• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Regis Academy ➳ Open and Always Accepting!

(Character Form)



Name:(Legal Name)



Are you a Returning Student?:(Has your character attended Regis before, or are they a controversial new student?)

Study of Interest:(What is your character's current career goal? Do they have a goal? General Studies or Undecided is a valid answer)

Thesis:(What your character currently wishes to propose as their thesis or term project goal)

Emergency Contact:(Does your character have a family? Guardian? Where does said guardian or family live?)

Past Academic History: (How are they as a student? Did they go to a prestigious establishment before this?)

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?:(What would your character say?)

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?:(What would your character say?)

What are your hobbies and interests?:(What would your character say?)

Why did you choose Regis?:( ;) )

Other information:

Preferred Dorm:
(Darcine, Hart, or Osborne? All dorms are single rooms)


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

Student's actual personality:


If you want to just c/p this form I think I this will work, but feel free to do whatever

[center][font=Book Antiqua][b][b][size=2](Character Form)[/size][/b][/color][/font][/center]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=#000000]

[center][font=Book Antiqua][color=#000000]
[size=5][b]STUDENT APPLICATION[/b][/size][/font][/center]

[font=Book Antiqua]Name:
[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Classification:[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][font=Book Antiqua]Are you a Returning Student?:[/font][/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Study of Interest:
Emergency Contact:
Past Academic History:
What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?:
What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?:
What are your hobbies and interests?:
Why did you choose Regis?:
Other information:
Preferred Dorm: [/color][/font]

[center][font=Book Antiqua][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]END OF APPLICATION[/color]
[size=2][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall![/color][/size]
[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]--------------------------------
Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:
Student's actual personality:
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Name: Madison Prescott

Age: 16

Classification: Junior

Are you a Returning Student?: Yes

Study of Interest: Computer Science

Thesis: Programming an interactive app to facilitate easier communication with a student body on campus.

Emergency Contact: Anderson Prescott, father, Scottsdale Arizona.

Past Academic History: Last two years at Regis have proved proficiency and success within all of her subjects, with the exception of the Liberal Arts department.

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: This year at Regis I hope to continue pursuing my passions and utilizing the term project to define my resume, and furthermore, I hope to expand my network and welcome the new students warmly!

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: I am a competitive student, but also charismatic and a natural leader. In addition, I have already completed two very successful years at this institution and have demonstrated my understanding of the subject matter!

What are your hobbies and interests?: Blogging, fashion, communication, people-watching, and numbers.

Why did you choose Regis?: My father, a Regis Alumni, recommended the school to me. After loooking at it in depth, and realizing its academic prestige, I knew it was a good choice. I chose to return to Regis because it has become my home away from home.

Other information: N/A

Preferred Dorm: Hart Hall


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

Here comes the backstory train, toot toot! Her freshman year at Regis, she was a complete tomboy. She didn't own a skirt, most of her clothes had rips and tears in them, and a beanie was always over her messy hair. You can still find traces of these days in faded, small scars from falling off a skateboard or bike from back then. The main one is a thin scar on the back of her left calf from jumping a fence and falling into a thorn bush. Her main friend back then was David, and after a year of being best friends they began dating sophomore year of highschool. This was also when she started changing her appearance as well. She started painting her nails more, wearing make up, and caring about her image. She still would ride a longboard around campus, or go to the local comic store, but her outer image was vastly different.

Student's actual personality:

She can be intimidating, her resting face cold. She doesn't like to be annoyed, or have her time wasted. She enjoys crude humor and pranks, but she never takes the blame for them. She cares about her image, though, and tries her best to be polite, giggly, bubbly, and welcoming. She doesn't handle stress well and would rather cut people off and stop talking to them in a disagreement than actually working through the conflict.


She's neat, clean, and prim. Standing with a thin figure at 5'7", she loves it when people call her a model. Her dirty blonde hair is unruly and wavy, but she does her best to keep it tamed. Her eyes are a dark brooding shade of brown that are usually accentuated with thick makeup. She cakes on the foundation and bronzer, hiding any trace of her acne and freckles. She has a very stylized way of dressing, and her nails are always painted.

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(Character Form)[/color]





Name: James (Jamie) Kirk

Age: 17

Classification: Junior

Are you a Returning Student?: Yes

Study of Interest: Psychology

Thesis: How espionage will/ has more effect than the military.

Emergency Contact: His father, Daniel Kirk.

Past Academic History: Solid grades, he is naturally smart, so he doesn't care about studying or any preportation.

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: A championship win! Regis can do it!

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: Well I'm really good at sports, I'm the captain of a lot of the main ones. And my second interest, espionage. By staying at this school, it almost guarantees my spot at the CIA.

What are your hobbies and interests?: I'm a big fan of spy films! Ya know James Bond, Borne, Kingsman? I am a nut. But I love sports as much. Football, basketball, you name it, I've played it.

Why did you choose Regis?: Like I said before, this school guarantees me a spot as a Agent.

Other information: None that I'd like to share.

Preferred Dorm: Darcine


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application: He grew up in a oil money family, which made him very wealthy. Even though he was a rich boy, his father made him earn everything he has. Growing up in Texas, meant sports were a big thing in life. Football, lacrosse, basketball, and more were his specialties. His father wanted more out of him, and enrolled him into Regis. Seeing it has made his how he wanted him to be, he pays for it.

Student's actual personality: Jamie is typically head strong, and arrogant. He is sarcastic, fun to be around, and strong. If you are low on the popularity chart, then he'll give you a rough time.

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Name: Nicki Queen

Age: 14

Classification: Freshman

Are you a Returning Student?: No

Study of Interest: Arts in General

Thesis: Create a school choir group and get them to win finals and bring students together!

Emergency Contact: Laurence Queen (father), Mona Queen (mother), Lenox Hill, NYC

Past Academic History: All her schooling before this is from Ps 235 Lenox School

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: I hope to get a quality education which will help me get into Manhatten School of Music and teach me even more about music and art.

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: I got great grades in all my classes expect for Spanish, and Geography. I'm a natural born leader who is good at befriending peers. I know a lot about music in general.

What are your hobbies and interests?: Fashion, Dancing, Singing, Guitar, Painting

Why did you choose Regis?: Because I heard it was one of the best schools in the country.

Other information: None

Preferred Dorm: Darcine Hall

Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

Student's actual personality: She's extremely charismatic. She is sort of bossy and easily angered. She acts sort of like a princess.



If you want to just c/p this form I think I this will work, but feel free to do whatever<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca752bc2c_animegirlcutewithshorthair.png.7430fad1ea7f68ed952c382e99a46e52.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca752bc2c_animegirlcutewithshorthair.png.7430fad1ea7f68ed952c382e99a46e52.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:Dakota Reed

Age: 14

Classification: Sophomore

Are you a Returning Student?: Sadly.

Study of Interest: Sociology

Thesis: Regis Academy as a Dynamic Social Institution

Emergency Contact: Valencia Reed, Mother, and Bronson Reed, Father. From Batavia, New York.

Past Academic History: Average grades in math and science, but proficient in Liberal Arts and Social Studies.

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: I hope this year I can welcome the incoming class to Regis, and document the, hopefully positive, changes that occur within the social environment on campus.

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: Beyonde adequate grades, I have completed 70+ hours of community service over the summer at the local hospital, the opportunity to be in that setting allowed me to understand behaviors in specific social institutions more so.

What are your hobbies and interests?: Reading, writing, photography and board games.

Why did you choose Regis?: I hope to attend a prestigious college, and I believe attendance at Regis will help me reach my goals.

Other information: Severe cat hair allergy.

Preferred Dorm: Hart Hall.


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

There's more to the background train! toot toot toot! Dakota was a freshman in David's sophomore math class. The two hit it off well while David was currently in a rough spot with Madison, before they started dating. Dakota, being the naive freshman she was, fell for David instantly. Madison, seeing this happen, intervened as well as she could, and through a series of events involving manipulation and rumors, scared Dakota away from David and any other friends she had. She's hoping to start her sophomore year on a better foot and avoid anything from her past.

Student's actual personality: She's quiet by nature, but tries her best to interact with others. When she actually makes an effort to talk with people, though, she stumbles through her words and is a ball of nerves until she finally feels comfortable. She second guesses herself often, doubts that people actually like her, and has a growing self esteem issue.

Appearance: She's short, like, you ask her and she says she is 5'3" but that's a lie. She has thick brown hair that curls at the edges that somehow always gets in her face. Paled, pasty skin and a nervous smile. She enjoys wearing comfortable clothing that hides her pear shaped figure.




ReverseWells said:
(Character Form)[/color]





Name: James (Jamie) Kirk

Age: 17


Are you a Returning Student?: Yes

Study of Interest: Psychology

Thesis: How espionage will/ has more effect than the military.

Emergency Contact: His father, Daniel Kirk.

Past Academic History: Solid grades, he is naturally smart, so he doesn't care about studying or any preportation.

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: A championship win! Regis can do it!

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: Well I'm really good at sports, I'm the captain of a lot of the main ones. And my second interest, espionage. By staying at this school, it almost guarantees my spot at the CIA.

What are your hobbies and interests?: I'm a big fan of spy films! Ya know James Bond, Borne, Kingsman? I am a nut. But I love sports as much. Football, basketball, you name it, I've played it.

Why did you choose Regis?: Like I said before, this school guarantees me a spot as a Agent.

Other information: None that I'd like to share.

Preferred Dorm:


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

Student's actual personality: Jamie is typically head strong, and arrogant. He is sarcastic, fun to be around, and strong. If you are low on the popularity chart, then he'll give you a rough time.


Looks cool! but just a note that by dorm it means which dorm hall he'd live in, listed in the overview!

BearlyHana said:
Name: Nicki Queen
Age: 14

Classification: Freshman

Are you a Returning Student?: No

Study of Interest: Arts in General

Thesis: Create a school choir group and get them to win finals and bring students together!

Emergency Contact: Laurence Queen (father), Mona Queen (mother), Lenox Hill, NYC

Past Academic History: All her schooling before this is from Ps 235 Lenox School

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: I hope to get a quality education which will help me get into Manhatten School of Music and teach me even more about music and art.

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: I got great grades in all my classes expect for Spanish, and Geography. I'm a natural born leader who is good at befriending peers. I know a lot about music in general.

What are your hobbies and interests?: Fashion, Dancing, Singing, Guitar, Painting

Why did you choose Regis?: Because I heard it was one of the best schools in the country.

Other information: None

Preferred Dorm: Darcine Hall

Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

Student's actual personality: She's extremely charismatic. She is sort of bossy and easily angered. She acts sort of like a princess.



If you want to just c/p this form I think I this will work, but feel free to do whatever
Very cute! Heads up, Darcine Hall might've been an all boys dorm, but if you want to go ahead with that then we can just say there was a slip up in the admissions and she was put there on accident. (Unless Darcine is the all fem one, and im going crazy, ahhhh)

But both are accepted yah

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.fe683d73da0b15e591319a9edfb7dbd5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.fe683d73da0b15e591319a9edfb7dbd5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Name: Courtney Jenson

Age: Sixteen

Classification: Junior

Are you a Returning Student?: Yes

Study of Interest: Photography

Thesis: Creating a portfolio of photos related to nature, hopefully including rare types of insects and plants.

Emergency Contact: Cole Jenson, brother, Brooklyn New York.

Past Academic History: Courtney has been an average student during her past couple years at Regis, but she excels in any form of expressive arts.

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: I would like to continue to expand my photography skills and hopefully photograph some rare species. I am also hoping to perform better in my subjects as a whole.

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: Growing up I have won many competitions with my photography and art skills, I have also ran clubs for younger people to help them expand their creativity.

What are your hobbies and interests?: Video games, volleyball and other team sports, making dream catchers, having a wide collection of shoes and star gazing.

Why did you choose Regis?: They have beautiful rural surroundings unlike my home back in New York, my brother had also attended this school and persuaded me to join after he became attached and doesn't want it to close from lack of funds or students. After attending this school previously I have also become attached by the buildings and all the students.

Other information: N/A

Preferred Dorm: Hart Hall


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

Courtney used to live in England, London with her older brother by four years, Cole, and her parents. Even though her parents were frequently busy with high demanding jobs they were as happy as they could be. That only lasted until Courtney was six years old. Her parents were killed in a tragic car crash. After this Courtney and Cole were sent to live with their grandparents in New York. Cole had recently moved out and bought his own home after he left Regis, now aged twenty, where he now works as a journalist. The buildings and American culture is what inspired Courtney to pick up the camera and begin entering competitions.

Student's actual personality:

She loves to talk and laugh, it is very out of character to see her without a smile. After moving to New York Courtney realized life is too short to spend it locked up in her room wondering.. what if? So she decided to try and make others happier using her outgoing personality and love for photography. She is very open, ask her anything and she will gladly tell you. Despite this she is a very loyal and trustworthy friend, although she can be forgetful and sometimes a bit clumsy.


Courtney has coffee brown long wavy hair which she sometimes straightens and sky blue eyes. She wears minimum makeup; foundation and mascara but sometimes with an added lip color if she feels like it. If you look really closely you can see a faint scar under her left eye, ask her about it she will tell you how it got there. She is quite skinny but toned and stands at 5'4". Her fashion style is never glued down to one style as she's always changing it.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.73016e64b079c04cf1a809d64afc8927.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.73016e64b079c04cf1a809d64afc8927.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.c708c741e3b128ed6db776202f4133b6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.c708c741e3b128ed6db776202f4133b6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.5309e94913113ae91f2d89ea088c9a52.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130940" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.5309e94913113ae91f2d89ea088c9a52.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.1a4cb8c109b67b5bfa7385b43e9034eb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130941" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.1a4cb8c109b67b5bfa7385b43e9034eb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.2de59ea428d7864d4380efc36806e41e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.2de59ea428d7864d4380efc36806e41e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Theres little bits of dorm culture associated with them, like Osborne is a wild Co-ed, Darcine is known for its pranks but its an old all male dorm, and hart is an all girls dorm with a killer sun room and is a hub of secrets
NightSky said:




Name: Courtney Jenson

Age: Sixteen

Classification: Junior

Are you a Returning Student?: Yes

Study of Interest: Photography

Thesis: Creating a portfolio of photos related to nature, hopefully including rare types of insects and plants.

Emergency Contact: Cole Jenson, brother, Brooklyn New York.

Past Academic History: Courtney has been an average student during her past couple years at Regis, but she excels in any form of expressive arts.

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: I would like to continue to expand my photography skills and hopefully photograph some rare species. I am also hoping to perform better in my subjects as a whole.

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: Growing up I have won many competitions with my photography and art skills, I have also ran clubs for younger people to help them expand their creativity.

What are your hobbies and interests?: Video games, volleyball and other team sports, making dream catchers, having a wide collection of shoes and star gazing.

Why did you choose Regis?: They have beautiful rural surroundings unlike my home back in New York, my brother had also attended this school and persuaded me to join after he became attached and doesn't want it to close from lack of funds or students. After attending this school previously I have also become attached by the buildings and all the students.

Other information: N/A

Preferred Dorm: Hart Hall


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

Courtney used to live in England, London with her older brother by four years, Cole, and her parents. Even though her parents were frequently busy with high demanding jobs they were as happy as they could be. That only lasted until Courtney was six years old. Her parents were killed in a tragic car crash. After this Courtney and Cole were sent to live with their grandparents in New York. Cole had recently moved out and bought his own home after he left Regis, now aged twenty, where he now works as a journalist. The buildings and American culture is what inspired Courtney to pick up the camera and begin entering competitions.

Student's actual personality:

She loves to talk and laugh, it is very out of character to see her without a smile. After moving to New York Courtney realized life is too short to spend it locked up in her room wondering.. what if? So she decided to try and make others happier using her outgoing personality and love for photography. She is very open, ask her anything and she will gladly tell you. Despite this she is a very loyal and trustworthy friend, although she can be forgetful and sometimes a bit clumsy.


Courtney has coffee brown long wavy hair which she sometimes straightens and sky blue eyes. She wears minimum makeup; foundation and mascara but sometimes with an added lip color if she feels like it. She is quite skinny but toned and stands at 5'4". Her fashion style is never glued down to one style as she's always changing it.

ALSO very cute and accepted :>
[QUOTE="Miracle Corgi]Looks cool! but just a note that by dorm it means which dorm hall he'd live in, listed in the overview!
Very cute! Heads up, Darcine Hall might've been an all boys dorm, but if you want to go ahead with that then we can just say there was a slip up in the admissions and she was put there on accident. (Unless Darcine is the all fem one, and im going crazy, ahhhh)

But both are accepted yah

It's fine if it's all boys
oh also maybe Jamie+Courtney could be a thing? Even though he's a jerk, he's a really sweetie :)
ReverseWells said:
oh also maybe Jamie+Courtney could be a thing? Even though he's a jerk, he's a really sweetie :)
Ooh I think that could work, maybe they could both like each other so it could be progressed or to make things even more interesting they could've previously dated but broke up for some reason but there's still feelings?
yea! She could've broken up with him because of his reckless behavior! Since then he has toned down his recklessness, but still has it. Ooo another thought. Jamie is from Texas, so maybe they had a thing over the summer at his family's ranch? And they refer to that a lot when they talk about their relationship?
ReverseWells said:
yea! She could've broken up with him because of his reckless behavior! Since then he has toned down his recklessness, but still has it. Ooo another thought. Jamie is from Texas, so maybe they had a thing over the summer at his family's ranch? And they refer to that a lot when they talk about their relationship?
I like that idea! If you want to talk about more details we should probably do it in the OCC TAB. ^_^




Name: David Reyes Shaw

Age: 16

Classification: Junior

Are you a Returning Student?: Yes

Study of Interest: Social Studies

Thesis: Undecided

Emergency Contact: Marshall Shaw, father, Bar Harbor, Maine. Mercedes Reyes Shaw, mother, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Past Academic History: An average student overall, required tutoring in maths and sciences, but once effort is put into a subject, understanding the material becomes effortless.

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: This year at Regis I hope to gain real-world experience in interaction with the public via the term project, and make a difference in the local community.

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: I put in effort and dedication into my studies, thus showing through my own persistence and desire to

achieve, I can accomplish what ever I set my mind to.

What are your hobbies and interests?: Music, recreational sports, long boards, socializing.

Why did you choose Regis?: Where else would I go?

Other information: N/A

Preferred Dorm: Osborne


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application: His father, Marshall Shaw, is the current headmaster of Regis Academy. He usually keeps it pretty well hidden, but obviously his closest friends would figure it out if hadn't told them. David can get pretty embarrassed by this, and feels pretty self-conscious about it as well. He hates it when people assume he only got into the school because of his father, but it is partly true. Backstory train time, here we go! David had met Madison his freshman year and the two became instant friends. In the first semester of his sophomore year, he met Dakota. While he might not have noticed his own growing feelings for Dakota, and everything was calm. In his view point, Madison had begun getting close to Dakota as well, and the two looked like good friends. Suddenly in the middle of October, the shool's gossip blog released a string of posts that were trashing Madison and revealing that Madison, was in fact, totally crushing on David. Madison showed up that night crying, David was surprised, and Madison revealed to him that the only person she could've told was Dakota. They didn't start dating after that, but Dakota and David were never seen together again. Weeks after the event, David and Madison became a couple.

And then they broke up about seven weeks ago. It's still a very sore subject for both of them.

Student's actual personality: David is laid back, easy going, and light hearted in a good mood. The only problem is that when he does get angry, he's a hot head. He keeps grudges and doesn't forget anything you've done to him, good or bad. If he isn't angry, though, and isn't happy, he likes to keep it bubbled up. He doesn't care to share how he feels with people he isn't close to, but it's apparent when something is bothering him. Ultimately, despite how much he teases and plays around, he's very self conscious, but loves to feign his confidence.

Appearance: Tall and lanky, to his disappointment. Standing at about 5'11", he is thin despite trying to go to the gym and change his appearance. He cares a lot about how he looks, so he does his best to wear nicer clothes than just a tee shirt and shorts. Usually can be see with a hoodie and fitted jeans or other casual pants, at times he'll switch it up and wear button downs shirts or flannels. He doesn't like his thin legs, so he usually stays away from shorts as much as he can. He'll wear only a few bracelets, just simple braided strings that were gifts from his younger sister back home. He has messy brown hair and a sharp face, with his mother's light pale Spanish complexion and brown eyes.

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Name: Brice Baocheng Edward Tang

Age: 17

Classification: Junior

Are you a Returning Student?: Yes

Study of Interest: General Studies

Thesis: Undecided

Emergency Contact: Eileen Breckenridge [mother], Chaojian Tang [father] - both in Chicago, Illinois

Past Academic History: Brice has always been a diligent and hard worker, completing tasks on time (sometimes early) and to a tee. It's rare he puts in 'last ditch efforts'. He attended a private school in Taiwan prior to moving to the US and attending Regis.

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: "I really just want to settle on what I want to do, finally, then run with it. I'm a 'dive in head first' guy once I know what my goal is."

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: "My work habits are pristine and my level of determination makes a hound dog jealous. I'm as close to perfect as it gets. ...And that might just be an understatement."

What are your hobbies and interests?: "...Cooking, Playing pool, Watching old kung fu movies [it's a guilty pleasure], Sketching [typically piers on the water as I loves going those places]..."

Why did you choose Regis?: "My mother attended as a teenager and, after hearing the stories she'd tell me about it, I thought applying would be a good idea. I was also fresh from Taiwan before, so I wanted to go somewhere that seemed at least somewhat familiar. Not to mention, the school has been known for its prestigious education and opportunities."

Other information: "I'm bilingual! I'm fluent in Chinese - speaking Taiwanese and Mandarin dialects. Although, Taiwanese is my most comfortable."

Preferred Dorm: Osborne Hall


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

His parents met in the U.S. His father, Chaojian, was there on a business trip and had gone out one night with a coworker/friend to a burlesque show. His mother, Eileen, had actually been one of the performers there. His father ended up making it backstage after the show and things progressed from there. After maintaining a fair long distance relationship and being prompted continuously by his father, his mother moved to Taiwan where they later married.​

Brice has had a rather clean, simple background compared to most; not too much hardship. Born in Sanxia, New Taipei City, he had since spent all his growing life in Taiwan. His father was very strict on enforcing the culture on him and his mother didn't object. After all, they were living in a place where it would be important as possible for Brice to 'fit in'. Though, she is the reason he speaks English.

While 'fitting in' was ideal, he typically stood out. Due to his appearance, he was often treated as a foreigner by those who didn't know him until they learned he was fluent in Mandarin and Taiwanese, and mixed race. Being that 'hunxue-er' - as they are called there - is often idolized, this probably brought him more praise than prejudice, making him popular with girls and many others. However, while fully embracing his combination of ethnicities, he didn't always enjoy the 'awe' he got over something he didn't even control. In his book, he was just another Taiwanese guy, and not some spectacle to ogle and interact with for the sake of it. Don't get him wrong, though; he loves his home country and has often missed it.

When his father ended up agreeing to a business deal that would bring in more income, but required them to relocate, the family moved from Taiwan to the U.S. when Brice was 15.

>>Has little to no accent when speaking English except on certain words

>>Has a pet boa constrictor named James [whom he has smuggled into his dorm]

Student's actual personality:

Brice is the quintessential fresh off the boat guy, or, perhaps 'plane' is more appropriate. He comes from a well-off family and only lets that get to his head in the best way [if such a way does exist]. Unlike the rich kid careless with spending and flaunting the money that's not actually his, he's pompous with the dominant, go-getter personality to strive for his own successes. He has a leadership mentality -- positive traits for a business-oriented drive. However, his level of narcissism and bad habit of being condescending follow. Where he gets his arrogant attitude is a bit of a mystery since neither of his parents are like that, but perhaps it's just a phase? Or maybe a subconscious cover for something more? ...Or he's just a jerkface. --Pick your excuse and stick to it. In conversation, he may be very blunt and sarcastic, but knows how to 'recover' his words if they strike someone the wrong way as he's crafty with speech.

Although, his personality seems very coarse, he surely has a soft side -- well capable of being sweet and has an unexpectedly good sense of humor as he can be a jokester. And, despite the narcissism, he's actually quite giving and not that selfish; he just spends a lot of time complimenting himself and boosting his name in ways calculated enough not to be too abrasive or too subtle. That same leadership mentality helped his good trait of being outgoing. Generally, he is friendly and very laid back to new people he meets. He'd seem quick to judge, but is very analytical before casting judgment unless someone strikes him the wrong way. First impressions are important in his world. Lastly, family and his culture are important to him. Though he has been in the States for 2 years, he still holds many of his Taiwanese cultural customs. ...But do call him 'Brice'. His Chinese name, eh... Don't worry about it.

Brice stands at 5'10" [178 cm] and weighs 131 lb [~59 kg]. He has a cream complexion. His frame is tall and thin with general muscle mass, and he stays fairly lean. He has near-black dark brown hair of a medium length. His oval eyes are dark brown with thick brows and thin lashes. He has a small nose and small pink lips. He has a mole on his right cheek just across from his lip and nose, and some sparingly sprinkled elsewhere on his body. He is known for his bright and warming smile. In presentation, he prefers to be casual dressy when out and about, and casual when the mood strikes or he's doing physical work, though he will definitely go 'all out' for formal events.



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Aato said:


Name: Brice Baocheng Edward Tang

Age: 17

Classification: Junior

Are you a Returning Student?: Yes

Study of Interest: General Studies

Thesis: Undecided

Emergency Contact: Eileen Breckenridge [mother], Chaojian Tang [father] - both in Chicago, Illinois

Past Academic History: Brice has always been a diligent and hard worker, completing tasks on time (sometimes early) and to a tee. It's rare he puts in 'last ditch efforts'. He attended a private school in Taiwan prior to moving to the US and attending Regis.

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?: "I really just want to settle on what I want to do, finally, then run with it. I'm a 'dive in head first' guy once I know what my goal is."

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?: "My work habits are pristine and my level of determination makes a hound dog jealous. I'm as close to perfect as it gets. ...And that might just be an understatement."

What are your hobbies and interests?: "...Cooking, Playing pool, Watching old kung fu movies [it's a guilty pleasure], Sketching [typically piers on the water as I loves going those places]..."

Why did you choose Regis?: "My mother attended as a teenager and, after hearing the stories she'd tell me about it, I thought applying would be a good idea. I was also fresh from Taiwan before, so I wanted to go somewhere that seemed at least somewhat familiar. Not to mention, the school has been known for its prestigious education and opportunities."

Other information: "I'm bilingual! I'm fluent in Chinese - speaking Taiwanese and Mandarin dialects. Although, Taiwanese is my most comfortable."

Preferred Dorm: Osborne Hall


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:

His parents met in the U.S. His father, Chaojian, was there on a business trip and had gone out one night with a coworker/friend to a burlesque show. His mother, Eileen, had actually been one of the performers there. His father ended up making it backstage after the show and things progressed from there. After maintaining a fair long distance relationship and being prompted continuously by his father, his mother moved to Taiwan where they later married.​

Brice has had a rather clean, simple background compared to most; not too much hardship. Born in Sanxia, New Taipei City, he had since spent all his growing life in Taiwan. His father was very strict on enforcing the culture on him and his mother didn't object. After all, they were living in a place where it would be important as possible for Brice to 'fit in'. Though, she is the reason he speaks English.

While 'fitting in' was ideal, he typically stood out. Due to his appearance, he was often treated as a foreigner by those who didn't know him until they learned he was fluent in Mandarin and Taiwanese, and mixed race. Being that 'hunxue-er' - as they are called there - is often idolized, this probably brought him more praise than prejudice, making him popular with girls and many others. However, while fully embracing his combination of ethnicities, he didn't always enjoy the 'awe' he got over something he didn't even control. In his book, he was just another Taiwanese guy, and not some spectacle to ogle and interact with for the sake of it. Don't get him wrong, though; he loves his home country and has often missed it.

When his father ended up agreeing to a business deal that would bring in more income, but required them to relocate, the family moved from Taiwan to the U.S. when Brice was 15.

>>Has little to no accent when speaking English except on certain words

>>Has a pet boa constrictor named James [whom he has smuggled into his dorm]

Student's actual personality:

Brice is the quintessential fresh off the boat guy, or, perhaps 'plane' is more appropriate. He comes from a well-off family and only lets that get to his head in the best way [if such a way does exist]. Unlike the rich kid careless with spending and flaunting the money that's not actually his, he's pompous with the dominant, go-getter personality to strive for his own successes. He has a leadership mentality -- positive traits for a business-oriented drive. However, his level of narcissism and bad habit of being condescending follow. Where he gets his arrogant attitude is a bit of a mystery since neither of his parents are like that, but perhaps it's just a phase? Or maybe a subconscious cover for something more? ...Or he's just a jerkface. --Pick your excuse and stick to it. In conversation, he may be very blunt and sarcastic, but knows how to 'recover' his words if they strike someone the wrong way as he's crafty with speech.

Although, his personality seems very coarse, he surely has a soft side -- well capable of being sweet and has an unexpectedly good sense of humor as he can be a jokester. And, despite the narcissism, he's actually quite giving and not that selfish; he just spends a lot of time complimenting himself and boosting his name in ways calculated enough not to be too abrasive or too subtle. That same leadership mentality helped his good trait of being outgoing. Generally, he is friendly and very laid back to new people he meets. He'd seem quick to judge, but is very analytical before casting judgment unless someone strikes him the wrong way. First impressions are important in his world. Lastly, family and his culture are important to him. Though he has been in the States for 7 years, he still holds many of his Taiwanese cultural customs. ...But do call him 'Brice'. His Chinese name, eh... Don't worry about it.

Brice stands at 5'10" [178 cm] and weighs 131 lb [~59 kg]. He has a cream complexion. His frame is tall and thin with general muscle mass, and he stays fairly lean. He has near-black dark brown hair of a medium length. His oval eyes are dark brown with thick brows and thin lashes. He has a small nose and small pink lips. He has a mole on his right cheek just across from his lip and nose, and some sparingly sprinkled elsewhere on his body. He is known for his bright and warming smile. In presentation, he prefers to be casual dressy when out and about, and casual when the mood strikes or he's doing physical work, though he will definitely go 'all out' for formal events.



Yessssssssssssssssss accepted



Name: Celeste de Etoile

Age: 16

Classification: Junior

Are you a Returning Student?:
No, This is her first year attending

Study of Interest:
Physics or Bioengingeering

Thesis: Undecided

Emergency Contact:
Astrid de Etoile, Long island, NY

Past Academic History: Expectionally well grades except in Literature, or other English based classes

What do you hope to gain this year at Regis?:
I hope to be a more well rounded student. I always kept my head in books and never actually experianced unacademic activities, so i would like to improve that aspect.

What experiences qualify you to attend Regis?:
I recently became an intern at a facility specifically for bioresearch, so I have some experiance with the job.

What are your hobbies and interests?: I only consider reading my hobbies.

Why did you choose Regis?:
My Father went to Regis, and ever since he died, I felt like i needed to know him more. As a result of that I came here to try and find a piece of him

Other information: N/A

Preferred Dorm: Hart


Thank you for your application to our institution, Regis Academy. We value your interest greatly and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus this fall!


Other important details that your student would not have the chance to mention on the application:
Celeste was an extremely shy little girl, however, the more you know her the more she becomes that bubbly person you can never stop being around. She was born an only child and had survived the car crash that killed her father. She has a long scar on her back that bore the memory.

Student's actual personality: Celeste, again, is extremely timid to others and is also a clumzy girl. Although she is timid, she is very curious and inquisitive, and is also willing to allow those to be her friends. She is the kind, loving person you would want to be near once you get to know her. Just don't make her mad.



She is about 5'6" and shows much attention to looking her best. Her hair is usually either in a ponytail or loosely in curls and waves. Celeste is definitly not a huge fan of make up, even if she is suggested to wear some. She doesn't like painting her nails although, sometimes you can find her nails in a pastel colour.


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