Return from Hiatus

I doubt anyone remembers me, so I'm not sure what good this will do. I took a break after a death in the family. I know I abandoned the RP I was running at the time, and if any of the players are still around, I am sincerely sorry. I found myself entirely anhedonic for the longest time, but now I'd like to get back into RP here.

On a lighter note: Hello! I'm a huge nerd who reads more hours a week than she works at her job. I love all sci-fi, the harder the better, and I really want to get into a new RP. PM me if you want to do something!
Oh! Hi! I remember you!  :D

I am filled with shame about what happened with the RP I was running for you and the others. I hope you don't hold it against me.  :(
Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome back. I can't wait to get into an RP. I'm not sure I'd be up for running one again yet, I'm still not quite myself. As I said in the first post, feel free to PM me if you think you'd want me in an RP. 
Welcome back! I'm sorry to hear about the death, but glad to see you're still up and running.
Thank you. I figured it was important to try to get back into my usual leisure activities as part of recovering. And this was among those leisure activities I wanted to get back into. Still haven't quite found an RP to my liking, but I'm sure I'll find just the right one eventually. 

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