• This section is for roleplays only.
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Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.



required info.

- name, age (21-50), pronouns, race
- role, class, class specialization (any game is fine - trying to keep limit to one per specialization)
- brief personality rundown
- brief history rundown
- brief explanation on why their particular faction sees them fit to join this investigative task force

- name, age, pronouns, sexuality, race, nameday
- general physical info (height, build, tattoos, piercings, etc.)
- fears, dreams, secrets, personality, backstory

- role, class, specialization, main weapon, secondary weapon

any info beyond this is optional




The Seekers of Truth are an Andrastian order that acts as a force for the Orlesian Chantry, sanctioned directly by the Divine in Val Royeaux. After the corruption within the Seekers of Truth was exposed, Lady Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast rebuilt the order to dedicate themselves to justice for all. Many members of the Templar Order who were freed and rescued by the Inquisition joined the Seekers of Truth after the Templar Order was formally disbanded in the south.



Originally consisting of former members of the Circle of Magi in southern Thedas, the College of Enchanters was formed by Fiona when Divine Victoria formally disbanded the Circle. The College seeks to maintain the rights of mages in southern Thedas while studying magic and its many forms. Although it is not required, many young mages in Ferelden and Orlais join the College.

grey warden


The Grey Wardens are an Order of warriors of exceptional ability dedicated to fighting darkspawn throughout Thedas. The Grey Wardens are known for ignoring a recruit's racial, social, national, and even criminal background if they deem the person valuable in terms of character, ability or skill. After the battle with the Inquisition at Adamant Fortress, the Grey Wardens of the south slowly rebuilt in the years following the events. It is rumored they have an estranged relationship with their leaders in Weisshaupt.

inquisition agent


Following the Exalted Council, the Inquisition became a peacekeeping organization under Divine Victoria. Over the next several months, the Inquisition carefully gave over many of the duties it had held. As the Divine's personal honor guard and peacekeeping force, the Inquisition shrank to a more manageable size. Many who had served went home, though the remaining force was still enough to give pause to any who might threaten the Divine's plans. Those who served the new Inquisition were tested and checked thoroughly, in the hope of ferreting out any more spies within its ranks.



The Mortalitasi are a group of mostly mages in Nevarra who wield considerable political power and influence. Within the ranks of the Mortalitasi are the Mourn Watch, elite guardians and keepers of the Grand Necropolis and its sacred repository of the dead.



The Carta is a powerful and ancient dwarven crime syndicate headquartered in Dust Town in Orzammar. The ranks of the Carta are composed of casteless dwarves who are forced to resort to crime to survive.



The Ben-Hassrath, meaning "the Heart of the Many" in Qunlat, form a significant portion of the Qunari priesthood. The purpose of the Ben-Hassrath is protecting the faith and the innocents. They are leaders who maintain unity, which Qunari believe to be a strength. Within their ranks are the Hissrad (spies) and Tallis (assassins).

antivan crow


The Antivan Crows, also known as House of Crows, are an elite organization of thieves, spies, and assassins renowned throughout Thedas.

role six


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

extra information.


A few reminders:

semi-realistic illustrated art for face claims

no AI please, exceptions made for BIPOC characters if alternative can't be found

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

The Veil Jumpers are explorers of ancient elven ruins. Although founded by the Dalish, they welcome anyone brave enough to face Arlathan Forest's reality-warping magic. Due to the nature of their work, the Veil Jumpers are one of the foremost experts on ancient elven artifacts and magic.

The Antivan Crows, also known as House of Crows, are an elite organization of thieves, spies, and assassins renowned throughout Thedas.

The Lords of Fortune are renowned guild of treasure hunters and dungeoneers based out of Rivain. The Lords of Fortune are considered to be among the best treasure hunters in Thedas.

The Shadow Dragons are a resistance group opposing corrupt rulers, blood magic, and slavery in Tevinter. Coming from all walks of life, their mission is to help those in need and bring justice to the people.

The Legion of the Dead is an independent branch of the dwarven army that answers directly to the monarchy of Orzammar. It is considered to be the most intimidating and devastating force in the dwarven military and many attribute this to the fact that the Legionnaires consider themselves to be already dead.

A large Dalish clan located in the city of Wycome within the Free Marches. Unlike some clans, the Keepers of Clan Lavellan have kept a keen eye on politics in Thedas. This is what prompted them to send the future Herald of Andraste to the Conclave during the war between mages and Templars.

The Friends of Red Jenny are a secret society that perform elaborate revenge schemes ranging from petty thievery or mischief to contractual assassinations on those who would prey on the lowborn of society. More typically, it's an expansive network who all contribute in disparate ways to random acts with a desired goal of mutually profitable ends. The organization is a leaderless resistance as they have no structural hierarchy and each cell is compartmentalized by location and headed by varied leadership.
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seeker of truth.













third of drakonis



(pan) demisexual

  • seeker.

    The Seekers of Truth are an Andrastian order that acts as a force for the Orlesian Chantry, sanctioned directly by the Divine in Val Royeaux.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Manis Beauchamp

Name: Manis Beauchamp
Age: 32
Nameday: 1st. Cloudreach,
Gender: Male
Species: Elven
Sexuality: Homosexual

Manis paints half of his face gold and the other half black; the colors he and Keenan intended to use for their crest. Beneath his face paint Manis' brown skin is marred by scars that tell the story of his daily life in the Circle. Deep cuts and burns bring his ferocity to the surface.
Height: 5'11"
Build: Slender
Markings: An inverted obelisk painted on Manis' forehead serves as his personal emblem; a symbol of the old world being toppled.

Much has happened to Manis over the years and as a result he is hardened, withdrawn, and cynical. As a city elf he is accustomed to the cultures of southern Thedas and the different societies, but he has always wondered what his life might have been like as one of the Dalish. He knows their lives are not always free of strife, but a voice in the back of his mind assures him he'd never have been in the Circle had he been born outside of human cities. Because of this it is fair to say he is a bit envious and somewhat angry at the Dalish and indeed with all of elf-kind. He buried his feelings under his studies and his duties, hiding from his emotions behind responsibility. A result of growing up without proper emotional guidance.
Fears: The Rite of Tranquility, Not fulfilling his and Keenan's dreams.
Dreams: Secure freedom for mages, Create a safe haven for mages
Secrets: Manis tortured the templars of his Circle after the rebellion liberated him and his peers.

Role: College of Enchanters.
Class: Mage
Specialization: Rift Mage

The Circle was a waking nightmare for a child accustomed to being surrounded by family and culture. He spent many nights crying for the loss of his family and loved ones. Relief would come only in the form of a friend; Keenan Beauchamp, another child who was brought to the circle under similar circumstances.
The boys would become fast friends and as they grew they became partners in crime who encouraged one anotherโ€™s rebellious side. While they were young and the Circle was full of mages it was easy for their troublemaking to be overlooked, but as they got older, the mages thinned out, and the guards changed, there was a tension in the circle.

It was around this time that Manis floated the idea of escape. Life in the Circle had become unbearable as the templars became abusive and the First Enchanter a puppet. With the Rite of Tranquility happening regularly it was a looming threat for all, and one that Manis nor Keenan hoped to face. It was of course the worst possible outcome for either of them so they made a promise that should either of them be made tranquil, the other would put them out of their misery.

Years later it became common knowledge that Manis and Keenan were lovers and the templars targeted them. They were given the worst jobs, made to work in poor conditions, and at all hours of the night. With both of them having reached their limits Manis planned their escape and they didnโ€™t hesitate to put the plan to action. However, there were some hiccups. Keenan was captured and as punishment for their attempt he was made Tranquil. Manis is left battered and bruised, but also broken hearted because his lover is a shell of his former self now. But he must also carry out the promise theyโ€™d made to each other. So only one week after the ritual, Manis killed Keenan in his sleep.

The pain is agonizing and only compounded by the news that comes two weeks later that mages have rebelled. Keenanโ€™s death was in vain and Manis was left alone in a world at war with itself. He would have his revenge. When the rebellion reached his Circle, Manis remained behind with a handful of his peers. This small group had suffered the worst of the templars' wickedness and they wouldn't accept white flags. Manis guided the group in exacting retribution upon the templars. He ensured their pain was severe and drawn out. He wanted the First Enchanter as well, but he knew he had to draw the line somewhere. So he picked himself up and joined the rebels to fight for the dreams he and Keenan shared. A peaceful life outside of The Circle was possible for them and he would see it come true.

Manis stuck with the rebels through all the events during the inquisition and gave his all to his cause. Though when Tevinter Magisters dug their claws into the rebel mages Manis distanced himself just enough to avoid interacting with the northerners, but he continued to carry out Fiona's instructions. He knew they were trading one foe for another, but Manis believed he could handle the slavers more adequately than he could the templars. When the fighting was done and the evil seemed to have been stopped, Manis stayed with the mages as they formed the College of Enchanters. He wanted to make sure that whatever the organization became, it truly put mages first. But this trouble with the elven gods has drawn some of his attention from the College as he sets out to provide his skills to those focused on solving Thedasโ€™ latest problem.

Main Weapon: Cold Dawn - A reforged staff made up of pieces from both Manis and Keenanโ€™s staves. The name serves as a painful reminder of the heartbreak Mnais felt upon learning of the mage rebellion only after Keenanโ€™s death.
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Bryliax Ralferin (She/Her)โ€‹


: 30
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Role: Grey Warden
The Grey Wardens are an Order of warriors of exceptional ability dedicated to fighting darkspawn throughout Thedas. The Grey Wardens are known for ignoring a recruit's racial, social, national, and even criminal background if they deem the person valuable in terms of character, ability or skill.
Class: Warrior
Specialization: Beserker
Main Weapon: Two handed great-axe
Secondary Weapon: Shortsword

Extra Details
: 6'5"
Build: Muscular
Tattoos: An elven design that curves from her left temple to cheekbone. Nature-inspired tattoos along her arms, grey warden symbol on her left thigh.
Piercings: She has a jade earring hanging from her left ear.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Dreams: To find her place in the world. Help rid Thedas of the blight. Have a family where she belongs.
Fears: Confined spaces. Large crowds. Being alone again. Hurting an innocent when she's lost to her rage.

Bryliax is not one to open up easily. Years of feeling like an outsider, first among the Dalish and later in human settlements, have left her wary of forming new connections. Her hesitance isnโ€™t born of distrust but of self-doubt; she often wonders if she truly belongs anywhere. This reserved nature can make her seem distant or aloof at first, but those who take the time to know her discover a loyal and steadfast companion.

On the surface, Bryliax has a no-nonsense demeanor, often expressing herself in blunt, pragmatic terms. She doesnโ€™t mince words and can come across as gruff, especially in social situations where she feels out of her depth. However, beneath this tough exterior lies a deeply compassionate soul. Sheโ€™s quick to lend a hand to those in need, even if she doesnโ€™t always know how to articulate her intentions. Her actions speak louder than her words.

Abandoned in a forest as an infant, Bryliax's survival hinged on the compassion of a Dalish elven clan who found her amidst the trees. Her discovery sparked fierce debate among the clan for months. Could they, in good conscience, leave a defenseless child to perish? Ultimately, their shared morality won out, and they took her in. Yet, as Bryliax grew, the question of her place among them resurfaced time and again, shadowing her childhood and adolescence.

Some in the clan, more open to the idea of raising a human, sought to train Bryliax in their arts of agility and precision. But she was anything but delicate. Even as a child, there was a raw strength to her - a brutal, unyielding nature that set her apart. By the time she turned fifteen, she towered over her clanmates, both in height and sheer physicality. At 6'5", Bryliax became an intimidating presence, a force to be reckoned with in combat. Though she never fully integrated into the clan on a personal level, her strength proved invaluable. Few dared to challenge Clan Ralferin when she stood among them, her formidable presence a deterrent to enemies. It was this usefulness, more than affection, that cemented her place among the Dalish.

As she reached her early twenties, however, the question of her origins began to weigh on her. She knew she was Fereldan, but little else about her heritage or the circumstances of her abandonment. With a restless heart, she sought permission to leave the clan and search for answers among human settlements. The elders, seeing the inevitability of her decision, granted her request. For the first time, Bryliax ventured into the wider world alone.

Her journey through Fereldenโ€™s cities was disheartening. Redcliffe's bustling streets overwhelmed her, and Denerim's crowded chaos was worse. She found no solace among the noise, the commerce, or the throngs of people. The wilderness, with its quiet streams and the gentle call of birds, remained her true home. Material wealth meant nothing to her; coin even less. In the wilds, she had all she needed to survive.

Years of solitude followed. While peaceful, it was a lonely existence. Returning to the Dalish felt impossible, pride kept her from admitting defeat, and human society offered no comfort. She endured in the wilderness, neither here nor there, until a new threat emerged: the darkspawn. When the creatures began to encroach upon her beloved forest, Bryliax fought them with everything she had. It was during one such skirmish that she encountered a Grey Warden.

The Warden was impressed by her strength and tenacity, offering her a place among their ranks. For the first time, Bryliax felt something she had rarely known: belonging. With cautious hope, she accepted the invitation and underwent the Joining.

She survived.

From that day forward, Bryliax dedicated herself entirely to the Grey Wardens' cause. She became relentless, honing her skills to dispatch darkspawn with precision and efficiency. Protecting nature, her only true home, was now her mission, and the threat of a shortened life didnโ€™t faze her. For Bryliax, the Grey Wardens gave her life purpose where before, there had only been survival.

Joining the task force
With years of experience fighting darkspawn and a well-earned reputation among her Warden kin, Bryliax quickly stood out as the natural choice when the call came for a representative. Her superiors saw in her a balance of strength, knowledge, and reliability - a seasoned warrior who has faced the horrors of the Blight head-on. Though initially reluctant, Bryliax was eventually persuaded by the promise of venturing beyond the familiar battles of the Deep Roads and the tight-knit world of her Warden family. This new task could offer a fresh perspective and a chance to grow beyond the narrow focus of her life thus far

I don't know fancy coding, sorry!
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Name: Johana Marie de Penthiรจvre
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Species: Half Elven Human
Role: Agent of the Inquisition
Class: Mage
Specialization: Knight Enchanter
Main Weapon: Battlemage Lightning staff with staff blade
Secondary Weapon: Spirit Blade

Extra Details
: 5'7"
Build: Slim and toned
Tattoos: None
Scars: Long cut scar from down the right side of the neck. Left ear tip cut off. Various cuts and marks throughout her body.
Piercings: two golden earrings with a teardrop shaped ruby hanging from them.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Dreams: Ensure mages are not going to be used and controlled again.
Fears: Nyctophobia and a little haphephobia

Johana was born to Orlesian duchess, a result of a secret dalliance between her mother and her elven manservant. Though her mother made attempts to cover her true parentage from her husband and the rest of the court to prevent embarrassment, Johana was born with elven ears which made any such attempt almost impossible. Her mother's husband though angered was too smitten of both his wife and child to cast them out or act angrily (though the elven manservant was beaten and fired from his role never seen again). The story went out that Johana was the daughter of one of her mother's maids, which the middle-aged then childless duchess (the duke had children from a previous marriage) dotted upon and treated as her own. Though Johana true parentage did not remain secret for long in the background of the great game and it cost the family a lot of money and standing to keep it covered. Still did the best for the child and though she was mostly raised by the eleven maid, she was made aware of her parentage.

She was a happy and carefree child, unaware of the cost of having her birth mother and her duke. Her adoptive mother taught her some herbology which she took on with interest also she enjoyed watching the dukes soldiers training and often imitated what they did with a stick. At age 10, she displayed her magical ability when at moment of anger telekinetically through several objects towards her adoptive mother (she missed by the way). The duke seized the excuse to sent off the young bastard to the Orlesian circle of magic and save them from the constant source of trouble. The matter happened so quickly that she could barely process what happened and left crying.

Adjusting to life in the circle was difficult, from a carefree child she suddenly went to a place of strict control and hard education. The Templars were intimidating. She hated her magical abilities for where it leads her, and especially with all the negative connotations about magic presented by the Chantry. She had difficulty with lessons and had trouble casting spells. However, she soon got the attention of a senior enchanter who took her under her wing and careful helped the young apprentice out of the rough patch and taught her to enjoy her powers. She leaned more about herbology which she took to eagerly and slowly as they years went by her magical ability improved. She eventually reached the title of enchanter and was thought as capable enough to gain the role of a knight enchanter, a role she eagerly accepted.

She began her training, but then the mage rebellion began. Johana did not really feel comfortable rebelling but her mentor rebelled and felt compelled to follow her. During the war she fought in a couple of battles, but her skill in herbology made her more useful behind the front treating those in need. She was relieved when the conclave was called as she saw the war going nowhere. However, the destruction of the temple and renewal of the war dashed all hope for peace. Worst, the mage side was slowly driven back and Johana was stuck with the other mages at Redcliff castle. When the Vanatori came offering help, she was one of the vocal opponents, even striking at one of them. However, she was rejected and captured by the Tevinter mages.

When the inquisition finally found her in the castle, she was in the dungeon to have gone through severe torture, an attempt to use blood magic to control her mind. She had barely managed to pull through and was permanently scarred. Her personality changed in the process, she began more serious, vengeful and snark. Feeling betrayed by the mages and wanting revenge on the venatori, see joined the inquisition soon after her recovery as an agent. She completed her knight enchanter training through the inquisition and was part of many missions even being present at the battle in the Abhor Wilds.

With no other prospects after the war against the Elder One, she remained in the inquisition. She did not like the fact the Inquisition joined the Chantry but stuck on it serving where she could.
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Octavia Reinhardt
"Fret not, dear heart, let not them hear the mutterings of all your fears."1000010257.jpgโ€‹
Age - Twenty-Seven
Nameday - 7th of Kingsway
Race - Human
Sexuality - Pansexual
Role - Mortalitasi

Class - Rogue
Specialization - Bard
Main Weapon - Rapier
Secondary Weapon - Dagger
Height - 5 foot 9 inches
Build - Lean, streamline athletic build
Tattoos - Stylized serpent over her right eye, a homage to a friend
Scars - A slowly fading line cutting through her tattoo and over her right cheekbone, remnants of a childhood spent with little care for bodily safety
Piercings - None to speak of

- Recongnition and Legacy ; Octavia dreams of earning a reputation that rivals, if not surpasses her elder brother's. She wants to be remembered not as "Pietro's sister" but as Octavia Reinhardt, a name spoken with respect and admiration in Nevarra and beyond.
- Connection and Belonging ; Deep down, she yearns for genuine connections with others, though she masks this with aloofness or pride. She hopes one day to find people who value her for who she is, not for her accomplishments or lineage.

- Being Forgotten ; Octaviaโ€™s greatest fear is fading into obscurity, overshadowed by her brother or dismissed as unremarkable due to her lack of magic.
- Isolation ; While she outwardly claims she doesnโ€™t need others, the thought of being truly aloneโ€”without even the spirits to accompany herโ€”haunts her.
- Losing Her Humanity ; Surrounded by death and spirits for so long, she sometimes fears that she might lose touch with the living world and the emotions that tie her to it.
- Looking Foolish ; Octavia fears being embarrassed or mocked in public, especially in front of peers or superiors, as she relies heavily on maintaining an air of confidence
- Open Spaces ; She has spent half her life in crypts, the unfamiliarty of wide, open landscapes leaves her feeling unnerved and unprepared.


There is something particularly striking about the way Octavia Reinhardt carries herself. She is a woman of finely crafted poise, her charm as deliberate and well-polished as the blade at her side. Octavia knows how to speak to a room, how to draw attention without demanding it, and how to wear her pride like a second skin. Yet this outward confidence is less a natural disposition and more a carefully constructed shield. Octavia's charm is, at its heart, a defense, built to hide the cracks left by years of feeling second best. The Reinhardt name demands dignity, and so Octavia wears it with zeal, wielding her charisma and wit as both a weapon and armor. Those who meet her might describe her as relentlessly driven, passionately enthusiastic in her pursuits, and occasionally exhausting in her competitive zeal. Others, less kind, might call her manipulative or dismiss her ambition as nothing more than an attempt to outshine her peers. But Octavia knows her truth: she is a woman determined to make herself seen, no matter the cost.

Her relationships with others are often strained, a consequence of both her pride and her relentless need to prove herself. Octavia finds camaraderie difficult, particularly with her peers, who she assumes are always comparing her to her brother or envying her for her noble heritage. While she might frame it as jealousy on their part, the reality is far more complicated. Octavia thrives in competition but falters in vulnerability. She trusts the spirits far more readily than the living, finding their company less judgmental and more steadfast. Despite this, Octavia craves connection and admiration, even if she struggles to admit it. Beneath her carefully crafted faรงade lies a woman as lonely as she is ambitious, desperate to leave a mark that no oneโ€”not even her familyโ€”can ignore.


Octavia was born to House Reinhardt, a proud, if minor, noble family in Nevarra. From the moment she could walk, she was surrounded by the unique and morbid beauty of the Grand Necropolis, where her familyโ€™s status afforded them proximity to Nevarraโ€™s greatest traditions. Death was not a thing to be feared, but a constant companion, a reminder of legacy and eternity. Yet for all the Reinhardts' pride, Octaviaโ€™s childhood was dominated by the brilliance of her elder brother, Pietro. A prodigy in Necromancy, Pietro entered the Mortalitasi with ease, earning the adoration of their parents and the envy of many noble families. Octavia, by contrast, struggled to find her place. Without magical talent, she was relegated to the edges of her familyโ€™s attention, a fact that both stung and spurred her into action.

Determined to matter, Octavia turned to other pursuits: music, swordsmanship, and social graces. Where Pietro excelled in magic, she became adept at charm and performance, earning attention and accolades in ways her brother could not. Still, it was never enough. The shadow of her brotherโ€™s accomplishments loomed large, and Octavia often felt as though her parents saw her successes as a consolation prize. Joining the Mourn Watch was her attempt to bridge that gap, a way to prove that she could contribute to the Reinhardt legacy, even without magic. Over time, Octavia rose through the ranks, proving herself capable and cunning. She led rituals, commanded small units, and built a reputation as a dedicated Watcher. Yet even then, the comparisons to Pietro persisted, and the quiet fear of never being enough drove her to seek opportunities far beyond Nevarraโ€™s borders.

Reason for joining

Octaviaโ€™s decision to join the southern task force was as much about escape as it was about ambition. The Grand Necropolis, for all its familiarity, had become suffocating. No matter how hard she worked, no matter how many victories she claimed, Octavia always felt like the second rank, forever following in her brotherโ€™s footsteps. The south represented a chance to redefine herself, away from the expectations of her family and the oppressive weight of Nevarran tradition. It was a chance to make her name in uncharted territory, where her achievements would be hers alone. And, perhaps, it was also an act of rebellionโ€”a declaration that she could rise to greatness in her own way, without the Mortalitasi or the shadow of magic.

The Mourn Watch, recognizing her tenacity and skill, offered her as a candidate for the force being assembled. She was an obvious choice: smart, resourceful, and experienced in matters of the Fade and its denizens. Yet for Octavia, this was more than just another assignment. It was her chance to claim the legacy she had always dreamed of, a legacy built on grit, wit, and the sheer will to succeed. To the Void with magic, she thought. She needed only her rapier, her charm, and an opportunity. And the south, with its untapped potential and unknown dangers, seemed like the perfect proving ground. She would show them all that Octavia Reinhardt was not merely someone to rememberโ€”she was someone who demanded to be unforgettable.
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fluticasone fluticasone
Grem Roecudan
name day
18th of harvestmere
medium muscular with some round edges
the castleless marking sits prominently on his right check, and the rest of his face, neck, and upper body are covered in blue geometric tattoos that have significance within carta circles
both of his ears are pierced
Dying; and yes, everyone's fear is dying. but dying in a way where you don't matter. Unknown. Unheroic. Just a decaying mass on the side of the road. A bloated corpse that the wolves chew on before it becomes too rotten. And knowing all of that as you take your last breath.
Dwarves don't have dreams, and neither does Grem.
He's been taking off the top for each job he is contracted to do. It's to keep Josefine's small estate in decent condition.
Grem is basically a nug with a badger's teeth. Rather unassuming on the outside, minding his own business, but the moment someone finds themself in his space without warning or provocation--he will bite. A blaggard, a drunkard, and a constant skeptic, he's not fun company to keep. Yet, he doesn't have to be fun. what he has to be is efficient, and he is definitely that. He will not shy away from any job given to him, and he's more than happy to finish it quickly so he can get back to his aforementioned habits. There are days when he seems like a kinder, quieter soul, but they are few and far between.
Grem was born in Dust Town in the depths of Orzammar to a mother who had no problem selling him and a father who retreated to the surface before the sentence "I'm pregnant-" could be finished. Being casteless in the asshole of the dwarven kingdom was the equivalent of being a shit stain on a wall ofโ€”wellโ€”shit. Grem had barely drawn his first breath before he was deemed unworthy, and honestlyโ€”he didn't go uphill from there. The start of his story is the same as it is for every poor dwarf born to nothingโ€”he joined the Carta and tried not to die.
Surprisingly enough, Grem was quite adept at living. A salt lick of a person, he had more audacity than any king and used it to escape the tightest situations. He climbed up the Carta rung like a fat, drunk rat up a ladder. He went from runner to pickpocket, to negotiator, to proficient stabber, to bodyguard, to a brief stint selling property, back to being a proficient stabber, and then landed as one the second-in-command right under the leader of the Orzammar Carta. Grem would always say: "I'm the boss's right hand... or the left... honestly whichever one he doesn't" he makes a lewd gesture, "with."
Honestly, Grem would be like any other member of the Carta had it not been for a smuggling mission gone awry. It was simple: take a crate to a rundown estate in the Hinterlands. Don't ask questions. Stop thinking about asking questions. And if the crate talks, ignore it. That's something that crates do. Of course, Grem couldn't. He had more lives than a cat who had knocked over their 9 and turned it into a โˆž. Inside it was a young girl named Josafine. Through a rapid exchange of conversation, he quickly learned that he wasn't a kidnapper. No, Josefine's parents had paid for her to be carted across Ferelden inconspicuously. You see, Josefine was a mage, but not only that, she was quite ill. They were afraid if she was taken to the Circle that, not only would they never see her again, but she might die. So, they faked her death and paid the Carta to haul her away. It made sense; they asked so few questions that they could have been smuggling darkspawn. A job was a job.
Yet, when they reached the estate, Grem had difficulty leaving. Josefine's parents wouldn't be there for a day or so, and he felt terrible ditching her in the building, considering how sick she was. So, he hung back, purchasing supplies, tending to a few things around the estate, and getting to know Josefine. She was a wide-eyed kid who was barely his height and had such frizzy, dark curls they encircled her head like a lion's mane. When she would get excited, those curls would bob and twirl into the air like dandelion fluff. Grem questioned why he had hung back. He just chalked it up to maybe milking the parents for more coin. Yet, just the tiniest fragment of introspection would unearth that he saw the parallels in their stories. Unfortunately, the parallels were about to get deeper.
Around this time, the Mage and Templar War started, and skirmishes between the two sides laid waste to many of the Southern Kingdoms. So, when Grem received word that Josefine's parents had gone missing, he buckled underneath it all. He was barely eighteen then, and the thought of adopting the young girl seemed preposterous. Yet, he did it. The years flew by after that, and she eventually grew out of her illness. Yet, not without a lot of time and a lot of care. Grem hired a tutor for Josefine so that she would stop lighting their possessions on fire. He even dragged her on Carta missions where having a mage would be helpful. However, the threat of an apostate was usually needed more than the actual apostate. Josefine was also helpful in grabbing things placed far higher than Grem, who was short for a dwarf. This story goes on for a while, and as saccharine as it got at times, it would only end in bitterness.
Nine years later, Grem would come to be covered in Josefine's blood. His sword was plunged deep into her chest. And he'd watch as the last bit of light flickered out as the words "I don't want to die" faded on her lips. By the ancestors, he hated himself. Maybe she should have gone to the Circle; then maybe she would have built better defenses against the things that lurked in the Fade. The horrible thing that had crawled into her body and made her turn on the people she loved. And maybe Grem wouldn't have been the one to end it. He was called "Demon Killer" among his comrades but didn't feel that was right. So, over time, it became more akin to "Mage Killer." And that title wasn't given due to one instance. Having spent nine years alongside a blossoming mage had taught him a lot about them, and the Carta could always sell the services of someone who ended mages. It was a dark path Grem went down, but he felt it was what he deserved.
So, when the South came under siege, and the Carta found itself actually on the right side of history for once, they offered up Grem for the investigation. His connections, skills, and background would be helpful in this endeavor. Unfortunately, he'd always had a bit of a mouth on him, and it'd only gotten worse. That being said, if the enemy needed to be talked to deathโ€”he'd more than oblige.
main weapon
second weapon
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part two


Rise above the tide...




Aerin "Rin" Varilym


6th of Wintermarch






Lord of Fortune




5"6 - small enough to get into tight spaces


mesomorphic, not overtly muscular but well built for a mage


Body tattoos, mostly on back and legs - showcasing his triumphs as a LoF


Facial branding - a reminder of his past and what it took to escape it


Gold ring on the left eyebrow - the ring is a little gilded dragon







main weapon


secondary weapon



Thunderous End


istory and psyche.


It is a twisted fate that Aerin's greatest tales of triumph would be laced with the pitch-black ichor of tragedy. It's not enough that his first breath stole his mother's last one. His father, Yirean, was a Fourth Talon of the Antivan Crows and he never held that death against his son. Arellia, Aerin's mother, was a Tevinter Mortalitasi mage who had left an odd impression on his father's heart. Yirean no longer envisioned the end as a transaction. He knew that, somehow, he'd see his lover's embrace again. However, the young Talon couldn't bear to raise their child alone. His father, Alveris Varilym, was a former Master rank mage of the outfit who now spent his time helping to raise Aerin as an infant. Between his father and forefather, love and kinship were abundant in the child's life.

But, there was fuckery afoot, out of pure jealousy and greed. Gerrica Klein, Fifth Talon of the Guild at the time, had been in coercion with the murky dealings of a militant group of Venatori known as the Blood Warrens. Their focus: Weaponizing Abominations and demon spirits by infecting powerful artifacts with red lyrium and amplifying their blood magic to unforeseen heights. Klein had a swell deal with these Blood Warrens too. She kept them stocked with an ample supply of bodies and heirlooms of Qun, Dwarven, and Elven lineages. As an Antivan Crow, she skillfully hid the fact that this was an issue, always carefully selecting her prey. But, everyone gets sloppy enough to be caught by someone.

When a trusted friend went missing out of nowhere while accompanying Klein on a less-than-simple rendezvous, Yirean's suspicions began to arise against the widowmaker. It wasn't long before he gathered enough threads to take her down...but, on the same coin, she knew exactly who was after her. Soon, Yirean was too tangled in the web of deceit to escape with his head, literally. Although Klein had taken out her accusor, she knew better than to leave any loose ends roaming about. However, Yirean was one step ahead of her in that department. By the time she and her goons made it to their villa, the young boy and his grandfather were already treading the waters out of Treviso. Rin shed many tears on the voyage.

The destination was the Rivain Coast, where many of the Lords of Fortune based their operations. Alveris planned to rest his head with Francesca Gullen, his long-time associate and lover. When they reconnected, Aerin was 9 years old. At first, he needed the time to grieve his father. Slowly, the kid realized that his time would be spent with treasure hunters. Not only that, but the emergence of his powers as a mage had begun. Learning his gift from his grandfather, who wielded magic, he began to push himself further and further, becoming the shyest adrenaline junkie. When he wasn't practicing the basics of being a mage, he would sneak off on adventures with Fran. She welcomed the company, always saying that it would put some hair on his gonads to see some sights and earn gold along the way. He was free to do whatever he pleased without the fear of being ostracized for his connection to the Fade. With that freedom, some happiness returned to him.

Unfortunately, grudges are hard to choke down. The pointed needle of spite burned in Rin's chest at night. It was a fiery sort of nature that often boiled over when he least expected it. The feeling never lessened and became a burden that made the young man keep a cautionary distance from people. This was more so for their sake than his. Aerin was angry, with such enough passion to attract the wrong kind of attention in the Fade. It was when a desire demon emerged, with the intention of "bringing back the dearest people to him", that brought this inner turmoil to a head. The matter was dealt with effectively(due to Ellioth's grandfather being skilled enough to reach his grandson and pull him from the demon's grasp). That night, mere months before his 17th birthday, Alveris told Aerin the full truth of his father's demise. This hardened him a little, but it also put a spark in his eyes. Alveris knew that gleam rather well: the flames of vengeance had been realized.

For the next twelve years, Aerin dove deep into his training, learning the secret techniques of the Antivan Spellblade and how to become a better mage all around. He'd need to be the best to get to her, this "Gerrica Klein". He'd test his new skills in the field by regularly assisting Fran and her crew on some of the riskiest heists and plundering. After officially becoming a Lord of Fortune, he began earning more than his keep with his talent and eye for worthy booty. Eventually, he'd begin putting his hard-earned coin toward gathering as much information on his prey. Last he heard, she had established a kit and faction of both Venatori and willing Crows in southern Theadas, with the promise of power and acclaim to both. Her hubris would be her undoing. There was nothing left that Alveris could teach Aerin. The old man left his family's legacy and future to his progeny.

The reason he joined with the current crew is to establish a means to an end. He'll gladly save the world multiple times if it means saving what was left of his. It was a dual-edged sword he'd be dangling over his head, but it would be wise for even the Maker to stay out of Aerin's way...

For they too would be cut down by the calm wrath that carries the other side of the blade.

traits and persona

In all of his 30 years, Aerin could never be seen as having too much of a self-centered nature. He is very much an activist, putting aside a political view in favor of the People, who matter to him more than status or rank. Though he feels no connection to his Tevinter blood, the fact that he is a "cross-bred apostate" to either side of the coin bothers him just a little. But, if one would look past his amazing skills as a mage, they'd be equally amazed at his quiet humor and ability to empathize with just about anyone. He could probably even get the Divine herself to laugh at his quips about having to repair his armor at the most inconvenient moments. In his heart, he is a true treasure hunter with a bit of Antivan flair.

His temper isn't quick, but his ability to hold a grudge will blatantly make itself known and linger with a burning edge. He's known to be just a little obsessive sometimes if only to keep his mind off his personal issues. It's not that his quest for revenge makes up a ton of his personality...he just can't help being so expressive about all his emotions. Aerin can come off shy at first but, once he breaks out of his shell with you, his snarky demeanor is more than obvious. One would be weary of being on his bad side by ignoring the good one.

His dream is to reclaim and elevate his familial status, in honor of his grandfather and his late father. To accomplish this, he would have to prove himself to someone who could get him close enough to the traitorous wench. But, when it is all said and done, he'd like to be set for life and live on a boat, sailing the Nocen Seas and making love on a pile of treasure.

He fears losing himself to his emotions and welcoming another demon, just as he unknowingly did as a teen. This is why he has honed his skill in managing his feelings. He also fears connecting himself to the wrong crowd and having to risk his integrity to save the world. He'll do almost anything for his fellow man, but he draws the line at being a martyr too many. He's aware of the world state he is in and he does not want to go down without a ferocious fight to the end.



โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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No Hero
JT Music

NAME: Hissrad
AGE: 34 years old
PRONOUNS: she/her
RACE: Qunari
ROLE: Ben-Hassrath
CLASS: Rogue

HEIGHT: 6'7"
BUILD: Curvy, muscular build with a little extra weight.
PIERCINGS: Ears pierced, but no ear rings worn.
HAIR: Silvery grey, tied up during work. Left to hang long when off duty. Beads often woven in.
EYES: Golden
HORNS: Close to the skull, swept back, flaring out to the sides at the ends.
Style: Some traditional qunari garb mixed with a long coat from Orlais of a brown color. Dar-saam (ropes) on her torso, arms, and her horns. Use of vitaar patterns to provide protection on face and body.

First thing one might notice about Aasha is her calm. Despite great pressure or insult, she keeps a level head as she works out how to react. This combined with a natural affinity for talking with people made her a natural at spy craft and served her well for her years in Orlais. She's a good listener who prefers to get others to talk about themselves than speak about herself.
Her devotion to the Qunari is her driving force. She would do anything to see her people and culture protected, even if life among the Bas has caused doubt to creep into her mind about some of the tents of the Qun. Adhering to it has cost her things that she insists aren't important, but those are merely words trying to bury desire for things she doesn't think she can have.
With the introduction of the "passenger" in her mind, Aasha's feeling off powerlessness in its face does cause cracks in her characteristic calm. Whispers crawl through her skull, teasing her to give into her hidden wants, causing her to cling to her duty all the tighter.

>Loss of control to the demon.
>Failing those she swore to protect.
>Something happening to her daughter.

>Being rid of the demon.
>Meeting her daughter again.
>Attaining the role of Bessrathari, to settle down to train new members of Ben-hassrath.
>To share all the recipes she has learned with the Qunari.

>Her status as an abomination.
>Was part of a smuggling ring off the books from even the Ben-Hassrath to gain exotic spices and drinks.
>Her doubts about aspects of the Qun.
>The extent of her sabotage work for the Ben-Hassrath against Orlais, Ferelden, and Orzammar.

From a young age, the child who would become Aasha seemed a natural fit for the Ben-Hassrath. While initally intended for a role in dealing with new converts, her affinity for languages and patience soon altered her path to that of a Hissrad, a spy to go out among the Bas and learn their plans and secrets. After extensive training, Hissrath was sent to the coasts of Orlais under the cover of being a Tal-Vashoth seeking escape from the Qun.
Taking the name Aasha from the qunlat word for for "calm", the new Hissrad spent a few years as a mercenary to wander around Orlais and Ferelden, but found this method unfulfilling both in information gathering and personal preferance. With what riches she was able to collect, she settled in the Orlasian city of Jader. It's position on the coast near Ferelden and Orzammar made it ideal for keeping an eye on multiple subjects. She first partnered with an elderly couple to run a tavern, then bought it outright from them. She found the skills of cooking and drink mixing pleasurable, and excellent levers to use to get information. For the next 7 years, Aasha became part of the local community, becoming a favorite of nobles and commoners alike. When it was necessary, she would take on a few sabotage missions, using her training in stealth to ensure things the Ben-Hassrath deemed dangerous did not come to pass. The duty she took more joy from was the directing those Bas earning for purpose to the arms of the Qun, and arranging their passage to Qunari territory.
About a year after settling in Jader, Aasha ran into the Tal-Vashoth who took the name Saam, an acquaintance from her mercenary days. He had taken a position of navigator for an Orleasian trade vessel out of Jader and was looking up an old friend. The two became friends, with Aasha using Saam as an unknowing informant on navel matters and Tal'Vashoth activity in the area. After nearly a year and a half, Aasha and Saam started sleeping together. Aasha merely did it to release some pent up urges, but it soon became evident that Saam was looking for something more. Not wanting this complication, Aasha began planning ways to "break up" with Saam while maintaining a connection with him. Fate took the problem from her when Saam's ship was declared sunk with all hands during a violent storm. But Fate also plays tricks. After weeks of a sickness that was making work difficult, Aasha went to a chantry healer to find to her shock she was pregnant. Knowing the father had to be Saam, Aasha took precautions to keep her pregnancy from interfering with her work while also working out arrangements for the child to be taken back to Par Vollen to be raised by the Tamassrans as the Qun required. With the help of a discreet midwife, Aasha gave birth to a daughter.
While the plan was to immediately send the child to the Qunari for a proper upbringing, delays meant the baby spent her first half year with Aasha. During that time, Aasha struggled to maintain her tavern and duties to the Ben-Hassrath. Frustration with the delay morphed into aprehension as her bond with the child grew. Naming the child Samika to apease nosy Bas, Aasha struggled with herself to continue with the plan of sending Samika away. Her head told her it was the right thing, but her heart wished to keep her daughter. In the end, she followed her head and let other Hissrad take Samika to where the Qun said she belonged. For months afterwards, Aasha was tormented by nightmare of hearing Samika's cries, but being unable to find her. Even dreams of a peaceful like with Samika and Saam would have her waking up sobbing. She struggled to push these emotions away, viewing them as Bas weakness that had infected her. But while these dreams lessened after a time, to this day years later, the dreams still come.
For the past few months, Aasha noticed odd behaviors in some of her contacts in and around Jader. She began to grow worried as it seemed another organization in the shadows was moving in around her. At first she suspected that the Chantry was trying a new tactic based on the flickers of fear she got from her increasingly tight lipped contacts, but soon decided it had to be a foreign power like the Antivan Crows. It was while trying to determine exactly who these competitors were that they sprung their trap. While closing up her tavern, Aasha received word from one of her last contacts who seemed to be unmolested by the new rival that her nature as a Hassrath had been exposed to the Orlesians and that city guards were coming to arrest her. Though shocked, she had an escape plan for this eventuality and enacted it immediately. It was while collecting a hidden stash of supplies that she was ambushed by dark cloaked figures. She fought back untill a magical blast sent her flying. Her fleeting consciousness managed to take in a grinning Tavinter mage before she blacked out.
She a woke in dark chambers, chained to some kind of alter. Her blood ran cold as she put together the truth of her situation. She was now in the clutches of the Venatori and from the surroundings, they weren't going for a simple questioning. The mage from before, a pompous windbag of a human, entered and gleefully explained what he was planning. He intended to bind a demon to Aasha and send her on her way home to Par Vollen where the demon could spread chaos among the Qunari. Aasha tried to fight back, but it was too late. The ritual was preformed, leading to white hot pain and a laughter that filled her mind. When she opened her eyes again, she knew it wasn't her that opened them. The demon was allowed to sit up, smiling with Qunari's lips at pompous windbag. The demon and the mage discussed their next steps as Aasha tried to regain control, only to find she was a prisoner in her own body. The mage prepared a final binding spell to keep a leash on the demon, but the demon had thought of this. Aasha found her eyes focus on one of the slaves in the room, the word "weak" radiating into her thoughts from the demon. With the snap of Aasha's fingers, the demon sent the thralled slave into a delusional state, where he lashed out at the mage, believing himself to be the master and the mage the slave. The scuffle was enough of a distraction for the demon to break through the protective sigils and snap the mage's neck with the Qunari's bare hands. The rest of the night was a blur as the demon used Aasha's body and skills to escape the remaining Venatori.
Aasha woke up in a sea cave, able to move herself. Knowing better than to question last night's events, she snatched up a dagger to drive it into her own heart. Her arm froze as pain poured into her mind. A chiding voice in her mind told her not to ruin the game. The demon forced her to drop the dagger, leaving the sensation of a hand running down her back in its wake. For the next few weeks, it mostly left her in control. She could feel it in her mind and muscles, ready to take control if she tried anything. The dreams of Samika became a nightly thing, with the demon promising to make her heart's desire come true if she just gave in. It forced her to contact the Ben-Hassrath for collection. When she finally met other Hassrids, she found she couldn't speak the warning she wished to, though it let her do most of the talking as long as she acted as it nothing was wrong. It was during their preparations for the voyage to Par Vallen that updates of some new Blight in Ferealdin and Orlais reached the Ben-Hassrath. It was decided they needed a hand in this, to which Aasha instantly volunteered. She wanted to stay far away from Par Vallen and Samika, with this blight seeming a way to possibly take her death out of the demon's hands. With the logic of her appointment agreed upon, Aasha was sent to the Frostback Mountains to offer aid and guidance to the Bas forces gathering there. While initially overjoyed at her denying the demon a path to Par Vallen, the snickering in her mind made it clear that the demon had let her take them on this path. As her eyes first beheld Haven, the demon caressed her mind, promising that the games had only just begun.

It remembers a time before. When everything was clear. No complications. No doubts. Just what had to be done. It remembers meeting a few from beyond the Fade. It would help these souls focus on why they came, and avoid distraction from their path.
Then it remembers being snared and dragged out of the Fade. This place was confusing and loud. So many paths that crisscrossed and nothing was clear. So many needs. So many wants. So many...desires. The little mind demanded its service, promising a form. It complied, at least until it could use the little mind's spider web of wishes against him. It was given a new mind to play with. But this one was different. Still messy, still loud with wants, but they all bent to an overriding...what was the word? It had known it before, but now it seemed forever out of reach. But this new mind reminded it of before. It could use this. It could feed on this. All it had to do was silence the little mind, and take the new mind to where it would have to choose. All choices in this game were rigged, of course. Now matter what, it would get a thrill. But if the new mind proved worthy, it would feed on what it lost from the time before and keep remembering...

FACTION REASONING: With Aasha's cover in Orlais blown, the Ben-Hassrath intended to bring her home. With a new Blight unleashed, it was decided that Aasha's proximity and experience with Bas makes her ideal for representing the Qunari's interests in this new war for survival.



designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.แƒฆ
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  • ๐๐€๐Œ๐„ -- Elrian Arainai
    ๐€๐†๐„ -- 37
    ๐๐‘๐Ž๐๐Ž๐”๐๐’ -- He/him/his
    ๐’๐„๐—๐”๐€๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐˜ -- Unknown
    ๐‘๐€๐‚๐„ -- Elf
    ๐๐€๐Œ๐„ ๐ƒ๐€๐˜ -- 3rd of Wintermarch


    ๐‘๐Ž๐‹๐„ -- The Antivan Crow. (The Antivan Crows, also known as House of Crows, are an elite organization of thieves, spies, and assassins renowned throughout Thedas.)
    ๐‚๐‹๐€๐’๐’ -- Warrior
    ๐’๐๐„๐‚๐ˆ๐€๐‹๐ˆ๐™๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐ -- Reaver
    ๐Œ๐€๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐„๐€๐๐Ž๐ -- Long sword
    ๐’๐„๐‚๐Ž๐๐ƒ๐€๐‘๐˜ ๐–๐„๐€๐๐Ž๐ -- Dagger


    ๐‡๐„๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“ -- 5'10"
    ๐๐”๐ˆ๐‹๐ƒ -- Lithe/toned
    ๐„๐˜๐„๐’ -- Blue
    ๐‡๐€๐ˆ๐‘ -- Red, long and flowing. Falls all the way down his back.
    ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐’๐“๐ˆ๐๐†๐”๐ˆ๐’๐‡๐ˆ๐๐† ๐…๐„๐€๐“๐”๐‘๐„๐’ - Facial scar. It covers one half of his face and extends further down his neck.


coded by BELIAL.โ€‹
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