Resurgent (A Divergent Trilogy RP) [Inactive]


A+ Daydreamer
Frost_ submitted a new role play:

Resurgent - You are brave. You are Dauntless.


1. rising or tending to rise again; reviving; renascent.

2. rising again, as to new life, vigour, etc: resurgent nationalism.

Faction before Blood.

A test tells you all you need to know. A score, a rank on a board, tells you how high you can expect to go in life. You are limited by your fear and fear is one limit you can't overcome. Only control.

Be Brave.

You, are Dauntless.




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Frost_ updated Resurgent (A Divergent Trilogy RP) with a new update entry:

Starting Soon!

So, the RP shall be starting tomorrow evening, aka Friday night, depending on wherever you are. I have a lovely little plot planned out so, if you want to add in/RP out any big, important events involving your character, just let me know. As long as it's within reason, I should be able to squeeze it in. On that note, if anyone would want to help me further develop the already existing basic plot or help play side characters, send me a message! I don't bite. Promise. ^~^
Read the rest of this update entry...
Joseph Eules, the current leader of the Abnegation government that leads the city, stands upon the elevated stage that holds the five bowls. It is choosing day, and a new generation shall be choosing their futures. He steps forward, solemn and respectful as he gives the usual speech. "Welcome to the Choosing Ceremony. Today we honour the philosophy of our ancestors, which dictates we each have our right to choose his own way. It was centuries ago that our ancestors realized that war was not born of ideology, or beliefs, but the facets of mankind’s personality, of mankind’s nature. Factions were born of the belief, separated by the qualities they believed responsible for the world’s disarray."

He waved towards the bowl of earth. "Those who blamed aggression formed Amity."

Next, he waved to the bowl of water. "Those who blamed ignorance became Erudite."

Then, he waved towards the bowl of glass. "Those who blamed duplicity created Candor."

At last, he waves to the bowl of grey stones. "Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation."

Finally, he waved to a bowl of lit coals. "Those who blamed cowardice were the Dauntless."

A chorus of cheers and proud roars erupted from the group sitting to the far left, wearing black, decorated with tattoos and piercings. The Dauntless were making themselves heard. They quieted down fairly quickly though, Eules continuing to speak the second they did, unsurprised at the outburst.

"These five factions have lived in peace for many years coexisted in harmony. Abnegation provided the selfless leaders in government. Candor provided the trustworthy leaders in law. Erudite provided teachers, and researchers. Amity has given us counselors and caretakers, and Dauntless supplies us with protection from the outside...."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over everyone present before stating the last of the speech with emphasis.

"And from the Enemy Within. But the factions provided us also with family, purpose, meaning, and life. Apart from them, we would not survive, for Faction before Blood. Therefore may this day bring new initiates, for a happier, brighter, better future."

Then the names began to be called.


She sat at the end of the back row, in the Dauntless section of course, tuning out the usual speech, having heard it plenty enough already. V didn't really start paying attention until the new dependent a started choosing their factions, regarding those who chose Dauntless with a calculating gaze. She'd be instructing a lot of these people, and she liked to know who she'd be dealing with. This really wasn't her scene. She would likely leave early in a little bit, head out to the tracks and wait for the crowd to come running for the train. Someone had to make sure no idiots got themselves killed jumping on and off the train, it had happened before, and undoubtedly would again, so she figured she might as well.

V glanced at the clearly younger people sitting among everyone who was there to watch, wondering who'd be brave enough to let their blood drop onto the lit coals and sizzle away. Who'd be brave enough to be Dauntless. It was hardly an way choice, to pick any faction, but not one she concerned herself with. Her time to deal with all this had come and gone. It was a new year, a chance to break in some new recruits, and likely have a few more crazy adventures. Maybe.


He glanced warily towards his parents who sat to his left. Dare's mother flashed him a small grin and his father a solemn nod. They both had faith in him, that he'd be the one to carry on the Dauntless line, and he would. He wasn't about to let them down. A few names were called, people chose their factions, there were no transfers yet. He wouldn't be the first.

There. His name had been called, letting out a deep breath and putting on a laid back smile, he got up and walked nonchalantly onto the stage, grabbing the blade that glinted with metallic light as he sliced open a small cut on his palm, not even wincing. Dare paused, staring at the red and orange glowing coals as he held his clenched fist over the bowl. Drop. Sizzle. Hiss. He was Dauntless. As simple as that.

Triumphant hollers and shouts of congratulations erupted behind him and he grinned, turning around and walking back through the crowds of people he knew, clapping him on his back and encouraging him before he went and took his seat once again. "Well that wasn't so bad.." Dare mused.
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Allison sat by her mom and aunt she thought back to what Emily had said. "No one can know your aptitude results ever now Allie Marie." She had said she sat waiting and waiting for her name to be called secretly her mom knew where she was going and secretly her loved aunt did to. "She was ready to become dauntless." She heard Emily say as if Emily was near. She had secretly spied on Emily the day of her Aptitude test she laughed lightly thinking of Emily's reaction when she caught Allie spying. Allie waited ready to go to Dauntless as Emily had said.
(Sorry, I've been busy lately.)

Melindise stood stock still in her chair as she listened to the opening speech for the Choosing Ceremony, the words only barely registering as they passed through her ears. She tried not to squirm under her parents scrutinizing looks and instead focused on a loose thread hanging from her pale blue jacket. When she first became sixteen she thought that the Choosing Ceremony would have been something exciting and that she maybe would have stayed in Erudite but her opinion changed once she finally took the Aptitude test. After getting both Dauntless and Erudite she couldn't stop questioning herself about which faction to choose, even if she was leaning more towards one than the other. After all, you only got one choice.

"Melindise Greene."

Startled away from her thoughts, Melindise came back to her senses and slowly stood up from her chair, ignoring the searing gazes that were clearly from her parents, and stepped up to the platform that held the five bowls. Once she stopped right between the Erudite and Dauntless bowls she took the sharp knife from the man's hands, dragging the blade across the skin on her left palm just enough to draw blood.

This is it. Water or Coal... Those were the words that kept replaying in her mind like a broken record as she slowly extended her hand and closed it into a fist, squeezing more blood from the cut. Even though she had given this decision much thought and already knew which faction she was going to choose, it didn't make the process any easier. So, taking the chance to just dive in headfirst, Melindise closed her eyes, stood up taller, and shoved her fist towards the bowl in mind, the whole previous internal conflict only taking a few seconds.

Clenching her fist even tighter to let the blood flow out faster she listened to the distinct sound of the burning coal sizzling the liquid and opened her eyes, finally letting a tiny smile flutter onto her lips.

She chose Dauntless.
Collin brushed V's shoulder to get her attention, but he didn't take his eyes off the students. Since he was forced to attend the ceremony, he might as well make the most of it. More than a few students had chosen Daughtless he thought with some small pride. Something he usually considered himself above when it came to his faction. "What do you think about our promising new initiates?" Collin asked. He recognized Dare off handedly, but there were quite a few girls this time around. Appearances could be deceiving though. Size didn't always equal toughness. "Should we start the pooling right now about who's going to make it though?"

The faction system was broken and had been for a long time. Collin pressed the knuckle of his index finger to his bottom lip. "Can you believe we were ever that young and doe-eyed?" He grinned at the thought that none of these kids knew what was coming for them.

V studied the new recruits to their faction with a meticulous gaze. "I doubt a few will even be able to jump off the train." She mused honestly. There were always a few faceless transfers who thought they could handle it and never made it past the first 30 minutes. "Other than that, some seem a bit scrawny, but we should be able to toughen them up some." she noted, "You know I don't bet on this stuff though."

She hadn't even bothered to glance over at Collins as she spoke, knowing he was listening, but now she did, raising an eyebrow as she questioned him nonchalantly, despite not actually caring all that much for his answer. It was the same old stories every year anyways. "And what do you think about this years bunch?"

V's brown gaze flicked back over to the stage area, watching as some kid chose Erudite, then another chose Amity, then one Abnegation, and so forth. She leaned back in the chair, getting into a more comfortable position. It was honestly a rather boring process."You know, I heard they're going to make us completely integrate the transfers and the born Dauntless kids this year. I almost feel bad for them. Be even more likely to get their asses beat now."


Dare roared and cheered along with all his friends as some joined Dauntless. He clapped a few friends on the shoulder as they shuffled past him, making quite remarks to the guy behind him, who he'd seen around quite a bit. He looked at the first transfer curiously. An Erudite. As others were doing, he greeted the female enthusiastically as well. "Oi. Transfer girl. Welcome to Dauntless!"

His attention then went to his parents, flashing a grin towards them as well as they smiled proudly back at him. He hadn't transferred like his sis. He wasn't a disgrace to the family. Everything was alright with the world. For now.

For the most part, he kept himself occupied by going over his plans for the weeks of training and trials they'd endure. Dare knew some things would be easy as breathing for him, growing up Dauntless and all. But some parts that he'd heard of? Not so much. Even for him.
"Allison Marie." Allison stood and looked at all the bowls The grey stones-Abnegation,Water-Erudite, Glass-Candor, Dirt-Amity, and burning coals-Dauntless.

Allie Marie grabbed the knife and sliced her thumb a little and walked straight to the dauntless bowl and pushed her thumb in the bowl. She waved bye to her aunt and mom her Mom was smiling and her aunt is crying a little as she walks to her niece with Allie's mom her and Allie share one last hug. Allie grips her mom and her mom fastens Allie's only thing from both her aunt and herself Allie's locket she fastens it to Allie's neck. Allie smiles then walks over to Dauntless.
Melindise let out a breathe of relief as she walked over to where the other Dauntless-transfers and Dauntless born- were lined up. The more steps she took towards the other initiates the more she felt excitement race through her veins, the shouts and accepting cheers from the naturally loud faction only encouraging her thoughts that not choosing Erudite was the right thing to do.

Finally stopping in the middle of the other 16 year-olds, a few patting her on the back in one swift quick motion, she turned to where she had heard a male voice shout 'Oi. Transfer Girl. Welcome to Dauntless.' , being only about a foot or so away from where he stood.

"Uh, thanks, I guess. Dare, was it?" Melindise replied in a shout to be heard over the other screaming from the Dauntless, a weary smile working its way up onto her pale pink lips as her eyes flicked over to where the other initiates were choosing the faction they would be in for the rest of their lives, her mind unconsciously calculating and taking note of small details about them.
Collin made a sound of agreement. He couldn't diss the transfers yet because he had been one once. V's cold assessment struck him as very like her. He shifted as a few of the Daughtless hopefuls returned to their section of the auditorium. "Well" Collin said tracking two in particular--one he recognized and one in Erudite blue--"I know someone's parents are happy their son didn't transfer." He glanced around and took in the amount of Daughtless they had lost to other factions compared to everyone else and was satisfied. " I still feel guilty about leaving mine. That's the worst thing about all this, you know." Collin glanced at her. He briefly wondered if he said something stupid. Would she know?

The ceremony had been going for a while. After the first few minutes, Collin's attention drifted and he hadn't kept track of how many kids their were. He tapped his boot against the floor. "How much longer until we get to leave and traumatize these noobies?"

"An Amity and an Erudite transfer.. Erudite kids usually end up pretty brutal.. I don't know about Amity. That's rare." V mused, knowing that it was especially so because of their nonviolent beliefs. The Erudite's had always either been really good, or downright terrible. There wasn't much in between. "The Dauntless guy? His names Dare. I know his parents, kind of." V admitted with a shrug, "They're trying to groom him for the top. Isn't going to work though."

She didn't even mention his remark about himself and his regrets. That was dangerous talk, what with the whole faction before blood thing. V acted like it had just slipped her kid, but it hadn't of course. V figured she better jog on down the path to the tracks now, make sure there weren't too many factionless loitering around, planning on leering and jeering all the new recruits. They did that from year to year, yelling obscenities at the new dependents who were now part of factions, unlike them. V kind of pitied them, but it wasn't an excuse to go off harassing others in her opinion.

That reminded her, she'd have to draw up a new patrol route after that whole incident in the factionless sector. A whole warehouse had went up in flames after some fighting had broken out. Now she had to add a whole new rotation in. Tensions were slowly rising in those areas, but they'd cross that bridge when they got to it.

"How long until we leave? Well, go now, stay, whatever. It's up to you. You're a big boy. Decide for yourself." She told him, tugging the hem of her black v-neck down as she got up. V wasn't exactly a modest person, she just wasn't in the mood to show my skin, not that to was uncommon among the Dauntless. They were all pretty open, about everything. It was both a good and bad thing. It was then that V stepped out into the aisle between sections of chairs and jogged lightly into the hall, heading out to the street.


Dare nodded as he held out his hand for the transfer to take. "Yup. Melindise isn't it? You're probably going to want to pick a new name." He told her. "A nickname or whatever."

Dare was, well, stuck with Dare. He was content with it and wasn't going to bother having it changed. The nickname suited him just fine anyways. He glanced towards his parents who were now absorbed in a conversation between the two of them. Turning away he paid them no real heed, only grinning when they got another transfer, from Amity, surprisingly enough. He called out a greeting along with several others. "Welcome to the crew!"

"Do you like trains? It would be best if you did." Dare mused slyly, his gaze having flicked back to the female in front of him. He knew what was coming next. Their trek back to Dauntless Headquarters. Home. He and all the others born into Dauntless weren't worried at all. They'd made this trip nearly every day of their lives. Still, to him and the others, it was, well, very funny watching new people trying to have a go at it.

Noticing a figure leaving, he glanced back, spotting one of the instructors, V, leaving, also noticing another instruction still sitting down. "Did you see that woman who just left? And the guy she was just sitting by? Well those'll be two of our lovely teachers. I'd start kissing ass and sucking up if I were you."

His eyes glittered jokingly, but still, he wouldn't be surprised if the girl got pissed off. Not everyone could understand or handle his lovely humor, and if you couldn't, you had no business being around him. So he really didn't care either way.
"Hi." Allison said. "I'm Allison Marie." She added quickly. Allison now looked at the necklace oh how much she was starting to worry she wouldn't pass the initiation or that if she did she would be to different.
(Oh and, just to let everyone know, I'll start typing 'Mel' instead of 'Melindise' once she officially changes her name after jumping on the net.)

Melindise scrunched up her nose in distaste as he called her by her real birth name, a sound of disapproval slithering past her lips as she took his hand in hers to shake. "Good, I never liked my full name anyways. It's just too... well it's just not really me." She mused to Dare, giving a long enough glance over to the new arrival, an Amity transfer, that gave her a small insight to what the new female might be like.

Turning her attention back to Dare, she allowed herself to raise an eyebrow at his trains comment. "I'm not really surprised that we're going to have to jump onto and off of the trains, considering that it is your main form of transportation. Although, actually doing it should be absolutely fun." Towards the end of her last sentence, Melindise couldn't help but let some sarcasm seep into her voice. And, hey, if one couldn't appreciate her personality or magnificent way with words, her mouth tending to lay on the sarcasm thick more often than not, then she honestly couldn't care less.

Once the last of the words trailed from her mouth and she finally turned her attention to the older male and female, her soon-to-be-instructors, she couldn't at all contain the quiet snort which sliced through the silence between herself and Dare, her gaze still calculating and analyzing her surroundings along with V and Collin. "Kicking ass and sucking up? Well, I'll try to contain myself but this should be interesting." Again with the sarcasm.
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He stood by the headquarters, waiting for the new initiates to arrive. The other instructors and members who were there, would surely show them the right way, and let them do the jumps as meant to. In the meanwhile, he would should out commands to the members left at their base, making sure they had the beds ready. That they would have to have everything ready. The hardest time in the 16 year olds lives would now come.

They would have to qualify to continue there, to pass all the tests.

They would truly have their asses kicked by the born dauntless.

This was one of the times where he had to make sure he wouldn't turn cruel, too strict at the first day already.

As the chief of the soldiers, he could push limits, make them do their best. But these? These were barely teenagers. Limits could be pushed, but he also could not make them go as far as the limit to wher they would all collaps.

Though, if he pushed too far, the other instrucors would stop him. That much he knew.


For every person who chose dauntless, he shouted out wolfwhistles, and grinned. Each new initiate menat another body to ink at some time. It really was one of his favorite things to do, to tattoo someone with another piece of his art.

Both initiates from amity and erudite. Maybe this one too would be like Nick? Another brutal one who will calculate everything.

And how would it go for the amity one? Most of them seemed too gentle to survive in dautnless, so how this would be differnet he wondered.

As V and the others were to walk out, he jumped out, following after like a puppy in love. He just couldn't help it. V was just such a magnificent woman.

V had made it into the lobby of the building that housed the bowls. She froze, quickly ducking behind a column as she saw what milled about outside the doors. Her eyes widened fractionally as she noticed Ink, a tattoo artist she kind of knew had followed her. "Hey. Get out of sight, now. Go back into the room and tell the other Dauntless members to get their asses out here." she whispered urgently, "Make sure they lock the doors to the choosing ceremony room and everyone else, including the new recruits stays in there. There's a huge mob of factionless out there, and they're armed."

V peeked back around the column, eyes calculating as she took in their numbers. Most had knives or other weapons made of jagged glass, broken metal, whatever they'd scrounged up likely. No doubt here to violently protest the faction systems. It was kind of amazing actually that they'd managed to organize at all, but still, very bad. It was a smart move though. Everyone who was anyone was back inside, and there they stood, just waiting outside the glass doors for them to walk into sight so they could attack. V was glad she'd left early.

She slipped a hand under the leather jacket she wore over her shirt, pulling a handgun from its holster. The Abnegation had asked nobody bring weapons, since Amity shied away from that stuff, but V never went anywhere without a weapon. She had a knife tucked into her boots too, so she was good. Still. She didn't want to kill anyone. What V knew they really had to do was just hold them off of everyone until they could contact Dauntless HQ and have them rush over with the tranquilizer weapons that the Erudite's had developed a few months back. Now would be a good a time as any to test them out. Still, if it came down to it, she knew she might have to shed some blood, unfortunately.


"Ooh. Sarcasm. An Erudite with an attitude. Nice." He grinned, chuckling as he nodded toward the other female. "Nice to meet ya Allison. Amity huh? Interesting choice of a transfer you picked there." He mused.

Dare glanced back over at Melindise upon her replying to his statement about the trains. "Trust me, you'll learn to love it. Ain't nothing better than leaning out of the door as it treks through the city." He admitted, glancing ahead as a few more names were called, a few more people chose their factions. They were pretty much done though, getting through the last few on the list.

"And interesting ain't even the have of it there Melindise." He added, tilting his head forward, another sly smile on his lips as he glanced between the two females once again. "So, why'd both of you switch? Wanted a taste of the whole, adrenaline junky lifestyle?" he questioned, "Not that we're all like that, well, I am. But still."
Melindise resisted the urge to flick Dare on this forehead for calling her Melindise, again, and instead focused on commenting and answering his previous words.

"Why thank you kind sir." She said the words in an exaggerated way, taking pause for only a second before continuing. "I marvel in my own witty humor every now and then as well. And I'm not saying that riding on he train won't be amazing, because it really seems like it is, but knowing my luck I'd just trip or bash my head on something right before I make it inside, or even off, dying a tragic death."

Taking a deep breathe, Melindise chanced a glance around at how many people stayed or transferred to a different faction and how many others were left until the Choosing Ceremony would be complete, which wasn't all that many, before answering his question.

"Well yes to the whole 'adrenaline junkie' thing but probably also because of the same reason you stayed; family."Melindise was vague when answering because if of the fact that she couldn't very well tell a practical stranger all of her life-long problems and because if he wasn't going to give a straight up answer, which would most likely be the case, then she didn't need to either.
Collin hovered a little longer in the stands. He wished he could have stayed behind in HQ like Nick. The walky on his hip buzzed and flickered a transmission. Collin lifted an eyebrow. It usually monitored violent activity in the city. There was a valid excuse to leave. Collin stared at the coordinates flashing at him and rolled his eyes. He just been given the thing a few days ago and instead of directions, it was telling him his own location. Collin stood up and noticed other Daughtless fumbling to understand the same transmission. His fingers went to the pistol on his side, concealed by his black coat. He had a permit to carry it into government buildings, but that didn’t mean whipping it out was a solid idea.

He remembered that V had left to check on the train situation and he cringed.

Collin gestured to the group of students jabbering away. “Hey you three.” He hesitated at the girls. An Erudite and Amity transfer with zero training what’s so ever. Well, they wanted to be in Daughtless and that said something for them. Collin directed his next words at Dare. There just weren’t enough real Daughtless in the stadium. Parents and siblings prioritized the empty seats, not soldiers. “There’s a situation outside. Probably Factionless. You know how they like to gather.” Collin knew that if he was notified then HQ was already sending sedatives to use on them. They just needed to contain the Factionless until then.

"Keep your former classmates from making a scene. Act like Daughtless, okay? I gotta go check on V." Collin scowled at the situation in general and headed outside.

V had since moved to a better vantage point behind a group of chairs, closer but still out of sight as she observed the factionless silently, looking for anything that could help. There was no way they could've organized like this on their own, someone had to be running the show. If whoever it was, was smart, they wouldn't actually be here, but they'd have someone running things in their place. Either or, she was looking for who was in charge.

Take out the leadership and the whole thing would crumble, most of them would leave, hopefully. There wasn't much time however. V figured the group was likely waiting until the Dauntless left out the side door in their crazy rush before attacking the defenseless who remained. They'd notice in a little bit if no one started leaving.

They are getting restless. She had to keep them busy. "I'm going to damn well regret this later.." She muttered to herself. Someone had to get out there. Those glass doors wouldn't provide enough protection, even if they were locked. The only way they could hold them back was from out there, via distraction.

V slipped back to her feet, moving from cover to cover before she finally made it to beside the door. Upon glancing back she noticed Collins. V gave him a brief nod, he could back her up if things went bad. Hopefully they wouldn't. V wanted to get this over with and head home.

Finally, she slipped outside the door, gun up and aimed at the nearest factionless. "Surprise."

A few factionless lunged at her, and V was about to shoot them, not given much other choice when she heard a familiar voice. "Hold back! She's dangerous. Unless you want to die first, don't attack yet."

To her surprise, the voice had a face to match, and it was one she knew. Samuel. He'd been an instructor before even she and the other two were. Trained a lot of the Dauntless that existed today, until, he got old. Sadly there was no place for old in their home. Once you reach that point, it's either to the factionless or death.

"Really Sam? I didn't take you for a traitor. Spend your life trying to teach us to protect these people and then you go and do this?" Her weapon was pointing at him now. V could tell a few factionless were just itching to shed some blood, hers, now that they had a target in front of them. The old guy couldn't hold off this raggedy bunch for long. This whole thing had been a fool move, but the only option open to her, and she'd took it. She trusted the other Dauntless to get her out off it, once they finally got here.


He'd been surprised to hear Collins speaking to them. V had left and now so was he. Something was happening. There were five doors out of the choosing area. One for each faction. Dare seemed to grow serious, for the first time today. "Okay. Allison, go lock the Amity doors, keep them closed. You might've transferred but you still know them. They'll listen." he began, "Melindise, same for you. Make sure no Erudite leave. I got Dauntless. I can ask a few others to watch Candor and Abnegation."

Dare glanced about, pausing. Even if they did their best and explained, no one was going to listen that well to a bunch of sixteen year olds. "Someone has to go talk to President Joseph, even if you have to interrupt him."

He knew he couldn't do it, he had to get a few of his friends, his parents maybe to help. He didn't want to inform his parents though. They'd head out, where it was dangerous, waste time making him explain. His friends wouldn't ask questions however. They'd just trust him.

Allison seemed pretty timid and shy, unsure of herself at the moment. Dare didn't want to make the girl do to much. Melindise seemed pretty, confident, for lack of a better word, what with her lovely way with words and all. She had to be pretty smart too, having been an Erudite before. Yes, been. They were all Dauntless now.

"Melindise go talk to the president. Tell him what's happening fast then get back to watch the Erudite door." Dare stated, before slipping away towards a few of his friends. He whispered the situation to them silently, before jogging off to their door, casually shutting it and locking it, before leaning against it with an air of nonchalance. He didn't know what was going on but he'd do his job.
Mike nodded as V told him to go back and lock the doors. It wasn't like he'd go against anything she would say. Anything she said sounded like music, like the sweetest melody from the sweetest of instruments. "Heya everyone" He greeted everyone inside of the room as he walked past Collin. He was sure they could manage to handle the fractionless. Otherwise they would call back the others who still were back in the Dauntless sector.

"You see, there's a bit of a scene outdoors, so V told us to stay indoors, and for all you can do, do NOT freak out even if you hear a gunshot." He smiled that charming little smile of his and locked the doors as they closed, ready to possibly be hit because they wanted to go out and help. But V had told them all to stay indoors, and so they would.
A traitor had escorted the Factionless to the door. Collin turned off the safety on his pistol, but he hadn't revealed himself yet. V stared the mob down in that chilly way of hers. She wasn't the type to lose her cool and that afforded him a few second to think. The instant Sam's control over the Factionless seemed to waver, Collin emerged from the shadow of the building. "Sammy." Collin nodded to him by way of greeting. They had never been close, but that made it easier to be flippant. "I always wondered what happed to you man. You really liked to screw with us way back when." The man was one of the instructors that trained Collin and his brother. "And it looks like your still screwing us now." Collin could tell his one sided conversation wasn't endearing him to the Factionless or the wonderfully professional V for the matter, probably.

"The people from Abnegation want to hear your demands. Against Erudite and our better judgment." Collin evaluated the mob, the weapons in their hands. If he could stall them long enough by pretending to give them what they wanted, the other Daughtless would have time to arrive. Sam wasn't dumb enough to believe that, but it might cause more division among the Factionless. "I assuming you have demands, right?"

A woman holding a broken battle gawked at him. Not in a aggressive way, but like she recognized him from somewhere. Collin glanced at V and then back to Samuel.
(Sorry, I just haven't been feeling like writing lately.)

Melindise noticed instantly the change of posture and attitude that swept over Dare, a sudden seriousness igniting behind his bright hazel eyes. She figured that whatever he was going to say next was something she she should pay close attention to in case it was anything of importance, which it obviously was.

After watching Dare go talk to some other nameless Dauntless among the crowd of people, leaning causally on a door once he had finished explaining the situation, Melindise turned around and prepared to walk on over to President Johnson so she could also explain what was happening. Or, that was the plan until on older Dauntless member, Collins, came back inside and announced what was happening just outside the doors to every in the Choosing Ceremony room they were now holed up in.

Well, one less job for me to complete, I guess. Was what her response to herself was. Taking a small, deep breathe to steady herself further Melindise carried herself closer to the Erudite doors, closer to her loathing parents, and leaned against them just like Dare, as if there wasn't anything going on right at the moment and she just wanted a place to rest up against.
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