Resolute Application of Force [Inside the Great Maker]


Elder Member
Name: Resolute Application of Force

Caste: Soulsteel

Concept: Crowd Suppression

Motivation: Sustain Order within Autochthon

Anima: Black Engine Smoke


Strength (Favored) 3, Dexterity (Favored) 4, Stamina (Caste) 4

Charisma 2, Manipulation (Caste) 3, Appearance 2

Perception (Caste) 4, Intelligence 3, Wits (Favored) 3


Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Integrity 3, Martial Arts 3, Melee 4, Resistance 2, War 2

Presence 2, Socialize 1, Stealth 1

Investigation 2, Lore 1


Allies 2, Artifact 3, Charms 2, Class 3, Contacts 2, Eidolon 1


First Dexterity Augmentation, First Perception Augmentation, Toroidal Shockwave Catalyst, Accelerated Response System [Parry], Integrated Arsenal System [sai, Hammer], Chemical Fog Generator, Strain-Resistant Chassis Modification [(-1, -1)], Exoskeletal Armor Plating, Optical Enhancement [Flash Shutters, Ultraperipheral Awareness, Thermal Vision]


First Strength Augmentation, Aim-Calibrating Sensors

Willpower 6

Essence 3

Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Personal Essence 5/15

Peripheral Essence 22/39

Committed Essence 27

Health -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Soak 16B/12L Hardness 9B/8L


Dark Secret (+2bp), Nightmares (+2bp)


Soulsteel Monofilament Scourge (Artifact Level 3)

-- Strike Spd 5 // Acc +3 // Dam +7L/3 // Def -1 // Rate 1 // Tags D, O, P, R

-- Clinch Spd 6 // Acc +4 // Dam +7L/3 // Def -- // Rate 1 // Tags D, O, P, R

-- Drains [Essence=3] motes on successful damage from target. Convert Lethal to Aggravated damage for 6 motes

Soulsteel Reinforced Buff Jacket (Artifact Level 2)

-- Soak 9L/12B // Hardness 5L/5B // Mobility -1 // Fatigue 0

Soulsteel Hearthstone Bracers (Artifact Level 2)

-- +3die Dodge Bonus. -2L/-2B to target's Soak

Crawlspace Creeping Unit (Artifact Level 1)

-- Walk or Climb on any solid surface at 5yards/tick

+Other Notes+

Ally is a ranking member of the Theomachracy who took part in examining his soul after previous incarnation.

Major Contacts are within Populat and The Prolific Scholars of the Furnace Transcendent.

This is not Resolute Application of Force's first incarnation as one of the Champions.

While a good number of those Alchemicals currently in service can claim similar, RAF's circumstances are much more peculiar... and delicate... than most.

In his previous duties as an Alchemical, over the course of some covert investigations he had ended up hunting down a suspected voidbringer group. He had been refitted for infiltration, which was to his detriment as it turned out that the cult was more established than previously thought, including being led by an Apostate. Despite his best efforts to return to his base city, he was critically damaged and captured. Even worse, the Apostate attempted to inflict its beliefs and corruption upon the Champion. Were it not for the timely arrival of a rescue team which had originally been signaled (before the discovery of the presence of an Apostate) originally as backup in sweeping up the heretics, chances were he would have either been corrupted or destroyed.

Upon being brought back, he was immediately dismantled and his soul run through a multitude of tests and examinations to make sure whether or not any amount of void corruption had managed to take hold. After all known methods had been employed, it was confirmed that the soul was uncorrupted.

However, 'uncorrupted' was not quite the same as 'unchanged.' The tortures, both physical and spiritual, and forced remodelling that had been worked upon him were not enough to turn him from his path in Autochthon's service, but they had taken their toll. Some of the Tripartite members who were privy to the details wanted to send him through several lifetimes as a mortal to see if the interaction (and less critical position) would be able to revert him to a more preferable state. Others wanted to simply... properly dispose of the soul in the manner that would be done for fully-tainted Apostates. In the end, it was decided that he would be stripped of as much of the experience as possible, and rebuilt as an entirely new Chosen. The details of the events around this were made classified, with stipulations for the events of if he either completely overcame the experience, or began to exhibit signs of potential gremlin behavior. Either event would have the potential for a scientific studio of the phenomenon.

The new Caste he would be a part of was determined to be Soulsteel, in the hopes that the material's properties would be able to mitigate... or subsume... any minor defects that might occur should he be another Caste. As of yet it seems to be a success, however he has not been put in significant contact with the forces of the void beyond malfunctioning spirits.

As mentioned, while deemed an acceptable risk at his current level Resolute Application of Force's past has been sealed on a need-to-know basis. While there is nothing in his behavior to be considered suspect, the release of the details to the populat and unincluded sectors of the Tripartite would surely have some form of detrimental response.

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