• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Resemblia Academy

SassyGaySenpai said:

Full name: Roquel Bulder

Nickname: Rocky

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian


Rocky is tall (6'1) and muscular with many tattoos (although it is up for speculations as to whether they are real or not). She has blue hair and she wears too many accessories. Despite her tough girl persona, she is terrified of contacts and refuses to wear anything over her brown eyes but glasses. She is usually seen wearing short shorts, graphic tees or tank tops, and an assortment of accesories.

Personality: Rocky is a bit disillusioned with the world. She can be distant and cynical but she also enjoys a good joke or prank. A lover of cartoons and video games, if you mention something she's interested in you will have a friend for life. She's also hella stubborn. She likes to look out for people and will never shy away from a fight. Well, almost never.

Bio: Rocky has been in and out of schools for as long as she can remember. Her stubbornness and hot temper when faced with bullies has gotten her expelled from many schools. She has had to deal with bullies her entire life so she doesn't mind when people make fun of her. It's when they make fun of other people that Rocky gets upset and throws down. She is hoping that the students of Resemblia Acadamy are a little more understanding and that she can control her temper long enough to make some friends.

Class of choice: Beacon (or which ever one has the least people so far)

Power: Rocky can turn her whole body or parts of her body into stone at will. This makes it so she can take a hit and pack quite the punch too.

Weakness: Her ability decreases her mobility so it's better for her to just turn small parts of her body into stone at a time. Also, even though her body can become stone, her mind and heart cannot. She is very vulnerable to mind control and loses her composure around dogs and pretty girls.

Extra: Rocky loves cartoons, comic books, and video games. She exercises everyday and is (mostly) a vegetarian. She thinks she's real tough but cries every time she watches "Up". She also cusses a lot but is very reluctant to do so around people younger than her. Smokes too much. Is actually really good at drawing.

Anaxileah said:
Characters Complete!



On the Outside
Full Name: Helio Terran

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 163 lbs.

Eye Color: Gold

Hair Color: Blond

Skin Color: Medium Tan

Class of Choice: Haven

On the Inside
Nickname: Sun of the Gods, Leo

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Leo is a charasmatic and charming individual who values all things just - honesty, integrity, loyalty, etc. He's incredibly friendly and helpful, determined to aid those in need. When he's with others, he tends to remain cheerful and always has a smile on his face, no matter the situation (it's what makes him so good at helping others feel better). When he's alone he tends to listen to music and relax outside in the sun, which is why he's so tan. Although he is capable of keeping others' secrets, he prefers telling the truth to others and being as kindly honest as he can be. He's almost the opposite of his sister.




Chatting w/ Both Genders


Books (he always ends up burning them...then gets accused of being a Nazi)

Trees (see above reason)

Rainy Days

Bio: Leo was raised alongside his sister, Rena. The two of them were very close as children, and Leo always understood that his sister wanted to be treated like a normal person despite her disability, so he did just that. The two of them played and had a cheerful childhood, but their parents kept getting into fights and after one too many, the parents split, taking one child with them each. At this time the two siblings were nine years of age, and they wouldn't see each other for five years after their parents split. Leo was taken by their mother, who pampered him and treated him like the spoiled child he was, giving him everything he ever wanted, which often consisted of instruments and fireproof clothing/items. His life with his mother was warm (ha, pun), welcoming, and relaxing, unlike his sister's.

After those five years of separation, their father died in a car accident and Rena was allowed to come live with their mother, alongside Leo. However, when his sister returned to his side, Leo noticed a major change in his sister's behavior, and the two of them talked it out, since that's what the siblings always did - and because Leo wouldn't stop bugging her until she told him. After his sister's arrival, Leo vowed to protect her despite her constant declarations of 'not needing protection.' Any male that approaches his sister would have to be approved by her brother first, and if he was a threat to his sister or irritated her, Leo'd be hot on his heels (huehue more pun).


Fire Manipulation

Light Regeneration (sunlight enhances recovery rate)


His Fists

Shield & Sword


Large Build - Strong




Rain/Water in General

Extra: I read the rules, Doc!

On the Outside
Full Name: Cerena Luna Terran

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 114 lbs.

Eye Color: Foggy Blue

Hair Color: Raven Black

Skin Color: Pale as Paper

Class of Choice: Atlas

On the Inside
Nickname: The Huntress, Rena

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Since Rena was born blind, people had always tried to help her or treat her as if she's different than the rest of the world, which pisses her off. Instead of interacting with people, Rena chooses to stay silent in most situations, keen on observing her surroundings with her other enhanced senses. Although she may not be able to see, she can hear, smell, and feel things at an incredible magnitude - similar to Daredevil or Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender. However, those senses can backfire, which is why Rena prefers quiet environments and hates parties. She also has a certain distaste for men due to her history with them, so she is not often friends with them. However, despite her differences with her brother, she can get along with him.




Quiet Places


Loud Noises


Groups of People

Bio: For the first nine years of her life, Rena had been happy. Blind, yes, but happy. Her blindness did not prevent her from acting like other children, and she didn't want to be treated differently from them either. Her father always acted as if she was a screw-up, though, which was why the two parents fought so much in the first place. Leo was the only male she could depend on in her life, and would possibly remain as such. At age nine, however, when their mother and father split, Rena and Leo were separated because their mother couldn't gain custody over Rena. Life with her father was horrible - he began drinking, became abusive (both verbally and physically), and treated her as if she was literal rubbish.

During those five years, Rena obtained scars in random places (back, arms, thighs), both from her father and from herself. However, towards age fourteen, Rena tried to run away, sick of the conditions her father had put her through. She had only mustered up the courage to do so around that age, and when she ran from the house, her drunk father chased after her and eventually got in his car to try and catch her. As most people know, drinking and driving do not mix, and her attempt at escaping was the cause of her father's demise, which doesn't plague her mind with guilt whatsoever. As soon as she found out, she went back to the house, called her mother, and was reunited with her brother and mother, who were determined to help her through the rest of her adolescent years without any danger (such as men >.>). Her brother forced her to tell the truth after nagging her for more than an hour on the subject, but once she did she felt better about being with her brother again. His protective behavior irritates her constantly, but she appreciates how much care he has for her, regardless of disability.


Heal Small Wounds

Gifted Aim

Enhanced Senses


Bow and Arrows






Thin Figure - Low Strength

Extra: I, too, read the rules... "Doc."

approved dearie
Full Name:Cody Sarrow





Apperance (animu or realistic):


Personality:Nice and very polite. Can be the rudest and meanest person you have ever met if he's pissed off.

Bio:Cody comes from the deepest part of a war torn country between people who want their rights to not be infringed, and the other being the military enforcing the law, he is(Was) part of the hierarchy of the 'Patriots', he ran with most of the older Patriots fighting towards the capital, but his new found powers made him change his track, he's hoping to be able to master his powers then go back and win the war for the greater good.

Class of choice:Atlas

Powers(Only up to 3):Can move unlike any human,(High jumps, run really fast, stay very quiet and light on his feet), he is very strong, and has a unique fighting style that is made up of old Roman, Japanese, and Irish fighting styles.

Weakness:Losing a loved one, getting mad(He goes into a blood rage when pushed to far)


Likes:(Same as Katashi, but I hope there's something new) Metal music, sweets, meat, and just chilling with friends and family really.

Motto:'Death before dishonor. I'd rather die than live down on my knee!', 'For Rights!'

Sayings: Being under the command of a woman doesn't mean you're weak, it actually means you're tougher than your enemies and everyone alike. When it comes down to a mini gun, you always have to say, 'screw you, that guy next to you, the one behind you, and the wall in front of all of you.'

(Yeah...Knew this was coming, but hey, I didn't make another chick because...I keep making her sound like a dude, as in, 'Bruh, let's go skate or something!'.-This girl being in a different thread-)
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CERBERUS177 said:
Full Name:Cody Sarrow




Apperance (animu or realistic):


Personality:Nice and very polite. Can be the rudest and meanest person you have ever met if he's pissed off.

Bio:Cody comes from the deepest part of a war torn country between people who want their rights to not be infringed, and the other being the military enforcing the law, he is(Was) part of the hierarchy of the 'Patriots', he ran with most of the older Patriots fighting towards the capital, but his new found powers made him change his track, he's hoping to be able to master his powers then go back and win the war for the greater good.

Class of choice:Haven

Powers(Only up to 3):Can move unlike any human,(High jumps, run really fast, stay very quiet and light on his feet), he is very strong, and has a unique fighting style that is made up of old Roman, Japanese, and Irish fighting styles.

Weakness:Losing a loved one, getting mad(He goes into a blood rage when pushed to far)


Likes:(Same as Katashi, but I hope there's something new) Metal music, sweets, meat, and just chilling with friends and family really.

Motto:'Death before dishonor. I'd rather die than live down on my knee!', 'For Rights!'

Sayings: Being under the command of a woman doesn't mean you're weak, it actually means you're tougher than your enemies and everyone alike. When it comes down to a mini gun, you always have to say, 'screw you, that guy next to you, the one behind you, and the wall in front of all of you.'

(Yeah...Knew this was coming, but hey, I didn't make another chick because...I keep making her sound like a dude, as in, 'Bruh, let's go skate or something!'.-This girl being in a different thread-)
(Haven is almost full dude...Do you mind choosing a different house?)
Full Name: Sergei Witz

Nickname: "Serge"


Gender: M

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance (animu or realistic):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/delete.png.99450c9e5b552e7ca32d0e93e29e1e60.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/delete.png.99450c9e5b552e7ca32d0e93e29e1e60.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Blonde hair, very disheveled and messy

-Pale white skin

-Green eyes

-Pretty short and slightly hunchbacked

-Dressed in a lab coat

Personality: Sergei is very mentally unstable(possibly schizophrenic and bipolar) and has episodes where he suffers from intense hallucinations (voices in his head and imaginations where it appears that authority figures or monsters appear around him). He does not think about the consequences of his actions many times and cannot control his emotions, leaving him very prone to outbursts. He often goes into manic episodes while suffering through his hallucinations where he cannot distinguish what is real. While he is not undergoing a manic state, Sergei is very cold and calculated. He speaks to others as though they are below him due to his intelligence and is not very sociable with other people. In addition, he is disrespectful to authority figures and enjoys pulling pranks on them. While he is not the most sociable person, it is possible to earn his respect, especially if you are a troublemaker.


-Sergei was raised in New York, to Russian parents. While his father was an accomplished researcher and pharmacist in Russia, in the U.S. he found difficulty finding decent work, and eventually became an alcoholic. During this time he became extremely physically and emotionally abusive toward his wife and son, causing the latter to escape his father's violent outbursts through his imagination and reading. Sergei soon began to develop his own fantasies further, and they eventually began to dominate his mind as his father continued his violent attacks. One night, while his father came to strike him, Sergei looked into his eyes, and caused his father to suffer a hallucination. This episode mentally destroyed his father who was sent to a mental asylum and became the first instance where Sergei's powers began to manifest. After living with his mother alone for a period, Sergei's manic episodes became too overwhelming and he was sent to the school as a way to try to recover his mind

Class of choice: Atlas

Powers(Only up to 3):

-Super intelligence. Sergei's mind is capable of rapidly absorbing and utilizing any information that comes toward him. He is a master of several science subjects and has an abundant knowledge on medicine/drugs (including hallucinogenics), chemistry, mathematics, computer programming, etc. There isn't a single real world academic subject that Sergei cannot excel in.

-Create hallucinations: This power allows Sergei to cause people to temporarily hallucinate, or see what Sergei is hallucinating. To do this Sergei must be within two feet of a person and look into their eyes. This mental distortion can last anywhere from 20 minutes to 6 hours, and can vary. The most intense effects include "ego death," (the loss of knowing oneself) intense visuals, paranoia and nausea.


Sergei is physically weak, so he will not put up much of a fight

His mental illness also holds him back as they can limit his potential and also isolate him


I read the doc!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-23_20-4-16.png.ab643e3d07533f9fb816a6f68a08487b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-23_20-4-16.png.ab643e3d07533f9fb816a6f68a08487b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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AgotPosts said:
Full Name: Sergei Witz
Nickname: "Serge"


Gender: M

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance (animu or realistic):View attachment 304575


Blonde hair, very disheveled and messy

Pale white skin

Green eyes

Pretty short and slightly hunchbacked

Dressed in a lab coat

Personality: Sergei is very mentally unstable, (possibly schizophrenic and bipolar) and has episodes where he suffers from intense hallucinations (voices in his head, and imaginations where it appears that authority figures, monsters appear around him). He does not think about the consequences of his actions many times and cannot control his emotions and is very prone to outbursts. He can go into manic episodes while suffering through his hallucinations, where he cannot distinguish what is real. While he is not undergoing a manic state, Sergei is very very cold and calculated. He speaks to others as though they are below him due to his intelligence and is not very sociable with other people. In addition, he is very disrespectful to authority figures and enjoys pulling pranks on them. While he is not the most sociable person, it is possible to earn his respect, especially if you are a troublemaker.


Sergei was raised in New York, to Russian parents. While his father was an accomplished researcher and pharmacist in Russia, in the U.S. he found difficulty finding decent work, and eventually became an alcoholic. During this time he became extremely physically and emotionally abusive toward his wife and son, causing the latter to escape his father's violent outbursts through his imagination and reading. Sergei soon began to develop his own fantasies further, and eventually they began to dominate his mind as his father continued his violent attacks. One night, while his father came to strike him, Sergei looked into his eyes, and caused his father to suffer a hallucination. This episode mentally destroyed his father who was sent to a mental asylum and became the first instance where Sergei's powers began to manifest. After living with his mother alone for a period, Sergei's manic episodes became too overwhelming and he was sent to the school as a way to try to recover his mind

Class of choice: Atlas

Powers(Only up to 3):

-Super intelligence. Sergei's mind is capable of rapidly absorbing and utilizing any information that comes toward him. He is a master of several science subjects and has an abundant knowledge on medicine/drugs (including hallucinogenics), chemistry, mathematics, computer programming, etc. There isn't a single real world academic subject that Sergei cannot excel in.

-Create hallucinations: This power allows Sergei, to cause people to temporarily hallucinate, or see what Sergei is hallucinating. To do this Sergei must be within two feet of a person and look into their eyes. This mental distortion can last anywhere from 20 minutes to 6 hours, and can vary. The most intense effects include "ego death," (the loss of knowing oneself) intense visuals, paranoia and nausea.


Sergei is physically weak, so he will not put up much of a fight

His mental illness also hold him back as they can limit his potential and also isolate him


I read the doc!

Full Name: Aya Kato

Nickname: Cripple

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual panromantic

Apperance: The most noticeable thing about Aya is her wheelchair. She was recently in a car crash, and is now paralyzed from the waist down. From the crash, she also received several scars along her spine, several surgical scars from heart surgeries, and a third-degree burn on her left leg which would hurt unimaginably if she could feel it. She also has several broken ribs and a concussion, but you can't necessarily see those.

Somehow, however, she still manages to have some sort of beauty. Her hark is long and dark, reaching her mid-back and contrasting nicely with her light brown skin. Her eyes are also dark brown, almost black, and rimmed with long lashes. She has high cheekbones, a soft jawline, and a wide forehead. She is 5'11", or was, but in her wheelchair she is around 4'3". She is incredibly thin, unhealthily so, as her body is putting a lot of energy into healing.

Personality: Before her accident, Aya was a very bright, happy young woman, who excelled in her academic life. She speaks three languages (English, Japanese, and French), was a master of the flute and piano, and played several sports. She was fiercely optimistic and sweet, genuinely caring for the people around her. Now, however, that caring has caused her to be cut off and isolated for others' safety, due to her unpredictable powers. When she has to be around people, she is very levelheaded and almost emotionless to try and keep her powers at bay. She is in an immense amount of pain, both mental and physical, as she recovers from her accident and deals with her new disability and the loss of her family.

Bio: Aya was born in Japan before moving to Canada at age seven. When she was eight, her powers began to manifest when she was angry. She caused a teacher to melt down once during a fight with another student; as the teacher came to break the argument up she was suddenly reminded of her painful miscarriage and had to be hospitalized. Her parents homeschooled her after this, where she excelled, and her powers mainly lay dormant. However, two months ago she was in a devastating car accident, killing her parents, twin, and younger brother. This resulted in severe pain and depression, causing her powers to run haywire. Eventually, the nurses couldn't take it anymore and sent her to the school.

Class of choice: Shadow

Powers: Aya has the unfortunate power to make people see their fears. It's not mind reading, but something about her just makes people think back to their worst memories. Since she does not entirely understand how her powers work, she cannot control them at all, and often does not even know she's doing it. As well, she cannot target them, and does not even know if this is possible. When she is angry, afraid, or in severe pain, this is increased hundredfold, often with actual auditory and visual hallucinations or flashbacks for the people around her.

Weakness: Seeing as many people at the school come from abusive pasts they do not want to remember, she predicts that her powers will make her very unpopular indeed. As well, she is very bad at controlling her powers, as she suffers from both mental and physical pain due to her accident and surgeries. She is essentially a bomb, all it would take is for someone to piss her off and suddenly everyone in a 20-meter radius is experiencing horrible flashbacks. As well, she faces some accessibility issues because of her wheelchair.

Extra: Aya is Japanese and Indian. I READ THE RULES, DOC!
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Alnasl said:

Full Name: Aya Kato

Nickname: Cripple

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual panromantic

Apperance: The most noticeable thing about Aya is her wheelchair. She was recently in a car crash, and is now paralyzed from the waist down. From the crash, she also received several scars along her spine, several surgical scars from heart surgeries, and a third-degree burn on her left leg which would hurt unimaginably if she could feel it. She also has several broken ribs and a concussion, but you can't necessarily see those.

Somehow, however, she still manages to have some sort of beauty. Her hark is long and dark, reaching her mid-back and contrasting nicely with her light brown skin. Her eyes are also dark brown, almost black, and rimmed with long lashes. She has high cheekbones, a soft jawline, and a wide forehead. She is 5'11", or was, but in her wheelchair she is around 4'3". She is incredibly thin, unhealthily so, as her body is putting a lot of energy into healing.

Personality: Before her accident, Aya was a very bright, happy young woman, who excelled in her academic life. She speaks three languages (English, Japanese, and Punjabi), was a master of the flute and piano, and played several sports. She was fiercely optimistic and sweet, genuinely caring for the people around her. Now, however, that caring has caused her to be cut off and isolated for others' safety, due to her unpredictable powers. When she has to be around people, she is very levelheaded and almost emotionless to try and keep her powers at bay. She is in an immense amount of pain, both mental and physical, as she recovers from her accident and deals with her new disability and the loss of her family.

Bio: Aya was born in Japan before moving to Canada at age seven. When she was eight, her powers began to manifest when she was angry. She caused a teacher to melt down once during a fight with another student; as the teacher came to break the argument up she was suddenly reminded of her painful miscarriage and had to be hospitalized. Her parents homeschooled her after this, where she excelled, and her powers mainly lay dormant. However, two weeks ago she was in a devastating car accident, killing her parents, twin, and younger brother. This resulted in severe pain and depression, causing her powers to run haywire. Eventually, the nurses couldn't take it anymore and sent her to the school.

Class of choice: Shadow

Powers: Aya has the unfortunate power to make people see their fears. It's not mind reading, but something about her just makes people think back to their worst memories. Since she does not entirely understand how her powers work, she cannot control them at all, and often does not even know she's doing it. As well, she cannot target them, and does not even know if this is possible. When she is angry, afraid, or in severe pain, this is increased hundredfold, often with actual auditory and visual hallucinations or flashbacks for the people around her.

Weakness: Seeing as many people at the school come from abusive pasts they do not want to remember, she predicts that her powers will make her very unpopular indeed. As well, she is very bad at controlling her powers, as she suffers from both mental and physical pain due to her accident and surgeries. She is essentially a bomb, all it would take is for someone to piss her off and suddenly everyone in a 20-meter radius is experiencing horrible flashbacks. As well, she faces some accessibility issues because of her wheelchair.

Extra: Aya is Japanese and Indian. I READ THE RULES, DOC!
The edge is sorta strong with this one, but you're approved. Have fun.

Josef Schneider

gender ;; male

age ;; 17

birthday ;; 15/5/1999

height ;; 6'1"

sexuality ;; pansexual

no slide
no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

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Schadenfreudmeh said:

Josef Schneider

gender ;; male

age ;; 20

birthday ;; 15/5/1996

height ;; 6'1"

sexuality ;; pansexual

no slide
no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide


accepted ;~;
Full Name: Allen Sweetwater

Nickname: N/A

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual


Bio: Allen is general not as sociable as the average guy. After years of poor social experiences, from bullying to his poor home life, Allen did not develop the most advanced of social skills, and coinicidentally, developed low social confidence. It was only made worse when Allen started to develop Bipolar Disorder 1 in early middle school, and on top of that, his gift began to grow in. His gift made matters work as his powers uncontrollably flipped on and off as he flew into mania, causing him to become more panicky, agitated, and confused as his mind took in far more than it could handle.

Both his condition and his powers began to get under control at the beginning of high school, but he still struggled with getting a hold on his abilities. That's when his parents found Resemblia Academy.

Class of choice: Shadow

Powers(Only up to 3):

Sixth Sense:

For a short period of time (a minute at max) Allen can become hyper aware of his surroundings, becoming able to process environmental input at a much faster, more detailed rate than the average human.

Hyper Focus:

When active, Allen gains the ability to heighten his focus, decreasing the time it takes him to learn new skills or techniques five-fold.


Upon contact with someone's temples, Allen gains the ability to transfer emotional and mental states to another person, including ones that he isn't feeling prior to transfer.


- If either of his first two powers are used too much or for prolonged periods of time, Allen will develop migraines, fatigue, and other negative side effects until he is unable to use his powers any longer.

- Any effect he transfers via Neuroscience will also affect him. This isn't inherently bad, especially if he was already feeling it, but if he's using this in an act of self-defense (i.e. forcing someone to be put in an incapacitated state), he too will experience the negative consequences.

- Allen suffers from BPD 1, which is especially bad when he is in the midst of a manic episode. His judgement is often impaired by his disorder, which causes him to make some poor choices. Though he has medication for it, he has a bad habit of taking breaks from them due to the unpleasant side effects.

- Easily becomes addicted in the face of drugs and alcohol.

[QUOTE="Midnight Peace]Full Name: Allen Sweetwater
Nickname: N/A

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual


Bio: Allen is general not as sociable as the average guy. After years of poor social experiences, from bullying to his poor home life, Allen did not develop the most advanced of social skills, and coinicidentally, developed low social confidence. It was only made worse when Allen started to develop Bipolar Disorder 1 in early middle school, and on top of that, his gift began to grow in. His gift made matters work as his powers uncontrollably flipped on and off as he flew into mania, causing him to become more panicky, agitated, and confused as his mind took in far more than it could handle.

Both his condition and his powers began to get under control at the beginning of high school, but he still struggled with getting a hold on his abilities. That's when his parents found Resemblia Academy.

Class of choice: Shadow

Powers(Only up to 3):

Sixth Sense:

For a short period of time (a minute at max) Allen can become hyper aware of his surroundings, becoming able to process environmental input at a much faster, more detailed rate than the average human.

Hyper Focus:

When active, Allen gains the ability to heighten his focus, decreasing the time it takes him to learn new skills or techniques five-fold.


Upon contact with someone's temples, Allen gains the ability to transfer emotional and mental states to another person, including ones that he isn't feeling prior to transfer.


- If either of his first two powers are used too much or for prolonged periods of time, Allen will develop migraines, fatigue, and other negative side effects until he is unable to use his powers any longer.

- Any effect he transfers via Neuroscience will also affect him. This isn't inherently bad, especially if he was already feeling it, but if he's using this in an act of self-defense (i.e. forcing someone to be put in an incapacitated state), he too will experience the negative consequences.

- Allen suffers from BPD 1, which is especially bad when he is in the midst of a manic episode. His judgement is often impaired by his disorder, which causes him to make some poor choices. Though he has medication for it, he has a bad habit of taking breaks from them due to the unpleasant side effects.

- Easily becomes addicted in the face of drugs and alcohol.


I still feel,like it's op...
He's balanced with heavy time restraints, and those very similar abilities are the only things he can use. He is not physically strong or coordinated either, so his intelligence and his powers at the moment are the only thing on his side.

Not to mention it's hard to put your hands on someone's temples for very long without their consent.
[QUOTE="Midnight Peace]He's balanced with heavy time restraints, and those very similar abilities are the only things he can use. He is not physically strong or coordinated either, so his intelligence and his powers at the moment are the only thing on his side.
Not to mention it's hard to put your hands on someone's temples for very long without their consent.

[QUOTE="Midnight Peace]Oh, ok, sweet
I apologize for being pushy, I just wanted to explain my reasoning behind his skill set

No no dearie you are fine

Full Name: Gilbert Danver

Nickname: Gil

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Questioning



A short (4'11") boy with brown hair and green eyes. He wears as many layers as possible and is constantly slouching.


Gil is very shy and likes to be hidden. He is very passive and doesn't like to make a fuss. Will do anything to avoid social interaction and has the social skills of a rock.


Gil lives on a boat with his mom and sister. This form of family life prevents him from staying in one place for too long. He would really like to make some friends.

Class of choice:

Whichever one really.


He can breath underwater and can move it to make blades.


He really hates water.

Extra: He loves to write and is currently working on a novel. His favorite book is "Dantes Inferno". He would love to stay in one place but can't. Really likes Egg Bread. Good with computers. Has OCD.

Catchphrase: S-Sorry... I'm... sorry....

SassyGaySenpai said:

Full Name: Gilbert Danver

Nickname: Gil

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Questioning



A short (4'11") boy with brown hair and green eyes. He wears as many layers as possible and is constantly slouching.


Gil is very shy and likes to be hidden. He is very passive and doesn't like to make a fuss. Will do anything to avoid social interaction and has the social skills of a rock.


Gil lives on a boat with his mom and sister. This form of family life prevents him from staying in one place for too long. He would really like to make some friends.

Class of choice:

Whichever one really.


He can breath underwater and can move it to make blades.


He really hates water.

Extra: He loves to write and is currently working on a novel. His favorite book is "Dantes Inferno". He would love to stay in one place but can't. Really likes Egg Bread. Good with computers. Has OCD.

Catchphrase: S-Sorry... I'm... sorry....


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