
Im like the foster kid though that never really go to know her family super well, so I don't think my character necessarily felt super close to anyone in the family.
xD Ummm... stuck on BIO... Just trying to think. Wanna make an interesting character

Oh my goshhh, that SUV that was following Arizona should totally follow her to where the place is and attack the placeee. x3

We need some actionn.

... >.> I feel dumber now... check the cap label.
xD It might not be up until later tonight, got Spanish studying to do, then I'm heading off to go swimming with a friend~ Spring's here guys!
That was actually pretty accurate...
oh sweet! i stopped taking spanish last school year ha

Puedo ayudarte con espanol mientras tu escribir la forma
Jaaaa, bueno. Puedo practicar cuando escribo la forma. Pero, necissito ir a la casa de mi amiga. Lo siento, adios!

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