
Wind listened, and felt the rumbling sensation. the earth opened up and he felt as though it had the intention of swallowing them whole. he dodged to the side, surprising himself by silently thanking his father for forcing him into soccer and track and field. he followed Sixes gaze to the mountain and caught a glimpse of the little gleam coming from the summit. he felt that this must be where they were supposed to go, and Six echoed his thoughts in words as she called for them to head in that direction. everyone was trying to avoid being sucked into the earth and Wind followed Six across the gap as everyone else made their jumps. Wind backed up a few steps and launched himself across the gaps, his legs pushing from the edge of the fissure. he landed just inches from the edge and stumbled. he saw Six land next to him, and his eyes widened as the ground crumbled from under her hands. he shot over and reached down, barely catching her by the wrist. "Whoa, careful there!" he tried to keep the situation light, but he was having trouble bringing her up. his knees and free hand were occupied with keeping him from falling but the more he pulled the more the ground shifted. he was afraid that the gound may fall out and that they would both fall.
Everything seemed to slow down. She began to grow hyper-aware of the milliseconds passing, her grip slipping, the sensation of falling welling like a pool of ice in her gut. Her eyes grew wide, her mouth open in a silent scream she would not allow to pass. Six blinked, watching a hand reach down and grab her own outstretched arm.

Everything sped up again. Or, at least, she thought so, though it was more likely that everything went back to regular speed. Her fingers clenched around the wrist of her saver.

Hanging by one arm, her legs dangled above the abyss. Six drew in a shaky breath. Looking up she saw Wind then noticed he was having trouble staying on stable ground let alone pulling her up. She gave a brisk nod then stretched up her other arm, grabbing his shoulder, and started pulling herself up. She scrambled to her feet, grabbing Wind by the back of his shirt and hauling him back away from the edge just as it gave way. "Let's go!" She made sure he was on his feet and running before she started into a easy stride, her legs carrying her swift across the plains.

Six didn't stop until she reached the base of the mountain, a pasture were the tall grass changed into a rocky landscape filled with boulders, the dirt beneath their feet dark and gritty with sand. The only life were a few tufts of grass here and there, and the occasional yellowed bush. Thirty-Six collapsed on a large flat boulder the colour of dark ash. When she caught her breath or restablized her stamina, which was surprisingly quick, she looked over at Wind. "Thanks for the save,"
Ashley looked at Wind but did not shake his hand. She didn't trust any of them and even if they were all so gung-ho about this, Ashley was still skeptical and very, very freaked out.

"ashes," was all she said to him, loud enough that all the others who were here and appearing could hear her as well. She wonder, in the back of her mind, who these people really were. Why did they sign-up for this and if they were really all okay with the situation. She then decided she did not care. Her only concern at the moment was getting out of here. If they'd help, then Ashley would grudgingly accept it, but she did not trust them still and did not like them either. Her solo nature made it hard for her to want to have anything to due with them.

Ashley rolled her eyes at...Six? Yes that was the username the girl has provided. She followed though. If they could locate a town, at least they had a safer place to figure this out and maybe Ashley could learn something and ditch them.

Ashley was surprised by the gasp she made and the movement to save Six when she almost fell. Wind had rescued her and Ashley just rolled her eyes again.

"We need to be safe."
Light observed the group. He had singled out a girl, apparently named Ashley. Yes, she would be his way into the group, although she didn't seem to thrilled to be a part of it. Nevertheless, Light was in the same predicament. And they could all use his expertise in the game design as well as his supremely superior intellect in terms of logical, rational strategizing. Lithely jumping down, he used his wings to powerfully push off, clearing the gap with ease without even having to use his feet. Light slowly stalked up behind the group. Clearing his throat, he said, "Is this group looking for another member? I swear, I'd be quite valuable to you. After all, I coded the game." That would certainly get their attention piqued.
Wind held his ground the best he could as Six hauled herself out of the fissue using him as leverage. as she managed to find solid ground the ground started to crumble beneath his feet. just as he thought he might fall he was yanked away from the edge by Six. he wasnt even able to thank her before they were set to running towards the mountain range. Wind stayed behind Six whole way to make sure she hadnt hurt herself in her near death fall. they pounded across the field till the grass turned to dirt. their pace slowed and Six collapsed to the ground. Wind remained standing a moment as he caught his breath, then took a seat next to her. "no problem, with our situation in this game its not likely you would've re-spawned" he said. in all honesty, he was inwardly pensive about the whole, "dying" concept. game or not, something wasnt right, and death was definitely not an option.

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