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Fantasy Red & Silver


The Liker
Name (full):


Group (Silvers or Reds):


If Silver, are you Royalty? (0 spots available):

If Red, are you in the Scarlet Guard?:



If Silver, power? (Choose from Overview):

If Red, do you have a power? (1 spot available):
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Name: Siegfried Beligro

Age: 26

Group: Silver


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-15.jpg.134f6d347a731cc0b0d2a2e95d7fa286.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-15.jpg.134f6d347a731cc0b0d2a2e95d7fa286.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

If Silver, are you Royalty?: Yes

Personality: Serious, but loyal to a fault, Siegfried is above all else a warrior. Unlike the others belonging to the Royal Family, he is entirely focused on the protection and safety of his family rather than anyone else. He is more of the older brother type, which fits well with him. He is very friendly to his family members, but comes off as rather intimidating to anyone else.

Bio: From birth, Siegfried was trained to be a warrior. While he received an education just like the others, he dedicated himself to mastering his immense strength. This eventually led to him becoming Captain of the Royal Guard, where he still resides to this day, protecting his family at all costs from radical Reds. Recently, their attacks have become more aggressive, and so he and his men have been one edge lately, and are dedicated to quelling this little 'rebellion' by any means.

If Silver, power: Strongarm



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No metal arm<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.025dfde84ddfd6e695318226468ff989.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.025dfde84ddfd6e695318226468ff989.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name (full):Asher hale


Group (Silvers or Reds):reds


If Silver, are you Royalty? (5 spots available):

If Red, are you in the Scarlet Guard?:yes

Personality:courageous,optimistic,leader, genuine

Bio: Asher has seen the evil silver can do ever since he was a kid. He saw silver gaurds beat his father and mother half to death for no reason, he saw how reds are treated like dogs by silver and he made a choice to try and stop it. He's been rebelling ever since he could remember and he's happy a real movement against silver is finally starting

If Silver, power? (Choose from Overview):

If Red, do you have a power? (5 spots available):power to create and control electricity



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Name (full):Masyet Aust


Group (Silvers or Reds):Reds


If Red, are you in the Scarlet Guard?: Heading to the scarlet guard

Personality:Calm but will attack if provoked

Bio:He is a angry red whos parents died during a silver raid they sacrificed their lives for him. He lived in a small red town for the rest of his live until he heard of a group of powerful reds named the scarlet guard.

If Red, do you have a power? (5 spots available):Power to control shadows

@silentecho Masyet Aust
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Name (full): Erica Elise Beligro

Age: 20

Group (Silvers or Reds): Silver


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/IMG_20160625_121003.jpg.40c540f246360c0557b8bc8196c00e15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137904" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/IMG_20160625_121003.jpg.40c540f246360c0557b8bc8196c00e15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

If Silver, are you Royalty? (4 spots available): Yes

If Red, are you in the Scarlet Guard?: -

Personality: Erica doesn't particularly like the Reds, but she doesn't hate them. She has a tender heart, not wanting anybody to suffer, whether Silver or Red. She dislikes being royal, sticking to strict schedules, so she sneaks out a lot. Erica is a little sarcastic, but otherwise sweet and behaves like a lady.

Bio: Erica was raised to hate the Reds and to use her powers to frighten them into submission. She has mastered her ability, but nowadays she is preoccupied with preparing herself for marriage. Her parents will choose a Silver for her to marry, much to her dismay. Always a very calm child, she doesn't question her parents on any of their decisions. She must do as they say.

If Silver, power? (Choose from Overview): Telky

If Red, do you have a power? (4 spots available): -



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Name (full): Adelaide 'Ada' Westergaarde

Age: 23

Group (Silvers or Reds): Silver.

If Silver, are you Royalty? (3 spots available): Yes.

Personality: A quiet woman who keeps to herself most of the time. While others percieve her as a meek person, she actually is more of a observant type and refuses to do anything she has not given consent to. She is rather selfish and will only use her power if her own life is in immediate danger, but this trait does not show in her daily life. Despite being part of the Silvers, she does not care about Reds at all. This doesn't mean she likes them, she's just never in the mood to torture them.

Bio: Born as the much younger sister of the current Queen, Ada was always more of a third wheel than anything. The throne was not hers, wouldn't be anytime soon, and the only option was to either live her life in a monastery or get married off to an influent man. However, due to her powers, she made neither impossible (the nuns were complaining about headaches whenever they were near her and her suitors couldn't even remember the day they met). And thus, Ada is more tolerated at the castle than welcomed.

If Silver, power? (Choose from Overview): Whisper.

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Name (full):Mildred (Mily) Ann Kaysa


Group (Silvers or Reds):Silver and Red (half silver half red)

Appearance:Mildred's blood is a mix of red and silver.In most parts of her body Mildred has layers of blood,red being the first thing you see and silver in the deeper parts,but in places like her heart and shoulders Mildred has a beautiful mix of both which makes a marble like color that is mostly silver.

If Red, are you in the Scarlet Guard?:No

If Silver,are you royal?:No


Mildred is a strong willed intelligent girl who is known to stand for what she believes in and doesn't take no for an answer. Due to her independence and reserve, sometimes Mildred can be perceived as arrogant or unfriendly, however this is merely because she doesn't require the same level of social stimulation or interaction that others may seek. Mildred also is mostly aware of and in touch with her emotions. Being open-minded to new and unusual ideas helps Mildred to interact with the world. With a healthy skepticism of the motives of others, and a belief in justice and being self made, sometimes Helana can come across as guarded or intimidating. Mildred tends to like too many rules and regulations and can be casual /whimsical.

Bio:Mildred's dad was silver and her mom was red.Her parents being together disgusted everyone,but when she was born that was the end of it. Whenever Mildred went out in public she got weird looks from everyone in village she had to live in with her mom. Sometimes Mildred visited her dad in the silver kingdom with her mother which was usually not something she'd do unless everyone was in their houses because if she was their while people were out they'd say cruel things and even try to put their hands on Mildred and or her mother.Once Mildred was eight her powers kicked in and Mildred could see into the immediate future.While she was staying with her father for a week the people around her fathers neighborhood decided they have had enough of Mildred's father and mother.They hated seeing them kissing,or hugging before leaving so the townspeople came to a conclusion of killing the Kaysa family by burning down their house with them in it. So while they were asleep the townspeople lit the house on fire. Mildred had a dream just like that ten minutes before they actually did it. She woke up and tried to get her parents up and out the house but they refused because she was child and had a overly active imagination,but that time it wasn't her imagination.By the time Mildred's parents already believed her it was too late. The fire was already almost to the room and there was no time,so in a desperate attempt both of Mildred's parents threw their bodies over her protecting her from the fire,but killing them in the process.All that was left of her parents were their corpses. This made the town happy and they on with their ways not knowing Mildred was still alive,so she got both of her parents bodies and traveled a long way back to her home town with her dead parents and shocked everyone there. Mildred's parents were given a proper burial and were cremated.Then the ashes were put into separated necklaces made by the blacksmith of the village which were never let out of Mildred's sight since she first got them. Since then Mildred lived with her grandparents who were farmers in the same village and had only helped them out because they were old and didn't have a lot of help since Mildred's mother died and she felt it was her obligation to do everything she could to help her grandparents because Mildred felt it was her fault her parents died ,but in her spare time Mildred practiced the art of sword fighting because she knew she had to be able to protect herself and her family from anything and everything someone tried to say,or do to her ,or her family.

If Red, do you have a power? (2 spots available):Immediate future sight

If silver,do you have a power?:Swift

WoodenZebra @silentecho
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Morrigan (Mor) Ashdawn

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/d624f7875bb20d70d368d121250c0770.jpg.4d71d8df5f5c76aa549f05779a56e52a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/d624f7875bb20d70d368d121250c0770.jpg.4d71d8df5f5c76aa549f05779a56e52a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Group (Silvers or Reds):


If Red, are you in the Scarlet Guard?:



Mor is a light hearted and careless girl, living life with a smile on her face and itching for her next adventure. She is loved by most she meets and her kindhearted nature leads her to make friends with people from all backrounds. She is highly creative and incredibly optimistic. If there's one thing she despises it would be a frown.


Mor was raised in an orphanage with all sorts of other people. She made friends with almost everyone, except the nuns who ran the place. They were completely unfair and treated no one with respect, starving some kids as punishments. Right before she left at the age of fourteen, she cut off all there hair in there sleep. After that, she lived on her own, and has been on her own ever since.

If Silver, power? (Choose from Overview):


If Red, do you have a power?:

She can turn invisible



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Lol that's no problem :P Hmm... we could say you are assisting Wynsten in the town hall. I'm not so sure how active WoodenZebra is going to be today... we could say Wynsten gave you a job.
Wynsten is the leader of a small Red village called Koka. He's in town hall, talking with the Silver prince about the Scarlet Guard

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