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Realistic or Modern 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | accepting


Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group


    created by social






coded by social (inspo cred. mortemdocs)

The scent of gunpowder filled your nose, the coolness of steel and wood held tightly between steady fingers. You can see cowering figures in the veil of steam and smoke, the clinking of coins and jewelry getting dropped into cream-colored bags. Your gaze is hardened from years of this life, the bandana around your face has been soaked in blood, sweat, and tears from previous robberies. You know how it goes, you all do. You work like the machine you have currently taken over, not a hair out of place. The law is far from this area, nothing can go wrong, and it is all going according to plan. It was almost complete until a gunshot sounded and screams filled the air.

You watched as your close friend was hit in the chest by bullets and fell through a window, tumbling over the edge of the train tracks into the rushing river that lapped at the jagged rocks of the mountain. Panic spread through each car, more gunshots were fired, your own gun emptying its chamber before you even realized it. Everyone was scrambling to leave, grabbing what they could and heading for where the horses were hidden. Everything seemed to become a blur to you as you ran across the top of the train, the vibrations radiating through your body, your lungs clinging to any oxygen that trickled into them. How did it happen? Everything was going perfectly. How did we miss a gun? A gun?!

It was impossible to keep track of what was going on, it wasn’t until light leather reins were in your hand and the steady rhythm of your horse’s gallop was beneath you that you began to pay attention to where you were. Trees flashed by, huffs and snorts echoed in the chilled air, but not a single word was muttered. None of you had anything to say. You couldn’t. You didn’t know how you could come to terms with what had happened. When the terrain became more familiar and the air no longer felt like it was trying to suffocate you, a booming voice cut through the air, thick with rage and confusion.

“Why did he die? Which one of you didn’t check the damn passengers for weapons? Huh?! Who was it?! I want to know who is gonna tell William’s wife that she’s now a widow!” His harsh gaze flickered across every face, every shamed expression that each of you wore. You couldn’t make a sound, nothing but silent tears came from you as you waited for what was coming next. “I am disappointed in all of you. Now we gotta move. We gotta leave because they’re going to get the body of one of my men with my mark, and all those people that died on that train. You better pray that God himself saves us.”

Tears were shed and wails of agony filled the dark night as the rest of the group was told back at camp. You hung your head in shame as you helped tear down tents and packed supplies onto wagons and horses. This is what life was like when you made a mistake when you left a hint as to who you were. You had to uproot and leave. But somewhere deep inside your heart, you wondered if you could escape this life, if there was something for you all outside of death, heartbreak, and corruption.

The group was on the move for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last two years. Crow’s Alley was nothing perfect, but it had been home for the gang for half a year and that was worth something. They had started to make a small living in the town by selling goods they made or hunted and it wasn’t anything to turn your nose at. The more rambunctious and adventurous of the group did robberies every other month and scored big. They made plenty of money and supported everyone. It wasn’t perfect but it was something. Unfortunately, that something came to an end. When the group came back from their scheduled train robbery with blood on their clothes and tear trails on their faces, they knew that someone had died. Nobody had anticipated it to be sweet William Marrell. He was barely more than a boy and had no business getting killed.

It hurt everyone in the gang, it broke a little bit of their hearts but they couldn’t mourn for long. There had been too many deaths on that train with too many witnesses, not to mention one of the gang member’s bodies. There were wanted posters with his face on them, they would find out the rest of them were there, so they had to leave. So that’s what they did. In the cover of the night, with coyotes yipping like some unique lullaby, they packed their things and set off, leaving behind only disturbed dirt and buried campfires. The trails were long and harsh, plenty of wagon wheels threatened to break and horses came up lame, but they had to push on. There was a sanctuary somewhere, a place where the stories of their robberies and killings hadn’t reached.

This was how they ended up in Serenity Gulch. It was a quiet town, surrounded by lush fields and thick forests. Folk were welcoming and kind, offering support if it was asked. This was another beginning for the gang. They set up camp in the woods and slowly ventured out into the world, trying to figure out what to do with themselves. They had a chance to change what they were doing, to walk on the path of righteousness and be good, or they could continue with what they were doing and live the adrenaline-filled high life of outlaws.

The Prewitt Gang.
Rasmus Prewitt isn't a saint and never has been. He was an orphan who lived a harsh life in the shadows, looked over by everyone who passed him. He scavenged, fought, and clawed his way to survive, practically baring teeth toward wolves in order to get a meal. He made a promise to himself and whatever God sat above him in the clouds that he would make it in life. He would go against the system that sought to suffocate him and make him into roadkill, he would be something bigger than all of that. One would think he was rather ambitious about making his own gang at 16 years old, but it was only logical for Rasmus. He had skills, but he needed more bodies to help him out. He couldn’t do it alone. This is when he met Julien Hibbert, Jeb Hendrix, and Beth Glass. The four of them became a force to be reckoned with, even at such young ages.

They did their best with what they could afford and lived off the land. Sometimes they worked for ranchers for extra cash, but mostly they just hunted and stole when they could. Wagons and small businesses were the easiest for them, especially with the charming Beth being able to hypnotize anyone with her melodic voice. They lived life like there was only a tomorrow where they would succeed and make it far in life like they had everything figured out. Maybe it was just a game for a couple of kids, but they made it into their reality.

They seemed to attract misfits like they did flies and it allowed them to score bigger and bigger. They robbed their first jewelry shop when Rasmus was 24 and got away with a lot of very expensive pieces. They were shot at, forced into hiding, and got their first bounties posted at every train station nearby. The thrill of robbery was addicting and so they continued this streak. The years dragged on and they brought in more people, forming more than just a gang, they were a family. There were losses, some natural and others at the expense of a heist. Each one seemed to harden those who lived within the Prewitt gang, they began to understand how cruel the world could be.

Now in the 1880s, Rasmus is still kicking at age 48 with one too many bullet scars on his body, but pretty healthy. He has taken it upon himself to make enough money for the gang to purchase land wherever they want so that they can be set for the rest of their lives and the lives of their children. So the heists are bigger than before and that means they have to be careful or someone will get killed. Crow’s Alley was the most recent place that the Prewitt gang set up but after the death of young William Marrell, the group took off west and began to cross the United States in search of a fresh start so he could continue saving up.

Rasmus has no intentions of stopping the robberies and making money, but some of the gang is a bit split, mostly due to the reality of their situation. The law was tracking them and it seemed like it was only a matter of time before Rasmus got them caught.

Welcome to 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧! This roleplay is a reboot so if it looks familiar that is why! I am obsessed with Red Dead 2 and all the Yellowstone shows so naturally, this roleplay is inspired by all of them! This roleplay will be taking place in the 1880s (no specific date right now) in the US. This is going to be an ADVANCED roleplay and needs to be treated as such when you are applying! It is not first-come-first-serve, meaning you will be accepted via PM if I feel your character(s) is a good fit. If you do not receive an invite by the time I specify, that means your character has not been accepted. That being said, Discord is required for this roleplay as it will be our OOC since it's far easier for me to keep track there. This roleplay also has an 18+ rule as I simply do not feel comfortable with having minors in this roleplay. I will be providing a plot summary here just in case anyone needs it!

Plot Summary.
This roleplay focuses on the Prewitt gang, a gang of outlaws and misfits that have traveled around the United States, primarily the South, and have caused all sorts of problems. On their most recent train robbery in the tow of Crow’s Alley, someone didn’t get all the passengers, and one of their own got shot and killed, leading to a gunfight and a lot of passengers getting killed. This sort of heat was too much for them and so the gang left for safety. They headed northwest and ended up in the quiet mountain town of Serenity Gulch. They set up camp and hesitantly began to go out and make money for the camp’s fund, slowly trying to reach their goal.

The gang is run by a man named Rasmus Prewitt who has become quite strict and hardened over the last 30 years and has high expectations of those in his company. He made the decision to save up their money in order to purchase a large section of land and make that a home for them for every generation of the gang. But in order to achieve this, Rasmus believes they must do large robberies and get money the outlaw way. This has caused some stir within the group after the death of such a young group member has been pushed aside as Rasmus is more concerned about finances.

Faced with a unique opportunity to turn their lives around, the gang has to decide if they will follow their current path and stay outlaws, or if they will risk turning over a new leaf and use their wits and skills to make the rest of the money in an honest way. The roleplay course will be decided by the roleplayers as I will take surveys of what the characters would vote for and that will change parts of the story!

Roleplay Rules.
• This roleplay is 18+!
• I will not enforce things to be super historically accurate!
• You must have discord as the OOC will be located there
• This is NOT first come first serve
• Realistic face claims or detailed descriptions will be allowed!
• Currently currently have no character max but that can change depending on interest!
• This is an advanced roleplay so I am expecting multi-paragraph in-character posts
• Please keep characters balanced.
• Be kind to everyone
• All of RPN's rules apply

character applications // out of character
Ooo, I started another RD2 playthrough recently! I'm super interested
Tentatively interested!
social social Is everyone going to have access to the discord one the CS thread is up or is that only after a character gets accepted? I have an idea, but I'd like to potentially scheme with someone
Tentatively interested!

social social Is everyone going to have access to the discord one the CS thread is up or is that only after a character gets accepted? I have an idea, but I'd like to potentially scheme with someone
Discord will only be available for those with accepted characters. I would also caution against planning with anyone without prior acceptance as it can make things difficult if both don’t get in!

Discord will only be available for those with accepted characters. I would also caution against planning with anyone without prior acceptance as it can make things difficult if both don’t get in!
Oh it's an idea that can easily be adjusted a lil bit of both people don't make it, but I'll keep it in mind! Essentially just wanted to see if someone wanted to be my characters husband, and if both people don't get in it's easy to write is in that the other character died or got arrested/left or something along the line.
Character Applications will be opened tomorrow!
Everyone who has expressed interest will be tagged!

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