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gotta love a hot busy kitchen.
Roleplay Availability
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Hello everyone!

So, I'm going to get to the meat of this. I'm pretty much looking for anything. I've got a bunch of pairings that I'll type out below. Do not let that stop you if you've got a pairing that you want to try out. I'm usually pretty open to stuff, so try it if you want something.

Few quick things

1. The more you post, the more I'll post...plain as that. But please, at least 1 paragraph.

2 I do my best to catch all my typos and grammar mistakes. However, feel free to point it out to me if I've missed something

3. Got an Idea? Feel free to speak up!

Okay, I've got no plots in mind, except for a few that started in other forums but never really started or went anywhere. This will be primarily pairings,but I'll add a plot or two as I update the thread.

Also, this may look like another post of mine, but that was so long ago that I thought it'd be easier just to repost and edit.

so, onto the pairings My role is the first listed and ??? Means you can take any role

mythic creature x human

two mythic creatures

werewolf x ???

Vamp x ???

dragonkin (dragon scales and features...but human shape) x ???

Best friends

powered individuals

Powered human x non-powered

Powered human x Were/vamp/etc

I'm not positive how to exactly describe this final pairing but characters based on power or concept (tarot card, character from a known story, character from a game, a fun idea you've had) based on interpretation [[feel free to ask questions here i know it's a bit vague]]

Does anything catch your eye? Do you have any other ideas? Feel free to comment or DM me. I have some vague plots in mind but nothing concrete, and I'd be glad to work together on them.
Bumpity to say...

I will always strive to post once a day, more if possible... but at least once a week ( everything depends on my work schedule
I'm done for dragonkin x ??? Or mythic creature x human
cool, any plots or ideas in mind? also which of the two were you leaning to more? both is fine but plots for both will take me a bit to pull up without too much crossover

also feel free to DM me any thoughts as well
Last edited:
cool, any plots or ideas in mind? also which of the two were you leaning to more? both is fine but plots for both will take me a bit to pull up without too much crossover

also feel free to DM me any thoughts as well
I'm leaning more towards dragonkin x ???
I'm leaning more towards dragonkin x ???
As mentioned above, you get to choose what you want to be for the "???" role. If you want to be a dragonkin, too, that's cool with me. Your role helps create the plot.
As mentioned above, you get to choose what you want to be for the "???" role. If you want to be a dragonkin, too, that's cool with me. Your role helps create the plot.
Anything works but most of my ocs are some type of Fae (usually dark fae) or demon (usually incubus or djinn)
Anything works but most of my ocs are some type of Fae (usually dark fae) or demon (usually incubus or djinn)
Oh! Fun! Hrmm gimme a mo' I think I've got an idea...will DM when I've got a start of something

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