Ren Yuuki [Fight or Flight]

Night Vision

A Novice Not So Active Writer

Name:Ren Yuuki

Age: 17

Gender: Female but act as a Male

Appearance Notes: 5"4 pretty small girl , has a blue pendant that she always bring anywhere .


As a girl she a bit clumsy but always cheerful, she act girly and like it when someone want to try protect here, the reason why she act like a boy is because her family background that tell her she must act strong and let no one see her weakness.


Energy Shaper - She can form her energy as her will, turn it into a weapon, enveloped her hands with it so she can hit harder, focusing on her leg to make her quicker, for now she only can do 3 form.


-Only one form at a time

-Can't be used for too long, only 10 minute. After that she need to rest for a while

-She need to do a little warm up before she can use this ability, meaning that she can't use at the start of a fight


-Using it too often will make her tired

-Using pass 10 minute will make her unconscious

-This ability use energy as a fuel, meaning if it used too often in one day something bad will happen

Preferred Tactic:

Agresively Offensive


The only daughter of the famous karate dojo, Ren forced to live her life as a boy. The only reason is because her parents thought that being a girl only show her enemies her weakness and to aim for the top they can't let this happened. Since a kid Ren dressed as a boy, talk like a boy, act like a boy, every of this she did not just at school but also in her neighborhood. The moment when she alone in her room that she can return to her girly version and that relief her stress a little every time she does that.

Time passed and now she already used with this kind of thing, none of her friend know her true identity. Outside she always give a smile to her friend and play with them, inside she felt alone because no one really know about her. She try to hide this feeling to her parent because she doesn't want to disappoint them. Like girl trapped in the tall tower she wait someone to come and rescue her, but her family make a huge gap between them.

Personal Theme Song:




-Scared with spider

-Can't Swim
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Everyone is currently in a beach event on the bus. So you can post your character like excited for the beach or sit next to someone else character. Kyd Jhesus is also new to the RP and just posted so you can possibly start up an interaction with them

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