(Red vs. Blue) The Other Side - Character Sheets/Sign-ups

The Kaosophile

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Archon

Please read the rules before posting an application, to indicate that you have read the rules, please put the fourth boldfaced rule title in the 'Misc/Other' section of your application.

To make your application, please copy and paste the contents of this code box and fill in the appropriate information.

[center][size=7] |Application|[/size]

Insert picture of character armor here, style can be anything

Insert picture of character appearance here (optional); anime/semi-realistic only

[size=6]|General Information|[/size]

[tabs][tab=Codename]What do we call you? This must be a monster or mythical creature related to your special technology, see example in the opening post if you don't understand.[/tab]
[tab=Gender]Are you a boy (male) or a girl (female)?[/tab]
[tab=Age]The bare minimum is 18. Feel free to add his/her birthday.[/tab]
[tab=Weapon]Picture is optional.
Describe what it is.[/tab]
[tab=Technology]Preferably an acronym relating to your character's codename, if you are stuck, just describe its function and tell me, I can help you[/tab]
[tab=Appearance Notes]Add anything about your character's appearance.
Basics would be height and weight.[/tab][/tabs]

[size=6]|Biography of (insert character's name)|[/size]

[tabs][tab=Personality]Describe what your character acts like.
If you do not know what to add, explain how (s)he would react to different scenarios.
Minimum four paragraphs.[/tab]
[tab=History]Make sure to go into detail.
What was your character's past before coming to Project G.R.I.M.M.?
If you need extra bulk, add in some family history.
Minimum eight paragraphs.[/tab]
[tab=Miscellaneous/Other]Anything else you would like to add?[/tab][/tabs]



|General Information|

  • Agent Zombie

|Biography of Agent Zombie|

  • Describe what your character acts like.

    If you do not know what to add, explain how (s)he would react to different scenarios.

    Minimum four paragraphs.

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(OOH OOH!! Ill make one :D
(Do i post it on this thread? Just clarifying)




|General Information|

  • Agent Minotaur

|Biography of Michael|

  • Michael has a long fuse. He is hard to piss off, but when you finally are able to get him to a point in which he blows his top, stand back. It was ironic that he made the name minotaur. He doesn't know the meaning of the word control when he is angry. He has a dark side, of hatred that once unsealed is next to imposible to stop.

    He does have a filter, although it is not as big as he hoped. He will speak his mind even if it is to a superior officer. But his strength is his biggest contribution. The ability to think clearly is something that is a bit easy for him. If he sees a route that he knows can lead to a victory, even if it means doing something that could been seen as Monasteries.

    He has some sense of responsibility, if it comes down to it, he will defend one of the people that fights with him, then rather the people that he fights for. In certain situations if he knows he is wrong it will be hesitant but he will apologize. But all in all He is well rounded, He knows what he knows, and does what he does, and that is kick butt.

    He has balance, he got that from training on how to use a blade. This taught him, humility, and respect for the craft. He will always have a knife on him. Even thought he has a blade on him, he always gets the satisfaction of using his hands to bloody someone. He, even thought hates it, loves seeing people in pain.

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(Spartan images from my tumblr)

|General Information|

  • Agent Reaper

|Biography of Agent Reaper|

  • Reaper is a complex being. She can be a little hard headed and stubborn but she means well. She once believed in doing whats right but now believes in doing what is needed, even if it comes to putting her own life on the line. She hates seeing her comrades suffer.

    She is a creature of loyalty. Loyalty means a lot to her, and because of that, she has a tough time trusting others. At times she believes in taking matters into her own hands but she tries to understand the importance of team work. Subordination isnt her problem, its working with others that is.

    As strict as she may seem on the frontlines, behind the scenes, shes just another person. She has a sense of humor, loves to laugh and just be one of the guys.

    Although it may seem hard to believe, she does have a heart, she just prefers not to show it and covers it with a snarky attitude and a robotic/ goes-by-the-book kind of thing.

    Shes been through a lot and when she doesnt speak she thinks. Because of that she likes to give advice to those who come to her looking for help.

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A few things, I like the character, but A) no AI's have been implemented yet (I would have mentioned it) and B), even once they are, Omega isn't going to be one of them, and C) please read the rules on the main RP thread, and the opening post in this thread, I'm almost certain you'll have at least one more thing to say and D) did you have any specific words in mind for your technology's acronym?


I like the character, but could you please try adding a little more? just an extra paragraph or two in both history and personality

You guys, I'm a little apprehensive about both your characters not only being UNSC, but ODST as well, the only way this program would be surviving would be if they work in between the lines, and underneath the veil, remember, Project G.R.I.M.M. is not a UNSC project, and would therefore be annihilated at the first hint of discovery, I'm not saying you have to change that, this is more a warning for others who join.
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I am working on the acronym. Omega is out of the picture, and I am working on the ODST, the AI is out as well. Give me till tomorrow and it will be fixed. 
It is all edited out, everything should be fixed. Go ahead and look. The only thing that I ask is What does the fox say?
She WAS part of UNSC as just a regular spartan but joined G.R.I.M.M......guess i should have clarified the whole "going under the radar" thing...maybe a fake death too xD  
N ill try to fix ASAP



|General Information|

  • Agent Orion

|Biography of Agent Orion|

  • Agent Orion is a very introspective person. He prefers the company of books to people. Orion has a shot but violent temper. He does not stand for stupidity or asinine BS. If he gets pissed off things tend to end up broken and or dead.

    Orion loves the range, he can take out anger by breaking things and not get in trouble over it. He hates most chains of command as they come up with some really stupid crap.

    Orion has never been a people person, instead he locks himself away in his quarters with his books when he is not busy. Orion is not, and has never been any kind of leader, instead he follows. Orion will, however, object to a stupid idea and go his own way.

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Alright, guys, I will get to reviews asap, I think @Akihito expressed slight interest in this, and I feel like there is one more person, but then we can get started!
(Ok and ill be fixing my sheet as soon as i get home :D ! Cant wait!)
I'm not saying its anything bad, this is the character creation, I thought it was weird and said something.
Sorry >.< it is pretty weird....then again im pretty weird...sorry >o<



Insert picture of character appearance here (optional); anime/semi-realistic only

|General Information|

  • Agent "Seven" Hudson

|Biography of Keith Hudson|

  • This is one of those days where you'd wish you'd have someone a little more capable, but no: you're now stuck with this guy who seems to have touch basis on just about everything to the point where he doesn't exactly know what he's doing.

    Initially a recruit, Keith Hudson accidentally signed up for a position on Project G.R.I.M.M. instead of being on the weapons' testing and development team. Though not a particularly strong soldier, or a good mechanic, or a legitimate medical officer, not even a good lab assistant, he has made his way through life on what most people would presume as pure fluke.

    He comes from a modest family of the suburbs of Canada (as he often finds himself having to explain what a poutine is). He joined the military in hopes of getting enough money to start his own deli restaurant, and possible tax deductions.

    Things people will often notice about this man is his often clueless point-of-view on a situation. He's also known for trying to find something to do before "going mentally unstable from boredom." Why his humour often resorts to food-related topics, no one really can figure out why.

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Sorry, sorry, I have been running a bit short on time, I will review the last few apps in a bit and get the ball rolling

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