Request: A little help making characters for players


Elder Member
I have a table top group I am trying to convert to Exalted. Last time they found the game hard because they treated charms like feats in Dungeons and Dragons, when they should have considered them more like cards in a CCG like Magic the Gathering. So, they've asked me to create characters, and now I need 6 Dragon Blooded characters for them to play.

Would anyone like to help and create characters? Errata / 2.5 rules is what I'll be using. I've created a template in Indesign and plan on making them look keen. There's even a spot for a picture.


I can totally help make characters. Are you looking for a full background or just the stats on the sheets?
ghoti115 said:
I can totally help make characters. Are you looking for a full background or just the stats on the sheets?
I would love both, but stats aren't needed. The back story will just help make the templates look nicer.
Any preference for which Castes? Should some of them have trained together or crossed paths at some point? Is someone calling them together or are they meeting by chance? Should they meet on the battlefield or in a city somewhere? How much detail are youlooking for, a quick three paragraph or a full back story that is a few pages?
ghoti115 said:
Any preference for which Castes? Should some of them have trained together or crossed paths at some point? Is someone calling them together or are they meeting by chance? Should they meet on the battlefield or in a city somewhere? How much detail are youlooking for, a quick three paragraph or a full back story that is a few pages?
I am plotting out one of each element with fire being the only aspect being repeated. There are six players. Having them know each other would be fantastic. I bought the Contagion of Law module, and planned on using that. It's not so bad once it was read over and tweaked. So having them know each other is what I had planned.

As for the back-stories, they're not necessary. The players won't use them. They tend to despise games that have heavy settings like Exalted and Legend of the Five Rings, but I wouldn't be against you giving one. It'll look good!
OK, I have some sheets put together (using Anathema). Overall, I tired to keep everyone on even footing and cover all of the abilities. The brackgrounds aren't great, but get an idea of the type of character and who each of them knows into it. You can access them here:

I did not include any pictures and focused on pairing them up rather than trying to work everyone into a large group. At the least they will be a good starting point to use for making adjustments.
Here's Cindy zeroed.

She needs the 3rd essence dot so there may be some alchemy to do with the BPs.

Name Cathak Cinder

Concept Avatar of revenge

Motivation Destroy the Lintha, drown them in fire and watch them writhe in agony

Aspect Fire

Anima Wide leaf fiery flower blossoming and exploding


+The Realm (last bastion of Humanity)

+Revenge (as a sacred Duty)

+Dynasts (Morally superior)

-Water (flat and shitty and dangerous)



   Strength          â—
   Dexterity          â—â—â—â—â—
   Stamina            â—â—â—â—

   Charisma          â—â—
   Manipulation      â—
   Appearance        â—â—â—â—

   Perception        â—â—â—â—
   Intelligence      â—â—
   Wits              â—â—â—


F Occult        â—â—â—
F Lore          â—â—â—

 Awareness    â—â—â—
 Integrity    â—â—â—
 Resistance    â—â—â—
 War          â—

C Athletics    â—â—â—        Elem.Attacks  â—â—â—
C Dodge        â—â—â—â—â—      Unarmored      â—â—â—
C Melee        â—
C Presence      â—
C Socialize    â—â—â—

F Investigation â—â—â—
 Martial Arts  â—
 Sail          â—

 Archery      â—
 Performance  â—
 Survival      â—


Compassion    â—
Convinction    â—â—â—â—
Temperance    â—
Valor          â—â—â—

Willpower      â—â—â—â—â— â—â—â—â—â—

Essence        â—â—â—


+3 Legendary Breeding

-3 Wanted (by Family and Groom)


Breeding        â—â—â—â—â— â—        Legendary Breeding
Artifact        â—â—              Jade Bracers
               ..              Jade Perfected Boots

Manse          â—â—â—            Stone of Acquatic Prowess (Oad97)
               ..              Gemstone of Last Resort (Oad93)
               .              Jewel of the Flaying Heart

Familiar        â—â—â—            Ember

Resources      â—


Elemental Concentration Trance    5+W  DB132
.Elemental Empowerment Meditation  1+W  DB133
..Glorious Birthright Font          3  kCA71
Elemental Bolt Attack              1x  DB133
.Elemental Burst Technique          -  DB134

Elemental Internalization Tech      -  kCA72 NoSurcharge for Elemental

Dodge I                            1x  DB128

== Jade Perfect Boots

The Jade Perfected Boots are a Jade version of the Perfected Boots but need no maintenance.

They need 1 mote each (for a total of 2 motes) to be attuned, and each has a socket for a heartstone.

== Ember

A fiery dragonfly from the deepest south.

Ember is immune to fire, magical or otherwise.

== Wanted

Cinder has been promised by House Cathak to Sesus Althane, a stalwart and ridiculously popular hero of the Realm.

Her recent choices are putting House Cathak in great embarrasment; a brother of hers, Cathak Whirl, is relentlessly after her.

On his part, Althane is too busy to pursue Cinder himself but is more than happy to unleash his younger brothers after her.

== Other roleplay notes:

Spoiled brat, kicked out of Heptagram because too hot tempered.

Mother killed by Lintha.

Family just wants her married, considers her too unreliable.

Resents family for not taking revenge on Lintha.

Goes West to escape marriage and take revenge in her own ends.

Family goes after her.

Her full name is "Cathak Mallana Zeitraisch Wultenmuller Whatsit Von Tenfold Switched Tower Cinder, daughter of Cathak Vanilla Wultenmuller Whatsit Von Tenfold Switched Tower Beatrix, 4th generation twice removed from Cathak himself, purest Blood of the Host, kicked out from the best schools in the Blessed Isle"

She's as noble as the purest blood can be and sees everything through those lenses.


1 Specialties x2

5 Willpower 5 to 10

? Essence 2 to 3

4 Breeding 3 to 5

3 Legendary Breeding

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