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Realistic or Modern Red Sands (Modern Western RP)


A Servant of King and Country
Red Sands is a neo-Western taking place in the early 2000's in the fictional county of Tierra Roja in southern California. The plot revolves around a group of ranchers, sheriff's deputies, and state police working to catch a depraved serial killer that has butchered thirty illegal immigrants in the desert, nicknamed "El Carnicero." Along the way, they will also encounter resistance from drug traffickers and human smugglers.

Red Sands is meant to be gritty and dark. Some of the content may be disturbing. Furthermore, some of the characters are involved in illegal migrant interdiction which may offend some.

I will provide a list of characters in about an hour in the thread below. If interested, feel free to post below or PM.
List of characters below, first come first serve:

Sherriff Noble "Nobs" Wells: A relatively new addition to the Tierra Roja Sheriffs Department. Noble is middle aged, and was a police lieutenant in LA before moving out to High Rock, joining the sheriffs department and being elected sheriff three years ago. He is of a more refined and educated background than the typical resident of the county, and tends to have wanderlust and regrets over staying in Tierra Roja, especially after his recent divorce. He is known to be friendly and honest, but detached and somewhat cold to those in his department.

Deputy Rosie Kline: Smart, pretty, and tough in a feminine sort of way, Rosie is sympathetic towards Sheriff Wells after his rough divorce and custody battle, but is put off by what she sees as his callous denunciation of her hometown as "hick country." Perhaps the best police officer in the county in terms of her driving and shooting abilities as well as her deep knowledge of the community.

Deputy Antonio Garza: A son of Mexican immigrants, Garza's parents came over the "right" way, thus he is resentful towards the immigrants he detains in the course of his work and characterizes them as shameless lawbreakers. He is slightly irked by Wells for much the same reasons as Rosie. He is also a devout Roman Catholic, father of six children, and an ardent American patriot.

Detective Emily Egglemeier: The only detective on staff with the Williamson Police Department, Egglemeier is technically the leader on the El Carnicero Case, but usually defers authority to Sheriff Wells. Egglemeier is middle aged and has achieved very little in her long career as a police officer, ending up in Tierra Roja only after failing to make the grade as a homicide detective in El Paso. She has a self-defeating attitude, but has brief moments of brilliance.

Agent Carlo Wrigley: Wrigley is a special agent for CBI (California Bureau of Investigation). Hailing from San Fransisco, Wrigley has a more cosmopolitan outlook than most of the officials working the case and attributes the lack of progress to provincial prejudice against the immigrants. Aloof and slightly odious, Wrigley is a decent policeman in his own right.

Albert Alvarez: Alvarez is a third generation rancher who owns a large tract of land on the border and is consistently plagued by immigrants being trafficked through his pastures on foot or in vehicles. Being of advancing years, he is grumpy and perhaps a bit rude. Additionally, he caries an alarming amount of weaponry about his person at all times and is slightly paranoid about cartel hit squads.

Loretta Turnbull Wells: Until recently, the wife of Noble Wells. Loretta left Noble for primarily two reasons, to pursue what ended up an ill-fated love affair and to wreak financial havoc on a man who she characterizes as neglectful and unemotional. She is currently the most prominent lawyer in the county, and primarily works as an immigrant rights lawyer, putting her directly into conflict with her ex-husband. She is the mother of their three sons: Eddie (12), Roger (10), and Caleb (9), which she uses as bargaining chips to coerce behavior from her unlucky ex-husband.

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