Renegade Tale

Name: Haizu

Age (it can be 16-45): 36

Gender: Male

Appearace (picture please):


Weapon/Fighting style (guns are allowed just something thats not super op): Two Magic guns Named Ebon, and Sabata

Background (optional): A moderator of the game who keeps his identity a secret. He is known for creating the Games' Software and Battle system. He also uses binary codes to break down certain firewalls from time to time. He is also famous for creating the Die in game experience, but did not know the length the updated version would go to. His level is still unknown he will reveal it in time though.

Personality: Quiet, Adamant, and can be a total pervert at times he hacks your avatar to see what gender you really are.

Class: Ranger?Moderator

Abilites (maximum is 2): Debunk; This can change the Binaries of a Firewall that is to big to cancel out.

Forward/Backwards; this allows Haizu to slip pass the software's battle codes but is to lazy to do it.

(and anything else you can think of)

(your character is experienced at the game but an update was released so your at level one because of it and you also have starting gear)
Sorry your kinda late with this role play but you can join my other rp called Mass Effect: Another Story.
Name: Kagenohikari

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearace (picture please):


Weapon/Fighting style: Wrist Blades, mostly Melee but can throw ranged projectiles (shuriken).Personality: Psychotic, has tendency to be sadistic, overly vain

Class: Ninja

Abilites (maximum is 2): Living Shadow - summons a clone that does everything he is doing, Death Mark - stabs an enemy multiple times, killing him instantly
Looks epic enough to be a baddie xD Omg that picture but that picture is from DA which is quite forbidden to do unless you have the permission to use the picture.... o_o

(If you don't know what DA means it short for DeviantArt...)
Well there are some who are quite strict about their art but yes there are some who don't care either way :P
Yeah I got really sick through the week and My mom introduced me to nightquail. So every day after school I would get knocked out cold. Plus I was busy and my phone was being a meani

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