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Lore Republic


One Thousand Club

The northern beastman country for this roleplay and likely one of the next visited countries after Ryke. Has a Japanese theme and aesthetic. Any persons, places, things, or events of note may go here so long as it came from a graded roleplay that was deemed acceptable to add to canon for The Republic.

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Country - The Republic

Formerly known as Kuridan, the Republic is a collection of ruling bodies called Shogunates. Each shogunate is a collection of powerful family clans within a particular region of the country. The Shoguns that rule do so as a council that regularly meets to vote and discuss matters of state. Unlike a traditional Shogunate that is passed down through heredity, the shoguns and those that serve them are chosen by the people through bouts of strength and cunning. All members of the ruling class are just as proficient on the battlefield as they are in the shogunate council. The country is more north so they can experience harsher winters and more temperate summers, but their summer tip to the west can experience the opposite making them a country of extremes. Much of their land is covered in river fed rainforests and hill country. The people have taken great strides in cultivating the land and making the most of the monsters that plague them to grow their power.


Population - 5,700,000
This large country has quite an abundance and variety of beastmen for its people. While some fae find themselves making settlement in the more secluded edges and depths of the nation, the country is very much beastman territory. Constructs are practically non-existent and are likely outnumbered by the monsters that are regularly hunted by the populace. Humans are few in number due to tensions with East Empire. While humans are welcome, only the strong are respected.

Capital - Okiro
Built on the banks of the continental lake west of the major river heading north to the Sea, the capital enjoys a bounty of seafood, sea travel, and trade. While not as much a central hub as Ryke, it still serves as a stop off point for most countries and cities wishing to trade from the west. A major hub for the merchant, adventurer, and noble factions. It is quite a happening place for global news and less than ideal beastman behavior.

Common in several major cities, especially in the Protectorate of Ryke, as well as smaller towns, a magical item known as Black Orb is in circulation. Possessed by the law enforcing body of the area, the black orb is used to determine criminals and monsters from normal travelers. Titles will appear on the black orbs surface when used. When a user places their hand on the orb, the titles that show will be specifically theirs. The titles shown will only be criminal titles or monster titles. No other titles will be shown. Monsters and criminals will be prevented entry into city or town and in some cases killed on the spot or hunted down with the discovery. Many towns and villages are protected by a militia of peasant soldiers led by a Samurai.

While the predominant forms of travel are on boats in the water ways and beastmen runners, there is a 2nd option: Portals. Magic portals cover the world. Most are hidden away in dungeons, deep forests, and treacherous mountains, but a few towns and all major cities have one. Portals allow for travel between any 2 portals instantly. However, they are limited in size, can act as borders between some nations, and can only warp and individual to another portal location they have already been to. Due to the constraints of its use and potential for abuse, most portals are heavily guarded. Black Orbs tend to be used on those passing through portals. Portal travel is not cheap, costing several Rykes per leg of the journey.

Major groups of individuals working together to influence events in the Republic and beyond are listed here. This is not a complete list, but can give a starting point to those interested in involving their characters in such things. Among those not listed, there are whispers of various criminal and monstrous groups as well:
  • Nobles: The ruling class of The Republic, as noted previously are individuals chosen through battle and competition by the people they would eventually represent. As such, they are not just the ruling class, but also the warrior class for the nation as mentioned in Security. They are the most prestigious faction of the nation and all work hard to join their ranks someday or fill a role in service to them. They keep a strict code of conduct that promotes chivalry and honor above self. There are 15 shogunates that make up the council and beneath them are a multitude of Daimyo and Samurai that lead their armies and help enforce their laws/decrees.
  • Adventurer's Guild: The guild spans the globe but has country specific branches that answer to the rules and authorities therein. It is a place respected as the goto to request things done and have them done. The ranks of the guild are made up of warriors, mages, and many other talents from around the world. Just about any task that comes with a financial reward will get done. Due to their military might, they are closely monitored by the Noble factions. Their vast needs for equipment and supplies make the patron favorites with the Merchant's guild.
  • Merchant's Guild: There is nor shortage of sly beastmen making up this faction in their nation. Should you have the coin, they have the wares. Despite the nations hardline against any and all slavery, the merchant guild has come up with clever ways to have people work for them to perform services for extended periods of time without paying them. Also illegal, they can peddle drugs from foreign countries. The country has a love/hate relationship with outside trade. A necessary evil for many, an evil which the merchant guild happily undertakes. For this reason an others, the merchants are the most despised faction in the nation.
  • Church: this faction is an after thought to the people of the republic. While their are many shrines and temples around the country and while they have believers and practitioners a plenty, it is not like church with regular attendance or tithe. They are generally seen as a necessary 3rd party to the mortal world that helps guide the masses and give them insight into the divine. Which such readings and words, the church in Kuridan can sometimes sway the council of Shoguns.

Religion - Many
The beastmen predominantly worship the gods found in the japanese pantheon but all of them are beastmen as well as spirits said to be in all things (separate from fae spirits, these are believed to be divine in nature). A few old former slaves worship the greek/roman gods of their former masters. They exalt the principles of hard work, perseverance, justice, and righteous anger. Unlike what is commonly thought, they do not praise rage and savagry. Believing themselves to be above the common beast of the field, any trait that lacks proper restraint is thought to be unbecoming a proper beastman. Most cultists in the nation worship evil or savage gods that revel in blood and violence. Such cults are slain when found, but typical relish the violence all the same. The clergy of the beast nation have similar practices and appearances to Shinto priests.

Although the Republic has its own coin currency called the BeastYen (BY's), it trades predominantly in Ryke's coin currency the ryke. This makes it easier to exchange goods with other nations, especially those with political reasons for refusing to stock BeastYen. Although, the Republic has no shortage of trade, they are not particularly wealthy. They are rarely the first to discover or innovate anything. Even their claim to fame: superior martial weapons, are made with techniques former slaves were taught by their human masters several decades prior. Their stamina and powerful bodies has made their nation come out ahead in labor intensive crafts such as the harvesting of monster parts, some mining, and rice production (a main staple despite the many carnivorous beastmen that reside in the nation).

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The world is filled with hostile creatures and other antagonistic forces. Here are a few lists to hint at the types of creatures one might find in the wilderness of the world. While variations between monsters and their capabilities exist, most are Graded based on their overall capability. (list will grow over time...)


Animals - Grade F - Most animals from Earth are also present in Isekai Hell. They are as docile or hostile as usual. However, in addition to mundane animals, you also have their Giant versions. Badgers and hogs as big as horses. Snakes big enough to swallow men. Frogs that could treat wolves like flies. Giant spiders that make it a habit to feed on predatory feline beasts. Stupid and generally easier to slay than elephants, they are a common hunting target of human rangers and low level adventurers.

Bandits - Grade E - A country rich in food goods is also a prime candidate for banditry. Beastmen and other desperate sorts driven by desperation or greed. While some are more skilled than others, all are ferocious in their strengths.

Slavers - Grade E - Roaming the hills and northlands of the country near the East Empire's border, human slavers and beastmen opportunists can be found hunting Beastmen planning to escape or new beastmen natives from the Republic to be slaves. Versed in a wide array of capture and subdual techniques, as well as magic if a caster is among them, they can be quite dangerous to the unsuspecting. Especially if they are allowed to put a slave crest on a would be capture.

Savages - Grade E - Religious cultists worshipping dark gods of blood and violence or simply beastmen purists that believe the proper beastman is one that indulges in his carnal urges as he pleases, these beastmen are extremely dangerous and kill, assault, and eat their victims as they please.

Beastmen Undead [Zombies/Skeletons/Ghouls] - Grade E - undead of the monster tree. Not needing to sleep, breath, or in some cases feed, they are nearly inexhaustible enemies. Unfortunately, their corpse like bodies are still particularly meaty and still retain as much if not more power than the former beastmen. Something to watch out for is that it is never clear when an undead is truly dead...Zombies are slow moving meat puppets craving flesh. Skeletons are walking bones. Ghouls are like cunning zombies capable of moving quickly.

Grade: E(Younger Kappa)/D(Adult Kappa);
Kappa are a type of yokai which are commonly found within the rivers or lakes in the Beast’s Republic. They appear as reptilian humanoids roughly the size of a human child. Kappa are intelligent Yokai and can even speak various languages. If treated as a higher or ascended being, Kappa are polite and friendly. But often, they are crass and dangerous. They despise cows and horses and will attack them for no reason at all. It is hard and sometimes impossible to escape a Kappa within the water, on land however one will find it much easier to outwit the clumsy creature. Many other types of Yokai exist and are generally considered monsters.

Dire Beast - Grade D - Animals or beastmen that are overwhelmed with atmospheric mana or other tampering. They are typically bigger and more monstrous in nature and appearance. They can have human level intellects and typically lead packs of lesser beasts. Dire Beastmen and Dire Wolves would be common examples of dire beasts.

Lycanthropes - Grade C - Humanoids that have contracted a particular curse or disease that compels them to change into a monstrous beast that generally desires violence among other base instincts. Resistent to the most common forms of combat and physically superior to most humanoids when enraged, they are a particularly dangerous threat that occasionally appears in the country's wilderness.

Crimson Apes - Grade B - Huge creatures covered in red fur from head to toe. On average they stand around 20ft. With intellect and a martial arts specific to their kin, despite their name, they walk on their hind legs and have snouted faces like beastmen. They come down rarely from the paizu mountains and challenge any and all to combat when they do. Their activity is thought to be a right of passage for their kind because they only return to their home after they have slain at least a small army's worth of fighting capable beastmen. The thought that the crimson apes encountered thus far are just the adolescents rather than the adults concerns many a beastman in the north east of the republic.
15HuE9p (1).jpgLocation - The Holy City of Vegard
A small city located in the far northeast of the continent. It has a wide population of various types of beastfolk. The city is uniquely located on a small island off of a cliffside, only accessible by a connection of bridges. It is an important city in various religions, most notably Syncretism, as it is common to take a pilgrimage there. A few Syncretist Cardinals are known to have been born in this city. The Paladin Order of Virtus has its main base in this city.
  • Nana Roshan - Bunnyfolk Healer and Medic in the Holy City of Vegard
  • Wallace - Mayor of the Holy City of Vegard
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Location - The Paizu Mointains
A mountain range that borders the Beast Republic and the Eastern Empire, various creatures call this place home. Though there are rumors that there lives a Cardinal of the Syncretist Church. There are not many who would pass through the region so lightly due to the dangerous of the mountains and other manner of creatures. Many travelers have died in the region due to the giants that live in the mountains all the while looking for the rumored Cardinal that calls the region home.
Location - Nan Pass

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A remote village on the eastern side of the Beastmen Republic, the village was formerly known for its mining industry. A town full of blacksmiths and miners; due to the remote location close to the paizu mountains, there is a small detachment of guards to keep the peace. Recently the village's population was significantly cut down due to a sudden monster raid, and is recovering.
Location - Five Thousand Peony Blossoms, Masanori Geisha House
Located in The Republic, The Nara no Nox Shogunate, The Koyake Clan‘s—Masanori Domain. The Koyake are one of the three founding families of the Nara no Nox Shogunate, owning one of the largest rice territories blessed by the [Shrine of the Fallen Blossom].
The Masanori’s are one of the esteemed branch families established over the ensuing centuries. They have consistently reached high standing within the military, shrines, and shogunate’s bureaucracy. An honourable family, nobly regarded for their speciality in logistics. As a result, they have garnered affluence and are well-connected.

Artist - N/A | Contributed by gmimperfecti
Location - Shrine of Fallen Blossoms
The shrine in which many cherry blossom trees grow and flower almost every year. This is where the annual [Cherry Blossom Festival] is held, a celebration of the cherry blossoms. It is believed that misfortune is brought about when celebrating the blossoms after they’ve fallen. [The Fallen Spears] are charged with protecting the Shrine, one of the most powerful samurai units of the Koyake Clan.
Artist - N/A | Contributed by gmimperfecti
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Location - Shrine of the Cleansed Curses
A newly established Shrine under the divine protection of Uriel, the Shield Archon. Reborn from the darkness of the Nightmare Swamp after the purification. The shrine—which serves as resting quarters for Uriel's celestial forces—is carved out within the trunk of Aegrizora; The sacred tree which emerged towering from the swamp's remnants. The surrounding hillocks of the surrounding lake are for conversation, contemplation, and camping.
image (1).png
Artist - TBD | Contributed by gmimperfecti
Location - Tower of Paizu Mountains
A tower standing in the [Paizu Mountains] of the [Beast’s Republic]. The tower is inhabited by various mouse maids and the powerful Syncretist cardinal, Zolius—who is obsessed with attempting to define what is ”Good” via peering into the future. The cardinal is said to possess Supernatural [Intelligence] and [Healing].
Artist - TBD | Contributed by Elvario
Location - Frozen Giant's Hand
The hand of a giant outstretched and frozen beneath the snow—big enough to become a landmark. Located within the [Paizu Mountains] of The [Beast’s Republic].
Artist - TBD | Contributed by Elvario
1709333717645.pngLocation - Gala'Kraoth

A recently discovered island to the north of the second continent. As of yet largely unexplored, but there have been signs of reptilian inhabitants as well as sightings of elementals. The Republic branch of the Adventuring Guild is posting jobs to explore the area.
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3a69eb0c4aab3efacd6e468eccc7bbf3.jpgLocation - Fort Nan Gau

An old military outpost, which long stood abandoned in the Republic's north. A village has taken root around the outside of the fort and has slowly become akin to a castle town.
Location - Yale Village

Yale is a quiet village located near a river and some spikey hills in southern Kuridan. Its inhabitants are almost exclusively Driders--most notable among them being Anansi the guard captain and Gudina, who is in charge of the village's agriculture. The village relies on a system of growing corn/maize for consumption and for feed for their chicken-sized caterpillars, which they raise for meat and silk alike. They then use their manure to fertilise the fields. Yale is known to produce high quality silk, both from the caterpillars and Driders themselves.
  • The village of Yale won't have to worry about their crop routine falling apart for the foreseeable future, though they will likely reach out to the Adventurer's Guild to ask someone to investigate what caused the [Monster] moles to show up at their doorstep to begin with.

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