
I woke up early then went to sleep again lol

Bleghhh, I just realised I missed so much.. *-*

Time to readdd ;D
Gonna have to back out guys... trying to focus on a certain RP in particular, my skills have been lacking recently, so sorry...

If you need to kill off my character, feel free to.
I'm trying to focus on that supersoldier one, that, and I gotta just take care of whatever comes my way, I'm in like 5 RP's right now... it's too hard to keep up with, especially with this sort of self-obligation to make enterprisingly long posts.

Ahh D;

That sucks..

Don't want anyone to kill off your character.
Fine, I'll make it manage... some how... this is gonna be hard though, you've been warned xD

Just saying, you all move ridiculously fast, I am gone for like... seven hours and there are already three new pages for me to read.
If you don't want to, you don't have to, y'know ;D

I'd understand why you'd want to back out with five roleplays going on. *-*
Screw the procedure... I'll manage.
Ehhh... >.> I'm just gonna try, let's go with that
Haha, well everyone here is really nice and friendly - so I'm sure it'll work out for you.
Yeahhh, these extended periods without a reply aren't so friendly however xD
Just a heads up. I got some AP tests this week and I'm shooting a video project so I'll be on and off just like how I've been these past few days
Welcome back.. ( :D )

This roleplay kind of died and it was going so good :0

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