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Fandom Resistance Quest: The Search For Sonic (OOC)

I know very little about Frontiers, so I'm not familiar with Sage that much, but that sounds very interesting. 😃
An advanced artifical intelligence that eggman makes. Should look up cutscenes. As to why such a thing would not be higher simple it is more of satatician than an effective counter measure.
An advanced artifical intelligence that eggman makes. Should look up cutscenes. As to why such a thing would not be higher simple it is more of satatician than an effective counter measure.
I see. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing your idea in action once the RP begins.
Hi there, saw the interest thread and I'd love to participate in this-- been looking for something Sonic-related forever! My question is, would it be okay to make a character that stays out of fights / remains at base usually? In particular a techy/inventor type. I played Bowser's Minions like forever ago when I got the SS (best M&L game btw) remake, and I remember it has a lot of traveling and fighting, so when you say this'll take elements from that I just wanted to be sure that I could play a support-type and not be missing out. I can always adjust my idea if that is the case to make them more flexible. Thanks! :D
AlexneushoornTheGreat AlexneushoornTheGreat I’m so excited to be in another Sonic rp again! Quick question but just to confirm, we won’t be permitted to play as canon characters right? it’s so silly but when I first saw the rp synopsis I immediately started thinking that it’d be so cool to adapt a character like Clove the Pronghorn or Mina Mongoose to the setting, taking aspects from her Archie run and translating it into the Sonic Forces framework. Dhsjdjdjd I do have a few scattered thoughts in mind for potential original characters, but I figured confirming for sure that I can’t use canon characters will help me put any ideas relating to it to rest 😅
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Hi there, saw the interest thread and I'd love to participate in this-- been looking for something Sonic-related forever! My question is, would it be okay to make a character that stays out of fights / remains at base usually? In particular a techy/inventor type. I played Bowser's Minions like forever ago when I got the SS (best M&L game btw) remake, and I remember it has a lot of traveling and fighting, so when you say this'll take elements from that I just wanted to be sure that I could play a support-type and not be missing out. I can always adjust my idea if that is the case to make them more flexible. Thanks! :D
Yeah, of course. The techy/inventor types that avoid fighting and usually stay behind at home base to assist their fellow troops however they can are always welcome. :D
AlexneushoornTheGreat AlexneushoornTheGreat I’m so excited to be in another Sonic rp again! Quick question but just to confirm, we won’t be permitted to play as canon characters right? it’s so silly but when I first saw the rp synopsis I immediately started thinking that it’d be so cool to adapt a character like Clove the Pronghorn or Mina Mongoose to the setting, taking aspects from her Archie run and translating it into the Sonic Forces framework. Dhsjdjdjd I do have a few scattered thoughts in mind for potential original characters, but I figured confirming for sure that I can’t use canon characters will help me put any ideas relating to it to rest 😅
Yeah, unfortunately, users aren't permitted to play as canon characters, as this RP is heavily OC-oriented. If this RP is a successful one, then I might considering making another Sonic RP where you are permitted to play as canon characters though. ^^'
Yeah, unfortunately, users aren't permitted to play as canon characters, as this RP is heavily OC-oriented. If this RP is a successful one, then I might considering making another Sonic RP where you are permitted to play as canon characters though. ^^'
Ah I completely understand 👌 In that case I’ll get to work on my OC! I’ve been meaning to redesign one of my characters so this’ll definitely be a good excuse to get around to that.

This is my boi Supine the Long Tailed Porcupine! I think I might have him act as a sort of spy (if that’s alright with you of course) but I’m still debating on which side I’d want him to actually be working for 🤔
Ah I completely understand 👌 In that case I’ll get to work on my OC! I’ve been meaning to redesign one of my characters so this’ll definitely be a good excuse to get around to that.

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This is my boi Supine the Long Tailed Porcupine! I think I might have him act as a sort of spy (if that’s alright with you of course) but I’m still debating on which side I’d want him to actually be working for 🤔
Of course, feel free to assign him that role!
Yeah, of course. The techy/inventor types that avoid fighting and usually stay behind at home base to assist their fellow troops however they can are always welcome. :D
Awesome! I already have the beginnings of an idea— I'm going for an aquatic species, probably fish or dolphin; I'll try to work on it today. We'll see how creative I'm feeling when it comes to design lol. Super excited!

Ah I completely understand 👌 In that case I’ll get to work on my OC! I’ve been meaning to redesign one of my characters so this’ll definitely be a good excuse to get around to that.

View attachment 1164771
This is my boi Supine the Long Tailed Porcupine! I think I might have him act as a sort of spy (if that’s alright with you of course) but I’m still debating on which side I’d want him to actually be working for 🤔
HE'S SO CUTE!! Great art!! That role sounds like so much fun!
I'm working on my character myself. I'm kinda going for a covert-ops specialist, someone who sneaks behind enemy lines to sabotage their logistics, gather intel, and take out key targets, kinda like solid snake.
Yeah. Seems like it’s spy season right now. I myself got a couple of ideas, mainly for a robot in the Eggman Empire’s side, in between a ‘common soldier’ sort of robot with a reliance on either using their own arm weapon or picking up weapons of others, a long range sniper esque robot, or an large brute like robot meant to take hits. Just trying to think of what idea to focus on more… although it seems like a frontline focused one should be something considering the ideas some others have
Lol lots of spies
Not sure what you mean, Karcen. From what I've read in the OOC and Interest Check so far, i haven't seen other mentions of a stealthy character.

When I posted the sneak peak doodle for my character, I mentioned that I wanted him to have a spy-like role, though I suppose I didn’t really specify how exactly I envisioned that lol. but I’m totally down for their being two stealthy characters!
Yeah. Seems like it’s spy season right now. I myself got a couple of ideas, mainly for a robot in the Eggman Empire’s side, in between a ‘common soldier’ sort of robot with a reliance on either using their own arm weapon or picking up weapons of others, a long range sniper esque robot, or an large brute like robot meant to take hits. Just trying to think of what idea to focus on more… although it seems like a frontline focused one should be something considering the ideas some others have
Neat I'm going ai on Eggmans side
Ahhhh... Now I see lol. Yeah, I guess I should've figured others would've wanted to use the concept. I mean, it is a cool trope XD
Ahhhh... Now I see lol. Yeah, I guess I should've figured others would've wanted to use the concept. I mean, it is a cool trope XD
Very cool indeed! And heck, maybe our characters could even be on opposing sides for some spy vs spy hijinks!
Did a rough ref of my character— I'm already way too attached because I immediately uploaded him to Toyhouse lol. I still have free time today so I might knock out the character form later, or get to that over the end of the week.

It's cool to see lots of sneaky types! It would be really fun to watch a bunch of spies try to out-dupe one another LOL

Yeah. Seems like it’s spy season right now. I myself got a couple of ideas, mainly for a robot in the Eggman Empire’s side, in between a ‘common soldier’ sort of robot with a reliance on either using their own arm weapon or picking up weapons of others, a long range sniper esque robot, or an large brute like robot meant to take hits. Just trying to think of what idea to focus on more… although it seems like a frontline focused one should be something considering the ideas some others have
All those ideas are really neat! The common soldier idea gets me thinking about robots gaining sentience, like coming to prefer a specific weapon type they pick up and forming a sense of 'self' more than just being a disposable soldier. (Now I want to play a robot but I must refrain...... Maybe another time.…) Snipers and tanks are also super fun roles… Would love to see what you end up going with! I say go with what you want and don't worry about perfectly fitting a frontline; your ideas are really cool
I’ll see if I can get a completed character sheet semi soonish, although finals are coming up next week for me so I might be a bit busy with schoolwork. Either way I’ll at the very least put up a placeholder/WIP up on the cs thread 👍 Oh! And I finally finished Supine’s design!


Since Wisps/wispons were mentioned in the interest check I figured he could use a lil alien buddy of his own

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