SolusFalcon, making a... not so grand entrance! Honestly, I'm always pretty terrible when it comes to this kind of thing, but a good start in a new area often includes introducing yourself. This isn't my first time making one of these, but those were all on different websites in the past and this is a fresh start, so to speak. With that out of the way, um, where to begin...
I suppose I should write about what I, well, like to write about! Yeah, that's definitely a thing. For instance, I generally don't mind a lot of roleplays, but I tend to lean towards those that are more fantasy, sci-fi, or simply realistic and modern. I'm not sure if Slice-of-Life RPs mean something here, but if they do those are generally my favorite. I tend to put some sort of aspect of myself in my characters so that they can be represented and act realistically, though I won't lie, I'm still learning new things about how to write properly every day. For those of you who stuck with me through this introduction, awesome! I hope to see you all soon! And if you don't see me roleplaying, a quick side note is that I'm definitely a gamer at heart.
I suppose I should write about what I, well, like to write about! Yeah, that's definitely a thing. For instance, I generally don't mind a lot of roleplays, but I tend to lean towards those that are more fantasy, sci-fi, or simply realistic and modern. I'm not sure if Slice-of-Life RPs mean something here, but if they do those are generally my favorite. I tend to put some sort of aspect of myself in my characters so that they can be represented and act realistically, though I won't lie, I'm still learning new things about how to write properly every day. For those of you who stuck with me through this introduction, awesome! I hope to see you all soon! And if you don't see me roleplaying, a quick side note is that I'm definitely a gamer at heart.