Religious Rant (Stay away if you are sensitive to topic)

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Icerex said:
If the 10 year old comes back to life the very next day, it's not much of a sacrifice. (Not to mention trying to portray Jesus as a innocent 10 year old is kinda dishonest. He's a literal god, not some poor child)
Still the question stands on whether god is not omnipotent or just let's Satan do his thing regardless.'s called a metaphor. Also, it took 3 days. The resurrection proved to people that Jesus says who He is, and isn't just some random dude who lied about who he is. God already defeated sin, and for that matter, Satan, at the cross and during the resurrection.
God clearly told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit. People can argue that a 'child' or someone 'child like' is just acting independently in doing so anyways, identity searching, or try to make light of it with 'morbid curiosity; - but it's actually defiance and rebellion that comes from ego. Yes the serpent instigated the scene, but it was Eve's decision (despite having the education that she wasn't supposed to) to eat the fruit and thus, disobeyed God. If you are educated in any form to do, or not do, something, and act on your own notion regardless - that is a fault, that is an action or notion that is your own - negative or neutral.

Coming back to ego - to view God as 'contributing to the problem' or 'a total dick' just goes to show how biased we can be. God is Just, justice isn't always nice but it is just, how you view justice is biased, riddled with some sort of influenced logic or emotion that deviates from the clear guidelines in the Bible. With faith comes a lack of questioning - you're supposed to follow as he says and have faith it works out. If you can't, then that's fine, but it's a decision he enabled you to make, and the consequences are you own.

Blaming God for what goes on means you do believe in his existence. You can't be mad at him and not believe at the same time. Honestly I think the reason the majority of you, or anyone, are even arguing this is to pick apart the Bible and find what makes you most comfortable - or best fuels your argument, no one's thinking about God, really; yet you can't stop talking about or against Him, which is a little ironic if He's not 'real'. The whole 'if God loved me, or them, or the world' is as ridiculous is saying 'if my parents loved me, why didn't they give me more money, save me from that mistake, fight for world peace'. He intervenes when He deems necessary, on His own timing - no it's not at your convenience, faith beckons you be patient and see how it all unfolds. The terrors and pain within the world are influenced by Satan, and carried out by ego - God allows because he is just (and don't type up something stupid like
oh so God thinks genocide is justice because that's not what I said and you know it; don't dodge the subject and make this a topic, either) if there is a choice made He will let you go as far as permitted, and then He will intervene to bring peace yet also reverential fear - like last minute miracles. Even death itself is a lesson that touches many and brings change, also drawing some to the comfort of the Lord.

The Word says we're clearly undergoing tests of faith, though apart from Him we can do nothing - we are also incapable of perfection (one of the greatest reasons everyone hates the idea of a god in the first place) and that He knew us when we were in the womb, and had forgiven all of our sins as He knows what's to come, should we ask Him into our hearts. It's a relatively simple lifestyle blockaded by ego - and I used that word repeatedly as it has and always will be the downfall of humanity. You have to have faith in Him like you do every time you sit in a chair without an inclination it'll break from beneath you, have it come as natural as every breath you take for granted. But if you keep questioning - in the name of science or whatever else seems to justify your lack of faith - all you'll ever do is deviate from faith. I'm not saying curiosity is bad, either - it's part of human nature. Finding an identity in Christ, living as he would and doing as you're told is where than human nature is no longer a consistent fault or downfall on your part.

I consider myself a follower of Christ - Christian in itself has become a lot of self worship and monetary obsessions, I don't find Christ welcome in his own church that often. Also, crusades and the like - they were carried out by people, as a friend once told me and I never forgot it, "Don't blame God for the way people chose to follow him". They're all taking things out of context to make them feel better or to better suit their lives - one of the greater sins.

And, for future reference, don'tever refer to your Lord and Savior as a 'dick' and then sit here calling yourself a Christian. Name calling is not an argument. He sent His son to DIE for you.
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Never called myself a Christian (although I was one), and the Christian god outlined in the Bible is a total dick.
Icerex said:
Never called myself a Christian (although I was one), and the Christian god outlined in the Bible is a total dick.
What's your evidence? Everything bad that happens in the Bible turns out for the better. Like Joseph's brother selling him into slavery. Joseph ended up second in command of Egypt. This cycle repeats itself in all of Genesis after the Creation story. Something bad happens to a person, that person ends up getting a benefit. It was by God's grace that those people succeeded.

Just because you don't feel God, doesn't mean He isn't there. This is why Christianity is a faith-based religion.
"Go kill ur kid to prove ur loyalty to me"

>ohshit this guy actually bouta do that

"Ey, actually, don't do that"
amexFear said:
"Go kill ur kid to prove ur loyalty to me"
>ohshit this guy actually bouta do that

"Ey, actually, don't do that"
This is another thing that gets on my nerves: CONTEXT! Abraham almost killed his son to prove his loyalty to God. Yes, that's true. It was a trial from God: are you willing to do anything for me?

Abraham then was blessed after that.

Also, I am uber close to closing this thread. It's gone from a civil discussion, going downhill. Are we going to go back, or are you going to force the closure? I'm not joking. Nor am I going to take any responsibility for what YOU guys said.
Dude, calm down. No one is calling names or reverting to excessive language, no need to freak out and say that this thread is going downhill.

Also, what type of sick person makes a human go through the emotional trauma of thinking he is mandated by god to kill his own kid.
@Icerex I think the way you are wording things is coming off as a bit standoffish and harsh. There are much more reasonable ways to get your opinion across without calling someone else's God a total dick. To me, that comes off as quite disrespectful and as far as I know, @TeaMMatE11 requested respect for each other's opinions in the very first post.

You believe he is a dick, fine, that's your choice/opinion. But maybe try word things in a nicer manner and people will be much more likely to join the discussion and
@TeaMMatE11 will probably be less likely to close the thread.
Idk it just seems like an "all-caring" God wouldn't put one of his followers through the emotional tramau of almost having to kill his own son.
No one's name calling? Did you read your last post?

I'd advocate for the closing of the thread too, because I really don't see a discussion here, just biased points of view that are offensive and not actually enlightening anyone. Regardless of warnings stated in the beginning, there's just jokes and bashing here I don't see open mindedness.

Everyone takes everything out of context in the bible. If you don't want to understand, you won't. God's not a person by the way, He's God. You guys can pick things out of the bible all you want but you still don't know what you're talking about.
The very first thing I said was a very serious reply, to which it got ignored by OP and all the other religious fanboys.

It seems like the only people being closed minded are those who are advocating the closure of this thread.

Both @Icerex and I started out with serious questions and statements, and all we got were the exact same "it's faith Man U just gotta believe" bullshit that you've been force fed your entire life.
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Just let me ask. Is there any situation where the killing of innocent men women and children, as command by god (Numbers 31: 1-35), justified?
I do have an open mind. Refuting statements in an aggressive manner isn't discussion. I did give many different arguments, with research. It feels like none of you actually took the time to read my posts, nor did you read my warnings in place.

That's what I've gathered from the posts.

Therefore, I am on the last leg. If this doesn't generate a RESPECTFUL DISCUSSION, I will close this.

I'm not being immature; I'm stopping something that turned into something I didn't want to happen. If that isn't mature, I have no idea what is.

@amexFear @Koala @tinkerbell
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"Just let me ask. Is there any situation where the killing of innocent men women and children, as command by god (Numbers 31: 1-35), justified?"
Faith is in everything we do, religious or not. To say what some believe is 'force fed bullshit' is not an argument, that really is just biased opinion. And not entirely fair considering just about every religion, culture and created society is instilled to youth or 'force fed' and you sculpt yourself from that. Nothing goes without an origin and motive.

You have fact. Others have faith. Either can be seen as an illusion but tearing it down like that aids no one. My response was Christianity in it's most organic form, it's the foundation and faith, as goes with other manifested energies, retain liveliness - a spirit if you will.

As for the scripture quoting, there's a reason, it either said so clearly in the prior or following verse. God is just. We don't have to like what he does. That's faith that, as Team stated, it's for the greater benefit.

I just have a singly question before this all gets (most-likely) shut down. I'll place a disclaimer here first. I grew up in a church but it was a terrible one. My parent's weren't married when I was concieved, so the community was convinced that I had a 'destiny for sin". I wasn't allowed to wear pants or skirts above my ankles, I couldn't get too close to boys, and any questions they didn't like got me punished for days. I have a bias, but I don't consider myself an atheist either. I personally hate when people make statements about how religion has no purpose or simply indicates a lack of intelligence. Religion gives people hope and happiness. I've watched it save people. Faith is something that should never be looked down upon. I suppose that I believe in the whole ideal bit of it, but stray from the community.

Anyway, ramble over! Question time.

  • On the topic of Christianity in general, how do you all feel about the LGBTQ community
  • What do you all believe about Heaven and Hell? Is it so clear cut, or do you believe in purgatory too?
  • What about those that are generally good people but don't share the same belief system as you? What happens to them in the afterlife?
  • How much free will do we have? From my understanding, God is somewhat of a guide who knows what is best for us. However, I often hear phrases like "God simply didn't intend for it to happen". In cases like those, did we ever have free will on that matter?
  • How about Heaven? Heaven seems like a perspective thing. Are they personalised or just a general "anyone would be pretty cool with this" thing?

That's all! Thanks a bunch if anyone actually responds to all of these. I also really enjoyed your opinion @tinkerbell ! It was very thought provoking.
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I don't think there's a point in discussing the specific lines in the Bible or the fine details of Genesis because even though I'm still kind of Christian (grew up hella Baptist) it's pretty obvious that at least 50% of the Bible is fake. The Bible we know it today was whatever the Church decided to put in it. There were thousands of religious texts from the time but the Church was like "we like these ones" and threw out the rest.

Some of the stories are obvious propaganda from ancient governments. You look at the story of King David for example. First, he kills some giant beast and everyone loves him. Okay, believable. Then he's an army commander, also believable. Then King Saul, who otherwise is a great leader, for no reason decides to kill him. Alright, fine.

Then he runs away, and he is BELOVED by the people. But... when Saul comes to catch him, his men tell him he's gotta hide in a cave because the local people would hand him over. Why would they do that if he's really loved by the people?

Then it just turns into total nonsense. He befriends Saul's firstborn son and it's implied they're in a sort of romantic relationship and spend a lot of time alone together. On one of their hookups for lack of a better word, Saul's firstborn is like "hey rebel guy, you can have my inheritance man I don't want the throne". Then, he conveniently dies so nobody can confirm it.

At one point when Saul is chasing David, he passes by David in a cave and David supposedly cuts a corner off Saul's clothes but doesn't kill him. Saul doesn't even notice. (try this in real life, it's not easy) Then, David takes the cloak piece to Saul (and the guards don't kill him) and is like "I could have killed you", putting Saul in tears. David is then magically pardoned (for like the fourth time) and is welcomed back into Saul's family. And everyone loves David.

... Except, when Saul dies, they don't put David on the throne. Everyone picks Saul's youngest son to be King instead, and this son wants peace with David. But of course, David can't let that happen! So he starts the civil war again, then invites the enemy to a peace talk. He promises them nobody will be harmed in the peace talk.

You can already guess where this is going. Abner, the King's top general, arrives, and David doesn't kill him, David's friend kills him. David is absolutely enraged that his friend did that! That's why he showers him with gold and riches after. That passage says "And so, David did not kill Saul" like 5 times. As King, David goes around killing random people and taking their wives.


Now it's pretty obvious the book of Samuel, the main one that talks about David, is just government propaganda David made up to legitimize himself, with these impossible scenarios.

The question we all have to ask ourselves is how much of the Bible is made up? There are some books that are just gold, no question about that. However in my Church and Sunday school we read the Bible basically front to back, and I was laughing like half the time.

Even this "peaceful Jesus" myth is a lie. There's this part where he leads this mob into the temple to kick the money changers out. Then, using magic and sorcery, the tables magically flip over and are all broken, but the mob is totally peaceful. Yeah, right. More likely the mob did what mobs do and kicked the moneychangers out, breaking all their stuff. The books on Jesus were written generations after he died, so that's his followers going "how do we make him seem like the perfect guy?" Roman records show someone by his name was executed for inciting a revolt, so this idea lines up with real history too.

There are real lessons in the Bible. There's some physicists that say that because of how many universes there are there has to be a God who can cross between them or whatever. There's no doubt there is some kind of God, and he probably has some say in what happens to us. The question is do we take everything in the Bible to be literally true. Who even wrote the book of Genesis? Did it fall from a tree? Was it in the apple Adam and Eve bit into from the tree of knowledge? And how did all that information from before the flood survive if Noah's family was the only family alive? Did Noah find some papyrus floating in the water and write all the early books in his free time on the boat?

Most likely some sheep herder was like "this is a cool story" and wrote it down. Some time later, a holy man turned it into a scripture. Some books (like Leviticus or Samuel) were obvious (but very effective) government propaganda tools. Leviticus is literally a list of rules priests and judges ought to enforce on people. Governments do this all the time when they want to build an identity for their people. When the Hebrews came to Canaan, they obviously needed a way to ask "who are we, and how are we different from those Philistines?

Well, they wear shirts made of COTTON AND WOOL at the SAME TIME. They even SHAVE, EAT FAT, and SELL LAND!!! How dare they!".

If God is really that petty, then we're all doomed.

The Epistles and the Book of Job are really deep. Beyond that most of the books were probably written with an ulterior motive behind or were just hocus pocus.
See, that's the problem. You pick Bible verses you like, and refuse to believe that the bad ones happened because you're missing the main point. The reason why Jesus flipped the tables is because the Pharosees were using the temple for taxes and non-religious uses. It went against what God had commanded His followers to do. Jesus' heart was broken because of this.
TeaMMatE11 said:
See, that's the problem. You pick Bible verses you like, and refuse to believe that the bad ones happened because you're missing the main point. The reason why Jesus flipped the tables is because the Pharosees were using the temple for taxes and non-religious uses. It went against what God had commanded His followers to do. Jesus' heart was broken because of this.
Oh yeah his intentions are totally valid, you can't bank in a Church like guys come on

But he used a mob to do it. You can't believe this stuff about magic and sorcery turning over tables (which itself is something a sith lord would do, not our lord and savior) if there was an angry mob he led to the temple. That book actually says something like the mob stayed quiet and did nothing. Oh, really? They see magic flip over tables and they're just like "k".

I pick and choose books because some of them are genuine and really good lessons. Much of the Bible wasn't written by the King of Judah's personal scribe or some random guy who had a dream about a snake and an apple. It was written by rabbis who had a lot of wisdom and probably felt they knew a thing or two about spiritual enlightenment and God. Job and the epistles stand way above the rest.

But if you don't discard the rest... well, all I can say is King David is laughing in his grave at how, 3,000 years in the future, people are still fooled into thinking he was a hero.

At some point we need to gut check. Are all Catholics going to hell because Leviticus says you can't drink alcohol in a temple? Are all gays, people who shaved, people who touched dead pigs, and people who wore clothes with any kind of pattern sewn into them going to hell before Jesus forgave them? And now, do two guys have to pray for forgiveness every time they kiss? Some books you can say people just quote out of context, but Leviticus is literally just a list of rules.

There's no way God can be that petty. We have to think about the motives behind what's written, and 90% of the time there's some political reason for them, or there's no way of explaining how the people could have possibly known anything about what they were writing about. There are good books, just not all of them.
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Ask yourselves:

Would any of you create an rp in a perfect world? With no horrors or conflict? No trials for the characters to face? No rules?

No? Well, okay then.
[QUOTE="Enuky K]Ask yourselves:
Would any of you create an rp in a perfect world? With no horrors or conflict? No trials for the characters to face? No rules?

No? Well, okay then.

I'm actually trying to kill this thread right now.
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