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Active [Republic of Kuridan - Yale Village Outskirts] Whack 'A Mole

Whizziemin the Greatest

Equipped Titles:
Monster, Incubus
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Common | #Abyssal#

Jebidiah proved a beneficial companion if Whizzie could trust that he himself wouldn't end up as a target monster on his hitlist, having smiled and giggled to him over thanks of his assistance.
"Thanks, I appreciate the assistance. A job well done is a beautiful one~" she'd chime softly, smiling at Martin who had made a mention about his unnecessary flattery. Hm, someone who wasn't appreciative of the willing kindness he gave these lesser beings. A rude one for sure, but he'd keep up his smile even though he had the urge to smack Martin with a rock.
"Just wanting those who are here to help and protect me know just how thankful I am, is that too much to ask~?" he'd hum softly, having went ahead.

That being said, Aniel was already proving to be the most annoying and unlikeable thing he'd come across on the Second Continent. What he wouldn't give to be at a dream capable strength right now, to rip the very tongue from his mouth and tear his throat in two. Oh how he'd adore to silence that absolute pest.
"I call you 'winged choir-boy' because I do not believe in angels, nor your glorification of them. You can call me Wicke, but I'd ask you refrain from elevating yourself to such prideful and egotistical levels, it makes you unappealing" he softly answered. While he did in fact believe in angels, he hated their existence. They weren't these beautiful divine beings, they were a sickly and prideful evil that none should have to suffer being in the presence of. This fool was an eccentric example of the annoyance that came with those that considered themselves 'angels'. Full of themselves, annoyingly talkative, saw themselves as the master of their craft. With how this random idiot seemed to have just randomly joined them for no reason other than to be annoying about 'love', Whizzie held a strong feeling that the man was a sad excuse of a lesser being who nobody actually loved. How ironic.

"I do not believe you have anything important to share about 'love, nor is the time for it. Unless you have good reason to slay abnormal mole creatures, or are present to assist in the matters for good reason, I'd wish you good day and recommend you go elsewhere" Whizzie ever so kindly suggested, hoping that Aniel would get a good idea from it and just leave. From what he could tell, there were probably a few others who were already annoyed or not exactly enjoying of his presence, at least in his eyes it appeared like that. A good sign, for him. Even though he was here on important business, he'd be glad to know that his fellow party members disliked this disgrace of a false being.

Seeing as the jar didn't acknowledge his compliment, he'd suppose that one was as pointless as working with as he'd supposed prior.
"I'm sure a ritual of great power will be an amazing experience, I'm sure I would have little to no reason to not witness its' entirety. That being said, the cave's darkness would make it rather difficult to do artwork. What a shame, I'll have to see when I possess a good opportunity... " Whizzie mentioned to Koralia, having looked ahead to the dark. That'd indeed make it rather impractical on his side-quest of appreciating lesser beings with clear merit that he would desire to gain samples from for his own biological science.

"#That's nice to hear, although I do wish I could directly hear Valerius to communicate with him. Which does interest me; How do you and him communicate, my dear? It would be quite interesting to know, if it was something that could be taught, I'm sure the noble life from the point of view of ones' weapon would be very interesting to hear#" he'd ask, mainly curious on the small off-chance that she really wasn't missing a screw loose, and somehow the hammer was talking to her. If he could prove it was true, finding out the origins of such a hammer would be of great interest. Must've been from a great or magical craftsman if that were the case.

"#That is so kind to hear, it'd be so lovely to be held in the arms and comforting embrace of my beautiful knight in shining... #" he'd begin with a sweet silver tongue, only to hesitate once he glanced at her... rather unarmoured appearance.
"#My, uhm.... shining... abs? I guess that would be nicer-#" he'd finish, mumbling to himself yet still likely audible to Almeida as the light pink blush on his face would probably be a dead giveaway that he was considering the idea that not a single care or requirement for armour was a true testament for strength and glory, not needing to rely on such overly protective 'safety precautions' when one is too good to fail. Huh, maybe Almeida was doing the no-armour thing right as a glorious front-liner. The same with Koralia, considering she would've likely been impenetrable if she were to wear a whole bulwark of metal plating, but here the shark was in casual attire on her slayer quest. Perhaps these lesser beings, these simpleminded non-monsters, proved more educational from him to learn from after all. Witnessing them in combat might prove valuable knowledge for the best way to destroy those who oppose him too.

"#Ah, I will keep a safe distance, my darling, please do a great job and keep safe~! While I work on investigating these creatures' habitats and lifestyles, and look to sample what I can, I'll have to try my best to keep my eyes from being distracted by your beauty and grace in work, and supporting you all the way as your little cheerleader~#" he'd play out, a bit overdramatic as he grinned and put on an act of swooning over the great armourless warrior wielding a psychically-talking hammer. Of which, he'd afterwards look to Koralia.

"My good dear, you are also powerful and capable, one I can truly rely on to keep me safe, I'll keep a safe distance while I look for opportunities to do my work. I'll have to make sure to not be too distracted by your grace and glory in your own work, even though how you may wield your power is already too much of a distracting thought in my mind. I'll make sure to cheer you on and support you all the way, try not to destroy all that opposes you into nothing, I'd like something to work with, darling~, if that's not too much for someone as strong as you" Whizzie would hum, while he wanted to be impressed by the group's capability, he'd rather not have all good samples somehow annihilated completely due to overwhelming success. Otherwise, he'd follow along but likely in the back of the group, to keep a safe distance and have the others go first.

Alternate Identity (F)

Alternative Identity (F), Deception (F), Seduction (F), Persuasion (F) - Name: Wicke La'Kaia - Titles: Fae, Beast - Looks the same, maybe with hiding his wings, tail or horns, but has a thematical appearance that could be convincingly passed off as one of the other races - F Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown

2. Follow along with the group, keeping to the back of the group to stay safe.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Develius Develius Faynorae Faynorae Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat IanThe170 IanThe170
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Expert Tinkerer, Isekai, Mad Scientist, Student of Higgs Boson F
Languages: |Common | %Analog%


"Villain." There was that word again. To think he'd encounter such a moniker in this world as well. For a few moments he was quiet, his face unshifting. One thing about being used to the term is that it tended to not cause shifts in his expression when thrown at his person.

"%A villain, hmm?%" He said calmly. Yet within, this wasn't the first time such a label had been thrown his way -- particularly. "%I suppose I have struck fear into some.%" A shrug. "%"I find such a term lacks the nuances of context and circumstance. Though, thank for saying it's "cool.%" He said, eyes looking ahead.

The group began to separate -- with the cave proving a tight fit. Two of the denizens appeared as though they might be a non-factor. One had already stated intentions of not fighting and in truth. And another.

"If you wish to stay protected, then you might find the middle best. Already I can see opportunity to be attacked from the rear." He said to Wicke. "That goes for you as well" He said to Aniel -- noting his fear and the fact that he didn't seem to know WHY they were here. Yet taking little time to address this, Martin simply continued to speak.

"It but a guess. However, whichever path we choose, I would say we might be followed by something moving along the other path."

Light was request, and Martin would seek to move forward. [Movement] He'd squeeze past those in the cave, seeking to make his way by "Wicke" and Koralia. He'd be standing right behind Joshua. "Excuse me my-four-legged friend. I wish to move something past you." The electromagnetic field which surrounded him blocked the path to the right. But he didn't think that now was when they'd be attacked.

"I cannot claim to have the greatest senses. However, I do have a humble lamp. And perhaps the means to illuminate the way further." With that, Martin sought to make use of what means he had. Uttering an incantation and moving his catayalst, the Lantern in his hand would begin to float.

"The left may better let us use our numbers. It also might let them better use theirs. The right might grant me opportunity to jettison them into the pit. And also our new associate - " He motions to Aniel. "...Can fly. Which may be useful for the path ahead."

Thinking, Martin simply didn't have enough data yet.

"Let's look a little further then decide soon."

An incantation, the same as before.

It was the same spell he had used before. But instead of a rock, he levitated his own lantern. Then he would send it floating forward with gravitational forces. The lantern would float into the right path for a moment. He'd seek to take a look into that room with the large chasm and less noises -- before drawing the lantern back. [Levo]

Then, he'd seek to take his lantern and levitate into the other room on the left. He'd repeat the same motion. And whatever was in that room would hopefully be revealed to most everyone. He tried to be ginger, making sure not to hit the lantern on anything. [Levo]

All that remained was to do as scientists oft did when experimenting, and observe.

Actions: 3/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)

Movement: Walk and squeeze in until he is behind Joshua
2. Levo -Magic F, Magic School F, Meta Magic [Range] F, Telekinesis F, Energize F, Gravity Affinity F - Martin levitates a small object into the air within 30 feet of his person. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Levitate his lantern and use it illuminate the right path.]
3. Levo -Magic F, Magic School F, Meta Magic [Range] F, Telekinesis F, Energize F, Gravity Affinity F - Martin levitates a small object into the air within 30 feet of his person. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Levitate his lantern and use it illuminate the left path.]


F - 0 Posts Remaining
E - 0 Posts Remaining
D- 0 Posts Remaining
C- 0 Posts Remaining
B- 0 Posts Remaining

Text: #7DF9FF

Character - CharactersJoshua Wincent
Languages: %Analog%; Common
Titles: Construct; Born for This; BIV
RP Specific:
  • Asset Goals: Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body.
  • Narrative Goals: Asset Goals, with the addition of finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved.
  • Character Owned Point Boosters: N/A
  • [Wanted] Titles: N/A
  • [Criminal] or [Monster] Titles: N/A
  • Active Downtime | Buddy Skills | Masterwork Skills | Complex Assets: Masterwork: Gatherer(Ores and Minerals)
  • Strength - F
    Precision - D
    Intelligence - E
    Vitality - D
    Speed - D
    Character Grade - F
  • Resilient E (Fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation)
    Engineering F
    Survival F
    Barrier F
    Electric Affinity F
    Magic F
    Artisan Tinkerer F
    Masterwork: Harvester F
    • Electromagnetic Shield - Barrier F, Electric Affinity F, Magic F - Creates an electric Force Field around a target, which protects from damage, but may cause a slight shock when touched - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - 1 Post Duration
    • Look, don’t touch - Electric Affinity F - Shocks upon will anyone or anything that comes into contact with it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    • Mobile Battery - Electric Affinity F, Engineering F - If an electronic device can be charged, Joshua can charge it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - Narrator Discretion
  • Built-in toolkit required for robotics/engineering of own body.
    Central Core F(Natural Catalyst)
    Gathering Set for Ores and Minerals

It seemed the moles were not entirely trigger happy here, for better or worse. All the sound they've made this far, not to mention, actually going into their "territory" and yet they could only catch glimpses. That was mildly concerning, especially considering the sharks' earlier clangor. God forbid the moles were actually intelligent. They were not immediate danger, if nothing else.

Almeida seemed to be rather busy pointing fingers at one of her, seemingly many, boy-toys, whilst talking to the ground-lover. Joshua for a moment wondered why he even bothered registering that information. Did the Shark try to season him with two, or perhaps more, shots of vodka? Who knows, but the ever despised God himself.

Regardless, his new-found light function was much appreciated and gave him and idea for the future. He'd definitely need to install a flashlight of some sort. Regardless, some thanks was in order. Especially, as she made sure to show him how to also get rid of it, if the situation called for it. Hopefully, it wouldn't need too, but you could never know.
"%Thank you, much appreciated.%"

Although Joshua could mainly see the passage on the right(his right), it seemed like the left side of the right passage could potentially lead right back into the right passage. Nothing was certain of course, but still, it was something, given the situation.

And as the skeletal man pointed out, along with what I assume is the sharks' , they truly did not have much space for movement, well, Joshua certainly did, but despite the torch probably keeping people away from kicking him over, he still did not wish to risk it, especially since the skeleton in particular would probably have no issues with the fire. Not to even mention, the fact that half the party was effectively barely able to get into the cave seemingly, to not overcrowd. He'd also address the other construct, or user of analog, if nothing else.

"Unless we wish to split up, which I think we certainly shouldn't, the left path is definitely more optimal. Oh and yes, feel free, the barrier does not last long, too long."

By this point, the barrier's duration would already end, giving Martin free passage.

Joshua would proceed to start slowly going down the left(his left) path. He wouldn't try to stray too far, simply enough to give himself and others better visibility. He'd hug the left the side of the cave until he a got a bit of a clearer look going forward, not really risking going too deep, so the rock would help him not get ambushed from multiple directions.

He'd also be fully prepared to zap anything that tried to attack him. [Look, don't touch]

Look, don’t touch - Electric Affinity F - Shocks upon will anyone or anything that comes into contact with it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Increase her reputation with the Kuridan Adventurer's Guild. | Using Downtime to have stories of her deeds spread her reputation in other Adventurer's Guilds as well. | Become friends with 'Sharky'. (Rounds IIII)
Femboy Femboy Whizziemin the Greatest, Reborn! – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Collect any samples (materials, blood) of interesting beasts, monsters and magical beings. | Get back to recovering from experimentation. Regain [One with Lymantraius Rex] title (had it previously). (Rounds IIII)
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia Ironjaw – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Meet the one that sent her a fan-letter. | Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset. (Rounds IIII)
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino – Love. | Will be updated if more are given. (Rounds II)
Develius Develius Jebidiah Boone – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | - Collect Monster Parts/Essence to improve arsenal. | Come across a new weapon (gun preferably) or gear if possible. (Rounds IIII)
IanThe170 IanThe170 Joshua Wincent – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Will be updated if more are given. | Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body. | Finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved. (Rounds IIII)
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat Kiyo – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. (Rounds II)
Maverick Six Maverick Six Martin - Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Finance for himself an asset in the form of a [Secret laboratory] in the Duchy. | Martin is here to primarily make money. Character is however particularly keen on gleaning new information and connections for mysterious ends. These types of missions also make a suitable place to test out his spells and weaponry. (Rounds IIII)




From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | #Abyssal#

“<I guess?>” Almeida was a bit confused about Koralia's sword philosophy. “<Although thrusting, piercing and penetrating also seem easier with something sharp. Then again, I guess I'll see this thing in action soon enough, no?>” She'd ask, being curious now.

Upon the offer of being taught, she'd put up a big smile. “<Oh, I don't have a lot of experience, so I'd love to be taught new tips and tricks!>” She was always eager to learn new techniques.

“<Boil him? I don't think so...>” She replied. It'd probably be fine... and if it wouldn't, she'd just take it off again if he started screaming or something.

Wearing a helmet, Almeida didn't feel the most on her head. Although she did feel the shark leaning up against her. She didn't mind leaning back a bit and putting her shoulders into it (or them) as she pondered the best next course of action. “<Yeah, swinging Valerius around will be tough here. Thankfully I know a few good thrusting moves as well.>” She didn't understand the question about spare torches. Or the comment about bad vision.

“#Is it the moles?#” Almeida asked Jeb. Upon the call-out being translated, she'd nod. “#Seems like we go here~#” She'd say as she marched towards the branching paths. “#Not gonna lie, I barely see a thing ahead.#” She'd add. Jebidiah, however, would see the same creatures in the distance. It seemed they skittering away as they got closer. Either that or they were trying to hide.

Koralia, meanwhile, would realise that it was a tight squeeze for real. She wouldn't be able to fight well whilst going through the narrowest of passage in this part of the tunnels. Even Almeida would struggle doing so, despite being smaller. The only ones without any need to get claustrophobic were Joshua and Whizzie, although Kiyo and Aniel wouldn't be severely affected by the narrowness of some of these tunnels.

On the topic of narrowness, it seemed Whizzie wasn't the leas bit narrow minded. Almeida was surprised the considered Valerius so much. “#He says he feels the same about wanting to talk to others directly. As for how we communicate... just like you and me, I guess? It's just that somehow nobody else hears him.#” She'd 'explain' the situation. “#Perhaps if you keep trying to listen to him, you'll eventually hear him?#” She'd suggest.

“#Shining abs...?#” Even Almeida had to question a line like that. “#Don't worry, I'll make sure to hold you real good when we're wrapping up. The bathhouse, bonding rituals and perhaps some mole meat are all on the table!#” She'd promise. “#For now, we should really focus on our mission here though.#”

On the topic of Whizzie, she'd give him a torch. “#Could you hold this and help light stuff for us? The more light the less chance I'll swing and miss.#” She'd explain. If Whizzie wasn't gonna fight, he might as well try be useful in other ways.

“%You're welcome~%” Almeida would reply to the newly enlightened Joshua. She'd follow after him as he kept hugging (his) left of the cave.

Almeida was a tad surprised when Martin went on about striking fear into someone. “%I think I might have as well!%” She'd reply. “%Oh, I'm not saying you are a villain, you just got a bit of the looks of one, I guess. Perhaps vigilante would be better? Those were the non-purely-evil types that looks like that, right?%” She'd debate.

As Martin used his lantern, he'd be able to float it into the way past Joshua. The bottom of what was below the steep drop-off couldn't be seen, unless one might get much closer. He'd also see a single, monster-looking mole-like creature, trying to scamper away from them along the edge of the drop-off.

The other room would show him a few more split-off, as well as the signs of movement from possible enemies. Seeing how he tried not to make his lantern crash into things, the amount of things he could reveal with it was limited. That said, one thing would become clear to all of them... Something started to rumble and quake in the tunnel to the east. Whatever they'd been disturbing had started to act.

Their choices were limited. They could ignore it, they could take it slow and hope they weren't too late or they could try to rush in blindly and guns blazing (prepared actions allowed, but it will start combat mode and use the first action to move, taking 2 move actions for the two furthest away (Kiyo and Aniel) to catch up). Whatever they would do, they'd have to hope that the actions chosen would end up working in their favour. They'd also have to take a fair bit of care not to hit one another or get in each-other's way.

Kiyo smiled softly at Almeida as she expressed her concern for him. This wasn’t new to him because his kind also considered him weak. However, To make up for it, he was highly intelligent and skilful in the arcane and magic. His specialisation was healing magic, which made him highly important within society, with people relying on him to heal their wounds and general illnesses.

He managed to press himself up against the cave wall, his small body allowing him not to be squished as Koralia and others walked past. He frowned a little because she didn’t answer his question, but he cautiously walked further into the cave with a shrug. He moved up a little and stood with whizzie. He looked down at him and tilted his head in curiosity.

What a fascinating creature. He thought to himself.

“< it’s nice to meet you! Your wings are pretty!>" Kiyo said with a friendly smile, not knowing if he would be able to understand him or not. In case he couldn't, Kiyo pointed at his wings And gave him a thumbs up with a grin. He could not see what was happening due to the people in front of him, but he kept an ear out for any sign of trouble while keeping himself prepared for the worst.

Interactions: Femboy Femboy

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob
Last edited:

Languages: "Common", "<Bestial>"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater], [Summoner Abducted], [Fish out of the Water], [Widersia Adventurer Guild F] - Color #876fd6
Point Booster: Attentive Student D
RP Goal: Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset; Downtime: None

Elvario Elvario Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius

Having her ample mounds resting on Almeida's shoulders gave some nice relief to Koralia's back, which she certainly wasn't used to. "<Then get ready to learn a few things I have to teach.>" She let out a long sigh of satisfaction. "<Soon can't come soon enough.>" She chuckled.

Looking over her shoulder, her bestial eyes would focus on the small beastkin, Kiyo, once more. "<Kiyo, ain't it? Ya should move here to the front. Ya don't take too much space. A few scrapes won't hurt none and ya seem to have a good eye.>" The shark clearly wasn't much of a coddler. Beastkins had a certain standard to keep, she thought.

"Yeah, we kinda cramped over here." She would consider Cassidy's words and recommendations. "We need a good split if we takin' that there path which... Joshua blocked off." The mercenary said, not that keen of abandoning the tunnel she was about to go in.

Still, before making a call, she waited for the smarty-Martin to lighten the path with his floating lantern. "So that is what is waitin' us a bit further. I will be takin' the path west of the pillar. Let's see what is up there..." The [Baby Eater] appeared to have reached a decision.

With her back supporting her assets once more as she split off from Almeida, she felt the rumbling and quaking of the cavern, wondering what that could be. But that still didn't change her decided path. She walked forward, having to squeeze herself between the pillar and the wall, sword in hand and ready to deal with whatever was waiting for her.



| Common | #Abyssal# |
| Elvario Elvario [Almeida] | Femboy Femboy [Whizziemin] | Maxxob Maxxob [Korallia] | Faynorae Faynorae [Aniel] | IanThe170 IanThe170 [Joshua] | Faynorae Faynorae [Aniel] | Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat [Kiyo] |

"#Prahbly.#" Cassidy replied bluntly to Almeida's question if they were moles, "#Most likely... I'd put money on dat.#" Truthfully he couldn't tell quite what they were as they scattered quickly, but given they were descending underground it was highly likely that they were getting glimpses of their culprits scurrying around in the shadows. They were more than aware of his party's presence... they had to keep on their toes. And hugging the walls wouldn't be the safest option anymore... for you'd never know when one might just pop out and maul you no matter the horizontal or vertical space.

In regards to his direction, the "brain-in-a-jar" Joshua would approve of Cassidy's decision while recommending they stay together. "Oh I'd agree not to separate our numbers senor brainiac," he said with an affirming nod, "Best we stick together less we die divided." Of course, there had to be someone had to counter his argument. Though this time it was from Martin... who was actually relaying Jeb's own thoughts on the left path and instead suggested they also investigate the right path. Especially since that colorful Aniel individual could fly over whatever gap they come across. The skeleton sighed momentarily before making his final decision. "Aight, make it quick-like Martin. Let us know whatcha see." he replied with an approving gesture, "But youz right. We best be on our toes."

With his revolver raised and loaded, he flicked his metal lighter on as a means to help his visually impaired compatriots follow his lead as they slowly entered the left tunnel. He'd follow Koralia's lead, being side by side as they continued scouring the caverns for any sign of these nasty vermin. Yet suddenly they'd all a disturbing quake began to rattle the caverns, causing the gunslinger to freeze momentarily. Keeping his footing, he then announced to everyone, "Keep yer eyes peeled and your feet n' hands attuned to da ground and walls!"

"...We're in mole country now..."

  1. Prepare the Revolver in one hand and ignite a lighter in the other.
  2. Move closer to Koralia's lead - being slightly behind her - as they descend the tunnel.
  3. Continue using [Darkvision F] to ensure they see their quarry when they appear.
Whizziemin the Greatest

Equipped Titles:
Monster, Incubus
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Common | #Abyssal#
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat Faynorae Faynorae

Whizzie would take heed in Martin's advice, staying in the middle would be better protected from ambushes and flanking, as he'd pick up his pace a little to move on ahead. Though, he'd hear the voice of and turn to Kiyo who was speaking in a language that he couldn't understand. Lightly shaking his head to not understanding a word, he'd see the feline boy point to his wings with a thumbs up, unsure what he could exactly mean or if he was gesturing for Whizzie to fly.

"I cannot fly,  yet, though if it's the simple latter that you are just appreciating my wings, then thank you. They are far superior to the likes of some 'angel wings', you'd find classier feathered appendages on seagulls. They're atleast a real creature of flight, and not a glorified valkyrie" Whizzie answered softly, a raise of his head as he wouldn't let his pride down. Though, Wnizzie would give a small smile and gentle partial bow in tbanks, since Kiyo might've not understood what he said in response. Language barriers blocked the incubus' ability to discern whether or not he liked Kiyo, but for the moment he was still in the realm of dislike due to the catboy's 'cuteness' and appearance stepping on his own turf.

He really didn't like Aniel, hence the sudden tangent of angels. A real internal hatred for Aniel. A complete immense, vile disrespect for Aniel. Oh, how he'd desire to pluck and rip the false being's wings, lather him in cookkng oils and torture the deserving soul until he was fried and crispy. Mere poultry, that's where that dunce belonged. At least the useless pheasant was visibly lagging behind, likely too stunlocked by the obvious concept that nobody loved him - let alone liked him

Moving on up to stick to the group's centre, he put trust that the others knew where they were going as he felt a little frustrated that his experiments on himself had left him weak to the point without magic or combat capabilities. It was nice to get others to do all the labour and dangerous work for you, but the feel of being completely vulnerable and in the hands of non-monsters was a highly discomforting one. He really hoped he'd get his magic back soon.

"#I'll do my best to keep trying to hear Valerius, I do have many questions I'd be interested to ask him#" Whizzie responded, wondering if such a silly idea would actually prove fruitful answers. Though considering Almeida's... perceived challenged methods of thinking, and assuming she wasn't insane, it'd likely be more complex than that. Then again, with multiple non-monsters giving him the answers and aid he desired from a little meaningless charm, he could easily perceive all non-monsters as mentally challenged livestock.

Upon being offered a torch, he'd gladly accept it... for his own benefit more than lighting the way for others.
"#That is fair, I am not exactly providing any aid unlike the rest here...#" he'd answer, albeit a little genuinely disappointed at admitting so. It was truly discouraging to think to himself he was in such a state of weakness, what would his brothers think? Well, they'd support him even in his lowest moment, but he didn't want to have to be saved and supported at every given moment, one should have their own strength to utilise. Right now, words, smiles, and putting it all in the hips were his only weapon, which would only take him so far. Especially against mole monsters.

Keeping a hold of a torch in his hand, he'd hear the sounds of distant rumbling, and decide keeping himself safe was clearly the most important thing. Walking up not far behind Koralia, he'd lightly tap the end of her tail's fins to let her know of his presence.
"Please do be careful, I'd trust that I'm likely safest stood behind you, though I do fear one slip or step back from you and I'd be easily crushed" he'd mention with a soft smile and giggle, hiding the fact that being pressed by Koralia's raw size and strength would very much be an impromptu and unfortunate way to go out. Following with her also put him in company of Cassidy from the looks of it, so he could confirm himself that the Monster Hunter's attention would be focused on moles rather than the actual monster among them. Big shark lady and monster slayer? Sounded like a safe place to be nestled inbetween. He held the torch to keep light, although doing his best to not stand directly behind Koralia and a little to the side to avoid being slapped by a tail, and so the light of his torch wouldn't be blocked by the staggering stature of her figure.

"#Once again, thank you#" Whizzie briefly whispered to Cassidy, putting on a genuine smile. He really wanted the monster slayer's friendship, just for the personal relief of that danger being out of his mind.

Alternate Identity (F)

Alternative Identity (F), Deception (F), Seduction (F), Persuasion (F) - Name: Wicke La'Kaia - Titles: Fae, Beast - Looks the same, maybe with hiding his wings, tail or horns, but has a thematical appearance that could be convincingly passed off as one of the other races - F Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown
2. Do his best to listen if he could hear Valerius
3. Walk on to get into the middle of the group, joining behind Koralia with Cassidy

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Develius Develius
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Expert Tinkerer, Isekai, Mad Scientist, Student of Higgs Boson F
Languages: |Common | %Analog%


"I see a rat." Martin says, answering Jebidiah's question curtly. "Or more accurately, a mole." At the moment however, it was a figment of one concealed by darkness and winding tunnel. Soon he'd likely not be seeing it anymore.

To kill or not to kill? That is the question.

Martin raises his hand up as he stared ahead down his tunnel. He caught a brief glimpse of the creature before it went and tried to scurry away. Unfortunately, he was checking the other tunnel as well to illuminate the way.

With the casting of his previous spell [Levo], he'd return the lantern to his hand and hand it off a hook on his belt. It would be then he sought to illuminate the front of the cave from where he was standing -- keeping the lantern on his person.

I suppose this spell could some updating.

"Whiplash Two." A spell cast with an open palm, before it it swiped to the left.


A spell had been cast. Yet the point from which it originated didn't seem to be Martin.

Instead, the creature would note a purple mana manifesting around it's person before a wave of pure gravitational force assaulted it's body. The energy would shoot out the wall, actively seeking to out the creature and to bypass all cover. Success would see the creature ripped off it's feet and sent hurtling towards the abyss. [Whiplash]

Martin however wasn't finished. Wherever the creature was, he sought to help along. "Flick." From his coat, a tiny lead orb flies out with a flicking motion. The lead orb would curve and dart through the air at a series of sharp angles before slamming into the target with nothing more than raw kinetic energy. He'd seek to adjsut as to further aid in driving the creature off into the pit. [Flick.]

Martin sharply begins to look at the structure above his head, seeking to see how much of the tunnel he was looking down remained intact. The creature might get away. Many things could go wrong. He had to prepare.

"I'll be joining you all shortly. I have no interest in going down this tunnel alone." By the sound of it, they were already on their way to that rumbling noise. It seemed things were escalating yet Martin sought to draw first blood.

Actions: 3/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)

1. Levo
- Magic F, Magic School F, Meta Magic [Range] F, Telekinesis F, Energize F, Gravity Affinity F - Martin levitates a small object into the air within 30 feet of his person. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Return his lantern to his hand]

2. Whiplash 2.0 - Gravity Affinity F, Magic E, Magic AOE F, Knockback F, Magic Range F, Indirect F, Homing F - Martin raises hand in a motion akin to an open palm and then motions in a direction. A wave of gravity spawns up to 30 feet away. It exists for a brief moment in the shape of a 15 x 15 box. Those caught often experience their bodies being abruptly accelerated, which feels something akin to being caught in a violent vehicle crash. Targets are blasted back upon success.. Bypasses cover. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown (INT B + CAT C + ABL E = 11 BE +1 Homing Tech = 12 + 1 Combo ) (13 Effectiveness)

3. Flick - Gravity Affinity F, Magic F, Indirect F, Meta Magic (Range F), Homing F, Energized F - What it lacks in power, it makes up for in ease of use and fire rate. Clasping a small object in his hand, he flicks it forward with his finger. The object flies forward at speeds akin to a missile up to 30 feet away. The object may curve mid air in any number of directions and actively seeks out a target. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (+1 Action 2)


F - 0 Posts Remaining
E - 1 Posts Remaining
D- 0 Posts Remaining
C- 0 Posts Remaining
B- 0 Posts Remaining

Text: #7DF9FF


Battlemap (Soon to disappear when discord forgets it)​

Last edited:
Character - CharactersJoshua Wincent
Languages: %Analog%; Common
Titles: Construct; Born for This; BIV
RP Specific:
  • Asset Goals: Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body.
  • Narrative Goals: Asset Goals, with the addition of finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved.
  • Character Owned Point Boosters: N/A
  • [Wanted] Titles: N/A
  • [Criminal] or [Monster] Titles: N/A
  • Active Downtime | Buddy Skills | Masterwork Skills | Complex Assets: Masterwork: Gatherer(Ores and Minerals)
  • Strength - F
    Precision - D
    Intelligence - E
    Vitality - D
    Speed - D
    Character Grade - F
  • Resilient E (Fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation)
    Engineering F
    Survival F
    Barrier F
    Electric Affinity F
    Magic F
    Artisan Tinkerer F
    Masterwork: Harvester F
    • Electromagnetic Shield - Barrier F, Electric Affinity F, Magic F - Creates an electric Force Field around a target, which protects from damage, but may cause a slight shock when touched - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - 1 Post Duration
    • Look, don’t touch - Electric Affinity F - Shocks upon will anyone or anything that comes into contact with it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    • Mobile Battery - Electric Affinity F, Engineering F - If an electronic device can be charged, Joshua can charge it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - Narrator Discretion
  • Built-in toolkit required for robotics/engineering of own body.
    Central Core F(Natural Catalyst)
    Gathering Set for Ores and Minerals

Joshua was rather confused about being called a senior. He guessed the skeleton could've mispronounced it, due to the accent, but still. Did it really show in the wrinkles of his brain? I mean, Joshua was still in the prime of his life. Mid-thirties wasn't enough to be called a senior citizen, surely? Or perhaps he simply had to face reality. If even a skeleton calls you old, maybe you are in fact old... Still, it was good to hear that they were in consensus to not splitting up.

It appeared to be that time, yet again. The time for a barrier of debatable effectiveness. So Joshua would go forth and use his [Electromagnetic Shield] on the (his) left-most, seemingly, branching path where he got a glimpse of a mole, or at the very least, what he assumed to be a mole. As far as he was concerned, better safe than sorry, since the monsters could come in spades.

In response to the sharks' heads up, he'd respond in kind, so there'd be some semblance of coordination, without the need for telepathy.

"I shall take left then. %Almeida, seems the hark is taking the right and I shall take the left, would you mind taking center stage?%"

Everyone appeared combat ready, well, most of everyone did anyways. The land-lover and the boy-toy seemed to be doing their own thing, which wasn't much thus far and he certainly hoped at least one of them had healing capabilities, although even if they did, he realized they might not be so helpful in doing so to him, unless they have an engineering degree... Perhaps the front line was a mistake.

Electromagnetic Shield - Barrier F, Electric Affinity F, Magic F - Creates an electric Force Field around a target, which protects from damage, but may cause a slight shock when touched - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - 1 Post Duration

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Increase her reputation with the Kuridan Adventurer's Guild. | Using Downtime to have stories of her deeds spread her reputation in other Adventurer's Guilds as well. | Become friends with 'Sharky'. (Rounds V)
Femboy Femboy Whizziemin the Greatest, Reborn! – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Collect any samples (materials, blood) of interesting beasts, monsters and magical beings. | Get back to recovering from experimentation. Regain [One with Lymantraius Rex] title (had it previously). (Rounds V)
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia Ironjaw – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Meet the one that sent her a fan-letter. | Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset. (Rounds V)
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino – Love. | Will be updated if more are given. (Rounds II)
Develius Develius Jebidiah Boone – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | - Collect Monster Parts/Essence to improve arsenal. | Come across a new weapon (gun preferably) or gear if possible. (Rounds V)
IanThe170 IanThe170 Joshua Wincent – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Will be updated if more are given. | Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body. | Finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved. (Rounds V)
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat Kiyo – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. (Rounds III)
Maverick Six Maverick Six Martin - Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Finance for himself an asset in the form of a [Secret laboratory] in the Duchy. | Martin is here to primarily make money. Character is however particularly keen on gleaning new information and connections for mysterious ends. These types of missions also make a suitable place to test out his spells and weaponry. (Rounds V)




From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | #Abyssal#

Almeida's warnings and advice fell on deaf ears, as the clumsy cat (Kiyo) just looked back at her with a smile and followed along regardless. Well, if he were to die, that'd be on him at this point. She did her due diligence in warning him.

Although Almeida felt like she was in some hot water (the good kind) when it came to her chatter and interactions with Koralia, the sounds coming from up ahead felt like enough of a threat to have to cease it and get more serious.

As Koralia moved forwards, the proximity and the two light-sources around (Whizzie and Jebidiah) made it possible to see just about enough to notice one mole ahead of her. It'd been digging and clawing away at one of the rock-walls ahead of them, with loose gravel and rocks covering the ground around it. However, the moment Koralia moved in, it tried to rush and scamper off. It wasn't the fastest, but Koralia had three issues of her own to deal with. The limited light the further from Whizzie's torch it ran, the loose gravel across the floor and the narrowness of this path. Whilst squeezing into tight holes might be something the Shark might normally be down for, this one was dirty in the wrong type of way.

Almeida's chatter with Cassidy also had to seize. Although he'd only confirmed the moles were most likely around, which wasn't really a conversation with continuing either way.

Cassidy was able to add some light with his lighter, but it was inferior to a torch or lantern. Although he was able to see a lot more in the dark himself, being side by side with the shark was not gonna be possible in these narrow tunnels. He'd end up stuck behind her and therefore not being able to see all that much in front of him. Other than shark tail. His position did, however, give him a good view of the gaps towards the other two routes where Almeida and Joshua were at. His lighter was also giving Koralia and Almeida bit more light where Joshua's torch had moved away.

Valerius didn't speak to Whizzie. Then again, perhaps it wasn't about what the weapon said to him, but what Whizzie could 'claim' the weapon said to him..? Either way, he thankfully came along to light some paths. Being small enough to get past Cassidy, he managed to get up to behind Koralia as she'd see the mole scamper off. With a bit of angling, he might be able to shine some light past Koralia with his newly obtained torch.

Meanwhile, Martin was using 4-dimensional chess strategies to bring the first mole down. His lantern would neatly return to the belt, shining light directly around him. Including some into the tunnel ahead of him. Whilst he wasn't able to directly target the mole all that well, he did manage to target its general area indirectly and hit it well enough to cause it to be hit loose from the wall it was scampering up against. As it was trying to claw its way back and regain a foothold, it got hit by a metal ball on top of that, which fully made it loose what foothold it hand on the wall. It'd tumble into the abyss below. If one were to listen carefully, they might figure out if, how and where it'd land. For science, of course.

Down into the other tunnel, Joshua would set up his barrier once more... and not a second too late. Where the moles had fled from the big shark, the two in this tunnel seized their digging and clawing at the pillar not to flee, but to attack. The first mole (bottom one) collided right into the Electromagnetic Shield, which broke upon the mole's attack. Yet it had avoided Joshua from being hit by a [Surprise] attack immediately after heading onwards and left the mole (bottom one) to recover from the equal trade-off of attacks. Then again, it'd probably not take long for said mole to spring into action again. The second mole (top one), however, was about to [Move] and then [Attack x2] (Strength D, Natural Weapons E) Joshua a lot more seriously. Either he'd try fleeing or defending or pray for an ally to help out in time.

Almeida herself did as asked and took centre stage. She'd see the mole in the middle run off like Koralia's target had. With the area too narrow for a good Full on Hammering, the best she could do was to try and give chase, as she turned Valerius around in the hopes of stabbing at the mole with the hammer's spear-like bottom end. She'd have to try catch up to it and spot it in the considerably more dark area first though.

Combat Mode is Active
  • Three actions per turn. (Including abilities, moving, attacking, long-winded speeches, dodging, aiming, switching weapons/gear, etc.)
  • Cooldowns apply. Please keep track of them in your posts.
  • Area specific debuffs and challenges may apply (limited light, loose rocks/gravel, narrow spaces, allies in the way).
  • Effectiveness (light version) will be used when/where applicable.

Languages: "Common", "<Bestial>"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater], [Summoner Abducted], [Fish out of the Water], [Widersia Adventurer Guild F] - Color #876fd6
Point Booster: Attentive Student D
RP Goal: Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset; Downtime: None

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Develius Develius Faynorae Faynorae Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat

"Look at the lil' bastard!" Koralia said as soon as she saw the shuffling just a few ways from her, catching a glimpse of the mole monster. Watching as it attempted to run away made her let out a loud snort. "Ain't no use tryin' to run away now, lil' fella." Despite her words, one major obstacle remained: the tightness of the space between the pillar and the wall.

The beastkin would try, once more, to squeeze herself and move out of the crevice from the side where the mole was. She would let out all the air from her lungs, while also contracting her stomach muscles, to take a little space as possible. In tandem, she would shift sideways which would probably reduce her profile and perhaps let her get through the extremely tight space. [Action 1]

Hopefully on the other side, Koralia wasn't that glad on how the muck from the walls was clinging to her clothings. Indeed, that one crevice was dirty and tight in all the wrong ways. "Excellent Wickey, now, come 'ere." The shark wouldn't give that much time, or wait for consent, before her meaty, four-fingered gloved hand shot towards the incubus, grabbing, lifting and bringing him up to her. [Action 2]

She shifted her grip on him, left arm across his chest, pulling and holding him against her chest, just like a child does to a teddy bear. "Ain't gonna squish ya like this. Keep holdin' that torch." The mercenary warned him, right arm holding her Zweihänder.

In the next moment, the several muscles on her arm contracted. A quick, swift, ark-like movement of her sword danced through the air. Zooming noises echoed against the walls of the cavern, as a slashing, gust of wind was shot towards the mole creature. While the shark preferred combat that was up and personal, this would have to do... for now.

1 - Attempt to squeeze through the passage forward
2 - Grab and bring Whizziemin towards her, holding the little bugger against her chest - [Superstrength F] + Energized F
3 - Zoom! - Fighting Style E + Deflect E + Penetrating E + Area E + Selective [Being used to shape the Area like a cone, sparring allies/environment as far as she can see, targeting only the mole-moly] E - Grade E 0 Post Cooldown - Strength A (6) + Weapon B (5) + ABL E (2) = 13 Base Effectiveness, -2 to enemy stat if counter-attacking, -2 to enemy item

Whizziemin the Greatest

Equipped Titles:
Monster, Incubus
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Common | #Abyssal#

Whizzie, doing his best to keep up with Koralia and stay safe while at it (both from danger of moles as well as his companions), tried to get a good glance at whatever had happened to enter the shark's sight, glad to know that the closest mole monster had a titan of a woman between himself and it, although he could imagine that Koralia's loud voice wasn't exactly doing the group any favours when it came to staying unnoticed and getting the ambush on their foes.

"Maybe it'll be best to tone it down to avoid attracting more when they can instead be fought in easier numbers... " Whizziemin softly suggested to Koralia, though it wasn't long before he had gotten an unexpected response to his wishes to not be crushed. Hesitating and recoiling his arms and tail to his body, the little incubus was a little bit awkward over whatever the shark's idea was.

"W-what are you doing?" he'd quietly question, before finding himself easily picked up within the grasp of a single hand. It was like Almeida all over again, although it didn't feel as intimidating and unnerving when the hammer-dunce had suddenly lifted him without initial consent. Koralia's grasp was a whole lot more controlling and dominating, the thicker and hardened musculature that embraced and locked him securely in her possession was a whole lot different. Having to keep his focus so that he didn't accidentally end up dropping the torch out of his own hold, Whizziemin wasn't entirely sure that he wasn't at any less risk of dying via Koralia rignt now. The powerful arm that could easily crush his ribcage and spine from one good squeeze, the mere mercy of being trapped tightly clutched to the body of a frontliner like a human shield, that and the obvious presence of Koralia's own natural pillows that were their own suffocation hazard.

"I don't feel... any... safer..." Whizzie softly huffed, his dangling legs swaying as it truly felt like more of a deathtrap than anything else. Then again, his position that was a major juxtaposition of muscle and plush felt like a dream, one which he would need to restrain his desire to shove any syringes into Koralia's flesh, or beg around for a spare scalpel or blade to borrow just so he could cut off some fresh flesh samples for his own beneficial research. That being said, he did hold the question of how much was just simply too much.

"Do you really need, all this... muscle, and, all this... assets... w-what do you... need it all for..." he'd huff quietly, lightly patting at her arms and body in request that she loosen her hold a little. His post-experiment self on top of how he genuinely was made him fragile for front-line combat, to be in the hold of such a body-built woman might keep crushing him too hard if Koralia wasn't paying attention.

1. Be carried
2. Hold out torch for lighting
3. Alternative Identity (F), Deception (F), Seduction (F), Persuasion (F) - Name: Wicke La'Kaia - Titles: Fae, Beast - Looks the same, maybe with hiding his wings, tail or horns, but has a thematical appearance that could be convincingly passed off as one of the other races - F Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown

Mentions: Elvario Elvario IanThe170 IanThe170 Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Expert Tinkerer, Isekai, Mad Scientist, Student of Higgs Boson F
Languages: |Common | %Analog%


Sir Isaac Newton had once again proven to be Martin's eternal ally as he caught a faint glimpse of the mole being tossed from the wall. This passage may not be entirely clear and there was more yet to observe potentially. However, it seemed to him that his allies had come face to face with some creatures. Thus it was that he'd to return to them. After all, the more meat between him and these things -- the better.

That attunement with omnipresent mana would begin to be disrupted, as Martin began to move.

That old body of his could hardly claim to be physically fit. Yet as he sprinted, he found himself channeling minute gravitational ran through him to enable him to move at ordinary speeds. [Movement] As he ran, it seemed like he was apt to move right by Kiyo as he headed into the other's fray.

His eyes darted about the cave, and he saw more than one light around. Congealing around his right. Jebidiah and the shark. Yet the brain-in-a-bar seemed to be all by his lonesome. Vaguely, he could hear that there were more of those things around as well -- with Almeida having wandered somewhere down the center. It soon became clear where he was needed most.

Deflecting along the right, he ran to Joshua.

"Defend yourself." Martin practically commanded the brain in a jar.

There was a strange humming noise in his arm and his arm shot out. What had seemed like a frail old mage was now, sticking his arm out. The armor on Martin's arm just below the sleeve began to glow as a gravitational force was emitted and he sought to block the claws. Success would have the claws feeling as though they were repelled by some strange force. [Ward]

"A mind no matter how great, does little splattered across the floor."

Actions: 3/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)

1 and 2. Movement - Martin runs 40 feet towards Joshua

3. Ward - Gravity Affinity F, Energized F - Martin leverage his armor and channels gravitational energies through it, using to block an attack. More mobile then a spell and does not require magic. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (VIT D + ARM E + ABL F = 6)

F - 0 Posts Remaining
E - 0 Posts Remaining
D- 0 Posts Remaining
C- 0 Posts Remaining
B- 0 Posts Remaining

Text: #7DF9FF

Last edited:
Character - CharactersJoshua Wincent
Languages: %Analog%; Common
Titles: Construct; Born for This; BIV
RP Specific:
  • Asset Goals: Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body.
  • Narrative Goals: Asset Goals, with the addition of finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved.
  • Character Owned Point Boosters: N/A
  • [Wanted] Titles: N/A
  • [Criminal] or [Monster] Titles: N/A
  • Active Downtime | Buddy Skills | Masterwork Skills | Complex Assets: Masterwork: Gatherer(Ores and Minerals)
  • Strength - F
    Precision - D
    Intelligence - E
    Vitality - D
    Speed - D
    Character Grade - F
  • Resilient E (Fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation)
    Engineering F
    Survival F
    Barrier F
    Electric Affinity F
    Magic F
    Artisan Tinkerer F
    Masterwork: Harvester F
    • Electromagnetic Shield - Barrier F, Electric Affinity F, Magic F - Creates an electric Force Field around a target, which protects from damage, but may cause a slight shock when touched - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - 1 Post Duration
    • Look, don’t touch - Electric Affinity F - Shocks upon will anyone or anything that comes into contact with it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    • Mobile Battery - Electric Affinity F, Engineering F - If an electronic device can be charged, Joshua can charge it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - Narrator Discretion
  • Built-in toolkit required for robotics/engineering of own body.
    Central Core F(Natural Catalyst)
    Gathering Set for Ores and Minerals

It seems Almeida took care of the center stage without much issue. In fact, considering the moles scurrying away from the Almeida and the shark, they were either quite cowardly or actually had enough of a mind in them to try and lure them somewhere. Not too unlike the situation he found himself in right now.

Joshua had certainly walked right into it, much to his surprise, thankfully, he had already put up his shield just for such an occasion and it had worked wonderfully. Or it would have, if it wasn't much weaker than expected, still, it got the job done. The bigger issue appeared to be the second mole attempting an assault on him. Joshua needed a hero. He had to hold out and wait for someone sure and it had better be soon.

As luck would have it, he did not even need to wait till the morning light for such a man, fresh from the fight, to arrive. Although Joshua was unsure of exactly what the fellow construct was doing, considering his earlier performance with the stone, he had a rough idea of what it may be, or hoped so at least.

Regardless of whether the construct's tricks worked or not, Joshua would attempt to [Dodge] out of the in the direction of the other mole. Due to his relatively quick pace and small body, he'd hope that he wouldn't have much issues with it. Once within reach, especially, seeing as he was right next to it, he'd "jab" one of his "feet" into the mole the mole and electrocute it. Best to try and kill one of them, so they do not continue attacking him at the same time. [Look, don't touch]

"Thank you for the assist. Unfortunately, my shield is somewhat weaker than I had hoped. Fret not, however, I have no intention of getting splattered here. Or eaten for that matter. Or pickled."

If nothing else, some thanks was in order for coming to his rescue here.

1) Dodge the mole attack, if necessary.
2) Move towards the mole affected by his shield earlier.
3) Use [Look, don't touch] on said mole.
Look, don’t touch - Electric Affinity F - Shocks upon will anyone or anything that comes into contact with it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Increase her reputation with the Kuridan Adventurer's Guild. | Using Downtime to have stories of her deeds spread her reputation in other Adventurer's Guilds as well. | Become friends with 'Sharky'. (Rounds VI)
Femboy Femboy Whizziemin the Greatest, Reborn! – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Collect any samples (materials, blood) of interesting beasts, monsters and magical beings. | Get back to recovering from experimentation. Regain [One with Lymantraius Rex] title (had it previously). (Rounds VI)
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia Ironjaw – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Meet the one that sent her a fan-letter. | Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset. (Rounds VI)
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino – Love. | Will be updated if more are given. (Rounds II)
Develius Develius Jebidiah Boone – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | - Collect Monster Parts/Essence to improve arsenal. | Come across a new weapon (gun preferably) or gear if possible. (Rounds V)
IanThe170 IanThe170 Joshua Wincent – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Will be updated if more are given. | Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body. | Finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved. (Rounds VI)
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat Kiyo – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. (Rounds III)
Maverick Six Maverick Six Martin - Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Finance for himself an asset in the form of a [Secret laboratory] in the Duchy. | Martin is here to primarily make money. Character is however particularly keen on gleaning new information and connections for mysterious ends. These types of missions also make a suitable place to test out his spells and weaponry. (Rounds VI)

Combat Mode is Active
  • Three actions per turn. (Including abilities, moving, attacking, long-winded speeches, dodging, aiming, switching weapons/gear, etc.)
  • Cooldowns apply. Please keep track of them in your posts.
  • Area specific debuffs and challenges may apply (limited light, loose rocks/gravel, narrow spaces, allies in the way).
  • Effectiveness (light version) will be used when/where applicable.
  • HP pool will be 3 + vitality (when using heavy armour) or speed (when using light armour) or character grade (when using no armour)


Koralia managed to squeeze through once more and would find herself in what seemed to be a much bigger space. She didn't see a whole lot, however, until she grabbed Whizzie and used him as a portable torch-holder. (Koralia's F ability and a minimum E strength = 3+ effectiveness. Going undefended he'd technically be squeezed to death already.) Whizzie would, however, be rather uncomfortable with how much strength the Shark was putting into holding him and he would soon feel himself on the verge of passing out from it.

Short after Koralia had gone through and grabbed Whizzie, she'd slash across the open area. The wind raged and kicked up lots of loose gravel. Yet the moles had already retreated far enough out to take cover behind and [dodge] the inbound attack by then. That said, at a quick glance, it looked like there was a considerable drop-off further ahead. The moles were running out a area to run towards. It seemed the latter had made them panic as well. Enough so for both of them to start digging into the walls again, either trying to flee or trying to prepare something.

Meanwhile, Almeida, hoping to jab the mole would suddenly have to hold herself back as a shark popped up where the mole had been. “<Ah...>” She called out in surprise. She'd been too slow, it seemed. She wanted to wiggle onwards to get out of the narrow passage she'd found herself in, but she'd best wait for Koralia to have moved in further first. That said. “<Wow, I never noticed how thick your tail is.>” Seeing the shark woman from behind was a different sight. Yet she'd have to keep even more distance not to trip or get swept up by that thing now. Almeida would soon hear commotion starting behind her, yet turning around and popping back out on the other side might just end up with her getting in the way, so for now, she hoped the others had it handled.

Whilst moving past Kiyo took a bit longer for Martin than planned, as he pretty much needed to either carefully shuffle past or push the later out of the way as Kiyo was seeming to be a bit absent-minded at the time, he did managed to get past with an action to spare.

The mole trying to attack Joshua was blocked by Martin's wave of gravity (5 base + 1 combo vs. 6 base) as the claws just halted in mid-air. It caused the mole to make some odd hissing and clicking sounds, before attacking Martin. First swiping two times at him with its claws, then trying to bite him (Attack x3; Strength D, Natural Weapons E).

Meanwhile, Joshua had been able to move further to the north uninterrupted as a result. That said, his attempt to Jab at the mole was countered by the creature vigorously clawing back at him twice and trying to bit for a third attack (stat D, weapon F, ability F = 5 vs. mole Strength D, Natural Weapons E = 5, combo +2). Whilst the moles first attack merely cancelled out Joshua's initial hit, the two follow-up were straight hits. The creature's claw first tore into the metal claw that'd been jabbed towards it, after which the bite managed to cleanly rip it off. (Technically Joshua would have only 1 HP total, so he'd be dead. Let's say everyone has a minimal of 3 HP to start off with.) He'd be considerably damaged (2/4 HP left). That said, seeing what type of being he was, some Tinkering would likely fix him up the moment they'd be uninterrupted by the ongoing combat.
Last edited:

Languages: "Common", "<Bestial>"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater], [Summoner Abducted], [Fish out of the Water], [Widersia Adventurer Guild F] - Color #876fd6
Point Booster: Attentive Student D
RP Goal: Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset; Downtime: None

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

"Pffft! The more of 'em that come, the better! Killin' all in a single slash is what I call 'efficiency'!" Koralia quickly rebutted Wickey's worry about her voice, as it was actually her big brain plan. Yet, she felt something about her grasp. "Ya okay? Looking a bit flimsy." The shark relaxed the grip around the incubus' petite chest, instead focusing on keeping the underneath of his shoulder secured, so he wouldn't end up slipping towards the ground [Action 1].

"Tsk, the lil' bastard managed to scamper away." The mercenary clicked her tongue in displeasure. "Well, at least there ain't more gravel to step on it." At least, as far as she could see at any rate. Without wasting time, she moved forward a few steps, until she was at the very entrance of the new chamber [Action 2]. "Why I need all of it?" She snorted, finding the question from Wickey rather amusing. "Ya will find out when this is all over."

The shark's thick tail did, in fact, swish back and forth. She wouldn't have minded if Almeida had cradled it and held it out of her way. "<Do ya like the sight?>" She asked, looking over her shoulder with a bit of a grin, stopping her tail from moving too much. On that moment, she would catch the sight of two moles 'bothering' both the smarty-brain and the smarty-old-farty. That gave her a rather interesting idea. Why not dispatch all the buggers with a single swish of her sword?

And, bringing her sword up, she slashed in an even greater angle this time around, hoping not only to mangle the two who had run away from her horribly, but also the two who were a tad too busy trying to fuck around with her snack companion.

1 - Relaxed the grip on Whizziemin
2 - Moved towards the entrance of the chamber
3 - Zoom! - Fighting Style D + Deflect D + Penetrating D + Area D + Selective [Being used to shape the Area like a cone, sparring allies/environment as far as she can see, targeting only the moles-molys] D - (Since I forgot to add Energized E in the last post, I have to give them the D :< )Grade D 2 Post Cooldown - Strength A (6) + Weapon B (5) + ABL D (3) = 14 Base Effectiveness, -3 to enemy stat if counter-attacking, -3 to enemy item


CDs: E 1/1, D 0/2


| Common | #Abyssal# |
| Elvario Elvario [Almeida] | Femboy Femboy [Whizziemin] | Maxxob Maxxob [Korallia] | Faynorae Faynorae [Aniel] | IanThe170 IanThe170 [Joshua] | Faynorae Faynorae [Aniel] | Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat [Kiyo] |

Hearing the sudden commotion coming to his left, Cassidy would finally lock eyes with the enemy. Two of those vile mole creatures have revealed themselves to the "brain-in-a-jar" from the far side of the cavern and had attempted to assault him. At the same time, he, Whizzie and Korallia would see at least one of them coming directly in front of them with his dark vision. "'Ere they come!" the gunslinger called out as he attempted to aim at the top mole harassing Joshua. But as he was about to fire, Martin would beat him to the punch as he darted forth to protect him, also obscuring the sight of the jar and the other moles.

With so little room around them, Cassidy had to let them be for the meantime. He trusted Martin to keep the tiny companion safe.

The shark-lady would dispatch the other mole creature with her mighty sword, with Almeida apparently found another to bash with her mighty Valerius hammer. It all happened extremely quickly, even for someone as quick-fingered like himself. Of course, he knew these were merely the first encounters. More were sure to come, or this would've been too easy.

He followed after Korallia and Whizz, scampering towards them with his gun raised and ready to shoot their next target. Though as he approached them, he stopped to see that they appeared to have seemed to completely ignore a tunnel to their right. The most prevalent thing about it was a wooden bridge that spanning what looked to be a chasm. He proceeded to look as far down as he could with his [Dark Vision F] and made his way up to the edge of the bridge, attempting to discern anything of note.

Should he find nothing, he'll then proceed to regroup with the others.

  1. Heads down south behind Korallia and Whizziemin (by the bridge).
  2. Use [Dark Vision F] to look down the bridge cave.
  3. -

Kiyo quickly followed behind Martin before peering around him to see what everyone in front was fighting. He gasped softly in excitement upon Seeing the mole creatures. “<Do we have to kill them?>” He said, knowing it would be in vain. Kiyo Always considered killing a last resort, but he could tell his companions were not like-minded.

Before they killed any more, he examined the ones he could see to determine if he knew what kind of moles they were. This way, he could use his knowledge to kill them effectively.

Do not be sad, my child; the death of these beings will bring forth new life. The internal female voice said softly. He sighed while looking around the cave to make sure others in the cave were okay. “<Miss, are we here just to clear these moles out, or are there more creatures further in the cave?>” He curiously asked Almeida.

Move further into the cave.
Try to identify the moles [ Nature F]​
Interactions: Elvario Elvario
Whizziemin the Greatest

Equipped Titles:
Monster, Incubus
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Common | #Abyssal#

If only life could be so simple, yet unfortunately Whizzie found himself being the victim of something that definitely felt like would have instantly killed him then and there if odds were just the slightest bit more against him. Barely holding on to the torch, the poor incubus slumped like a ragdoll in Koralia's hold. Oh, this was truly the biggest mistake of his life, he should've went with the hammer-wielding idiot. At least with her, the blunt force of Valerius would've likely given him the blessing of being put out of his misery in one blow. Or, he could've just stayed with Aniel. Gosh, the absolute useless pink thing that hadn't actually come along with them truly was all talk and no walk, being some snooty false-angel made them live each day of their life without stressing a single muscle or hair on their special soft spot they must've formed as their prized childhood career of being the world's best basketball impressionist the moment they came out of the womb.

But enough of the fueled Aniel hate, Whizzie felt like he was dying as he heard Koralia's voice ask about his condition. He wasn't sure if it was an insult or general concern at this point, his mind was all over the place with the pain and struggle his body had just been inflicted with.
"I WILL DESTROY YOU, DISGRACEFUL SEA-CREATURE!!" had been what his mind told him to say, but through his suffering none of it had managed to actually come out. A dulled and rather quivering visage, the incubus' head slumped down and drooled a bit in his crushed and defeated state. What had really managed to escape his lips in the end was:

"Mmhm, shmarhkkh, ghuhurh" the incubus garbled, frothing at the mouth just a bit. It was a miracle his insides and bones weren't immediately paste and bonemeal by now. He couldn't even register Cassidy's existence by this point, nor anyone elses, as the continued haunting of 'finding out later' what all of Koralia's excess muscle and flesh was for didn't need a single other demonstration or explanation now.

"Bh urghhuh" Whizzie had tried to answer that it wasn't necessary, but it immediately felt like he was gonna throw up at this point. He just wanted to be put down from Koralia's Spine-Breaking Wild Ride™. Doing his best to focus his healing capabilities on himself, the struggling incubus with his very, very feeble capabilities, moved to pat at her arm in desperate attempt to be let go. Though, immediately fell exhausted in his attempt and slumped into Koralia's arm just needing all his current energy to stay alive and keep the torch held by this point.

Man, maybe this was too much, Almeida's was clearly much better than this. But that was mostly because Almeida's wasn't immediately going to kill him whether intentional or not.

1. Healing (E) on self
2. Keep holding torchie
3. Try to keep the blood, brains and bones on the inside of his body

Mentions: Elvario Elvario IanThe170 IanThe170 Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Expert Tinkerer, Isekai, Mad Scientist, Student of Higgs Boson F
Languages: |Common | %Analog% |


With his stillness, he found himself able to conjure up the mana needed for greater spells once more. While Martin could hear Kiyo getting close to him, his attention was elsewhere. And Martin too, seemed to be more focused on counterattacking.

The creature hissed at him, yet it only received a cold stare from the old cyborg. There seemed to be a similar reaction even when his teammate was harmed as well. Though he merited a raisebrow once he showed signs of life.

"Still alive?" Martin asked Joshua after he'd been hurt. "Then now attack with my assistance. I'll try not to hit you." While Martin didn't have the ability to properly shape his magic (selective) he did have the ability to make his spell come from any direction with his range (indirect). Thus it was that he'd seek to make a gravity spell grab his opponents from above.

The mage began to conjure up a new spell. Selecting both moles for targets, Martin simply raised his up next to him, and squeezed it into a fist. From his mouth came a single word amid the Mole's strike. "Crush." In the spells namesake, the creatures would feel a gravitational force spawn from somewhere beneath them and should it successfuly strike their bodies, the mole creatures would feel their bodies begin to implode. Bones would begin to break as they would feel a force sucking their bodies inward. [Crush]

With the flick of his finger, a lead ball would fly forward and smash into the mole's face like a rocket. [Flick]

"Backhand." Winding his arm as though he was going to slap someone, mana began to accumulate around Martin's armored form until it must have been a few hundred times more than its usual weight. It didn't slow down, however, as the spell was cast in the form of it's namesake: A backhanded strike with mana congealed inside of it.

Put simply, Martin would swing his hand, and the back of his knuckle would smack the creature -- seeking to send it throttling away. [Backhand]

"Such is the way of experimenting. When an idea leaves the realm of the abstract and enters reality. This is quite the place to gamble. And yet -- now the results are known to you."
He carried on and on, even in the midst of battle -- his mind focus and yet his body working to cast spells.

"I am studying these so called "Barrier" techniques myself. I've seen great use of it. Duration of it appears to be key. Yet few seems to understand it's workings and applications. Shields. Shelters. Bridges...." A part of him thought back to his last adventures with Eris Granstone, and her use of it. All the while.

"One step at a time however. I have refinements of my own to make." Indeed, perhaps he had gone too far into his tangent, as he had his own moles to look for. With relative indifference, Martin watched them with a vested interest.

Would the moles escape his grasp like they had the others, overcome him or be crushed to death?

Actions: 3/3

HP: 6/6 (D Grade Vitality + 3 HP BUFF)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)

1. Crush - Gravity Affinity F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Indirect F, Knockback F, Magic Targets F, Tangle F, Homing F - A gravitational force comes from a direction of Martin's choosing, ensnares his enemies and then seeks to crush them crushing gravitational forces. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown (INT B + CAT C + ABL E = 11 BE + 1 Homing Affinity = 12)

(12 + 2 Combo = 14 Effectiveness Martin's Mole)

(12 BE Mole 2 = 12 Effectiveness Joshua's Mole)

2. Flick - Gravity Affinity F, Magic F, Indirect F, Meta Magic (Range F), Homing F, Energized F - What it lacks in power, it makes up for in ease of use and fire rate. Clasping a small object in his hand, he flicks it forward with his finger. The object flies forward at speeds akin to a missile up to 30 feet away. The object may curve mid air in any number of directions and actively seeks out a target. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (+1 Action 1) (Martin's Mole)

3. Backhand - Gravity Affinity F, Magic F, Energized F, Knockdown F - Mana gathers within the arm, augmenting it's mass and wreathing it in gravitational forces. Martin then swings his arm outward, throttling a foe back with a motion more forceful than it has any reason to be. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (+1 Action 1) (Martin's Mole)


F - 0 Posts Remaining
E - 1 Posts Remaining
D- 0 Posts Remaining
C- 0 Posts Remaining
B- 0 Posts Remaining

Text: #7DF9FF

Last edited:
Character - CharactersJoshua Wincent
Languages: %Analog%; Common
Titles: Construct; Born for This; BIV
RP Specific:
  • Asset Goals: Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body.
  • Narrative Goals: Asset Goals, with the addition of finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved.
  • Character Owned Point Boosters: N/A
  • [Wanted] Titles: N/A
  • [Criminal] or [Monster] Titles: N/A
  • Active Downtime | Buddy Skills | Masterwork Skills | Complex Assets: Masterwork: Gatherer(Ores and Minerals)
  • Strength - F
    Precision - D
    Intelligence - E
    Vitality - D
    Speed - D
    Character Grade - F
  • Resilient E (Fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation)
    Engineering F
    Survival F
    Barrier F
    Electric Affinity F
    Magic F
    Artisan Tinkerer F
    Masterwork: Harvester F
    • Electromagnetic Shield - Barrier F, Electric Affinity F, Magic F - Creates an electric Force Field around a target, which protects from damage, but may cause a slight shock when touched - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - 1 Post Duration
    • Look, don’t touch - Electric Affinity F - Shocks upon will anyone or anything that comes into contact with it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    • Mobile Battery - Electric Affinity F, Engineering F - If an electronic device can be charged, Joshua can charge it - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - Narrator Discretion
  • Built-in toolkit required for robotics/engineering of own body.
    Central Core F(Natural Catalyst)
    Gathering Set for Ores and Minerals

Not only had his attack failed, but he himself was injured a fair bit. He had to re-evaluate the toughness of his newly created body... At least, by some miracle, he was still able to function. Regardless, boy was he happy that Martin was here.

"Yes, although my body may break down if I take another one, so perhaps I should stick to my shields..."

It seemed Martin was attempting to restrain the moles, best he could, and simply trying to crush them with gravity. Joshua was unsure of how wise it would be to actually get close to the moles currently. Given his small size, he would need to get rather up and personal to touch them, so he'd instead focus on preparing a defense layer, which could technically work as offensive as well, given the moles would actually hit the barrier.

Joshua would create his [Electromagnetic Shield] again. Which should also block off the path for the mole north from going to attack Martin. If he wasn't much use offensively, he would at least complete his duty as vanguard.

"I'll attempt to block them off when I can with my barrier, so try to continue focusing on offense, as I am rather clearly wholly lacking in that department."

He then listened to the small tangent the construct went on. Joshua couldn't help, but be happy, someone that understood the struggle of picking up science here.

"Ideas do not always come in a flash but by diligent trial-and-error experiments that take time and thought. It's the simple nature of progression. Despite figuring out the science for these barriers, the cost effectiveness of using them is still a bit too high. I noticed, I may be able to mitigate it by using the magics of this world, but for that loads and loads of tests to be done."

1) Electromagnetic Shield - Barrier F, Electric Affinity F, Magic F - Creates an electric Force Field around a target, which protects from damage, but may cause a slight shock when touched - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - 1 Post Duration
2) Joshua would prepare to [Dodge] if he'd notice a mole breaking his barrier
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Increase her reputation with the Kuridan Adventurer's Guild. | Using Downtime to have stories of her deeds spread her reputation in other Adventurer's Guilds as well. | Become friends with 'Sharky'. (Rounds VII)
Femboy Femboy Whizziemin the Greatest, Reborn! – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Collect any samples (materials, blood) of interesting beasts, monsters and magical beings. | Get back to recovering from experimentation. Regain [One with Lymantraius Rex] title (had it previously). (Rounds VII)
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia Ironjaw – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Meet the one that sent her a fan-letter. | Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset. (Rounds VII)
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino – Love. (Rounds II)
Develius Develius Jebidiah Boone – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | - Collect Monster Parts/Essence to improve arsenal. | Come across a new weapon (gun preferably) or gear if possible. (Rounds VI)
IanThe170 IanThe170 Joshua Wincent – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Will be updated if more are given. | Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body. | Finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved. (Rounds VII)
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat Kiyo – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. (Rounds IIII)
Maverick Six Maverick Six Martin - Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Finance for himself an asset in the form of a [Secret laboratory] in the Duchy. | Martin is here to primarily make money. Character is however particularly keen on gleaning new information and connections for mysterious ends. These types of missions also make a suitable place to test out his spells and weaponry. (Rounds VII)

Combat Mode is Active
  • Three actions per turn. (Including abilities, moving, attacking, long-winded speeches, dodging, aiming, switching weapons/gear, etc.)
  • Cooldowns apply. Please keep track of them in your posts.
  • Area specific debuffs and challenges may apply (limited light, loose rocks/gravel, narrow spaces, allies in the way).
  • Effectiveness (light version) will be used when/where applicable.
  • HP pool will be 3 + vitality (when using heavy armour) or speed (when using light armour) or character grade (when using no armour)


Koralia stopped nearly choking out Whizzie, allowing the incubus to feel the flow of air through his lungs once more. As she stepped forwards, she noticed that this route led off of some sort of cliff into a deep and dark abyss. Both the moles in front of her were trying to crawl along the edges in order to get away.

The moles wouldn't get far. Both of them were hit by Koralia's weapon snaking its teeth-like blade around in a cone-shaped area ahead of her. A screech could be heard from either side, as the creatures were caught off guard. The screeching was soon followed by the sounds of something falling into a deep and dark abyss below. Whether it were their corpses or soon-to-become corpses was unclear, but it was pretty clear they were entirely cleared out of the area.

The combination of low visibility, cone shaped attack and vertical and horizontal angles (and a dice roll) meant that the rest of the attack had found itself kicking up lots of gravel in the path above Koralia, but being unable to hit its final targets.

Thankfully, at least Whizzie had held on to the torch well enough despite facing a near-death encounter. His healing would get him back in shape easily enough. Although he'd need to try move around and manually try to make it work, or rather, make himself work again, without any magic involved. As a result, he would likely and up wriggling up a storm between Koralia's Whizzie-holders.

Meanwhile, in the tunnel above them, Joshua and Martin were playing some rather dangerous games. The first was started by Joshua putting up his barrier despite Martin being close. Thankfully, the latter was not close enough due to how small Joshua was, but were the tunnel to have been a tad narrow he'd either have risked friendly fire or he'd have forced his allies to somehow target enemies from over his head.

Martin's attacks did indeed go over Joshua's head. (For future reference, I've been told skills like Homing or Indirect aren't allowed to negate Selective the hard way by causing friendly fire in a World's.) The torch on Joshua did, at least, make it easy to aim past him.

The bottom mole's attack (3, 2, 2 = 7) on Martin was easily crushed (5, 4, 2 = 11 | 7 -11 = -4) as the mole's claws and teeth broke (natural weapons destroyed) and bruises, as well as some broken bones were caused across its body (-2 health to mole), leaving it rather wounded on the ground. To add insult ton injury, the lead ball found its way into the mole with ease (+1 one combo, -1 health) and brought it even closer to the verge of death, with a bleeding hole left in it. The mole started to try drag itself away from Martin and Joshua. Yet it didn't get far, as it was smacked (+1 one combo, -1 health) before it could get away. That was the final smack that broke the mole's back, as it ended stopped moving and turned into a lifeless (and surprising tenderized) husk of a creature on the floor.

Meanwhile, Joshua's mole ended up going through similar treatment. It'd try defending itself against the gravity wave by holding up its claws to guard itself (vitality D, natural weapons E, combo +2) through-out the gravity waves of [Crush] trying to get to it, but it failed just as much as its companion had (5, 4, 2 = 11 | 7 -11 = -4) and was left it with its claws and teeth broken and its body severely bruised and with some broken bones. Unlike the other mole, however, it panicked and still tried to attack Joshua (Strength F) only to crash into the barrier (2, 1, 1 = 4 | 1 – 4 = -3) and end up being fried by the resulting shock, leaving it nice and toasty with some left-over sparks of electricity making its paws and mouth twitch a little.

Combat Mode Ended

As they wrapped up their battle, Jebidiah headed for the bridge down south. As he entered the tunnel and allowed his Darkvision to see all the way to the other end, he'd spot a surprising large fox wearing mercenary gear on the other side of it.

It seemed the Fox hadn't yet spotted Jebidiah in turn, as the lantern he was having strapped to his belt didn't cast light far enough. He did, however, seem to hear the noises of battle and spot some movement on the other side of the bridge, as he raised his lantern with his right hand and drew his blade with his left.

Mercenary Fox: “Who goes there?”

Further north into the tunnels, Kiyo would be able to answer his own question soon enough. Being able to go up to the recently deceased moles, he would learn that they were [Monsters]. His knowledge of basic nature would make him recall that there was only one thing that Humans, Fae, Beasts and Constructs all agreed on. Monsters had to be killed on sight and without question. They were creatures that were inherently capable of nothing other than violence and destruction. After all, it were those very vile and inherent instincts that made something a [Monster]. Anyone that'd doubt the logic of killing [Monsters] on sight and actively trying to exterminate them would likely be looked at as if they themselves were either utterly insane or a monster themselves. Otherwise, he'd also learn they had natural weapons (E grade), mostly their claws and teeth, but they could technically utilise their entire body as a weapon. Judging by their build, their strength was probably as great as their sturdiness. Finally, he'd learn one more thing. These were smaller sizes specimen. Some sort of scouts or workers, or something. They likely had bigger numbers and bigger specimen elsewhere.



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | #Abyssal#

Upon being asked if she liked 'the sight' she pondered for a moment. “<Yep.>” She settled on. She wasn't exactly a [Tail Freak] like someone the shark might know, but she couldn't say she'd mind the sight either. “<I'm curious what's underneath though.>” She'd add. As she wondered if the underside of Koralia's tail was white and soft or also blue, having scales and rough looking. She didn't realise the question could be taken in any other ways.

Almeida was utterly confused when Kiyo came up to her. “<Well, like I said before, I'd suggest you don't get involved to begin with. If you trip over your own feet, you'd just be here to end up getting killed.>” She'd sigh. “<Otherwise, we're here to deal with the monster problem. Part of it is to clear them out, another part is to figure out how they got here or why they started to spread into the neighbouring village.>” She'd explain.

Almeida would move ahead after hearing the battle ended already in both tunnels. “%Can you believe it, Valerius? We didn't even get to hit them once.%” She complained to her hammer. A bit disappointed, she'd wiggle out of the tunnel and walk up to the shark. Might as well... She thought, as she gave the shark tail a good squeeze with her non-Valerius wielding hand. “<Hmmm. Seems fun.>” She'd conclude.

However, as she wrapped up that short investigation, Almeida, Koralia and Whizzie would hear something. They couldn't catch most of it, but they did catch some words.

???: “Hello!?! Is ... there..!?! … stuck!!!”

The torch wasn't able to light up the room ahead of them, as it was far too big and dark for the light of a simple torch to reach the edges. The echoes also made it very difficult to locate where exactly the voice was coming from.

Meanwhile, near the entrance, Aniel would experience something. ( Faynorae Faynorae shoot me a message when you want back in and I'll hook you up with the needed information. )

Languages: "Common", "<Bestial>"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater], [Summoner Abducted], [Fish out of the Water], [Widersia Adventurer Guild F] - Color #876fd6
Point Booster: Attentive Student D
RP Goal: Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset; Downtime: None
Resilient [Surprised]

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat

A wide grin of self-satisfaction was shown on Koralia's lips, extending from earhole-to-earhole. "That what ya get, bein' all monstrous and stuff!" She cheered with her victory, despite missing the other two. "See that, Wickey? Minus two lil' bastards!" The mercenary was still oblivious of how close she had been to eliminating a third monster. "Hah! They can only really take on the weak, fuckin' cowards." Spitting towards the ground, her dislike and displeasure about those creatures was evident.

And, as Whizziemin probably started wriggling massively, Koralia would frown, almost dropping him as she wasn't expected the sudden movement. "Hey! HEY! Settle down, geez!" She placed the incubus on the ground, trying to be as careful as she could. "Ain't no need for all that squirming, lil' morsel. Anyway, ya should be safe now. Nice work!" Patting his head in congratulations, and giving him a thumbs up with her now free hand, she began scanning the new chamber they were in, clicking her tongue as she couldn't really see any dead moles to snack on.

"Man, that is a bummer! Thought it was gonna have a snack!" Looking over her shoulder, towards both Martin and Joshua, she caught the lingering sight of the dead monsters and began licking her lips with her wide and spaded tongue. Probably even giving the wrong impression of which snack had actually caught her attention.

However, Almeida's voice staved off her hunger for the moment. While she was caught off-guard by what the half-construct had just said, she didn't let it show. "<I can show ya what is under my tail, if ya show me what is under ya tail.>" With a playful smirk, Koralia moved her thick tail around slightly when touched by Almeida. "<But don't ya worry. I ain't shy of satisfyin' curiosities and other things.>"

Koralia decided to add her two bits to Kiyo's conversation, as advice. "<These moles here are monsters, don't let ya them fool ya. Monsters will do anything, say anything to get what they want. So ya kill 'em in the first chance you get: bash 'em heads with rocks, stab 'em with a knife, whatever it takes. Just make sure they ain't breathin'.>"

Suddenly, a faint voice reached Koralia's ears. Furrowing her eyebrows, she tried her best to gauge where it was coming from, with little initial success. Taking a few steps towards the drop, she placed one hand on the corner of her mouth to try and began taking in air. Others could probably guess what she was about to do, as her stomach was visible being filled.


She bellowed, from the top of her lungs.

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