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Whizziemin the Greatest
Equipped Titles: Monster, Incubus
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Common | #Abyssal#
Jebidiah proved a beneficial companion if Whizzie could trust that he himself wouldn't end up as a target monster on his hitlist, having smiled and giggled to him over thanks of his assistance.
"Thanks, I appreciate the assistance. A job well done is a beautiful one~" she'd chime softly, smiling at Martin who had made a mention about his unnecessary flattery. Hm, someone who wasn't appreciative of the willing kindness he gave these lesser beings. A rude one for sure, but he'd keep up his smile even though he had the urge to smack Martin with a rock.
"Just wanting those who are here to help and protect me know just how thankful I am, is that too much to ask~?" he'd hum softly, having went ahead.
That being said, Aniel was already proving to be the most annoying and unlikeable thing he'd come across on the Second Continent. What he wouldn't give to be at a dream capable strength right now, to rip the very tongue from his mouth and tear his throat in two. Oh how he'd adore to silence that absolute pest.
"I call you 'winged choir-boy' because I do not believe in angels, nor your glorification of them. You can call me Wicke, but I'd ask you refrain from elevating yourself to such prideful and egotistical levels, it makes you unappealing" he softly answered. While he did in fact believe in angels, he hated their existence. They weren't these beautiful divine beings, they were a sickly and prideful evil that none should have to suffer being in the presence of. This fool was an eccentric example of the annoyance that came with those that considered themselves 'angels'. Full of themselves, annoyingly talkative, saw themselves as the master of their craft. With how this random idiot seemed to have just randomly joined them for no reason other than to be annoying about 'love', Whizzie held a strong feeling that the man was a sad excuse of a lesser being who nobody actually loved. How ironic.
"I do not believe you have anything important to share about 'love, nor is the time for it. Unless you have good reason to slay abnormal mole creatures, or are present to assist in the matters for good reason, I'd wish you good day and recommend you go elsewhere" Whizzie ever so kindly suggested, hoping that Aniel would get a good idea from it and just leave. From what he could tell, there were probably a few others who were already annoyed or not exactly enjoying of his presence, at least in his eyes it appeared like that. A good sign, for him. Even though he was here on important business, he'd be glad to know that his fellow party members disliked this disgrace of a false being.
Seeing as the jar didn't acknowledge his compliment, he'd suppose that one was as pointless as working with as he'd supposed prior.
"I'm sure a ritual of great power will be an amazing experience, I'm sure I would have little to no reason to not witness its' entirety. That being said, the cave's darkness would make it rather difficult to do artwork. What a shame, I'll have to see when I possess a good opportunity... " Whizzie mentioned to Koralia, having looked ahead to the dark. That'd indeed make it rather impractical on his side-quest of appreciating lesser beings with clear merit that he would desire to gain samples from for his own biological science.
"#That's nice to hear, although I do wish I could directly hear Valerius to communicate with him. Which does interest me; How do you and him communicate, my dear? It would be quite interesting to know, if it was something that could be taught, I'm sure the noble life from the point of view of ones' weapon would be very interesting to hear#" he'd ask, mainly curious on the small off-chance that she really wasn't missing a screw loose, and somehow the hammer was talking to her. If he could prove it was true, finding out the origins of such a hammer would be of great interest. Must've been from a great or magical craftsman if that were the case.
"#That is so kind to hear, it'd be so lovely to be held in the arms and comforting embrace of my beautiful knight in shining... #" he'd begin with a sweet silver tongue, only to hesitate once he glanced at her... rather unarmoured appearance.
"#My, uhm.... shining... abs? I guess that would be nicer-#" he'd finish, mumbling to himself yet still likely audible to Almeida as the light pink blush on his face would probably be a dead giveaway that he was considering the idea that not a single care or requirement for armour was a true testament for strength and glory, not needing to rely on such overly protective 'safety precautions' when one is too good to fail. Huh, maybe Almeida was doing the no-armour thing right as a glorious front-liner. The same with Koralia, considering she would've likely been impenetrable if she were to wear a whole bulwark of metal plating, but here the shark was in casual attire on her slayer quest. Perhaps these lesser beings, these simpleminded non-monsters, proved more educational from him to learn from after all. Witnessing them in combat might prove valuable knowledge for the best way to destroy those who oppose him too.
"#Ah, I will keep a safe distance, my darling, please do a great job and keep safe~! While I work on investigating these creatures' habitats and lifestyles, and look to sample what I can, I'll have to try my best to keep my eyes from being distracted by your beauty and grace in work, and supporting you all the way as your little cheerleader~#" he'd play out, a bit overdramatic as he grinned and put on an act of swooning over the great armourless warrior wielding a psychically-talking hammer. Of which, he'd afterwards look to Koralia.
"My good dear, you are also powerful and capable, one I can truly rely on to keep me safe, I'll keep a safe distance while I look for opportunities to do my work. I'll have to make sure to not be too distracted by your grace and glory in your own work, even though how you may wield your power is already too much of a distracting thought in my mind. I'll make sure to cheer you on and support you all the way, try not to destroy all that opposes you into nothing, I'd like something to work with, darling~, if that's not too much for someone as strong as you" Whizzie would hum, while he wanted to be impressed by the group's capability, he'd rather not have all good samples somehow annihilated completely due to overwhelming success. Otherwise, he'd follow along but likely in the back of the group, to keep a safe distance and have the others go first.
Alternate Identity (F)
Alternative Identity (F), Deception (F), Seduction (F), Persuasion (F) - Name: Wicke La'Kaia - Titles: Fae, Beast - Looks the same, maybe with hiding his wings, tail or horns, but has a thematical appearance that could be convincingly passed off as one of the other races - F Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown
2. Follow along with the group, keeping to the back of the group to stay safe.
Whizziemin the Greatest
Equipped Titles: Monster, Incubus
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Common | #Abyssal#
Jebidiah proved a beneficial companion if Whizzie could trust that he himself wouldn't end up as a target monster on his hitlist, having smiled and giggled to him over thanks of his assistance.
"Thanks, I appreciate the assistance. A job well done is a beautiful one~" she'd chime softly, smiling at Martin who had made a mention about his unnecessary flattery. Hm, someone who wasn't appreciative of the willing kindness he gave these lesser beings. A rude one for sure, but he'd keep up his smile even though he had the urge to smack Martin with a rock.
"Just wanting those who are here to help and protect me know just how thankful I am, is that too much to ask~?" he'd hum softly, having went ahead.
That being said, Aniel was already proving to be the most annoying and unlikeable thing he'd come across on the Second Continent. What he wouldn't give to be at a dream capable strength right now, to rip the very tongue from his mouth and tear his throat in two. Oh how he'd adore to silence that absolute pest.
"I call you 'winged choir-boy' because I do not believe in angels, nor your glorification of them. You can call me Wicke, but I'd ask you refrain from elevating yourself to such prideful and egotistical levels, it makes you unappealing" he softly answered. While he did in fact believe in angels, he hated their existence. They weren't these beautiful divine beings, they were a sickly and prideful evil that none should have to suffer being in the presence of. This fool was an eccentric example of the annoyance that came with those that considered themselves 'angels'. Full of themselves, annoyingly talkative, saw themselves as the master of their craft. With how this random idiot seemed to have just randomly joined them for no reason other than to be annoying about 'love', Whizzie held a strong feeling that the man was a sad excuse of a lesser being who nobody actually loved. How ironic.
"I do not believe you have anything important to share about 'love, nor is the time for it. Unless you have good reason to slay abnormal mole creatures, or are present to assist in the matters for good reason, I'd wish you good day and recommend you go elsewhere" Whizzie ever so kindly suggested, hoping that Aniel would get a good idea from it and just leave. From what he could tell, there were probably a few others who were already annoyed or not exactly enjoying of his presence, at least in his eyes it appeared like that. A good sign, for him. Even though he was here on important business, he'd be glad to know that his fellow party members disliked this disgrace of a false being.
Seeing as the jar didn't acknowledge his compliment, he'd suppose that one was as pointless as working with as he'd supposed prior.
"I'm sure a ritual of great power will be an amazing experience, I'm sure I would have little to no reason to not witness its' entirety. That being said, the cave's darkness would make it rather difficult to do artwork. What a shame, I'll have to see when I possess a good opportunity... " Whizzie mentioned to Koralia, having looked ahead to the dark. That'd indeed make it rather impractical on his side-quest of appreciating lesser beings with clear merit that he would desire to gain samples from for his own biological science.
"#That's nice to hear, although I do wish I could directly hear Valerius to communicate with him. Which does interest me; How do you and him communicate, my dear? It would be quite interesting to know, if it was something that could be taught, I'm sure the noble life from the point of view of ones' weapon would be very interesting to hear#" he'd ask, mainly curious on the small off-chance that she really wasn't missing a screw loose, and somehow the hammer was talking to her. If he could prove it was true, finding out the origins of such a hammer would be of great interest. Must've been from a great or magical craftsman if that were the case.
"#That is so kind to hear, it'd be so lovely to be held in the arms and comforting embrace of my beautiful knight in shining... #" he'd begin with a sweet silver tongue, only to hesitate once he glanced at her... rather unarmoured appearance.
"#My, uhm.... shining... abs? I guess that would be nicer-#" he'd finish, mumbling to himself yet still likely audible to Almeida as the light pink blush on his face would probably be a dead giveaway that he was considering the idea that not a single care or requirement for armour was a true testament for strength and glory, not needing to rely on such overly protective 'safety precautions' when one is too good to fail. Huh, maybe Almeida was doing the no-armour thing right as a glorious front-liner. The same with Koralia, considering she would've likely been impenetrable if she were to wear a whole bulwark of metal plating, but here the shark was in casual attire on her slayer quest. Perhaps these lesser beings, these simpleminded non-monsters, proved more educational from him to learn from after all. Witnessing them in combat might prove valuable knowledge for the best way to destroy those who oppose him too.
"#Ah, I will keep a safe distance, my darling, please do a great job and keep safe~! While I work on investigating these creatures' habitats and lifestyles, and look to sample what I can, I'll have to try my best to keep my eyes from being distracted by your beauty and grace in work, and supporting you all the way as your little cheerleader~#" he'd play out, a bit overdramatic as he grinned and put on an act of swooning over the great armourless warrior wielding a psychically-talking hammer. Of which, he'd afterwards look to Koralia.
"My good dear, you are also powerful and capable, one I can truly rely on to keep me safe, I'll keep a safe distance while I look for opportunities to do my work. I'll have to make sure to not be too distracted by your grace and glory in your own work, even though how you may wield your power is already too much of a distracting thought in my mind. I'll make sure to cheer you on and support you all the way, try not to destroy all that opposes you into nothing, I'd like something to work with, darling~, if that's not too much for someone as strong as you" Whizzie would hum, while he wanted to be impressed by the group's capability, he'd rather not have all good samples somehow annihilated completely due to overwhelming success. Otherwise, he'd follow along but likely in the back of the group, to keep a safe distance and have the others go first.
Alternate Identity (F)
Alternative Identity (F), Deception (F), Seduction (F), Persuasion (F) - Name: Wicke La'Kaia - Titles: Fae, Beast - Looks the same, maybe with hiding his wings, tail or horns, but has a thematical appearance that could be convincingly passed off as one of the other races - F Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown
2. Follow along with the group, keeping to the back of the group to stay safe.