

The Chosen One
Please check overview for the gist of the rp and info about each family. Got any questions? Go ahead and ask in the ooc.

You can make side characters too if you want (politicians, scientists, etc). Two characters per person max.

Character Sheet for teens/kids:



Age (7-19):









Thoughts on characters:


My Characters

Name: Greyson J. Callahan

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Family: Callahan



Personality: Grey is protective, cold-hearted, resourceful, handy, brave, adventurous, and daring. He’s “secretly” smart, geeky, and caring on the inside. Here’s a note. Grey wasn’t always like this. He used to be charming, lighthearted, and naïve. This teen is bound to regain his “old” personality and mix it up or even totally alter his current one.

History: Greyson Jethro Callahan was born in Torrance, California. He was a pretty bright kid both in terms of intelligence and personality. His parents would often get into fights, but it was okay. They’d always make up in the end. The whole family friend group brought even more joy to him. It meant more people to hang out with! After two years of getting to know and love the family friend group, Greyson and his family moved to Manhattan, New York. All was well until his dad left the family. He saw a side of his mom that he never knew. It was a wakeup call to Greyson. As the oldest sibling of the family, Greyson decided to help out and look for a job to help care for his siblings. This search brought him to rough areas in the city of New York. Eventually he got caught up in underground fighting. On the bright side, he was able to supply his family with enough money to continue their lives in New York. Greyson eventually became buddy-buddy with crews from the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn. He established connections with successful gamblers and different members from surrounding cities. The family eventually made the decision to move back to California. Actually, it was kind of Greyson’s idea. Up to now, it is his goal up to now to get his mom back to the way she was. One of the things he thought of was reuniting with the family friend group.

It was definitely a bit challenging for Greyson to switch back to the Californian life. The area was a lot more disciplined than he remembered. His connections from New York carried over to California which gave Greyson the chance to participate in underground fights within the region. His mother’s habits of drinking, gambling, and looking for a guy to sweep her away from the trouble carried out while Greyson tried to find the group again. Due to the financial situation they were in, Greyson contacted one of the gangs and borrowed money from them to pay off the house. At least that factor would be safe no matter what. He never told any of his family members about the transaction or his activity within the underground arena. Now he works on cars and computers (low key with computers), and fights underground.


Skills: Street fighting, street smart, parkour, understands, creates, and fixes technology and vehicles, improvisation, resourceful, connections, boarding sports (skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, etc.), and racing (motorcycle and car).

Strengths: Independent, street smart, and basically the other stuff up there^.

Weaknesses: May be insensitive and quiet at times. Grey feels as if his emotions have been numbed out over the pass ten years.

Other: No tattoos and piercings. His connections are mainly with gamblers, gangs, underground fighters, and people in different hoods. He also has a few political connections as well as basic ones.


Thoughts on characters: (Will be edited)​

“Benji’s full of energy. He’s like a little loud pocket of sunshine or something. . . But since he really makes other people happy, I can deal with him. You didn’t hear that from me.”

Opinion on Benjamin Parker.

“Cameron and I were like brothers. I guess we kind of still are? Ten years is a while. We’ve definitely changed since then. Anyway, he’s a cool guy and I could probably relate to him the most.”

Opinion on Cameron Montreal.

“Brec is a tough gal. I can remember playing around with her a bit ten years ago. She’s gotten much more lethal since then. Ha.”

Opinion on Breckenridge Santini.

“Sarah’s interesting to me. I can tell she has some emotions caged up inside just as I still kind of do. Other than that, she’s got exceptional social skills and has her own unique way of getting what she wants.”

Opinion on Sarah Montreal.

“Violet’s radically unlike the stereotype placed on wealthy kids. I believe she’s the wildcard in the Montreal family.”

Opinion on Violet Montreal.

“Amanda’s a bubbly and positive person. I'm sure some people look up to her.”

Opinion on Amanda Parker.

“Ingrid seems like a nice gal. She’s made some awesome films. Can’t wait to see more.”

Opinion on Ingrid Parker.

“Beatrice. Ha. I personally enjoy saying my little sister’s name. Lately I’ve been noticing more guys getting around with her especially here in California. They touch her, they die. Anyway, I love her and I hope she continues to grow up to be a lot better than anyone else in the family.”

Opinion on Beatrice Callahan.

“Ashlynn’s the one who bit my cheek before I left on the plane. She’s really sophisticated now so it’s good to know she won’t do that again.”

Opinion on Ashlynn Jameson.

“Hunter’s a sporty kid who’s really into girls. I can tell that his behavior annoys some of the girls in our family friend group. Other than that, he’s okay.”

Opinion on Hunter Jameson.

“Quentin’s my nonchalant friend. We hung out a lot ten years ago and we still get along today.”

Opinion on Quentin Jameson.

“Nora’s way different than Brec. She’s an uptight girl.”

Opinion on Nora Santini.

“Ace is an extreme dude. We’re similar to a certain extent.”

Opinion on Ace Jameson.

“I just found out he existed. Emet wasn’t born ten years ago. He’s a hyper kid.”

Opinion on Emet Jameson.

“Lexi’s responsible and cooks well.”

Opinion on Lexi Montreal.

“Adélia’s different in a good way.”

Opinion on Adélia Parker.

"Avery should get her head out of the books more often and do something worth reading.”

Opinion on Avery Santini.

Name: Benjamin Montemayor Parker

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Family: Parker


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-12_14-26-48.png.235e52787acb10148d787c40312f38b1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-12_14-26-48.png.235e52787acb10148d787c40312f38b1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Benjamin is a kid genius. He’s really bubbly, charming, optimistic, energetic, random, curious, and innocent. The teen is easily impressed and has a good sense of humor too. Benjamin always tries to make other people happy. This sometimes causes him to forget all about himself just as a child would forget to feed him/herself while doing something he/she loves. He’s also a bit easy to upset, but doesn’t show it.

History: Benjamin Montemayor Parker was born Robin Montemayor in Manila, Philippines. Benjamin was stolen from his parents and older twin brother when he was 11 months old. He was left at the doorstep of an adoption center by his kidnapper who at that moment felt guilty as heck. The kidnapper wrote what he thought was the child’s name onto a card and left it under the kid (Benjamin Montemayor). The kidnapper worked for someone who sought out to take revenge on the Montemayor’s by taking their son away. Little did those guys know that there were actually two children born months before that crime (Benjamin AND Robin). That’s right, Benjamin Montemayor was his older twin brother’s name. A week later, Robin Montemayor was adopted by the Parkers and taken to California.

The kid grew up under a proper household filled with encouragement and love. He enrolled in martial arts and gymnastics to later find out his inborn talent within those two subjects. Yeah he was bullied due to the fact that he was adopted, his parents were gay, and he was a “super dee duper overachiever”, but that soon stopped right after he discovered his talents. No he didn’t fight those bullies. He found a way to lighten people’s moods up and forget about the bullies. His abilities amazed people and his interest in the technology field soon began to grow. To this day, he dreams to find his parents or any other living relatives by utilizing his talents and genius mind.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-12_14-32-31.png.3b6e8171b96f8ebbadfe68d150d6ecbe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-12_14-32-31.png.3b6e8171b96f8ebbadfe68d150d6ecbe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills: Martial Arts, gymnastics, making connections, coding, computer savvy, speaking English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, and Filipino/Tagalog, and acting.

Strengths: Genius, multilingual, is really open, connections from studying abroad, and stuff there^

Weaknesses: Childish, a bit sensitive, and a tad careless.

Other: Some of his connections include expert fighters from multiple countries. This is all thanks to his curiosity to experience the martial art from the closest thing to the original master, and his talented fighting skills. Benji wishes to someday work at the scientific organization in Silicon Valley.

Thoughts on characters: (Will be edited)​

“Grey’s a nice guy. I’m sure we’d make a heck of a pranking duo. You just got to see through his tough exterior, you know? Although he’s all “tough dude” or so, I believe that he’s a bit of a softy on the inside.”

Opinion on Greyson Callahan.

“Cameron is a hard worker. I admire that about him! He really wants to be a boxing star. I got faith in him. He can do it. Who knows? One day he might even exceed Manny Pacquiao’s success.”

Opinion on Cameron Montreal.

“Brec knows the drill. She stays on task and gets work done. She’s mature and a bit opposite from me, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t get along!”

Opinion on Breckenridge Santini.

“Sarah’s my buddy. I’m trying to get a handshake down with her but she’s kind of shrugging it off a bit. Aside from that, she’s really ebullient. I like making her happy and I know that deep inside, she doesn’t mean to hurt others with some of the things she says.”

Opinion on Sarah Montreal.

“Two words . . . pink hair. Woah! Violet’s different in a good way. Make sense?”

Opinion on Violet Montreal.

“Amanda is so friendly! She’s got some top notch music skills. I have a great time whenever I hang out with her probably because we’re both really optimistic people. I’m really glad to be able to call her my sister.”

Opinion on Amanda Parker.

“Ingrid’s the eldest of the Parker clan. She’s got some real artistic talent! I hope she doesn’t mind making a film about the family friend group in the near future. I think it would be really sick!”

Opinion on Ingrid Parker.

“Tris is Miss Independent. There’s definitely no questioning that. For some reason I can tell that she’s got some sarcasm just waiting to unleash itself whenever I’m around her. It’s a pretty sad-ish feeling . . . ah but she’s really good at multitasking and caring for others so those are definite pluses!”

Opinion on Beatrice Callahan.

“Ashlynn’s some Powerpuff girl in disguise. She’s probably the bubbly Butterblossom or whatever that one character’s name is. Why? Well because she’s got that young exterior then BAM! She surprises you with a mature and responsible character. . . . Actually, not sure if that’s what Powerpuffs was all about.”

Opinion on Ashlynn Jameson.

“Hunter’s younger than me but acts older. He’s really good at sports and catches some feminine attention in the halls at our school. Yeah, pun intended.”

Opinion on Hunter Jameson.

“Quentin’s a super chill dude. His randomness establishes a common and awesome connection between us.”

Opinion on Quentin Jameson.

“Yeah Nora’s strict, but sometimes I can loosen her up a bit by doing something she calls “crazy”. She needs to relax more often. Nah what I’m sayin’?”

Opinion on Nora Santini.

“Ace is kind of intimidating . . . or maybe I’m just not used to him up to now. We are polar opposites. I don’t understand more than half the things he does.”

Opinion on Ace Jameson.

“That little dude! Emet and I get along really well! We usually have Nerf wars or play other games.”

Opinion on Emet Jameson.

“Lexi’s a great example! She’s nice and I respect her for who she is.”

Opinion on Lexi Montreal.

“ Déli! Haha she’s a gweat wittle sistew. My ninja side will come out if you mess with her. DO NOT! Mess with her . . . thank you!”

Opinion on Adélia Parker.

“A knowledgeable individual indeed. Avery’s got beauty and brains. What can I say? I really look up to her.”

Opinion on Avery Santini.



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Cameron Montreal








Opposite to how one might expect him to act, Cameron is very level-headed for the attention which his family receives. Most would say that he has a solid head on his shoulders, and displays both intelligence as well as class by presence alone. Cameron is a gentleman on the surface, but definitely has a rough streak. When he loses his cool, Cameron is definitely the type of person to make a scene.

He cares very little about politics; that is, he does not discuss business pertaining to others, especially if it is none of his business. The young man is well-aware that he has his own life to live, to focus on and put energy into. Gossiping or getting into romps which are particularly over nothing but pride and stupidity are things that Cameron makes conscious attempts to avoid on a regular basis.


Cameron is the first born child of the Montreals. He was spoiled from a very young age, and was known to be particularly bratty as well as energetic at a young age. As time went on and puberty struck, Cameron calmed down considerably. In high school, he was fairly popular. Avery Santini was his girlfriend from eighth grade, all throughout high school. Some used him because of the knowledge that his family had money, and others were true friends. A couple of girlfriends came and went - whatever the flavor of the week was, he had tried for himself. All throughout middle school and high school, he played soccer. He was one of the best scorers to play in his high school. By the time graduation came, Cameron had a plethora of offers from various colleges to play soccer.

However, he ultimately decided that college was not for him, and decided to focus on his true passion: boxing. Being a naturally honest person, Cameron gave himself the same benefit. He was not a scholar, and he certainly was not cut out for further education. The fact was that he belonged to one of the most prominent families in the world, and he would never have to worry about money either way. His parents never cared to give him guidance when it came to his choices, and Cameron never asked. It always worked out.

Throughout the years, Cameron had his plethora of issues. He went away to rehab at the age of eighteen, citing cocaine as an abuse of substance. After his first stint, Cameron kept his head straight. From the point he got out of rehab up to the start of the RP, Cameron has been clean from use of the narcotic, though still occasionally smokes marijuana from time to time. His boxing career had not started yet. Though he started training at fifteen, Cameron has doubt in his abilities as a fighter. He believes he still has room to grow, and thus focuses mainly on working out at the gym that was built for him in the basement of his home. four times a week, the trainer which he employs visits for sessions. Despite this, Cameron never takes a day off, and could be found in his basement at least once a day working out. Cameron is 6'5", 215 lbs.


  1. Is a smooth talker.
  2. Easy to relate to, and communicate with.
  3. Musically inclined (drums, specifically).
  4. Athletically fit.
  5. He's a Montreal.


  1. He is not the most intelligent person.
  2. Can be rather aggressive, and will use his fists if necessary if he is not respected.
  3. Stubborn.
  4. Vices, such as cigarettes, marijuana and tattoos.
  5. He's a Montreal.

Opinion on Others:

  • Avery: "The love of my life. My ride or die. We haven't spoken in a little while, but that fact won't ever change."
  • Greyson: “That’s my dude. Been a while since I've seen him. I hit him up every now and then to say wassup.”
  • Benjamin: “One of the most decent people I've ever met. Benji’s got a good head on his shoulders.”
  • Breckenridge: “That’s a bad ass chick, man. Ain’t know much ‘bout her, though.”
  • Sarah: “That’s the youngin’. At that age where she’s the only one that matters. Don’t matter, though. Blood runs thick.”
  • Violet: “Blood runs thick. We ain’t as close as we used to be, but she knows I got her back always.”
  • Lexi: “We don’t talk much. Blood runs thick regardless.”
  • Ingrid: “Only thing I know ‘bout her is that accent.”
  • Tris: “We never got a chance to cut it up, but we could definitely relate to one another… The whole Callahan family, really. I get it.”
  • Ash: “We haven’t talked much. You startin’ to see a pattern?”
  • Hunter: “That’s the little homie, man. Reminds me of myself. Gotta respect that.”
  • Quentin: “He’s aight.”
  • Nora: “When that girl puts her mind to it, she can do anything.”
  • Ace: “Him and Quentin are the same person to me with different color hair. I know jack shit ‘bout both of ‘em. He don’t seem so bad, though.”
  • Emet: “He’s a cute little kid. Harmless.”
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"The name's Breckenridge me Brec..."


"I'm a girl since I wear a bra and panties"


Age (7-19):

"I'm the second oldest in my family..."



"I love and hate them to death"



"Don't like how I look...get out my face..."



"I'm an...easy going person..."

Brec is a cool person to be around but when situations turn serious she becomes serious and focuses on that mission. She is a blunt and sarcastic person who has no problem pointing people's flaws, after pointing them out she will either encourage the person to change for the good or just say nothing and let the person feel sad. She loves adventure and being daring. She loves to explore different places and try new things. She is very determined too, she tries her hardest and hates failing. She will never give up on what she believes in and wont let no one bring her down...she tries to block all that out and focus on important things. Don't even try to get on her bad side. She wont snap in an instant but she will make her enemies suffer in a slow way.



"...Why do you want to know so bad?"

Brec is the second oldest of the Santini family. Even though she is adopted, she is loved by her father and all in her family but, it can get annoying. She has always loved going out and exploring and experiencing new and amazing things. She was only 8 when she was in an accident that left her in the hospital for at least a day and after that day she has been training and doing her hardest to become the strongest and most determined member in the family. It scared her parents but she made sure to balance out what loves and what she hates. She didn't want to make her parents scared and worried that she didn't love them anymore. She trains hard every day and does not care for others people problems and feelings when she is in the zone. She hates being compared to her older sister Avery. She has always tried her hardest to make her parents proud but it isn't good enough in their eyes. 'Why can't you be more like your sister Avery' She has always dreaded those words.






Swordsman (obsessed with knives, swords etc.)


Speaks German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Italian

Weapons Specialist parents but her parents don't know

Amazing cook


"Everyone has these..."

Works well under pressure

Very sneaky

Never gets distracted

Can estimate how long a fight would take

Can negotiate but decides to deal with that after

Excellent Fighter


Everyone has these too..."

Is too serious when in business related conversations

Mutter a German saying when she becomes frustrated

She becomes impatient and starts to tap her foot

Hates to hear people use God's name in vain

Hates when people try to use God's name for the wrong reasons

Not much of a religious person like her parents

Has mental Breakdowns when things are too hard for her to handle

Gets really defensive when some brings up her being adopted



She has Alexandria Genesis Disease

Her arms, back and upper chest are covered in tattoos

She smokes when she is stressed

Bites her jaw when she is nervous or hungry

She is Obsessed with animals

Loves the movie Inglorious Bastards and loves Full House

Loves gore and comedy movies

Before any epic fights she says a prayer in German which is followed by a smirk then the word Amen

She's adopted and wants to find her real parents one day

She loves the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared videos

Thoughts on characters:

"Grayson? He's a pretty cool kid...he's got the street smarts...that's it..."

Grayson J. Callahan

"Benjamin...he acts childish sometimes...but he's an expert in computers..."

Benjamin M. Parker

"Cameron, Cameron...Cameron...I heard he's a good fighter...couple rounds in the ring with me would be his tattoos also...but mine are so much better..."

Cameron Montreal

"...She makes me happy on days I just want to give up...I like having her as my friend..."

Sarah Montreal

"She listens to some weird ass music...but hey that's what she likes..."

Violet Montreal

"She's so nice...she will make a really good friend to have"

Amanda Parker

"She's cool to hang around...she knows some talents that other people don't have...that's what makes her unique..."

Ingrid Parker

"She looks up to me and I love being a role model for her...she's my little baby..."

Ashlynn Jameson

"Tris is kinda like my twin...we're both serious...and we can literally have conversations without even speaking..."

Tris Callahan

"I heard that Hunter thinks I'm hot...I don't know what to say bout that..."

Hunter Jameson

"He's a cool dude to be his hair..."

Quentin Jameson

"She's my baby sister and she looks up to's a blessing and a curse..."

Nora Santini

"He is going to die a glorious death...and I will be the one to give it to him..."

Ace Jameson

"He's one of my him so much..."

Emet Jameson

"She nice..."

Lexi Montreal

"She's a nice girl...kinda quiet sometimes but really nice..."

Adelia Parker

"...what about her? She's just a human being that lives in the same house I do..nothing more..."

Avery Santini


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Sarah Montreal



Age (7-19):





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21f16604_RichGirl.jpg.4b55d6e8ca5f253c939d7b38e8d293d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48787" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21f16604_RichGirl.jpg.4b55d6e8ca5f253c939d7b38e8d293d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Over the years, Sarah has become louder and more bubbly. The reason for this is the neglect of attention from her parents. She becomes more rowdy as she grows up. On the outside, she is a humorous, excitable girl. On the inside, though, she is hiding bitterness that has increased over the years. Sarah can be quick to anger and when she snaps, she snaps hard. She can be a gossiper at times, and even can be rude to those she dislikes. Sarah is aware that she's not the nicest person all the time, and does feel bad for it. She doesn't mean to hurt others, but she doesn't know how to stop. The girl is good at charming others into giving her what she wants, and is very determined. Sarah absolutely hates being ignored, and will sometimes get into trouble just for attention.


Growing up, Sarah used to be a calm and happy child. She got along with others very well, and was always friendly. As middle and high school came along however, Sarah began to feel neglected. Her parents never had time for her. She would always try to make conversation with them, and they'd send her away saying. "I'm busy right now dear. Maybe later." Unfortunately, later never came. Sarah slowly began to build up bitterness about this. Then, she realized some people she cared about were only using her, and taking advantage of her. It was this realization that formed her personality today. She became more of the typical popular stereotype. Half the school loved her, and half hated her. She was a gossiper, and was gossiped a lot about as well. Often times for the worse. Knowing this hurt her. Sarah never wanted to be like this, but she couldn't help it. She just wanted attention.

A year ago, her older brother Cameron went to rehab, and Sarah found herself extremely disturbed. She started getting a temper and she began to resent her family. She was relieved to have the family friend group to bring her peace and joy. She preferred to hang out with them to her own family. As time continued, Sarah forgave her older brother but the disgust towards her parents grew even more. She treats them the same way they do her: By barely acknowledging them. She hates when people bring them up, and avoids them as much as possible.


Sarah is extremely good with her social skills. She can be charismatic, and even a little manipulative. She's good at getting what she wants. She also very good at bargaining.







-Drama Queen


Other: Sarah is a bit materialistic from being spoiled so much, and she hates drugs. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life, but wants to make use of her charisma.

Thoughts on characters: (Will be edited)

"I've always thought of Greyson as extremely exciting. He left for the longest time, and I missed him when he was gone. Now that he's back though, he seems more quiet, but also more deep in character. We didn't always hang out when we were younger, but I wouldn't mind hanging out with him more now."

Opinion on Greyson Callahan

"Benji is awesome. Even on my rough days he makes me smile. He's one of few people that can make me calm down when I get angry. I love joking around with him! He's also crazy good with martial arts. I trust him having my back, and I got his back as well!

Opinion on Benjamin Parker

"Cameron is my big bro. Just as most siblings we have our feuds, but typically we get along. He's always been extremely good at handling Mom and Dad's neglect. I don't know he does it, but I admire him for it. Although, I really wish he'd stop some of his bad habits..."

Opinion on Cameron Montreal

"I respect Brec a lot. She's the one girl I will not mess around with. Sometimes she can be a little too serious, but I still love being her friend. I'm surprised she tolerates me at times though..."

Opinion on Breckenridge Santini

"Violet and I don't talk like we used to, and I have to admit I actually miss her. It feels like we don't even know each other anymore, but just like me she's kind of cut herself off from family."

Opinion on Violet Montreal

"Amanda is always so happy and is such a Sally Sunshine, I love hanging out with her. I don't think she realizes but I look up to how nice she is to people. I wish I was like that... Don't tell anyone I said that..."

Opinion on Amanda Parker

"Ingrid and I don't talk a lot, but when we do it's always really enjoyable. I kind of think we're similar in some ways, but I couldn't be for sure. I'd like to talk to her more."

Opinion on Ingrid Parker

"Well Tris and I... We're kind of polar opposite. I don't mind her, but I have a feeling she doesn't really like me. That's nothing I'm not used to though."

Opinion on Tris Callahan

"I don't talk to Ashlynn, and she doesn't talk to me. I'm quite confident she's uncomfortable around me. Whatever. I wish she'd change her mind about me, but I'm sure she's heard many not so good things about me, so why would she change her mind? ... Not that I care... *bites lip and looks away*

Opinion on Ashlynn Jameson

"He's a year younger than me, but dang, Hunter is quite the charmer. I like him. He's very flirty, and isn't afraid to show his interest. I love that."

Opinion on Hunter Jameson

"I think Quentin is really cool. He's easygoing, and also charming like his brother. I like him, but we don't talk a lot. I wouldn't mind getting to know him more."

Opinion on Quentin Jameson

"I have to admit... I haven't been the nicest person to Nora... She's tense around me, and I don't blame her. But if I knew how to apologize I would... It's just... The 's' word isn't brought up in my vocabulary that often. Hopefully we can be friends some day."

Opinion on Nora Santini

"Ace is pretty hard core. I don't really meddle with him much. I've heard some of the things he's gotten involved with and it's actually pretty freaky. He's very... Out there."

Opinion on Ace Jameson

"Oh my goodness... Emet Jameson is the most angelic, cutest, perfect little boy I've ever met. He's so adorable!"

Opinion on Emet Jameson

"Lexi's really cheerful, and I like that about her. But, somehow, she can still remain optimistic even with our parent's neglect. I would never tell her, but I envy that about her.

Opinion on Lexi Montreal



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Name: Violet Montreal

Gender: Female

Age (7-19): 18

Family: Montreal



Though Violet was a child of the Montreal's, she barley followed the rules of the house or of the regular stereotype of what a rich kid should have acted like: spoiled and perfect. She believed, she turned out the be the exact opposite: dark and uncaring. Although this may not be how she feels internally, it is what she portrays to people around her. That doesn't mean she isn't smart, or that she has no talent. On the contrary, violet is one of the smartest people, she thinks, in her family. Though, she didn't tell her parents or siblings that. She stopped telling her parents about her grades after she got a 95 on an english oral and had to deal with her parents complaining to the school board for a month as they complained about how she apparently deserved an 100. She, from that point on, decided never tell her parents her grades again, and for some reason beyond her, she simply stopped talking to her family members as well.


Violet grew up loving everyone in her family and always being happy and bubbly. It wasnt really until two things happened that she was dying to change- firstly, the grade scenario, and secondly, the bullying problem. Of course, everyone knows that its the nerd who got picked on in class, and that, simply, was violet. People picked on her like it was no ones business. So? If they were gonna pick on her for no reason, she would give them a reason. She turned towards punk and rock music, drowning in their meaning and ignoring most other people. The rest of the years were mostly a blur to her.



•musical capability (guitar and voice)






•ability to think beyond the box

•musical ear

•fast eye hand coordination





•hand feet coordination.

Other: >wants tattoos<

Thoughts on characters:

•Opinion on Greyson Callahan

"Greyson seems cool, i guess. He doesn't look like a total asshole. Ironically though, I don't want to say that. Looks can be deceiving, and the Callahan's haven't even been around too long. We were better friends when we were younger."

•Opinion on Benjamin Parker

"Benjamin? You mean, like, ben? Ben seems pretty cool. Kinda. Sorta. I mean... I haven't talk to him.... Ever. But rumor has it that The kid is definably in. Ill make a note to chat with him sometime."

•Opinion on Cameron Montreal

"Oh god. Family? Ew. Not my favorite topic. But I guess cameron is okay. Ive avoided him as much as possible though, as well as sarah, too. Its not like we talk as much as we used to. We used to hang out much more often... But i guess things change, right?"

•Opinion on Breckenridge Santini

"Brec seems pretty cool, but once again, I've never really talked to her. She seems quite tough, though."

•Opinion on Sarah Montreal

"Oh, more family to talk about? Again, ew. I mean, I don't hate sarah. But the last time we talked was a while ago. Last I heard of her she was the school bitch. Doesn't seem right, but not talking to someone for so long means that they change. I changed too, I guess, so i don't blame her. I hope shes really not the bitch everyone says she is. She used to be such a nice kid."

•Opinion on Amanda Parker

"Amanda? That pan girl? Well, if you ask me, she might be faking it. But, what do I know. She seems cool, i guess. But I've never talked to her. She might be like the female version of a fuckboy for all i know."

•Opinion on Ingrid Parker

"Nothing against her, really. Shes kinda cool, I guess."

•Opinion on Beatrice Callahan

"According to rumor, she's really a women. But, I dont know her."

•Opinion on Ashlynn Jameson

"Shes mature for her age, and smart too. Rare to find kids like that."

•Opinion on Hunter Jameson

"He seems like... A nerd? But, I dont really know him..."

•Opinion on Quentin Jameson

"He seems cool."

•Opinion on Nora Santini

"Well, shes a Santini, and you know how they are, of course. Not that im judging... But..."

•Opinion on Ace Jameson

"Definitely someone I could hang out with. Mental note: not the most annoying person at the school."


Name: Amanda Parker {Jhonson}

Gender: Female

Age (7-19): 18

Family: Parker


Personality: Amanda is a bubbly, cute girl who everyone seems to either pick on, or hang out with. Shes not hated by a lot of people, but she doesn't really mind. She knows she gets to go home to a roof over her head, and shes grateful for that. Shes an extreme optimist, and though shes not the absolute sharpest tool in the shed, shes a great problem solver.

History: Amanda grew up with the Johnson's from age 0-16 years, and decided to kick her out when she came out to them as pansexual. It was odd for her, how they could react so poorly after living with them for so long. But, she knew that her family was very religious as well, and blames that for pushing them over the edge. She went to a foster home after calling child services at a pay phone for help, and in the same year she was adopted by the loving and caring- it seems so far, at least- parkers.







•problem solving






•fear of foster parents leaving

•fear of being alone

•deprived of childhood

Other: >very lonely internally<

Thoughts on characters:

•Opinion on Greyson Callahan

"Greyson is super cool, honestly! He's super tough and strong and stuff like that! I wish I could hang with him more, but he seems kind of risqué..."

•Opinion on Benjamin Parker

"Oh~! Benj is awesome! I mean, for the short time I've been with him, we've gotten along quite nicely! He's really smart on top of everything else..!"

•Opinion on Cameron Montreal

"Apparently he's aggressive, and we haven't talked much... But he seems like the boy that most girls would want because he's a buff teddy bear! But rumor has it that he had a short fuze and is kinda aggressive. I can believe it, but tolerating it is a different story. Maybe i should talk to him more~!"

•Opinion on Breckenridge Santini

"Brec seems sooo awesome! Shes, like, one of those super hot girl fighter extremes that you see on tv! I mean, shes tough, smart, and super cool and collected. I wanna try to hang out with her more, but, I've never hung out with a Santini..."

•Opinion on Sarah Montreal

"Sarah and I get along quite well, I mean, shes definitely more popular than me, and much prettier, too. But shes really nice! She had a bit of an addiction to rumors, but I cant blame her! The gossip at our school is intense!"

•Opinion on Violet Montreal

"Thats Sarah's sister, right? Shes kinda the opposite of sarah, I find, but Ive really never talked to her..."

•Opinion on Ingrid Parker

"Ingrid seems so awesome! I love her style and hair, and ugh! What i would do to look like her sometimes!"

•Opinion on Beatrice Callahan

"Shes sooo pretty! I mean, wow! I wish we talked more!"

•Opinion on Ashlynn Jameson

"Ashlynn is just... Wow. I mean, shes so mature for someone whos fourteen!"

•Opinion on Hunter Jameson

"Hunters great to be around, and always fun to talk to~!"

•Opinion on Quentin Jameson

"Yet, another hot boy. Hes got super swaggy hair though! Wish we hung out more~!"

•Opinion on Nora Santini

"Perfectionists annoy me..."

•Opinion on Ace Jameson

"Hes a bit quiet, but hot. Definitely hot."
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Ingrid Parker



Age (7-19):





Ingrid is smarter than she lets on, and although she looks spoiled, she's actually down to earth. She can become charming and proper or reckless and rude when she chooses to, but usually her personality all boils down to what sort of relationship you have with her. In public, Ingrid is sociable and friendly.


Ingrid was born in London, UK, and was raised by her biological parents up until she was 12 years old, which was about the time the accident happened. A police officer came to her home and told her how Mr. and Ms. Williams were found in a car that, in an attempt to avoid another vehicle, rolled off of the highway and crashed into the woods. There was no sign of the other vehicle, however, and it seemed they fled right after the accident. Her parents, meanwhile, were in apparent severe health and were rushed to the emergency room. After a few visits to the hospital, Ingrid soon realized that they only had a few days left to live, and spent the rest of those days with them, until the moment came and they were gone. The loss of her parents led to a series of events that 12 year old her never thought she would experience. Papers were signed, wills were read, and since there was no one left in her family, she was transferred to the orphanage, where the Parkers later adopted her. She easily adapted to her new life as a member of the Parker family, and developed a strong fondness for her new parents.

Despite everything, however, she still missed her old life. As a teenager, she tended to search the news about the car accident her parents were involved in online, in an unsuccessful attempt to get closure. That habit fortunately faded away when she found a hobby that soon turned into her passion: animating. Ingrid took film as her course in college, and up to now can be found in her room drawing things frame by frame to make motion pictures.


Modeling, writing, animating/film-making, art, and acting.


+ Open-minded, sociable, street smart, intelligent, artistically inclined


- Blunt, reckless/irrational, can become too serious at times, can also be insensitive


Part-time model.

She has a tattoo on the back of her neck of a paper crane.

She smokes.

Thoughts on characters:

"Benji's pretty much the smartest guy I know, and it scares me sometimes. Haha."

Opinion on Benjamin Parker.

"Cameron? I don't really know. I can sense he's been through a lot, though."

Opinion on Cameron Montreal.

"Her tattoos look cool. I wish I was as tough as her. "

Opinion on Breckenridge Santini.

"Sarah's really nice! Some people don't like her, but I'd love to get to know her more."

Opinion on Sarah Montreal.

"He seems a little mysterious. I've only spoken to him a few times but he's friendly, and not to mention, sort of cute."

Opinion on Greyson Callahan.

"I sort of love her hair. And her music taste. Other than that, I don't really know much about her."

Opinion on Violet Montreal

"Amanda's cool! Even if we're not related by blood, we have a good connection as sisters."

Opinion on Amanda Parker

"I wish I could get on her level of athletic. I mean, I already have trouble going on a treadmill! Anyway, she's like, the kind of person I want to be, you know? Athletic, tough, yet friendly."

Opinion on Tris Callahan

"She's really... young. But that's not bad. I just mean she seems really responsible for her age. Ashlynn's nice but she could loosen up more if she wanted. Being a 14 year old shouldn't be all about responsibility after all."

Opinion on Ashlynn Jameson

"He follows the typical "jock" stereotype pretty well. I hear some of the girls are pretty irked about it, but I don't really mind. I'd talk to him."

Opinion on Hunter Jameson

"I thought she was a little uptight at first, but she's great. Honestly, she's a pretty awesome friend. Plus, she dances."

Opinion on Nora Santini

"Quentin, like his brothers, also has that devil-may-care type of vibe. Except he's more... laid-back, I guess?"

Opinion on Quentin Jameson

"Again, with the Jameson brothers? The three of them are all arrogant and reckless from what I know, but Ace might just be a bit more extreme than the others."

Opinion on Ace Jameson

"He's a real cutie! I bet he'll be as handsome as his brothers, but I certainly hope he inherits Ashlynn's personality."

Opinion on Emet Jameson

"Lexi's really fun to be with, but I have a feeling she dislikes my habit of smoking. Though I have to admit, it
is a bad habit of mine. Haha."

Opinion on Lexi Montreal
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????: ??????c? q???? c???????


She goes by Tris to anyone outside of her family. The only person that ever really calls her Beatrice is her mother and occasionally siblings when they want to annoy her.

"If you tell anyone what my real name is, you better start running."


"17 and 3 quarters thank you very much"

Family: Callahan

"The one and only."



Personality: Tris was born a happy girl with a carefree and fun loving personality. That girl vanished when her parents got divorced. Tris closed herself off to others and reinvented herself over time. Instead of the bubbly young girl, she became a more serious young adult. When you see Tris for the first time, it isn't hard to tell that is she is more of a tomboy than a girly girl. She'd rather spend a day at the track, working out and sweating than a day at the spa. Tris is also tough and a hard-worker, she intends to do things her way and to do them right the first time. Most times she is very independent, almost to the point where she can get bossy. Her former self still shines through in her moments of heavy sarcasm and sass that tend to emerge when she is stressed or annoyed, which happens a lot. More than anything else in the world, she wants her mom to be okay and go back to normal. Despite everything that has happened, she is very close to her older brother (Greyson).

History: Well, the Callahan family was going pretty strong when she was born. Her parents loved her dearly and this love translated into her personality as a child. Their love started to fade though, and loud yelling matches replaced the cuddly movie nights that Beatrice had grown to love. The young Beatrice didn't know any better though, she thought the yelling was something that all parents did. It ment that they loved each other, right? Wrong. Beatrice's family moved to Manhatten and things were okay there. She didn't have a whole lot of friends in school because they usually made fun of her boyish clothes or her lack of makeup. She grew up like this, and gradually started to ignore their taunts. She took refuge in the sport of running; Beatrice loved to run. She preferred long distance runs where she could just get her mind off of everything, and she was actually quite the runner.

Things took a turn for the worse when her father left. Beatrice was devastated. She was old enough to realize what that meant for the family. During this hard time, Beatrice closed herself off and spent most days inside her room listening to the same sad songs on repeat. It took a while, but she soon reinvented herself. Her new name was Tris. She was still a tomboy, still an athlete, but this time she took on a more assertive attitude. When the family moved back to California, Tris took a more active role in the family. She began to work multiple part time jobs here and there to help support the family as much as possible. Her mother was in no condition to work, and seeing her mother like that hurt Tris immensely. She just wanted her mom to be okay again. The main job that Tris works is being a bartender (She may or may not have a fake ID...). It pays well, despite the fact that she has to break up bar fights every other day. She's also worked in a motorcycle repair shop, a grocery store, a gym, a gas station, and pretty much every other job she could get her hands on. Tris had to quit her school track team in order to keep up with all these jobs, and she has considered dropping out of school on multiple occasions.

Running, Arguing, Working with Motorcycles, Work-Oriented, Motivated, Sarcasm (That's a skill. Yup.)


+Anything athletic


+Keeping her emotions in check

+She deeply cares for her family and friends


-Almost too unselfish: Is always willing to put others in front of her

-Independent: Doesn't like to work with others

-Easily annoyed: You better watch out if you get on her bad side

Has many tattoos. Is constantly sketching new tattoo designs.



Thoughts on characters:

"He's my brother, half of the time I want to strangle him and the other half he's actually semi-decent. Hopefully things stay that way."

Benjamin: "He's all smart and stuff, yeah, but to be honest he kind of annoys me. He's always so happy, you know? Like he don't give a shit about anything."

Cameron: *Whistles* "He's definitely not ugly. Especially when he's shirtless and beating the shit out of someone in the boxing ring. He seems cool and all, but I doubt he'd even talk to me."

Brec: "Brec's chill. She's got that whole "I don't need anyone and I'm not afraid to let them know" type of vibe, and if there was a zombie apocalypse I'd definitely want her on my side. I wish we were better friends."

Sarah: "Take the most basic white girl you know, and boom, Sarah. Okay, maybe that was harsh but still. Friendly, popular, bubbly, pretty much every guy's dream girl. She can get annoying at times because she acts so happy. Maybe if she'd take it down a notch I'd hang out with her."

Violet: "The girls got a good taste in music. Amen."

Amanda: "She's... Peppy. Not in a good or bad way. I don't know. She doesn't seem to hate anyone so that's good."

Ingrid: "Her name sounds totally punk. I wish I was half as good at art as she was. We talk sometimes and honestly she's really nice once you get to know her."

Ashylnn: "You mean the young one right? I can tell she's never really liked conflict. I feel like she's just so innocent and fragile that if I touch her she might break."

Hunter: "You mean that annoying little sports freak who stares at every girl he meets? Yeah, he's like the little brother you never wanted."

Quentin: "Hunter's older brother, right? Yeah, I see where that young kid gets the recklessness. At least Quentin is more laid back and not so much BOOM IN YOUR FACE if ya know what I mean."


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Ashlynn Jameson



Age (7-19):





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2212b71f_SmilingGirl.jpg.add21ff5f342d1e8d4492ad3a98b6514.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48879" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2212b71f_SmilingGirl.jpg.add21ff5f342d1e8d4492ad3a98b6514.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Despite her age, Ashlynn is extremely mature. She had to grow up quickly and learned to take of herself from a very young age. From her experiences she's grown to be responsible, wise, and level-headed. Dealing with adults Ashlynn is polite and respectful. To others, she's friendly, caring, and trustworthy. Ashlynn hates fighting and will always take a mediator role when conflicts arise. She would sacrifice her own needs for others, and sometimes is a little easy to take advantage of. That doesn't mean she is naive and unaware of this though. She only does this to keep the peace. Ashlynn is observant and also intelligent. She's cautious and tries to deal with problems before they get worse.


Being born in a large family, everything was always chaotic. Sometimes it felt Ashlynn was competing with her siblings for attention from her parents. By the time she was old enough to go to school, Ashlynn was already beginning to realize that one of the problems was that her parents just weren't that good at raising children. She still loved her whole family deeply, but made a decision to try and take some weight off her parent's shoulders. She learned to take care of herself. She secluded herself off from the rest and minded her own business, letting the others battle their parent's attention.

Of course, once in a while, Ashlynn longed for her family to actually take of her, and feel that someone was there for her. Over time, she kind of gave up on hope for that, and only wistfulness was left over. In middle school she wasn't the most popular, but she had good friends. In the back of Ashlynn's mind however, she felt as though she was always taking care of them and keeping them out of trouble. She felt like the mother of her friend group. Usually she didn't mind, but the wistfulness of someone taking care of her for once returned. Ashlynn saw potential in the family friend group, but was nervous to get super close to any of them. She was one of the younger girl's and couldn't help but wonder if they thought she was inferior to them... Now in ninth grade, she still wants to be close with them.


Ashlynn is intelligent and observant. She's cautious and is a good problem-solver. She usually can fix things before they get too bad. Also, she's fairly good at being a mediator.







-Insecure about inferiority

-Easy to take advantage of

-Sometimes overly cautious

-Hates fighting (Can be good or bad)

Thoughts on characters:

"I don't really know Greyson that much, we never really hung out. I know he's been through a lot though. People told me he was a lot more bubbly when he was younger. Now he just seems very serious and quiet."

Opinion on Greyson Callahan

"Benji's really funny. He makes me feel comfortable when he is around. He's always very welcoming and makes me feel like part of the group. He won't leave me out, and I'm really grateful for that!"

Opinion on Benjamin Parker

"Cameron is a little intimidating to be honest. I respect him a lot, but I hope I never get on his bad side. We don't talk that much."

Opinion on Cameron Montreal

"I like Brec a lot. She's easygoing, but also knows when it's time to be serious. She's four years older than me, and I look up to her. I just hope she doesn't see me as a child... *sighs* Sorry, that's just my insecurity talking."

Opinion on Breckenridge Santini

"Sarah leaves me a little uneasy... It's girls like her that manipulate girls like me... Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against her! She's funny and everything! I just... I don't want her to snap on me."

Opinion on Sarah Montreal

"Violet doesn't really talk to me. I think we'd get along if we got to know each other. I hope so anyway!"

Opinion on Violet Montreal

"Amanda is one of the nicest girl's I know! She never makes me feel like a child, and genuinely cares about what I have to say. That means a lot. I really admire Amanda."

Opinion on Amanda Parker

"Ingrid seems really friendly. I like her, and I've heard she has some pretty rocking talents. I would love to talk to her more!"

Opinion on Ingrid Parker.

"Tris is also very serious. Just like her brother. It must run in her family or something? I don't know, but she doesn't seem that sociable. I respect her a lot though, and would like to talk more."

Opinion on Tris Callahan

"Hunter? Oh gosh. He gets on my nerves! He used to be such a great big brother, and a good role model, but somewhere along the way, he just changed... He's like... A jerk. *sighs* I still love him though."

Opinion on Hunter Jameson

"Quentin is kind of like an older version of Hunter, but he's smarter. I know I'm not his favorite sibling, but I don't really care... I don't know, they can do what they want. They should know how to take care of themselves... *laughs sarcastically* But I still love him."

Opinion on Quentin Jameson

"Nora and I are really similar. I love hanging out with her, and I would love talking to her more! I feel we can relate in a lot of ways, so I'm really happy to be her friend!"

Opinion on Nora Santini

"Compared to my other brothers, Ace actually respects me. It's quite an odd relationship. We're nowhere near alike, but we both respect each other. I do wish he'd keep out of trouble, but I think that's too much to ask for."

Opinion on Ace Jameson

"Emet's my little bro, and I love him more than anything. I'll always be there for him to keep him out of trouble and take care of him.

Opinion on Emet Jameson

"I feel like Lexi and I are really alike. We're both kind of the the caretakers in our family. I like her a lot, and I really want to talk to her more!"

Opinion on Lexi Montreal

"I like Adelia a lot. She's a little quiet at first, but when you get her to open up, she's super easy going. We don't talk a ton, but I really do trust her, and would like to talk to her more."

Opinion on Adelia Parker

"I've never spoken to Avery that much, but from what I do know about her is that she isn't afraid to speak her mind. Also she's quite the bookworm! I hope to learn some things from her."

Opinion on Avery Santini

"Arizona can get a bit rebellious at times, but she's got a good heart. I don't talk to her much but she's very nice and fun as well."

Opinion on Arizona Parker

"Veronica... Veronica is an amazing sister. For so long I was the only girl in the family, and all my brothers were... Well trouble. Then Veronica arrived. I know she came from a troubled past, but she hid it so well. I wish I showed her more appreciation before she left. I don't think she realized how much she means to me..."

Opinion on Veronica Jameson



  • Smiling Girl.jpg
    Smiling Girl.jpg
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Name: Hunter Nathaniel Jameson


Gender: Male

Age (7-19): 15

Family: Jameson



Personality: Hunter is the stereotypical jock. He loves anything to do with sports, sports heroes, sports idols, oh and girls too. Those are pretty cool. Yeah, sports and girls are basically his world. Although he is 15, he doesn't really act like it. He's immature, witty, and can charm just about any girl with a classic goofy grin and hair flick. As for school, Hunter doesn't care. At all. He barely passes his classes, doesn't do any homework, picks on all the nerds, and flirts with all the hot girls. Although he does tend to get friendly with a lot of girls, its just for fun. He isn't the aggressive or over-touchy guy, he just likes to get a good laugh. Also, Hunter idolizes older, cooler, tougher guys. He often follows them around and wants to be just like them.

However, Hunter isn't a very personal person. He shares as little details about his home life as possible. He doesn't like to be associated with his parents because they are extremely well known for popping out new babies every year or so, and it almost embarrasses him.

History: As a young kid, Hunter was actually a very shy and quiet boy. He loved everything science and math and studied it like it was his religion. In elementary school, the other kids made fun of him for it and called him mean nicknames. Hunter ended up crying himself to sleep most nights as a child because he thought no one would ever like him.

Everything changed when he went to middle school. He decided that he didn't want to be "Geeky Boy" anymore. Hunter took up sports and realized that he had one heck of an arm. Football and baseball became his favorites and he grew to be really good buds with some of his teammates. Hunter loved this new life, and wouldn't change a thing. He had all the cool clothes, all the cool friends, and all the girls loved him. Hunter began to party when he was just 14 (His older brother Quentin got him started) and is commonly found sipping on a beer in the corner of a party, a wicked smile on his face.

Skills: Sports, Charming Girls, Tricking Adults, Persuasion


+Anything Athletic

+Physical Fitness




-Cocky and Stubborn

-Very seldom is serious about anything



Thoughts on characters:

Grayson: "Dude, that guy is way to mysterious for my taste. I don't think I've ever seen him flirt before. Maybe he doesn't know how?"

Benjamin: "Nerd alert, nerd alert. This guy cares waaaay to much about school. I bet he goes home and studies for three hours each night."

Cameron: "This guy is pretty much the freakin coolest dude ever. He's one hell of a boxer! I heard he knocked a dude out cold with one punch! I wish I could be more like him."

Brec: "H-O-T. This girl is smokin'. Not to mention that she is fiesty. Who knows, maybe she likes younger guys."

Sarah: "Just between you and me, Sarah's like, a golden girl. I mean just look at her, she's hot! Plus, her parents are rich. That's always a turn-on."

Violet: "Uh.. She listens to some weird music. And she's way to quiet for me."

Amanda: "Eh, she's cute, just not my type."

Ingrid: "I'm not gonna lie, this girl is interesting. Her names a little weird and all but maybe if she wasn't so quiet I'd like her more."

Tris: "She's a lot like her brother. Mysterious. But hey, I don't mind mysterious, especially when you're as hot as she is."

Ashlynn: "Yeah, she's my sister and all, but she sure is uptight. I don't think she's ever missed a curfew. I need to get her out to a party one night. She probably doesn't even know what alcohol is..."

Quentin: "It's actually really awesome having Quentin for a brother. He hooks me up with beer for all the parties I go to, and I've heard some legendary stories about him when he was in high school. Rumor has it he slept with his Calculus teacher in exchange for an A in the class!!"
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Quentin Jameson



Age (7-19):





Quentin is very nonchalant when dealing with situations, whether it be a bad or good thing. He's the go-with-the-flow type of person and usually does things without planning them. He also cares more about his looks than the average guy, and although he's a bit vain, he's smarter than he actually looks.



Being a Jameson, Quentin was never really close to his parents, as they were often aloof with their children, and after all, they
did have a lot of children. He didn't blame them, but growing up he never had much guidance, which led to him being quite reckless during his high school years most especially. He had been popular and had lots of friends, but his grades were low from lack of hard work. His parents, however, wanted him to become a doctor. And even though Quentin wasn't very close to them, he yearned to impress them. This in turn made him spiral into a pit of depression, and for a while during his last years in high school, he talked to no one. Quentin did not realize until college that he wanted to take performing arts/film as his course, and when his parents found out, they grudgingly accepted his choice. He now remains his usual self; cocky, witty, and reckless as ever.


Athletic, musically inclined (playing the guitar and singing), writing, street smart


+Spontaneous, quick-witted/clever, charming, well-read


- Can be cocky, vain, too laid-back, drinks and parties way too much, sarcastic and blunt



Skateboards a lot.

Thoughts on characters:

"Greyson's a good friend. He's fun to talk to and we get along well."

Opinion on Greyson Callahan

"Benji's funny, but not the kind of guy I'd take to a party. He doesn't really hold his beer that well, you know."

Opinion on Benji Parker

"He's okay when he's not angry. To be honest, I'm pretty sure he could beat me up into a pulp, haha."

Opinion on Cameron Montreal

"I like Brec. She has guts."

Opinion on Breckenridge Santini

"Sarah's cute, but I hear she can be a bit mean sometimes? She's been friendly to me, though, so whatever. Getting to know her more wouldn't hurt."

Opinion on Sarah Montreal

"Violet's seems like an okay person to hang around."

Opinion on Violet Montreal

"I still sort of think of Amanda as a younger person, even though we're the same age. Maybe it's her optimism? Not many 18 year old's are that happy all the time."

Opinion on Amanda Parker

"Ingrid's cool. We talk sometimes and she draws well. Her art's really nice too."

Opinion on Ingrid Parker

"Tris? Well I at least know Hunter has a crush on her. I get it though: she's attractive."

Opinion on Tris Callahan

"My sister can be a bit uptight sometimes. I mean, she didn't even drink any of my beer when I offered her some. I love her though, and I might not be there for her all the time but she's still my sister."

Opinion on Ashlynn Jameson

"Hunter's great, and him being my little brother, it's fun. I get to "teach" him. Ha."

Opinion on Hunter Jameson

"She's a bit serious sometimes, but she's a really good dancer. Did you hear she broke three toes once? Hardcore."

Opinion on Nora Santini

"Ace is fun to hang out with, and has a lot more experience than me at girls, parties, and pretty much everything. He does tend to get a little aggressive though, especially when he gets into fights with our brother Hunter."

Opinion on Ace Jameson

"Emet's a good kid. He sorta reminds me of Hunter when he was younger, but I honestly hope he doesn't turn out like me and his brothers."

Opinion on Emet Jameson

"Lexi's alright. She's cute."

Opinion on Lexi Montreal
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Name: Nora Santini

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Family: Santini


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c222813b2_Picture3.png.d4d9dc882c765ff9fd0638e734ec971c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c222813b2_Picture3.png.d4d9dc882c765ff9fd0638e734ec971c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nora has more than just a reputation for being a little uptight. She's a perfectionist, and she's going to do everything she can to get everything the way she wants it, even if those factors are out of her control. However, once she gets comfortable around a person she can actually be really sweet and affectionate. They just have to get through her stand-offish side to achieve that. She can be stubborn and defensive, but will also use those traits to help people she cares about. Nora is desperate to prove herself, especially because she's the little sister, and wants to be noticed.

History: While she shares her serious attitude with her sister, she has always been the more shy, introverted, and soft-spoken one, rarely talking back or making comments. She feels pressure from her family to be as strong and versatile as Brec, and sometimes feels like her personality lets her down. Nora dropped out of her martial arts class at age 6 to study ballet, and while she is now one of the top competitive classical ballet dancers in the country, she still feels like she has disappointed her family. This makes her push herself harder and harder, trying to be the best. But when it comes down to it, she loves her family, and would do anything for them.

Skills: ballet dancing (on pointe shoes), extreme flexibility, endurance, and strong mentally



+Very driven







-Reluctant to stand up for herself

-Vulnerable when it comes to her parents


Other: She broke three toes during a performance, and not only kept dancing, but took home 1st place.

Thoughts on characters:

"Never got to know him that well. I guess you could call him mysterious?"

Benjamin: "He's secretly one of my favorite people. Fun to be around."

Cameron: "Usually a pretty great guy, just gets sort of, well, crazy sometimes! When he gets aggressive, I avoid him at all costs."

Brec: "What can I say? She's my sister! I love her! She's my biggest role model and source of inspiration. I just wish she would give me some time to shine now and again, that's all."

Sarah: "She's used me more than a couple of times. Yet, I can count the times she really meant to hurt me on one hand, and then cut the hand off."

Violet: "Well...I'm sure has her reasons, but she seems really stoic and kind of mean. At least to me that is."

Amanda: "Her optimism can be a little grating. Still, I can tell she has everyone's best interests at heart."

Ingrid: "She came off a little...bratty when I first met her, but she turned out to be one of the best people I know."

Tris: "The personality resemblance between her and Grayson is insane! She might be even more cryptic than he is."

Ashlynn: "Her brother was sort of off-putting, but she's so great. Honestly, if we weren't in different grades, I would hang out with her so much more than I do."

Hunter: "Three words for you: Out of control! I can't stand him. When he thinks I'm not looking, I can see him checking out Brec. Gross."

Quentin: "One of the most laid back people I know. How the heck does he stay so calm all the time?"

Ace: "I try to see the good side in people. It might not always seem like it, but I try. Ace is the kind of person that makes me want to lie face down on my bed for the rest of my life."

Emet: "Ah! He's so cute and sweet! Honestly, the nicest little boy I know."

Lexi: "She's nice..and really happy, but not in an annoying way or anything."

Avery: "Just like the rest of my family, I love her. I can relate to her a lot more than Brec, and she's a lot more reliable. Plus, help with my Humanities class is always appreciated. I guess she just really grew up in the past few years."



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Ace Jameson


Go on, make my fucking day





Age (7-19):





+Loyal (?), Cold, Fearless, Careless

-Aggressive, Over protective, Hot-headed, Reckless

Ace doesn't give two damns about what's happening to him or what he'll do next, he does whatever he wants whenever he wants and what he wants. Yeah, cocky, yet he never speaks. He doesn't like it, most girls he's been dating say he's badass, protective, cold, and that can be bad if you look it trough both sides of the coin. Yeah, some also call him a player, due that he can change a girl each week, but he has never found anyone who doesn't cheat on him a week later, for whatever reason, yet the fault isn't all on his shoulder, even less in that question.

He loves to smoke, take drugs You'll see him with a cigarette, always, be it a electronic one in certain places, a normal one and a bong in his home, enjoying living the ''hard life''. Sure, he's coming from a family that doesn't keep an eye on their children, so he can be smoking some herbs while his parents are on the moon. Some people hate him, some people are intrigued, and others just like him.


Yeah, his family wasn't exactly the one to be to take care of him, so you'd find him many times ditching the many schools he went to, going out to a small aprty, or even major things, ending up getting arrested. The black sheep, his parents called him, becuase almost everyone of the rest were smart and obidient, Ace was another world. This caused his grades to go completely downhill, intelligent, yet not in solving mathematical problems, but knowing his way to talk himself out of prison. Not popular, but not a shy nerdy guy. Only the ''thugs'' knew his name and spreaded the word, and for hsi reputation he had to get some physique. His friends got him in some MMA classes, where he learned everything from grappling to submissions, everything he knows about leaving someone twitching in the ground. He dropped out in high school, disappearing for a while then coming back home, aprents as angry as ever, yet Ace didn't care about what they yelled at him.


Knowledge of civilian grade weaponry

Street rat [Knowing way around all the place and the people who inhabit it]

Easy manipulator

MMA Fighter


Smart, even though he doesn't use it for good

Emotionally durable










He has heterochromia, meaning one eye is blue and the other green

Thoughts on characters:

Greyson J. Callahan

''Meh, that dude is like my mirror, I respect him.'

Benjamin Montemayor Parker

''Hate that damn dude, acts like a chick.''

Cameron Montreal

''Ah, that dude. He's the only one I can see myself getting in a rough fight with, he's tough, yet I wouldn't go down without breaking a rib of his. Neutral to him.''

Breckenridge Santini

''Ugh, that girl. Spending minutes with her irritates me to the bones, so ''sassy''.''

Sarah Montreal

''Same as with Benjamin, I don't like people who act like the world is sunshine and lolipops.''

Violet Montreal

''I feel neutral to her, the only girl I would actually spend the afternoon with.''

Amanda Parker

''Another one of these stereotypical girls, I'm not perfect, but, so many people like these are annoying. Get your head out of the books.''

Ingrid Parker

''Feel nothing against or to like her, just like a board.''

Beatrice Quinn Callahan

''That girl actually is a woman, takes problems upfront and does it good! A sarcastic girl, yet, an adult.''

Ashlynn Jameson

''This girl is more mature than some of the guys around here, my respect to my little sister.''

Hunter Nathaniel Jameson

Oh look at me, I'm a nerd who isn't skinny, what a catch! Please give me attention. Shame to have him as a brother''

Quentin Jameson

''I like him because he doesn't give a fuck, and I don't either! Best brother ever.''

Nora Santini

''Blegh blegh, I'm so different because I clean my shoes twice, blah blah.''

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Name: Emet Jameson

Gender: Male

Age: 7

Family: Jameson



Personality: Emet is quite aloof, and often playful. There's almost no way to get this kid to settle down.He seemingly has an endless amount of energy, and is always up and active. Due to his family being so large, instead of going to his parents, he can most often be found going to one of his older sibling if he needs help. He loves meeting new people, and learning about new places, as well as adventuring.

History: One of the younger kids of the large Jameson family, Emet has drifted away from his parents, in a sense, most likely due to their complete aloofness when it comes to their kids. He began to either figure his problems out or go to his siblings for needed help, compeltely ignoring his parents. When he started school, he thought of it as the place to be. He got to spend his day with his friends, especially at recess. Upon hearing about the other families, he became overly excited about meeting them. (I'm sorry this is so short >.<)


> Quick learner

> Agile

> Good listener


> Friendly

> Easy to teach

> Pretty athletic


> Easiliy lost

> Can get a bit too excited

> Forgetful


Thoughts on characters: (I'll add this soon)

Lexi Montreal




Age (7-19):





Lexi is a very hard-working person when it comes to house-work as her parents, mother, are more likely doing business work, someone had to take up the job. She's a very cheerful girl and loves to be happy, along with cheering her friends/family up the best she can.

She can sometimes be really weird but that would only be to cheer people up or make them laugh.


Lexi as a child has always been very happy and herself. Her parents did used to take care of her of course as she was young along with her brothers and sisters but soon they stopped. She wasn't used to it at first but eventually had started getting used to it. She didn't like the idea at first but it changed her quite a lot, in a good way. She learnt how to cook, clean and do pretty much any housework a wife would do so that she could be of help to her brothers and sisters. It was something she enjoyed at the same time.

On the other hand, Lexi has her own other hobbies that she likes to do. Her favorite thing of all time is photography and scrap-booking. She takes almost pictures of everything to keep in her scrapbooks and has many camera in her room from all time yet her favorite are polaroids as they come out instantly. It was her first best friend and boyfriend that inspired her to take photography which is why it means a lot to her. After her first relationship, she hasn't been in one ever since although she is still looking to be in a relationship.





Helping out

A little of dancing and singing


She's adventurous, confident, kind and honest.


She's scared of insects, anything to do with death and loosing any of her friends or family members.


She has a secret tattoo that nobody knows about.

A medium sized heart on her left hip where it can be easily covered.

Thoughts on characters:

Thoughts on Greyson J. Callahan -

Greyson is handsome and seems very mysterious but after he moved back here he changed quite a lot, I'm kind of scared to talk to him, heh.

Thoughts on Benjamin Montemayor Parker -

Benjamis is a really adorable kid even though he's sixteen, he's really clever and has a great personality.

Thoughts on Cameron Montreal -

My big brother used to be annoying when he was younger but now he's changed a lot, he's more mature. We barely see eachother as much as we used to but I guess that's a thing with us Montreal's.

Thoughts on Breckenridge Santini -

Brec seems like a really nice girl but fiesty at the same time with all her fighting and tattoos.

Thoughts on Sarah Montreal -

Sarah used to be quite a happy girl when she was young, but when she grew up, I guess you could say the neglect from our parents changed her.

Thoughts on Violet Montreal -

I don't.. really have much thoughts on Violet. She's changed a lot compared to how she was when she younger and barely talks to any of us.. Guess the parents influenced that, hah.

Thoughts on Amanda Parker -

Amanda is really pretty.. She's a cute and adorable girl. I love the fact that she's able to solve problems quickly.

Thoughts on Ingrid Parker -

I used to feel quite sorry for Ingrid about what happened with her past but now she's a really happy girl so I'm glad for her. I just wish she stops smoking, heh.

Thoughts on Beatrice Quinn Callahan -

I haven't seen Tris in a while but she's changed a lot - she's become a beautiful girl except for the fact she's a tomboy, hah. She's a really hardworker for such a girl. Don't take that sexcist.. I'm a girl myself.

Thoughts on Ashlynn Jameson -

I love how Ashlynn is very mature at such a young age, she barely has a bad side to her but it's nice how she gets along with Ace.. who's quite hard to get along with.

Thoughts on Hunter Nathaniel Jameson -

He's changed A LOT from being a quiet boy to a jock. I'll let him have the fact that he's good-looking but he seriously needs to work on studying more.

Thoughts on Quentin Jameson -

Quentin has this hot look to him but I wish he'd stop his drinking/smoking and partying habits. Well.. an addiction is hard to get over so, I don't judge.

Thoughts on Nora Santini -

Hell, I love her hairstyle. It's so crazy but amazing. Nora is a real perfectionist from what I've seen but I've barely spoken to her much..

Thoughts on Ace Jameson -

Ace is really good-looking but I barely know him.. He doesn't talk as much, it would be nice to meet him though. Who he really is.

Thoughts on Emet Jameson -

Emet seems like a really adorable kid! Especially because I love little children. I just hope his big brothers take care of him.

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