake and imposing castle that dominated the landscape. There was a chill in the air that whispered the promise of winter. Stars dotted the dark sky above the sudden commotion at the platform. The Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade Station, smoke billowing from the smoke stack. The train was well known here. It had carried many of the witches and wizards in the world today. Hundreds of years ago, the great Harry Potter had ridden on that same train and walked through those same halls. After the war that tore Hogwarts to pieces, the castle was rebuilt and everything returned to normal in the wizarding world. For hundreds of years, there had been no threats of dark or evil forces. That was how it was supposed to be, though. The horrors that Voldemort had caused were a thing of the past. His deeds had turned into stories told around tables in darkened bars.

As it came to a halt, the doors of the Hogwarts Express slid opened and students poured out, quickly crowding the small area. The excitement in the air was palpable. It was easy to tell which students had been to the great castle before and which students were laying eyes on it for the first time. Friends reunited after the long summer, quickly sharing greetings and stories of their time apart. It seemed that no one ever grew tired of coming to Hogwarts. For many students, it was the chance to live in the magical world for once.

"First years, this way, please!" came the call from Milo Philpot, the groundskeeper. He was a burly man with a deep, reverberating voice that rang clear over the din on the platform. His red, greying beard hung to his chest. Philpot’s skin was freckled from years of working the grounds of Hogwarts. Bright blue eyes shown from under bushy red eyebrows and the lines on his face made him look friendly. People felt safe with him. The older students wandered over to the carriages eventually, grouping up and claiming each of the magical carriages pulled by the creatures that were invisible to most. Not for Keira Greyson, though. Her long brown hair fell in waves over her shoulders and she stood next to a freckled redheaded girl who shared her sparkling blue eyes. Keira put her arm around Aisling’s shoulders and guided her to the boats specifically for the first year students. Aisling was a good head shorter than Keira, but it was evident that the young girl would soon surpass her sister in height. The boats were pulled onto the shore of the great lake that extended to the castle. The surface was as smooth as glass. A slight breeze toyed with Keira’s hair as she stopped her sister, putting her hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.

“Everything will be fine, Aisling. You’ll get in the boat and ride over. Then they’ll walk you to the castle and they’ll sort you. Don’t be nervous,” Keira said, smiling warmly at her younger sister. Aisling rolled her eyes and shrugged out of her sister’s grip.

“I’m not nervous, Keira. Now, go get a carriage,” Aisling instructed, turning on her heels and heading for the beached boats where many of the other first years were already waiting with Philpot. Aisling was a hothead and more stubborn than most. She definitely wasn’t nervous about the ceremony. In fact, she was rather excited. Aisling had been jealous since her sister had gotten her letter from Hogwarts. Both of their parents were magical and it was hard to listen to the three of them prater on about the school. Aisling had nothing to contribute to the conversations around the dinner table during the Christmas break. Now, Aisling was here and she could make her own memories and share them with her parents. Her sister wouldn’t be the special one anymore. Keira, giving Philpot a wide smile, hopped in one of the boats that rested on the bank, waiting to be joined by another.

Aisling watched the lantern on the front of the wooden boat swing back and forth in the gentle breeze as she thought about her impending Sorting. She knew she probably wouldn’t end up in Ravenclaw like her older sister. Keira was the good child of the family; she was the genius and the one that their parents always bragged about. Aisling’s father had been in Ravenclaw and her mother had been in Gryffindor. Maybe she would end up there? The thought excited her. She could find the connection with her mother that she had always longed for.

Keira sighed, watching her sister go. She was used to being the older one that directed her sister and watched over her. At this point, she knew she couldn’t watch over her like she used to. Turning and walking to the carriages, Keira eyed the thestrals. She remembered being scared the first time she had seen them and had been especially frightened when no one else could see them. Why was it just her? Professor Crook had explained it all to her. That had been the start of their unusual friendship. Professor Crook was a friend of her mother’s and it was nice to have a connection with someone at school.

Keira smiled at Aiden Clark, one of her closest friends at school. They were childhood friends and had grown up together, living in the same neighborhood. They had seen each other plenty over the summer and they had celebrated together when Aiden had earned excellent scores on his O.W.L.s. Though they had just seen each other the week before to purchase their schoolbooks, Aiden pulled her into a bear hug, lifting the petite girl off the ground. She laughed and he set her down, helping her into the carriage that was waiting for them. Aiden had always been a bit playful and a troublemaker, but he was smart and no one could deny that. He ran his fingers through his curly hair as he sat opposite Keira in the carriage. She sat with her back turned to the thestrals. It wasn’t fun to be reminded of that night constantly. She tugged on her blue and bronze decorated robes that matched Aiden’s nervously. Keira was always nervous when it came to the start of the term. She was always worried about courses and she planned to try-out for Quidditch this year. Not that she thought she’d be very good at it. Keira wanted to get more involved and enjoy herself this year. Aiden was the Keeper for the Ravenclaw team. She had always been rather jealous. Aiden was popular and tended to make friends really easily. Keira saw herself as shy and awkward, finding it difficult to make friends. Aiden’s own parents were both magical. Really, Aiden’s family was quite similar to Keira’s. Both of their parent’s worked in the Ministry of Magic and it seemed they all enjoyed telling stories of Harry Potter like they had met him.

Edward Martin stood in the long line of students waiting to get into the carriages, hands in the pockets of his robes, looking about dejectedly. He was normally a rather happy guy, but he and his parents had gotten into a fight before he had left. A breeze cut the night air and caused him to shiver, easily penetrating his robes. He kept his eyes turned down, staring at the dusty ground beneath his shoes. His yellow and black robes hung above his ankles, the black pants beneath his robes showing. He bit his lip and moved forward a bit in line, rather impatient to get to the castle. He lived in a suburb, barred from magic for the summer. His father was a wizard; his mother, a Muggle. Ed’s father tended to avoid using magic around the house. He said it was too risky. Ed definitely resented that: he wanted to immerse himself in the magical world like so many of his classmates had. He wasn’t the brightest of the bunch, but he was kind and friendly and did all right in school. Really, he was more interested in Quidditch than anything else. He was a Beater for the Hufflepuff team. At first, Ed had been disappointed to be sorted into Hufflepuff, but he soon realized it was a great place to be. The people were friendly and, though they had a reputation as being one of the weaker houses, Hufflepuffs proved the stereotypes wrong each day.

It was Ed’s fifth year and it would be a difficult one. With O.W.L.s at the end of the spring term, he wasn’t sure how he would be able to handle it all. School in general was a challenge for him. He wasn’t even sure what he was interested in doing as a career yet. The thought of the future scared him and made him a little nauseous.

In the darkness of the evening Hogsmeade, eleven dark figures appeared in a semi-circle, materializing out of thin air in quick secession. They stood as still as statues on the edge of the wizarding town. No words were spoken by the hooded figures that appeared. The bright outline of Hogwarts could be seen against the dark sky. The steam from the Hogwarts Express could be seen wafting through the air above the rooftops. Almost all were in their homes, locked up tight at this hour, which made their meeting go unnoticed. A few moments of silence passed before a tall, slender figure appeared. The hood hid its face. The figure radiated a power that commanded respect. The figures in the semi-circle bowed deeply at the appearance of the taller figure in their midst. “The plan continues,” were the single words spoken by the tall figure. Its voice was rasping and sounded ancient. No one else spoke, silently consenting to whatever the plan was. The slender figure disappeared as quickly as it had come, followed by the others. The streets of Hogsmeade were once again deserted. No trace of the secret meeting was left.
Dahlia and Iris followed the crowd headed toward the carriages. "We better not get stuck with some weird kids like last year." Iris said as she tied her pink and purple hair back into a messy bun. "Be nice!" Dahlia said under her breath to her twin sister. "They weren't that bad! Just a bit...Different." She mumbled. "Oh give me a break they were freaks!" Iris said rather loudly back to her sister. "Look an empty carriage!" Dahlia said pointing toward a carriage off in the distance trying to change the subject. They ran through the crowd and climbed into the carriage. Iris gave out a triumphant yell before seeing Zane.

Zane jumped off the train and immediately spotted an empty carriage. He moved his way through the crowd Rather rudely pushing people out of the way and jumped into the carriage at the same time as two girls. He recognized Iris Its hard not to she demands quite a bit of attention. But he didnt know her sisters name. He had seen her around but she was rather quiet. "Hi I'm Zane" He said extending his hand to Dahlia. "Yeah we know who you are..." Iris said putting her hand between his and Dahlia. "Your the Slytherin who thinks hes the best thing that has ever graced this earth. Right Dahlia?" Iris said rolling her eyes. "So your name is Dahlia!" He said triumphantly. "I'd like to have a rather silent carriage ride if you please." Iris said ploping down in the seat next to Dahlia Glaring at Zane.
Ronnie breathed in the peaceful air of September as she stood once again before her dear school. She had been longing to return there after being forced to spend her whole summer vacations with her grandmother at a little country village on Genève, don’t take her wrong, she loved her grandmother, but it was not always easy to be around her when she started to nag her about her studies and ‘love life’. The first one she didn’t mind but the last one… She felt it irritating that her grandmother would be so keen on finding her what she called a ‘good match’, brining in to her house one boring guy after the other so that Ronnie would ‘show them around’ even when Ronnie new the lived there and knew the place better than her.

But well she was finally back to her dreamed place and that tortuous summer had finally reached its end. She stretched with a yawn as she tilted her head to the side to look at the little wizards that followed Philpot to the boats and smiled with a light shrug. It felt as if only yesterday she was one of those little kids and now she was a fifth year who would soon be taking her O.W.L.s.

“Satisfied now?” She heard behind her back and turned her head to the familiar voice that had spoke to her on her ear.

She smiled a little at the guy whose light brown hair was lazily swept upwards before stuffing her hands on the pockets of her robe.

“Very” She granted to her twin brother.

“Good. Then let’s go” Kain put his arm around Ronnie’s back as he dragged her gently to the carriages, helping her get inside before he pulled himself up with both of his hands.

He had always been gentle to his twin sister but today he was just being extremely nice. Mostly because he somehow felt guilty about her having to spend their summer over their grandma while he had got the chance to go to Romania with his best friend when he invited him to come over.
Kaylen walked off the train with a gleam in her eyes. Finally, she was at Hogwarts again. This castle is practically her home. Sure, she had parents and a house (or should I say mansion) to live in, but that was no home to her. She barely even knew her parents, so it's not like she would actually consider then 'family'. They were always busy with their jobs to give the slightest interest in their daughter. But it's not like she should care anyway. She was raised like this, and from her maids say, it was common for a pure blood family to not be the closest. They had a reputation to uphold. Could Kaylen really blame her parents for that? No, she couldn't. And that is exactly the reason why she does not care.

Kaylen walked onto the platform with her head held high. She green and silver robes seemed to glimmer in the moon light. A smug smile was firmly set on her face, the signature of a true Slytherine. She started waling for the carriages, aiming for an empty one when she spot Zane. Another Slytherine. To her it looks like he could use all the help he could get. He was in the middle of a letcure with a Gryffindore. Kaylen casually made her way to the carraige. When she got to it she simlpy ignored the stars from the roughty Gryffindore. Quietly taking a seat next to Zane.
"Long time no see." is all she said to him.
Areea stepped off of the train and looked around, her black hair was being pulled by the wind, as well as her blue and bronze robes, she pulled the robes closer around herself, as she looked toward the carriages, she couldn't help being a bit nervous more so for her little brother, it was his first year and she remembered that coming to a new place wasn't always easy. She was planning to be there for him, maybe he would even end up in Ravenclaw and then she could really keep an eye on him. Areea blinked and looked around, now, where was he again?

Silenus had been standing next to his sister, but it was obvious to him that she was off in her own world, so when Milo Philpot started calling for the first years he started walking toward him and the boats. He knew that his sister wanted to 'take him under her wing' and protect him, but he was pretty sure that he would be alright. He also knew that she hoped that he would end up in Ravenclaw like her, but he didn't want to be in the same house with her, he wanted to be who he was, he wasn't the smartest, and he wasn't very odd, so he doubted he would be in Ravenclaw, and couldn't help but wonder how his sister got that idea into her head.

Even though they were siblings they were very different from each other, not just in looks. Areea took after their father when it came to how they looked, with jet black hair and bright sapphire eyes, she was thin, though she was also short like their mother. Silenus looked more like their mother with pale blond hair and emerald eyes, though unlike anyone else in his family he needed glasses to be able to see, his glasses had thick black rims, and even though some of the kids back home had made fun of them, he liked them anyway.

Silenus had almost made it to the boats when Areea caught up with him, "You know I was going to walk with you." she said to him with a frown.

Silenus sighed a little, "I told you that I'll be alright. Really." he said, he pushed his glasses up his nose, then hugged her quickly, he pulled away and continued on his way to the boats, expecting her to go on to the carriages and pick one to get into.

Areea frowned again, he had pulled away so fast that she hadn't had a chance to even return the hug, but she did know that he was going to be alright, both of their parents had gone to this school, but neither of their grandparents had. They had grown up watching their parents act normal around their grandparents. Sure, they remembered that they went to this strange school and brought home strange things, but they weren't part of that world, and while they accepted the fact that their children were different, magic still wasn't their favorite subject. When Areea had gotten her letter she had been nervous about going to Hogwarts, and about having to act like nothing changed around her grandparents when they visited them. Silenus seemed to be accepting things easier, it made her realize that he really would be alright with being here. She turned and headed toward the carriages, she got into line.

Silenus stepped up to the boats and got into one with a girl in it, he was a little nervous, but he wouldn't let his sister know it. He smiled at the girl, "Hello." he said, offering a hand to her, "I'm Silenus Santiago."


Minerva stepped out of her bed, yawning. She was surprised the summer holiday was over already, with no events. Minerva scanned her letter again. Head of Slytherin! She guessed that she was always due to be the head of Slytherin after the old coot leading before her resigned. Minerva tripped as she walked to the door. Checking for the culprit, she found her shoes has escaped their closet. Sighing, she put them on, and went downstairs to eat.

Minerva finished her toast, and walked back upstairs to get dressed, and retrieve the last of her belongings from her locked supply closet. The rest had already been sent to her classroom. Minerva then prepared herself for apparation, the easiest way, she was glad the force field was down for her. She walked into the Great Hall, to be met by a few of the other teachers. She smiled and waved at them all, and took her seat at the teachers table.


Joshua woke up early, checking his muggle clock, he realized it was only three o'clock. He groaned, and rolled over, trying to get back to sleep. After realizing he had no hope of going back to sleep, he started to make sure all of his things were ready for going to the school. Even though it was his fourth year, he was still excited. After checking all his things were ready, he check the clock again. 4:32. "Oh well." he said to himself, and went downstairs to make himself breakfast, and watch television.

His mother came down later and informed him he was up early. "Thank you mother" he said, laughing. Things were normally like that with his family, always laughing together. "Is your stuff ready?" Joshua nodded, then went back to watching television while his mother got ready. Soon, they were ready to leave. Joshua packed his things into the car, and got into the passenger seat. After a half an hour drive, they arrived at Kings Cross Station. Joshua packed everything onto his trolley, and walked with his mum to platform 9. He prepared himself to run into platform 9 3/4. he ran into the wall, and appeared in the platform. His mum soon followed.

"Bye mum." Joshua said, hugging her and placing his things onto the train. He then walked onto the train and walked into an empty carriage and waited for some friends to join him. The train started to pull away, so he waved at his mum, took one last look towards the station, then sat back down, drifting off into a sleep. he was woken by the train coming to a stop. He speedily grabbed his robes, and got into them, then walked out, and got ready in a line to get on the carriages.

Ronnie laid her elbow on a frame as she stared at the empty spot where a thestral, she had heard, pulled on the carriages. She then turned back to his brother, whose blue and bronze robes, like hers, seemed to glimmer under the moonlight.

“Have you decided on which job will you perform in the future, Kain?” She asked, curiously. Her twin brother had never told her anything about that, as it seemed no job, so far, had really interested him.

Kain, who had lazily leaned back on his seat and was waiting for other people to get into the carriage so it would finally leave, looked at his sister from the corner of his eye before stuffing his hands on his pant’s pockets below his robe and shrugging.

“Are you asking it because of the O.W.L.s?” He asked instead, not answering her question.

Ronnie just gave him a nod, her blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.

“Ah..” Kain sighed and straightened on his seat “Not really”

“Oh” Ronnie muttered simply, not wanting to push it any further. She knew that he would tell her sooner or later when he finally made his mind up.

Kain just smiled at her and ruffled her hair playfully before leaning back again and crossing his arms over his chest.
With a jolt, the carriage moved forward, pulled by the animals invisible to Aiden's eyes. Lucky him, Keira thought, a slight edge to her tone. Shaking it off, she reminded herself that it wasn't Aiden's fault. It wasn't anyone's fault really. Her eyes were gazing at the floor of the carriage, out of focus as they made their way to the castle, her home away from home. It was brilliantly lit up and, when the light began to play on her face, Keira looked up, the excitement hitting her all at once. Keira had spent her whole summer wishing to be back here. Aiden caught his friend's eye and gave her a broad smile, one that she happily returned. The carriage lurched to a stop at the castle and the two scrambled out, their carriage companions following them.

Keira linked arms with Aiden, taking a deep breath before plunging into the castle, feeling immediately blanketed by a warmth she associated with Hogwarts. "We're back," she said finally. The two of them hadn't said a word to each other the ride there, but all of Keira's worries dissipated as soon as she stepped into the castle. Aiden pulled his friend into a quick hug before they practically skipped to the Great Hall. Their footsteps echoed, almost drowned out by the dull roar of the quickly accumulating students. They waltzed into the Great Hall, taking their seats at the Ravenclaw table, anxiously awaiting the new students. Keira was excited for her sister to finally be here. The two of them had a rocky relationship, at least for the last three years. Something had changed with Aisling and Keira was at a loss as to what it was. They used to hang out and talk with each other all the time, but after Keira's first year, things had gone downhill.

With the hope that things would be different this year, Keira looked at the large door to the hall, hoping to see some of her friends. Aiden sighed, tapping the table, bored out of his mind. He knew Keira was always excited about the ceremony, and, yes, it was nice to meet new Ravenclaws, but it took forever and he was always starving by the end of it. Aiden didn't make a nice hungry person. Following Keira's gaze to the door, he watched, mentally urging everyone to hurry and sit down so they could get it over with.

Ed, after hitching a ride with some of his Hufflepuff Quidditch friends, arrived at the castle, still a bit downcast. Why his parents always had to force talk about his future on him, he didn't understand. Honestly, he didn't know what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. Quidditch was the only thing he was passionate about. Not that his parents would approve that career choice. Sighing, he slumped down at their table, listening to his friends babble on about Quidditch and the upcoming season and who would be the new captain now that Felix Theo had finished school. It was all a bit much for Ed right now, who just wanted to forget all about it and go to bed.

Aisling smiled brightly at the boy, Silenus. Shaking his hand, she adjusted, making room for him to sit comfortably. "I'm Aisling Greyson. What House do you want to be in?" she asked, bright-eyed. Aisling was nosey and didn't know when not to pry. People tended to like her, though. She was kind and always interested in what people had to say. "My sister is older. Her name's Keira. She's in Ravenclaw and I know she wants me in there with her, too, but I'm not like her. I'm not super smart or anything like that," Aisling rambled, ending with a shrug. The boat suddenly began to move of its own accord. Aisling, who had not been ready for this, fell forward into Silenus. Her cheeks turning a fierce red, she seated herself firmly, apologizing all the while. Aisling looked over her shoulder at the illuminated castle, anxiety building in her stomach.
A young boy with dark muddy blond hair turns to help his smaller friend off of the train. His eyes widen as he feels her shake and holds her closer to him. "Are you all right Emily?" He asks, his gray-blue eyes dark with worry.

"I'm fine, Brad." The younger girl replies as she pulls her reddish-blond hair up with a black and white braided ribbon that would soon turn into her signature ribbon.

Emily looks around, her gray-green eyes going wide at the unknown place they had just walked into. "Oh, Brad.. What have we gotten ourselves into?" She asks nervously.

"I don't know, Em, but whatever it is, we should do fine enough if we work together." Brad tells her, trying to give her a reassuring smile. He holds her tighter as they both jump as a huge monster of a man yells for all the first years to follow him. Brad's grin grows stronger as he lays eyes on what he would definitely consider a gentle giant and points his thumb at the man. "Anyway, do you think anything could take him on and win?" He jokes kindly, making her smile for the first time since she got off of the train.

"Come on then, let's go." Emily says, walking over to a boat with a spring in her step that her childhood friend hadn't seen in her since they had gotten the acceptance letter. Emily freezes in place as she notices 2 people already in a boat together. "Let's not squeeze them, Brad. Lets just get a new boat.." She says nervously.

Brad walks with her to an empty boat and climbs in. He watches the other boats as they fill with other first years, wondering who else would be rooming with him and Emily throughout the next seven years of school.
Areea found a carriage to ride in, though she didn't really have much to say other than a quick "Hello" to the others in the carriage, she was too far gone in her own mind for the ride. She couldn't help but wonder what house her brother would be in, what the coming year would be like, what her lessons would be like, how well she would do, and so many other things to the point that her mind just couldn't rest. She turned her sapphire eyes to the castle as they drew near and couldn't help the smile that spread across her face, she was suddenly sure that everything would turn out fine in the end. Even if her brother ended up in a different house they would see each other, and she could still at least keep an eye on him from a distance.

Areea climbed out of the carriage and walked inside, even after already going through five years of staying at the castle she still couldn't help looking at it with wonder in her eyes and a wide smile on her face, she walked into the Great Hall, still smiling her goofy smile and walked over to the Ravenclaw table, she took a seat near Aiden and Keira. She looked toward the doors, fidgeting, she wanted to get past the ceremony so she could see where her brother ended up, and so that everyone could eat, she was hungry, though the main thing on her mind was the ceremony. She always loved seeing which students went where and seeing the new Ravenclaws. She took a quick glance around and really noticed Keira and Aiden, she waved at them with a smile on her face.

Silenus smiled at Aisling, he didn't seem to mind the question at all, it was one that he had asked himself quite a few times. "I'm not really sure, I mean... all the houses have good things about them... The thing I know is I don't want to be in Ravenclaw. I have an older sister too, and she's a Ravenclaw, her name is Areea. She's made it clear she wants me where she can keep an eye on me, but I want to be who I am, and not be there just because my sister is there." he said with a smile, then he shrugged, "Actually... I think Hufflepuff is where I should be." he said with a small nod. He noticed another pair of first years getting into a different boat and nodded toward them with a smile, he wondered if they would be friends with each other.

"My sister is very smart, but I don't think I'm very smart at all, though my sister is a bit absent minded and will end up lost in thought often." He said, it was obvious that he did love his sister even though he didn't want to be in the same house as she was. The boat started moving and Aisling fell forward into Silenus, causing him to blush some as well, he helped her up and still managed a smile, "It's fine, are you alright?" he asked kindly as he reached up to push his glasses up his nose, then followed her look toward the castle.

After the carriages had arrived and most of the students were inside, Felix stepped outside to wait for the first year students. He tilted his head back to stare up at the night sky, enjoying the view of the stars, even though the great hall's ceiling was made to mimic the night sky he still enjoyed actually managing to see the real stars. He smiled some, he was glad to have the honor of greeting the new students, telling those that didn't already know about the houses, and then seeing them through the sorting, to him it was a very important job that he loved. Felix slowly looked out toward the lake, waiting on the new students.
One look at Rory hatchet as she stepped off the train and you could tell she was trouble. At the delicate age of just barely 11, life had left her bitter, angry and disappointed. She was an american girl trapped in England with people she could not understand. Her hair was black cut short so the half inch red tips dusted against her chin and neck. She reached up and flipped her hair behind her left ear revealing three piercings one of which was a skull with crossed bones. Rory smiled bitterly at the boats and the groundskeeper. She silently cursed under her breath and walked forward keeping out from underfoot of those stampeding past her. Her messager bag full of her school supplies was kept close to her as she almost stomped her way to finding an empty boat. Rory had come from america by law of her parents as they moved to the outskirts of London to a homey little cottage so her father could work for a big London muggle company, since that what he was. Her mother whom she barely even spoke to was a socialite in the Wizarding world in almost every country they ever been too. Rory resented that fact, her mother was out parting every night instead of being home with her and her father but when her father started to work here, he was never home anymore either. So Rory stayed in her room everyday during the summer which could been seen by her pale skin. She watched everyone carefully not understanding this school or the kids she couldn't even tell what someone them were saying by their accent and she chuckled. Rory hopped into boat before it moved, she sat in the back away from the others and watched them talk mostly about what house they were going to be in.. this was going to be a strange school year indeed.. but it might be fun; Rory could find someting fun to do
(All students besides the first years should be in the Great Hall within your next post. The ceremony will be starting after the next round of posts. Also, the first years should be waiting outside the Great Hall within your next post as well.)

Keira managed to pry her gaze from the entrance to the Great Hall and returned Areea's wave.
"How was your summer?" she asked over the slowly growing din of the hall. Keira had always liked Areea, though she knew Aiden thought she had her head in the clouds a bit too much. Keira toyed nervously with the sleeves on her robe. It seemed as if most of the carriages had arrived by the sheer number of students that were now wandering about the Great Hall. Keira hoped that the ceremony would start soon. She would often worry for her younger sister. Aisling made it seem like much didn't bother her and Keira always found herself wondering if that was really true.

Aisling nodded in answer to Silenus' question. Yes, she was fine. She was slightly embarrassed, but she would manage to get over it. Aisling didn't think she'd be so nervous over finding out what House she would be in, but as the boat bumped into the shore on the other side of the lake, she felt like staying there for the night. She managed to force herself from the small boat and onto shore. Looking up at the castle, Aisling felt very small. She stuck close to Silenus as they walked, trying to cling to something that wasn't totally foreign. "I'm nervous," Aisling finally admitted. She had a tendency to say whatever popped into her mind when she was anxious. She was trying her hardest to keep from rambling and talking Silenus' ear off.

Milo Philpot showed the students to Felix Madley. Madley was the Transfiguration professor, Head of Gryffindor House, and would be leading the students through the ceremony.With a smile and a nod, Philpot left the students in his care, making his way to the Great Hall to enjoy the ceremony.

Ed, completely uninterested in the ceremony, was off in his own world, imagining the Quidditch games and practices for this year. Most of the time, he felt like that was the only reason he came to school. He loved the game and it was all he worried about in his free time. Sometimes, his marks were affected by it. He didn't care too terribly much, though. Glancing around, it looked as if the Great Hall was almost full enough for the ceremony to begin. There were a few last minute stragglers that wandered in. Ed silently cursed them, ready to be done with the day.
Ronnie curled one lock of her hair before brushing it behind her ear as she and Kain entered the Great Hall. Her blue eyes shimmered with sincere happiness as she found herself below those familiar lit candles among the students that were, as them, looking for a place on each of their house tables. She stuffed her hands in her robe pockets before signaling to her brother some empty spots at the Ravenclaw table with her chin.

“I’m starving” Kain commented before heading to the signaled place as Ronnie followed close behind.

They took their places beside each other and turned their faces for a moment to the teachers’ faces before glancing back to the entrance. Some people would find it weird how those two twins would, from time to time, do the same things and perfectly synchronized, though others would find it completely normal. True was, Ronnie and Kain had grown greatly used to it through the years. Was it because of the way they were related? It was highly likable.

A yawn escaped Ronnie’s lips and she leaned her head against Kain’s shoulder, it was always so comfortable. She greeted some of her Ravenclaw fellows with a smile before she closed her eyes, it had been a long trip and once the excitement had worn off she found herself being pretty tired, wishing for Start-of-Term Feast to be done with rather quickly.

Kain just laid his elbows on top of the table, careful not to drop his sister’s head, and waited patiently for the feast to start.
The boat landed and Rory followed the other kids from hers up through. She stayed to the back away from everyone and didn't respond when a few students tried to talk to her. She was in all context a rude american and she wasn't about to give that up, silence now was all she had to herself in this place and she would keep it. Rory leaned looked up at the doors to the Great hall? was that what it was called? She sighed and glanced around at the kids. She could tell most of them knew each other but she was here not having anyone to talk to and that set a small pang of pain through her heart. Rory wished she was back at her old school with normal kids and her teachers and friends but things happen in life that send you down the rabbit hole and she was trying to clutch to the edge so she didn't fall. It felt as though this school was kicking her back down. Rory flipped her hair back behind her ear once again. Ignoring those people around her as though she was the only person here, or maybe she wasn't here at all maybe she was in a different world all together. She began to squeeze through the bodies packed into the this little space, thankfully she was small even for a kid her age as she ducked beneath elbows and dodges knees, she made it half way through but could not go any further.
Brad sighs as the boats land with a bump. He looks Emily over as he helps her out of the boat, noticing she had stiffened up again at the sight of all the kids entering the school through the huge double doors. "It'll be all right, Em." Brad tells her quietly. "You don't have to get so nervous."

"Can't help it." She mutters back nervously. "We don't know anybody here.." Emily looks up at Brad and pats his cheek. "Don't worry. I'll be fine. Let's go get this over with so we could get used to our new house. I'll be calm after we're sitting together at the same table and we'll be around others that will be in the same house as us." She says as she starts to pull his arm towards the place everyone else was heading.


Taurus Pokeby runs a hand through his hair with a sigh as his silver eyes looked around the Great Hall. He settles into his usual eating spot with a glance to the Great Hall's main doors where the new arrivals will be coming from. He was excited, yet a little apprehensive, of the kids who would be walking through those doors. Taurus turned his attention to the professors on either side of him and joined in on the conversation about the upcoming year and what they hoped to accomplish, always keeping an eye on the door for the fated time when the kids will be entering.
Areea smiled as Keira asked how her summer was, "Well, it was great, Silenus and I went to see our grandparents for a part of the summer, and Silenus received his letter from Hogwarts, so he's going to be sorted tonight." she said, she seemed excited about her brother coming to Hogwarts. "I'm sure he'll do fine, no matter what house he gets in... but I still worry some." she said. She looked at Keira, "Don't you have a little sister?" she asked, she was pretty sure that she did, and she thought that Keira's sister might be the same age as Silenus, but she wasn't completely sure, things like this sometimes tended to be forgotten by her.

Silenus looked up at the castle, managing to take his eyes off of it to climb out of the boat. He walked with her and nodded a little as she spoke, he pushed his glasses back up his nose, "I'm nervous too." he admitted as he looked at her, "But I'm sure everything will be fine."

Felix smiled as he watched the children come toward him and he led them into the castle, stopping outside the great hall. He stopped and turned to look at the students gathered before him, "Now, the sorting ceremony will be starting soon, but before all of that I would like to explain a few things." he said, his next words were mostly for those who had come from muggle families, he explained that there were four houses, and that once you were sorted into a house, they would be like a family, you would sleep with your house, eat with your house, and go to classes with your house. "Now, a few little facts about the houses, just a little information, you'll find out more once you are actually sorted. Each house has good things about them, and each has sent out into the world amazing witches and wizards. Gryffindor house was the house that the great Harry Potter was in, he is best known for his defeat of the Dark Lord. Hufflepuff house was the house that Artemisia Lufkin was in, she was an accomplished Minister for Magic, and the first female to hold office. Ravenclaw house was the house that Ignatia Wildsmith was in, she was the creator of Floo Powder, for those who don't know what that is, you will learn with time. And Slytherin house was the house that Merlin was in, he has been hailed as one of the most famous wizards, to the point that even muggles know who he was, he also started the Order of Merlin." he said with a smile.

"Now, wait here, and I'll see if they are ready for us." he said as he slipped into the Great Hall to see how everything was going."

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