Redwood High


Forever a Ghost
Criteria needed:


Age- (13-19)

Grade - (9-12)

Program area - you can pick up to four that your character specializes in and can create a new one that's not in my options below if you wish (battle tactics, writing, media, engineering, biotech, biomedical, mechanical technologies, teacher education, hospitality, early child hood, math, culinary, sports, navigation, government, art)

Sex: Male - Female - Gender Fluid - Transgender

Sexual Preference: (Straight, gay, bisexual, lesbian, Pansexual, asexual....etc.)

Back story:
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Name: Orion Alexander Wezley

Age: 16

Grade: 10

Program Area(s): 1.) Battle tactics 2.) Art 3.)Sports 4.) mechanical technologies

Sex - Male

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Back story: Orion has an abusive step father who he constantly is running away from. His real dad died when he was three of a heart attack and then his mother married this guy named Lou. Lou is the reason his mother was found in the bathroom dead. She had killed herself because she couldn't handle it all. She couldn't handle the fact that she married another loser. Orion got constantly beat up as a kid because he was always sad or because he didn't have enough money to buy the right shoe price. He lives with his abusive stepfather and he lives alone in his attic. He checked the mail the other day only to find that he had gotten a letter from some seemingly fancy school. He opened it and it said " Thank you! You have now been enrolled at Redwood High: Boarding school for the highly gifted." He smiled and took it up to his attic where he read it over and over again. "Free admission and boarding, just accept now and we will pay for your plane ticket as well. If it were a boarding school he wouldn't have to live here with Lou anymore. He immediately pulled out a pen and started signing away at forms and things. Now, he is actually here at the school that will probably save his life. " Thank you..." he whispered up at the sky hopefully towards his dad.
Name- Kayli Lynn Griffon

Age- (13-19):16

Grade - (9-12):11

Program area - writing, media, culinary, art


Sexual Preference: Straight

Back story: Kayli comes from a 'perfect' home. Even though she can't stand her parents constant need of her to be someone she is not. Sometimes she thinks they would rather her sister have lived instead of her and she thinks that's how it should have been too even though she never met her sister. She knows that her sister could have made them happier.


Name- Lilith Austin Jones

Age- 16

Grade - 11

Program area - 1) Psychology 2) Teacher Ed 3) Art

Sex: Female

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Back story: Lilith grew up with just her dad. Her mom had backed out when she was younger. Earlier this year her mother came back into her life, only because Lilith had found her gift. Lilith accepted all of her mother's gifts trying to earn her love back, but ignored the feeling behind them. She was called into the office one day and there stood a man, dressed overly fancy for her small town, who told her she was invited to Redwood High: Boarding school for the highly gifted. She instantly accepted and began the paper work with his and her counselor's help. When she got home she packed her things, then waited for her dad to come home. He was ecstatic for her, but her mother was a different story. This was her day to visit and when Lilith told her mom of the amazing news she forbid Lilith to go. Lilith rolled her eyes and her father drove her to the airport where the man from school was waiting and they flew her out.

(you can tell me if I need to edit anything, I noticed you did your backstory as one of your posts so I figured I should too x3 It's not finished for the actual post tho and I added a pic of Lilith)
Name: Lauryn Hansaki

Grade: 11.

Sexuality: asexual

Programs: Reading, writing and art.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Backstory: She pretends to be mute and has frequent panic attacks. This is a result from being abused as a child, then moved around in foster homes. She's short and underweight. This is the reason she never shows skin. Scars cover her arms and legs. She also has a fear of weapons, especially guns. Not much of a social person, she prefers to be alone.
[QUOTE="Mei Miyamoto]

Name- Lilith Austin Jones

Age- 16

Grade - 11

Program area - 1) Psychology 2) Teacher Ed 3) Art

Sex: Female

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Back story: Lilith grew up with just her dad. Her mom had backed out when she was younger. Earlier this year her mother came back into her life, only because Lilith had found her gift. Lilith accepted all of her mother's gifts trying to earn her love back, but ignored the feeling behind them. She was called into the office one day and there stood a man, dressed overly fancy for her small town, who told her she was invited to Redwood High: Boarding school for the highly gifted. She instantly accepted and began the paper work with his and her counselor's help. When she got home she packed her things, then waited for her dad to come home. He was ecstatic for her, but her mother was a different story. This was her day to visit and when Lilith told her mom of the amazing news she forbid Lilith to go. Lilith rolled her eyes and her father drove her to the airport where the man from school was waiting and they flew her out.

(you can tell me if I need to edit anything, I noticed you did your backstory as one of your posts so I figured I should too x3 It's not finished for the actual post tho and I added a pic of Lilith)



Hansaki said:
Name: Lauryn Hansaki
Grade: 11.

Sexuality: asexual

Programs: Reading, writing and art.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Backstory: She pretends to be mute and has frequent panic attacks. This is a result from being abused as a child, then moved around in foster homes. She's short and underweight. This is the reason she never shows skin. Scars cover her arms and legs. She also has a fear of weapons, especially guns. Not much of a social person, she prefers to be alone.


gousse98 said:
Name- Kayli Lynn Griffon
Age- (13-19):16

Grade - (9-12):11

Program area - writing, media, culinary, art


Sexual Preference: Straight

Back story: Kayli comes from a 'perfect' home. Even though she can't stand her parents constant need of her to be someone she is not. Sometimes she thinks they would rather her sister have lived instead of her and she thinks that's how it should have been too even though she never met her sister. She knows that her sister could have made them happier.



Brookelle 'Elle' Caffery





Program area

Culinary ; Art ; Photography ; Philosophical



Sexual Preference:


Back story:

Elle was born on Valentines day 1997, to the parents Calvin and Aliyah Cafferys.

With a sarcastic tongue and bitter sweet smile, Elle can have a person wrapped around her baby finger at a glance. Intelligent, Bright and a bit of a "Know-it-All", Elle is a determined young girl who wants to leave her mark on the world. Elle is very protective over her honor, and has a strong sense of leadership. However, by the weekend, Elle tends to get lost in the world of partying, and loses apart of herself each time. Elle can be seen as a trendsetter, good friend, but may come off as bitter and ungrateful for everything she has.​

Alexander Xavier Smith| 17 | 11th Grade

Program Area:

Art | Photography | Math | Culinary



Sexual Preference:



Alexander was born September 18th, 1998. Although his parents weren't happy about it. They were drug addicts and alcoholics all the way. They didn't even want a child but it was just their luck. Alexander wasn't raised right like he should have been. He learned how to block everybody out and just focus on what he had to do. Sounds like he's one of those very smart kids but he's not, so yeah. Alexander was passed on from foster home to foster home to foster home, learning how to live life from different perspectives. Then, he finally got adopted by a single mother, Louise Vaughn. Alex was very happy with her and still is. He just keeps some stuff from her. Like he smokes weed and shit. Alexander is a very sarcastic guy and will always give a straight up response, whether it makes sense or not. He's a party animal, but he can be a studious student too. He can be hateful and vulgar like the devil, or nice and sweet and caring like an angel. Moral of the story? Don't get on Alexander's bad side.

Name- Criteria

Age- 15

Grade - 9

Program area - culinary, reading, art

Sex: Female

Sexual Preference: Straight

Back story: Criteria grew up with her grandparents because her parents didn't want her. She likes to think that she doesn't know what happiness is, though she has been happy a couple of times. Her arms are covered in scars. She prefers to be alone.

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