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Realistic or Modern Relative Complications RP



Id rather tell stories imperfectly than not at all

When her mother planned on getting married, and she returned home from college, she didn't plan on finding herself drawn to someone. She definitely didn't expect that someone to be her new step-father's son!​
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Calleigh smiled as she walked down the beach. It was her first day back on the sunny coast of California, and she was happy to feel the sand between her toes again. She'd been overseas attending an Exchange Student program, and had a couple more months to go, but she took her last semester off to attend her mother's wedding that was coming up. Despite there being beaches overseas, nothing felt better than the beach here at home. She continued her walk down the beach, a surfboard under her arm and her wet suit unzipped and pulled down around her waist, heading towards the parking lot. Under her wet suit she wore a standard white bikini and her blonde hair was down and partially dry at this point. She'd been informed by a friend of hers that there was going to be a party on the beach here in a couple hours, so she'd made the decision to surf for a while and then attend.

Having had her fill of surfing for the day, she was currently making her way back to her beat up Jeep Wrangler to put her board away and grab her over-shirt and shorts to wear instead of her wet suit. So far there was a fair sized crowed already formed up around the beach bar. Luckily for her, she knew that most of the bartenders that worked there didn't card people so she wasn't worried about getting thrown out for being just barely underage. So she found herself a spot at the end of the bar and waited for her friends to show up. She knew they would be late, as they had started dating and had planned a date night before realizing that Calleigh was back in town. Until then, she was happy sitting there and sipping a fruity mixed drink and scrolling on her phone until they arrived.
With a gasp for air Joseph flopped on the ground at the gym. He hair matted to his head in sweat, Joseph tried to wipe off his face. Him and his friend Tyler had just ran 4 miles on the treadmill, on top of a leg lift today. "F..... Fuck you Tyler. I'm never letting you pick the workouts again." Joseph barely said as he struggled to catch his breath. With what seemed like forever Joseph finally got up, his legs basically jelly. He slowly but albiet surly he waved at Tyler and headed to his truck. The teen drove home and basically crawled inside and got a shower. He was about to go lay down when he got a text.

"Hey Joe we're about to go to the Oasis and hang out. Turns out there's a party." Joseph quickly mulled it over and threw on some board shorts, and a cut off. He drove down to the Oasis and parked. After sitting in his car waiting for his friends to show up he got tired. "Fuck it. Then come find me." Joseph got out, ran a hand through his hair and walked to the closest bar. He sat down next to what would be his future sister and asked for a water. After receive the god worthy drink Joseph opened his phone and started scrolling through his feed.
She'd been sitting there for over half an hour when she got the text from her friends saying that they were turning in for the night with a winking face. She made a disgusted noise and responded with the same horror. With a sigh, she got the bartender's attention again and ordered another drink. While she waited for it, she pondered the idea of going home and sleeping in her room. She was planning on surprising her mother in the morning that she got an earlier flight, and going home tonight might be better than finding a motel tonight. Then again, she'd probably sleep in her jeep if anything. She'd had her mom bring it to the airport today in preparation for her arrival tomorrow. Still, she wanted a night to herself to decompress from school before being thrown into the chaos of helping out with her mother's wedding in a few days. She was scrolling through her phone, as someone sat next to her at the bar. Having someone sit next to her wasn't something that was easily unnoticed, especially when they order a water at a bar, so she was unable to help herself from speaking to them without glancing up from her phone.

"You came to a bar to order water? What are you, twelve?" She asked.

However, when she did look up at him, he definitely looked older than twelve, that was for sure, but she waited to hear him speak.
As Joseph sat at the bar and order water, he never would have expected a person to criticize his choice of drink. Well he did order water, so he kind of asked for it. Joseph wasn't going to let the opportunity to tease a pretty girl slide by.

So in a mature yet teasing voice Joseph said, "No I'm not 12, I just happen to love the flavor filled drink of water." Joseph at the end of his life change speech smiled and at the girl. He couldn't help but tease her a little. " I'm Joseph by the way." After introducing himself Joseph noticed the girl next to him was really pretty. The teen had to turn away slightly to hide the faint blush on his cheeks from the girl. Joseph took another sip of his water, and waited to see if she'd react to his teasing.
Calleigh grinned in return as she drank the remainder of her beverage. Water boy seemed to have a similar sense of humor as she did and suddenly she felt this evening looking up.

“Ah, yes, the taste of nothing is so appealing.” She said turning towards him and offering her hand. “I’ll make a note to remember your name, but right now I can’t stop thinking of you as Water Boy. I’m Calleigh.”

After she offered her name and hand, a gaggle of people were chatting loudly about starting a water volleyball match and were also recruiting. So she found it no surprise when a slightly inebriated male sidled between them and rested his arms over their shoulders.

“Come on my dudes, boys against girls.” He said.

Calleigh raised a brow at the male, but playing a dumb party game was better than sitting around like a loser.

“Deal. When the girls win, drinks will be on the guys for the night.” She bargained.

“Whoa! I like the spirit blondie.” He chuckled before pulling back, sighting another group of people to ask.

She pushed her empty glass back and stood up from her sitting position in the stool.

“You in, or are you planning on getting toasted on your water?”
You know this water isn't doing it for me. I think I'll join in the game, but only for a price. I have a water to offer." Joseph said as he stood up and looked down at the girl now named Calleigh. "If the guys win you have to go on a date with me." Joseph suggested as his smile brightened. Even his Amber Eyes seemed to hold mishchief. Calleigh was cute, and she had the same sense of humor so it was a win win.

Joseph held out his hand waiting to see if she agreed. "Though if the girls win you can pick whatever you want. I mean unless you just want me to buy you another drink." Joseph actually started to tease and pocked Calleigh's side. Doing this, Joseph hoped to get a reaction out of her.
As soon as his finger found her side she immediately pulled away, arcing her torso from him to keep him from touching her ribs where she was indeed ticklish. As this was happening, a large portion of the small group of people started making their way back towards the beach and Calleigh nodded her head at them before responding to his wager.

"Well, it's brave to see you betting on a losing horse... because you boys are going to lose." She grinned, clasping his forearm with a surprisingly strong grip and giving it a firm shake before dropping her arm.

Turning, she jogged off after the others, catching up to a small cluster of girls before they broke off to one side to discard their over-clothes that weren't meant to get wet. Calleigh left her things with the rest of the girls and followed a few of the guys carrying a net out into the water, lending her help on setting up the thing.
Joseph grinned, and helped the guys carry the net out into the water. Joseph quickly took of lf his cutoff and threw it on the beach. As Joseph waded out into the water, the teen had to stay focused. If he wanted that date with Calleigh, he needed to stay focused to win. As the guys got set up he nodded to a few. From frequenting the beach a lot he played a lot of water volleyball.

The way the guys set up was semi disorderly. The put tall guys throughout their side. Then they basically filled in the gaps. Joseph was in front of the net, and he spotted Calleigh. Joseph gave her the quick I got my eyes on your motion then winked.
Calleigh assumed that most of the girls on her team were more into showing off their bodies and falling over accidentally, so she wasn't sure if they would win. However, she definitely wasn't going down without a fight. It was probably the alcohol inhibiting her brain, but she didn't care. Either way it seemed like she'd be having fun no matter the outcome. A lot of the girls didn't know the strict rules of the game so it was ruled that as long as it didn't hit the water, or if someone was holding it, it was in play.

She brushed her blonde hair out of her face and took a position near the front, partially because the front had more action and because Joseph took a position in the front as well. At his wink, she rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue as a girl two rows back served the ball up and over the net.
Joseph smiled at the childish antics form Calleigh. Though as soon as the ball was served the guys focused. Joseph watched the ball go over the net, and head towards the tall guy in the back. He did a gentle set to the front, and Joseph called it. Jumping with the wave Joseph hit the ball and sent it towards the middle right side of the girls. Joseph wanted to send it over quick so the girls couldn't have a real chance to get ready.

As soon as Joseph landed back into the water he quickly tied his shorts tighter, before a misunderstanding happened. Even as he watched the girls fumble earlier, he knew it wouldn't be easy.
Calleigh let most of the girls take their turns attempting to knock the ball over the net and when they would fail, she'd help nudge it up and over. Truthfully she wasn't keeping track of who was winning. Instead she found herself watching Joseph and in her lapse of attention she didn't notice someone spike the ball straight down onto her face. She gasped and was immediately knocked down into, and under, the water. Quickly enough, she was pulled back above the water and she felt a blunt pain in her nose and the feeling of her nose running at the same time. She raised her hand up and wiped her nose only to pull her hand away with blood on it.

"Fuck." She grumbled immediately pressing her fingers to the sides of her nose to prevent further spillage.
Joseph saw Calleigh get hit with the ball. When she came up he saw that her nose was bleeding. Joseph quickly crossed the net and held Calleigh's shoulder. "Here lets go to shore so we can deal with that." Joseph lead Calleigh back to shore and handed her his cutoff. "Here use this to block the bleeding." Joseph didn't care about the shirt. He had multiples.
She didn't resist his efforts to lead her out of the way of taking another volleyball to the face and followed him out of the water with her head tilted forwards, to prevent the blood from running down the back of her throat.

"I hope you don't think this means you win." She said, gently pressing his shirt under her nose. "I'll wash this and return it to you."

Calleigh stopped momentarily to grab her shorts, shirt, phone, and keys before starting walking again.

"My jeep is this way, I've got napkins in them somewhere." She said, inviting him to follow along.
Joseph walked with her to her jeep, and noticed his truck wasn't too far. "I won't consider it my win, but I don't won't think it would be awful to get a smoothie with me." Joseph offered as he gave a small smile. He opened the door for her, and quickly found some napkins. "Here I found the napkins for you." Joseph gently pulled away the shirt and started to wipe up the blood, and gently started to help Calleigh.
She helped herself up onto the hood of the Jeep and sat down while he rummaged through her vehicle for the napkins. When he found them, she offered him his shirt back and allowed him to dab at the blood that started to drip from her nose.

"While I might agree with you. I think I've still got a few more hours before I can drive anywhere." She said, thinking back on the two drinks she had less than an hour ago.
I can drive us if you want. My truck is just right here." Joseph said as he pointed to the black raptor. "If you want we could just chill here, and talk if you want." Joseph sat next to Calleigh on her hood, and gently took hold of her face. He took a napkin and gently wiped her nose again. When he pulled the napkin back his hand still cupped her face, and his Amber Eyes met her green eyes.
"I think I'd better wait until I stop dripping everywhere." She said as he hopped up next to her, and added with a chuckle. "I wouldn't want to get blood all over your upholstery."

Having him so close, and displaying quite an intimate gesture, caused a light blush to spread across her face. However, as she started to lean forwards a blue glow erupted between them and an alarm started sounding. Glancing down, she flipped her phone over and looked at the screen.

-- M O M --

Reluctantly, she leaned back and gave him an embarrased smile.

"I'd better take this." She said, her thumb hovering over the green answer button waiting for his response.
Joseph nodded blushing slightly. He pulled away reluctantly, but let her take the call. Joseph ran a hand through his hair and blushed a little more. He thought about how close he was to Calleigh, and that he almost kissed her. Joseph was taken out of his thoughts when his phone buzzed. Joseph saw his dad texted asking when he'd be home.

Joseph replied, "I'll be home later tonight. I'm hanging out with a girl right now." His dad just sent a thumbs up and he just shook his head.
"Hey, mom." She said a little nervously.

Her eyes clicked over towards Joseph as he turned his attention to his own phone.

"I-uh, yeah. I got in earlier than expected." She explained.

Calleigh paused and chewed on her bottom lip as she made small noises of agreement.

"Of course I'm coming home tonight." She said pulling her phone back to check the time then put it back to her ear. "Yeah, definitely. I'll be there. But uh, I gotta go okay! I love you."

A few more awkward confirmations and she finally hung up the phone and looked over at him.

"Sorry, my mom figured out I was back in town earlier than planned." She explained, tossing her phone into her Jeep.
It's okay. My dad's like that too." Joseph just pocketed his phone and looked back over Calleigh. He saw a little more blood and leaned into wipe. As he finished wiping it, he found himself closer to Calleigh. He leaned a little closer and waited to see what Calleigh would do. Joseph's hand cupied Calleigh's cheek and his thum.b ran over it
"Good to see you're not afraid of a little blood." She teased gently before closing the distance between them, not allowing him time to say a smartass remark.

While the kiss didn't last very long, mostly due to her not wanting to get blood on his face, she couldn't say that she didn't enjoy it.
Joseph wanted to deepen the kiss, but let Calleigh pull away. "I hope that isn't the last one I'll get." Joseph smirked and licked his bottom lip. He then blushed when he tasted Calleigh's lip balm. "Yeah I'd definitely like more of those."

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