Craving Crime RP
Welcome to Rest Inn!
Consider yourself checked in. Your character was "pulled" out of their own dimension and wakes up at the Rest Inn, with the impression that they are safe and simply need to be here. If they try to "wake up", well... they do. This isn't torment, punishment or limbo, but a spiritual gate where characters from across universes can connect. Here, the stakes are low, and the people are free. When they return from whence they came, it will be but a dream.
What's in Rest Inn?
Rest Inn seems to accommodate as needed, with new rooms appearing at a specific request and disappearing when no longer needed or occupied. But at it's baseline, it has private bedrooms, a communal bathhouse (with private baths as required), an enclosed courtyard garden, a low-lit restaurant and a sunlit café with windows into the courtyard. There is also a meeting room and a lobby with an empty front desk. Each room can adapt as required. For example, the courtyard can grow, miles on end, for the beast that needs a little extra room to stretch its legs.
Along with shifting as needed, it may shift as needed on a subconscious level. Your character may want a slots room where they always win, but Rest Inn (as controlled by you the player, not I the thread owner) may decide they need a dark corner to think about their gambling addiction...
Who works here?
Well...erm... You, if you need to. If you don't, it seems things just happen as required. Cups appear, fill themselves and disappear. Beds are made, and paint summons itself to the side of the artist.
Who owns this place?
No one, everyone, and the rpnation moderators especially. Or maybe it just owns itself.
Seriously though, if no one is running the place, what about rules?
The "rules" are rather simple since the concept is supposed to be easy:
The One and Only Rule #1
The 'creator' of a new room - your character - is the owner of that area and it will shift as needed. If someone is invited in or wanders in and isn't asked to leave, it begins "accommodating" that person. This means, the room has stabilized and won't shift dramatically. Everyone has control over their immediate area. If the owner asks someone to leave, they do, teleporting to their original room. Ownership of a room becomes transferred to a new individual if the original individual grants it to them. There is no limit to the amount of rooms one may create, though it seems to disappear if no one is in there and it isn't needed, and reappear whenever needed again.
Also, when your character wakes up and first creates a room (it'll usually be their bedroom, but I suppose they can really create a wake up room of any sort), they become aware of this in a subconscious way.
No one really "owns" the baseline areas.
Anything else?
I heavily encourage having some sort of indicator of your character's current location in your post and mention if the room is "locked". Otherwise everyone is going to get confused (but then again, I find chaos amusing so do what you will).
Some Examples: [Mariko's Reading Room], [His Own Bedroom, LOCKED], [A cove in the courtyard, with Mariko]
I gently encourage you to make your first post directly interactive with those who are currently in the scene.
Profiles are welcome, and also not necessary. There are no restrictions about what it must contain, to accomodate everyone coming from anywhere.
You may play multiple characters, but try to give them their own posts to keep things straight. A piece of dialogue or action shared across characters is fine.
Ghosts, both in and out of character, are welcome. Ghosts who are returning, in and out of character, are welcome. It's an old inn, it's haunted, what do you expect?
In character, this simply means the person who ghosted "woke up", and they can return anytime.
Stay here to chat with players.
(Also, if you just joined, I humbly request you post here with the "tag" you'd like me to give your character on the guest list, otherwise I'm going to take a wild guess. For an example, Sou's is "Detective from a Noir Novel")
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