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It was midnight. A dark midnight, at that. The moon was in its new phase, leaving no celestial body to replace the sun for the night. It was dark. That was how Marley liked it; especially with what she was planning. Dressed in a hoodie, pants, t-shirt, and sneakers, all of which were black, the girl planned to break into the police barracks... which was rather ironic, actually. The reason behind it? To steal a top secret file right out from under the officers' noses. A client had gotten a hold of her and made such a sweet offer that the insane idea actually sounded delightful... delightfully insane, but delightful at that. Tantalizing. Like a sweet and sour flavor that danced across the tongue. Steal the file, hand it over to him at the arranged point, and receive all of the money she could need to start a new life and even transportation out of the country. A very tantalizing offer indeed. While she still found herself to be suicidal with the attempt, the thought of being able to start anew, without any worries or cares... it was worth it. It was definitely worth it. If she was ever going to do it, now was the chance. It was late and most of the officers would be home, most likely fast asleep. The time she would sneak in at would be right when the shifts would change for whoever was assigned the job of watching the security cameras. It would be a short time period, but she knew who she was and she could have the deed done in less time than that.

Peaking around the corner of the alleyway behind the barracks, Marley took a deep breath and scanned the area. The dark shadows of night hid most things in her path. There was a few dumpsters lining the back wall and some wrappers and papers blowing freely about the city in the little breeze that floated about. One door sat on the wall of the barracks. There was a light situated above the right corner of the door, angling down to shine on the ground in front of it, and a security camera above the left corner. This was it. After going to that door, she wouldn't be able to back out of this. No, she couldn't change her mind, everything was already in motion... the person who would pick up the file was probably already there waiting for her. She had until dawn to get it to him, but he was probably there at the first sign of nightfall. Taking one more deep breath, she pulled some of her midnight black hair, which was appropriate for the night that it was, over her face to try to cover it somewhat. The hood of her hoodie was already pulled up. Her face should be well protected unless somebody took a really good look at her. She was so "famous" that slight details of her could leave people know just who she was. In a blink of an eye, she quietly ran over to the door, taking no time to get out her lock pick and give herself entrance. She didn't like that camera being there, but if her timing was right, nobody would be watching the feed anyways. Within no time, she was inside of the barracks, making her way as quietly as possible down a long hallway. She stopped at the last door on the left of the hall and, after listening to make sure nobody was inside, entered.

The room was dark, but Marley knew just where she had to go and where the file would be. Pulling out one of the cabinet drawers and fingering through the tabs, she pulled out a large manila envelope with the words TOP SECRET printed diagonally along the middle of the bright orange folder. The words were in red and would alert anybody to its importance. Even though the only light entering the room was from the window, it gave her just enough to get a good look at the file and a wide smirk spread across her lips. This was her golden ticket, her admission into a new life. A life where she wouldn't have to steal to get by or to keep stealing to keep her reputation in check. A life where she could live happily, choose her own path. The guy told her he had the power to wipe her record clean wherever she chose to go, and she planned on it being some island that nobody would guess she'd be at, and for some naive reason she believed him. All she had to do was take it to him...
Rick hated the night shift. He really did. The only reason the force put him on such a thing was because he had no social life. He didn't have a girl, or any kids. He didn't party or drink. Hell, he didn't even know how to play poker. So rather than letting him try and fix those problems, the force put him on the damn night shift.

He wandered down one long corridor in particular, knowing of his destination but in no eager mindset to get to it. He had been told that a possible break had been made in a local murder case, and that he was to follow said lead and try to make something of it. The officer in charge of the case had told him that he believed a young man who had a history of drug use and domestic abuse to be involved, and wanted Rick to look into it. Of course, he didn't mind the job, but the thought of having to sit behind his desk sifting through papers rather than running the streets wasn't particularly appealing.

He came up to the file room door. Before entering, he took off his hat and ran a few fingers through his hair. He knew that people thought it bizarre that he wore his hat every waking moment of every day, but he thought it appropriate. After all, he was a cop. What kind of cop would he be if he didn't wear the uniform as it was meant to be worn, even among his comrades? He was a police officer, and he wanted to flaunt that fact as much as he could.

Placing his hat back atop his black-haired head, he placed his hand on the doorknob and turned. Immediately, the smell of old, musty papers hit his nose, making it wrinkle in disgust. He hated that smell; it only served to remind him of his early days as a cop, when he was nothing more than a desk jockey in a uniform. Trying his hardest to ignore it, he stepped inside.

Almost immediately, his dark eyes caught sight of someone in the back, holding a file in her hand. Recognizing her as not one of the force due to her civilian dress, he - being the jumpy person he was - pulled his gun on her. "Police! Drop it, now!"
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