[Requiem of the Gods] [Chapter 1, Act 3, Rijin's Bout]

((You have a PDV of 7, he has 12 suxx. 5 get through. dmg of +5L, plus 3 str, for 13 total. You have a soak of 7L total, leaving 5L of dice. Soak Charms?))
((Oh my, yes. If only for the intimidation factor!))

Rijin had made a small error. While the dodge was good, and it certainly kept him from a -more- severe wound, it hadn't been far enough. He knew two moments before the blade would bite that he was going to get clipped.

Normally, this wouldn't be a problem; fights had all sorts of small injuries all the time. But Red had flipped his kill-switch, and something inside hungered. The Lion wanted this arrogant fop scared, demoralized, and most of all, exceedingly cognizant of just how fucked he really was. And you didn't do that by bleeding all over the place.

So, in the moment before contact, Rijin pulled again on the power in his frame, the sunlight and fury and pride. He pulled hard, wrapping it around him like armor and confidence, self-assured and regal. The Essence sang through his flesh, making it like adamant as the Dragon-Blooded's blades closed and rang against him fruitlessly.

The Lion rolled with the impact, using his momentum and dexterity to kip up on the other side, keeping the long workbench between them. The blode raised a hand to his side where the edge should have rent him, rubbing absently.

Rijin chuckled, smiling warmly. "Ah...no."

((One Adamant Skin Technique, 4m cost, Valor flaw))
To Rijin

The jade daiklave probably would've shattered if not for its magic material construction. The blow was hard, and he felt it as it hit an impenetrable barrier. He pulled back and leveled the blade, grinning slightly.

"Well then..."
Raising his blade, Rijin eyed up the terrain between them.

Workbench, three feet, no, four feet wide. Smooth stone, light cobbling, dry, no moss. Good for grip.

Looking further beyond the fire-aspected, the mammoth corpse of the warstrider loomed, encased in scaffolding that looked plenty-

Hold on, that'll work. Oh yeah, that'll work. Just have to make him keep moving back. Heh, easy enough.

((So, the general idea here is to flurry his ass, but I need confirmation that I can, in fact, fire up a Charm without invoking Wrath of the Thorny One. Also, woahholycrap I've been slacking))
((Yeah, no problem, it's reflexive, so, you can use it. Remember, Combos now are made on the fly, you can pretty much use any Charms as long as they don't break standard Combo rules , which, for the most part, means a Simple Charm can only be used with Charms from the same Ability until your next tick))
Rijin's lips moved minutely as he mentally worked through the katas, imagining the sublime truths that underlaid each. "The Lion walks upon the plain/Regent polices his kingdom," he mumbled, "See his unquestioned might/Fall before his skill."

Essence sparked and roiled underneath his skin, flooding the air with the stink of power and might. The paths laid before him resolved into a single road, a smooth flow of thought into action. Closing his eyes, it appeared.

Left hand grabs the Essence-welder, hard throw, overhand. Fast and flat flight path, aim low, force him to block or risk ricochet. Charge right behind it, step-and-a-half, enough to avoid the welder, too close to reset from blocking the torch. Kiai, then attack, pushpushpush!

The Lion's eyes snapped open, the chain of thoughts ending, and action beginning.

Activating Hungry Tiger/1st Melee Combo, per 2.5 rules, total of 6m

Peripheral 21/31m

Personal 16/16m

Gotta dip to work, will edit in rest later]
It'll be a two-action flurry, first one being Dex+Thrown, -1 penalty if your Str is less than 4, but, I'm pretty sure that's not an issue. Second attack will incur an onslaught penalty on him, and if you pull off the first attack, I'll make him use parry instead of dodge, which is what you intended, via our discussion, correct?
Barely any effort was required for him to backhand it away with the flat of his sword. Essence-fueled sparks shot out in almost every direction, blinding Rijin for a brief moment.

Only 1 success on the first attack, so, I thiiiiink his parry DV beats that,

:P Anyways, he's activating Blinding Spark Distraction, causing a blinding cascade of sparks when he blocks. Gotta get 1 success on a Wits+Dodge roll, or 2 successes are lost off of your last roll. Even if you succeed, you're at a -2 penalty to that roll. I'll give you the option of either rerolling -2 dice or having me roll twice to randomly choose dice to remove
Apologies, they changed this Charm. It's an unblockable, undodgeable counterattack, so, unless you use a perfect defense to look away, you're at a -4 penalty until your DV refreshes twice. Otherwise, -2 penalty until DV refreshes twice
((Well, seeing as how I ain't got shit for that...))

Essence swirling and roiling about, Rijin gave a roar much like his namesake, dozens of points of light dancing in front of his eyes. "WORTHLESS COWARD! YOU FIGHT LIKE THE DYNAST-WHORE YOU ARE!" he bellowed, now commited to his strike, but unable to really see where it was going.

Cowardly Dragon-born and their tricks! Old rage, the kind that sits and burns as a hateful ember in your breast, began to flare. The nerve! The memory of that warm afternoon sprung to the front of Rijin's mind, the taste of blood and shame that drove him onward, despite the risk. Rage began to drive the blonde, pushing him into the fray, heedless of risk.

To borrow a phrase, someone was about to get their fucking face caved in.
Gonna randomly roll to see which 4 dice happened, cause, if I just chop off the last 4, that's 4successes gone.

Post-roll edit= Slightly luckier. Only 3 successes lost this way
He has a current Parry DV of 6. You still hit with 8 successes. 14 base damage pre-Charm, he has a Lethal soak of 7, so 7L pre-Charm. Hungry Tiger will jump that back up to 14
((5L, not bad, not bad at all....))

The wound cut deep, crimson splattering across the illuminated bronze and faux-orichalcum of the factory-cathedral. The dragonblooded grimaced, before getting ready for a return blow, while willing his wounds to close shut.

((Rolling Sta+Resistance to stop the bleeding from the massive wound, as Exalts can by will))

"Not bad, Lion, not bad at all..." the Terrestrial spat through bloody teeth. The blood had stopped flowing by force of will, but, the wound was still there. The barriers were in fact reduced.

"But, you have yet to taste the full fury of the Fire Dragon!!!"

His anima banner burst into a display of glorious red fire, the heat of which could be felt from even a safe fighting distance.

((Activating Ringing Anvil Onslaught out of peripheral, for 8 motes. He rolls his Melee and gets that many full attacks in a flurry

3 suxx, he gets 3 full attacks))

He charged forward, his red jade daiklave glowing with heat, making a series of quick, incredibly accurate attacks. With each attack, the fire around him was stoked to even greater heat, until it was practically melting the metal around him, and burning Rijin's flesh.

((Ignore first roll...for some reason I typed in his dice pool, not the sides

6, 10, and 11 successes. Remember, the second attack you have -1 DV, and the 3rd attack -2 DV. Plus, you get a -1 to your DV to all of them due to your attack so, technically, it's -1, -2, and -3

Also, he's spent another 12 in peripheral on 1st excellency, making him flare to the 16+ level, making you take 1 automatic point of lethal per tick spent within 4 feet of him. This is environmental, so Charms that ignore environmental damage will protect. Otherwise, 1 pt of Lethal))

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