Return of the Scarlet Empress


I'm not sure, whether this topic has been tackled before, but with this adventure coming up as soon as in August...

Scarlet Empress marrying Ebon Dragon. yeah. The Yozis are going to have SO much fun in Creation. And then, how will it influence KoC storyline? The roumours about the adventure have been around for so long, that I doubt Jukashi would not take things into consideration ind his scheme, but still... will Misho team up with Arianna? Will Karen become and awesome duo with Dace? What of Secret's charm overwhelming Swan? So many things that can go from Epic to Awesome...

Post Scriptum: that's my first post here. So... hai thar :D
Also we are unaware of exactly how much of the presented continuity Jukashi is using. I would be very unhappy if Dace showed up, mainly because I have an inexplicable hatred of him.
magnificentmomo said:
Also we are unaware of exactly how much of the presented continuity Jukashi is using. I would be very unhappy if Dace showed up, mainly because I have an inexplicable hatred of him.
I have no feelings on Dace, but I think his First Age incarnation is kickass.
I suppose this isn't the best forum in which to ask, but... who is his First Age incarnation? I wasn't aware that his previous life's identity was known.
I'll have to find that... one of my players might be taking Dace as a Mentor, so if he has an awesome ghost around, I should know about it.

Not that it'll matter if nobody ever FINISHES THEIR CHARACTER, but that's beside the point...
Contentious Sword is probably long since passed to Lethe. Most of the ghosts that fought in the Specter War passed on shortly after they won.
There's a pretty good chance Contentious Sword is still around, or was until recently at least. Dace got his Daiklave from an old ghost, in an old tomb somewhere in the Scavenger Lands. It's explicitly the same daiklave that CS carried.

Not conclusive, of course, but kind of evocative.
polajum said:
There's a pretty good chance Contentious Sword is still around, or was until recently at least. Dace got his Daiklave from an old ghost, in an old tomb somewhere in the Scavenger Lands. It's explicitly the same daiklave that CS carried.
Not conclusive, of course, but kind of evocative.
Ooh, where do we find this out?
I would have guessed that he passed on into Lethe after the Spectre War, but that he stayed around long enough to ensure that someone (Dace) was going to set the world right makes Contentious Sword even more awesome.
Kyeudo said:
polajum said:
There's a pretty good chance Contentious Sword is still around, or was until recently at least. Dace got his Daiklave from an old ghost, in an old tomb somewhere in the Scavenger Lands. It's explicitly the same daiklave that CS carried.
Not conclusive, of course, but kind of evocative.
Ooh, where do we find this out?
In Dace's writeup in Scroll of Exalts.

It occurred to me re-reading the writeup that the "threadbare ghost" Dace encountered might've been CS's lower soul-they hang around and guard tombs sometimes, right?

On the other hand, it's definitely more awesome for the ghost to actually be Contentious Sword- so by the rule of awesome, that's got to be it. 8)
As far as how this relates to Keychain of Creation, Word of God (also known as Jukashi) says that the strip takes place five years before the main setting starts up. Thus, the Empress has probably just disappeared, if she's even been taken yet. You can bet she won't be coming back within the storyline of KoC, if she even factors into it.

Heck, I doubt that any of the canon Exalts will show their face as actual in-strip characters. KoC has its own characters, and that's all it needs.
I don't care about Dace, just PLEASE keep away from little miss "jumps to the most retarded and improbable conclusion she can, as fast as she can" Harmonious Jade.
chalicier said:
He can, he just chooses not to lest he become subsumed as the Shinma of not-awesome.
But wouldn't that mean there's currently no such thing as "not-awesome" in Exalted?

Wait, yeah, carry on.
Shinma define the fundamental aspects of the universe by being its antithesis. Thus, the Shinma of Lameness does definitely exists in Exalted. It's most likely the most powerful--if Shinma can be said to be powerful--entity in the entire setting.
If Contentious Sword had learned Celestial Circle Sorcery, he would have reached through time (by hitting it in the nuts) to face off with Ten Winds to see who would become the Shinma of Lame.

In a drastic irony, the fact that that fight ever occurred would be so overwhelmingly awesome that it would be the Shinma of Lame itself, leaving both CS and TW alike free to kick Creation in places it never wanted to be kicked.
Wow, this thread is rapidly becoming the "Contentious Sword Fan Club Meetinghouse."

I heartily approve.

Do we know anything about what he was like in life?
Kyeudo said:
Wow, this thread is rapidly becoming the "Contentious Sword Fan Club Meetinghouse."
I heartily approve.

Do we know anything about what he was like in life?

Fake edit: I would have more to say but my Dotfa is on another continent.
Jukashi said:
Brickwall said:
five years before the main setting
Well, bugger all, then. I need to stop reading things, I just forget the important bits anyway. Still, the point stands that the main plotlines of Exalted tend to either not be touched on at all or are seen to in a completely different way than the traditional setting tends to entail. I don't expect anyone from the books to show up. Heck, I was even surprised when FaFL got a full appearance.

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