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red snow
content warning: death.
caution: rough terrain
scroll up!
// premise ...
"if you ever find yourself in emerson, british columbia, run like hell and don't look back."

the town of emerson itself was a cautionary tale. crime statistics were unknown simply due to the cloud of mystery that surrounded every disappearance. the extensive lore behind this place attracted conspiracy theorists and foolish thrillseekers, but it wasn't generating enough income. and so, in the early 19th century, they decided to put the surrounding mountains to good use, and aurora ski resort was born. it was an immediate hit, and tables turned, making emerson an economic success. aurora was consistently ranked among the best ski resorts in the entirety of north america. the moment ski season started, flocks of tourists immediately started migrating to emerson just to get at least a few runs in at aurora. there was seldom a winter day where aurora lodge, the nearest hotel, wasn't pushing full capacity.

-present day-

it happened in an instant. it was 4:32 pm on some random saturday in january, the sun was beginning to set, and the trail lights flicked on. dakota sutherland, 27, was skiing alone. big mistake. out of nowhere, sutherland let out a blood-curdling shriek, and in one swift motion, she went from contentedly sliding down "easy street" to losing every ounce of control and wiping out. all that was left was her lifeless body, a stab wound, and a pool of red snow. police were called almost immediately, and the chairlifts were shut down, preventing anyone from getting back on the trails. everyone with a ticket was instructed by the authorities to stay at aurora until they got answers, leaving them trapped in emerson with no guarantee of survival.

well, shit.


hello! i'm your lovely gm, era, and i am here for some chaos. here's more blurby nonsense. i know autumn is still in its early stages, but i'm a winter guy, and i'm already so hype for ski season! right when the sudden temptation to start a roleplay hit, i figured i would do some crazy chaotic wintery shit, and my neurodivergent noggin did some crazy thinking (a very scary experience for me) and conjured this up! skiing? forced proximity?? murderer family living in the woods??? everything a silly guy like me could ever hope for! i hope i hit some buzzwords and roped some people in despite me being incredibly sleep deprived. i will likely revise this as my sleep schedule becomes more normal and i can actually process words. love you all, mwah!
// roles ...
#no limit
tourists typically consist of skiers and snowboarders, but there can obviously be a few exceptions. aurora is a wonderful ski resort, so people of all skill levels are welcome. this can range from complete beginners to olympians (there are designated trails for olympic training).
#somewhat limited
this role is self-explanatory. anyone who works at aurora (foods, ski instructors, safety patrol, ticketing, etc.) is... an employee. the job pays pretty well and there are some perks (free skiing, discounted food), but not nearly enough. the only limit i will impose is that there should be more tourists than employees, but i feel this will happen naturally.
#somewhat limited
this is the group of police and detectives that are responsible for running the case. they conduct investigations to try and figure out what exactly happened regarding dakota sutherland's sudden death. this is also a somewhat limited role, there should be less authorities than tourists so there's more chaos!

the family
want to be a cold-blooded murderer? no problem. this is top secret, but emerson has a family of murderers who live in the woods who have been subtly ending lives and getting away with it for generations. a family tradition, but on a whole new twisted level. murders should only happen occasionally. this role is application based as there are limited spots. not first come first serve!

// rules ...
for the comfort of everyone involved, please only apply for red snow if you're 18+. obviously, there will be no nsfw stuff or extreme gore, but this is still a hard line and many people on this site would prefer not to plot with children. thank you for understanding! (also, if you're over the age of 18 but can't handle adult topics with maturity, this is not the roleplay for you. life's tough, get a helmet.)
all rpn rules apply. fade to black when necessary, no extreme gore. this roleplay does focus on darker, heavier topics, and those are welcome, we love angst, but keep things reasonable.

be mindful of triggers. don't be that douche who deliberately makes someone else uncomfortable. also, do not be afraid to communicate triggers! this is important because lack of communication can lead to inevitable discomfort.

be respectful of everyone. this site is pretty chill, so this is kind of a given and i don't really feel like i have to say this, but bigotry will not be tolerated. inclusivity and diversity is encouraged, everyone should feel safe!!

discord is required for ooc. depending on the amount of interest i get, i might make a temporary ooc thread on rpn, but it will not be permanent. cool ooc stuff will happen on discord, while the roleplay itself will happen on rpn.

all main characters should be 18+. side characters can be any age, it is a public ski resort, but as romance is a very real possibility, writing mushy stuff between minors makes myself and many others uncomfortable.

all faceclaims should be realistic. this is just my personal preference as i feel realistic faceclaims bring a roleplay to life, and i also say this so everyone is on the same page!

i will not be putting a limit on how many characters you can create, but know your personal limits and only create what you can take on. if things start to get out of control and confusing, i will set some limits.

literacy is a must. this is an lit. - adv. lit. roleplay. write posts bearing spelling and grammar in mind. while a few mistakes are okay, when there are mistakes left and right, it takes away from the moment. posts should be at least 3 decently sized paragraphs long, one liners are an absolute nope.

please try to be at least semi-active and participate ooc. i totally understand that life happens, and i'm very lenient and forgiving, but i want to keep this alive! communication is key, please try and inform me if you're going to be inactive for a long time. hell yeah roleplay!!!

in character, basic roleplaying etiquette applies! no op characters (this is a realistic roleplay), no mary sues/gary stus, no controling characters that aren't yours, make sure all plots (ESPECIALLY romance) are agreed upon by both parties.

i am your gm, treat me with respect!!! i'm not mean or scary, i'm super lenient and cool, just respect me or whatever. i won't be making many executive decisions, but in the right context, what i say goes.

splendor sine occasu
© reveriee
thank you guys for your interest so far! i'm hoping to get a cs thread and a temp ooc up soon :)

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